Life /
Is the word "Polack"rascist? [185]
I know Americans here who use Polak only for digs at Poles.
For the most part I agree, but then again i've definitely been asked how do you say, I'm AN "American" but if your Polish?
You wouldn't say i'm a Polish. Most people still don't know your supposed to say Pole. They either ask me or just say Polack and figure Polack jokes are just like Mexican jokes. Obviously the joke is on them since they are using a Polish word to try and insult an actual Pole.
It would be like me saying someone is a dumb latino instead of mexican. Either way it's stupid and for the most part I do believe we get a raw deal. I dunno where all the Polack jokes originated from or why but I just figure it was our turn to face the same crap every other nation did when they immigrated to the U.S.
On the other hand, me being from San Diego, you don't see/run into many Poles which sucks on one hand but then again you don't interact with the scum/lower denominators of a large population. I've heard stories from my family and seen news clips on Polish channels of Poles in Chicago. Big population = more poor/uneducated Poles which give the rest of us a bad name.
Something odd is that I rarely am asked if I'm Polish. I have a 12 letter last name but usually i'll get asked if i'm Czech, or from Ukraine and sometimes Russian which is really odd to me. I do believe that for the most part Poles get a raw deal and deserve better.