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Posts by dhrynio  

Joined: 8 Jun 2008 / Female ♀
Last Post: 9 Oct 2016
Threads: Total: 5 / In This Archive: 5
Posts: Total: 90 / In This Archive: 64
From: Lomza
Speaks Polish?: yes..not perfectly

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5 Apr 2011
Travel / Indian or Mexican food in Warsaw. [60]

One of my Warsaw foodie friends took us here to the one in Żoliborz. The Indian food was food but the Thai was fantastic!

The food was out of this world and the atmosphere and staff were awesome. Prices were not that bad for Warsaw either.
2 Apr 2011
Off-Topic / So...which of you are actually IN Poland? [41]

Simply gorgeous chichimera. I am so thankful we are fairly close to Mazury. We do short trip all around the lakes area in the summer and Autumn.

I can't wait to start sailing again. I had just started to learn to sail before we had kids and they are just now old enough to take out. I hope we can get on a boat with them this summer!

If you don't mind sharing where are you located? PM if you like!
2 Apr 2011
Off-Topic / So...which of you are actually IN Poland? [41]

I am so pleased to read that so many of the transplants like it here. It took me a while to adjust, the first 3 years were really hard. Lack of decent Polish made it so hard. But now after this long my Polish is quite good and I can get by, that opens up a whole new comfort level being here.

I spent the first few years asking when we would be moving home to the states. I was afraid of what would happen when our kids got to school age, how would I help them with homework, how could I check it, how would I go to teacher meetings? Now I am not so worried.

The longer I am here the easier it all becomes. I can now appreciate the great things about this country. Up this way we have great access to traditional all natural meat (yeah it helps that it is produced at our factory), locally grown produce, local cheeses, serek, and general dairy (Piątnica) and other great local food. I love being close to Mazury. I can appreciate the people more now and I have finally figured out how to deal with the over pushiness of Polish hospitality ;), I have stopped pining for things from home, I find myself buying less and les when I make trip stateside. I also have figured out how to deal with the lack of conveniences that we have everywhere in the states.

I have come to love this country as my own and I am proud to be a permanent transplant!
1 Apr 2011
Off-Topic / So...which of you are actually IN Poland? [41]

Just curious. Not having siggy's makes it hard to keep people staight or to know much about anyone.

I am here. I am American and married to a Pole. We live in Lomza.
31 Mar 2011
Feedback / A Personal Request to all PF members [119]

That was an excellent post. I have been a member here for a while. I am an expat in Poland living here for 7 years. I would love to take part here more, but honestly some of the people admin allows to stay here and take part are just plain horrid and do not add much of anything.

I am a moderator on another parenting forum, we allow open membership, but trolls and pot stirrers will be banned. We allow free speaking but when you cross the line and make the forum an unpleasant place to be you will be banned.

Sadly the riff raff here are allowed to rome free, they jump in an mock people who are only looking for help and information. This forum could be a really great resource for those living in or interested in information about this wonderful country....but fact is that it is overrun by a few bullies who contribute nothing good.

I rarely post here and sadly I find myself reading even less due to those posters who should have been banned long ago.
16 Feb 2011
Life / What would it be like to live in Lomza? [60]

My good friend Ania teaches Helen Doron classes at an English school in Lomza called Educo. They are excellent for yong kids.

You can call the office at 512-022271
8 Jun 2008
Life / What would it be like to live in Lomza? [60]

Hey andysterdam,

Don't know what your status is with this whole situation. But thought I would try and help. I am an American living here in Lomza. My husband is from here. I taught at a private school teaching Callan method. Super easy and very easy to get a job teahing it here if you are a native speaker. If you wife want a contact number just email me and I will get the info for my former school.

As for Lomza...huh...well, dont expect a huge night life or much to do, some pubs, more to do in the summer but not so bad really. But the bright side is that if you are into nature you have it made here. River for swimming and fishing, Mazury just a short hour or 2 away. My favorite is Ruciana Nida, because it is only an hour and we have a friend that owns a beauitful hotel/camping/boat rental place on a lake. Also fantastic fresh fish! MMM!

Warsaw is only 2 hours away and Bialystok about an hour...if you drive like a crazy Polish person. Bialystok now has a shopping mall with cinema, bowling and the works. Also the area around Bialystok is lovely.

If you can afford a care get one, or better yet send on from Canada, we are buying a few cars in the states to send here and sell since the dollar is so low. After you finish you can sell it and probably still make money!

You will also really get the Polish experience here as the number of people who speak English are low. But that can be really good.

As for restaurant and shopping well, it is getting better. There are a few more restaurant in the last few years and there are now 2 larger grocery stores like a Tesco.

Also (shameless self promotion to follow) there is one of the best meat production factories in the country here (it is owned by our family) ask anyone around here about meat from Podgorze and they will tell you.

I know only a few other native speakers here, one Canadian woman from Manitoba and another American. There may be a few more, but I have 2 kids now so I am sort of out of the loop.

Your pay should take you a long way here. Rent is fairly low. But I find food and clothes expensive. I only buy clothes and shoes in the states. Gas is outrageous.

if you have any question just ask away!