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Posts by Sasha  

Joined: 19 Apr 2008 / Male ♂
Last Post: 2 Oct 2015
Threads: Total: 2 / In This Archive: 1
Posts: Total: 1083 / In This Archive: 320
From: Moscow/Kyiv
Speaks Polish?: Russian, English, Swedish, Ukrainian
Interests: Slavic countries, politics, languages, culture, people

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28 Sep 2011
History / Are Poles grateful to the Russians for winning the war? [120]

so you would rather your people and culture and the very concept of a polish nation become slowly erased and been nothing more than slaves to the Volkduetch.

It was an American who answered you. I'd rather wait for Poles to show up.
23 Sep 2011
Travel / Mushroom picking in spring in Poland? [35]

Too early.

That's what we've got in Moscow area. I thought however Poland would have a bit warmer climate. So it should be even earlier... well... you know it better.
23 Sep 2011
Travel / Mushroom picking in spring in Poland? [35]

The mushroom harvesting season is in its high peak now (Mid September). Depending on the region it starts sometime at the middle of June and lasts till end of October.

I think the initial question was about picking mushrooms in spring. So I assume she was specifically interested in picking morels or similar mushrooms peeping out in spring.

Late April-Early May is a good time for them, it may be June for highlands. Check the map of wild fires beforehand, that's where you're gonna get tons of morels.
22 Sep 2011
UK, Ireland / Grateful Polish photographer stitches up his Welsh hosts [96]

the majority of Poland's population right now grew up during communist times, and everyone over the age of about 44 has spent more years in communism than in a democratic society. how can you compare a country full of people like that to people in western europe?

The piece of quote actually speaks for itself. It clearly shows the real value of the word "democratic" and the intellectual inferiority of a certain groups of "democratically-raised" people compared to those grew up under Communism. Democracy isn't about adopting lies, is it?

As for moral degradation... I believe it's a worldwide tendency. Perhaps Poland still falls behind in the competition of ******** compared to some other European nations but it breathes down their necks...
18 Sep 2011
History / What do Poles owe to Russians? [193]

What a pity they made only 12 episodes in 1970s!

Anatoliy Papanov provided voice to the wolf. They've managed to totally make 16 episodes while he was alive. The 17th and the 18th were made after his death yet with his voice cut from previous scenes.

From Polish wiki

Jego matka była Polką - Helena Roskowska...
W swojej karierze stworzył ponad 50 ról teatralnych i ponad 60 filmowych. Największą jego rolą była jednak ta, w której w ogóle nie pokazał swojego oblicza - w kreskówce Wilk i Zając podkładał głos Wilka

11 Sep 2011
History / What do Poles owe to Russians? [193]

There was a great purge before the war. About 100.000 Poles in the USSR were murdered by NKVD.

I actually got interested in that one since I've never read of it before. Funnily enough, the wiki-article in Russian doesn't exist even though the research was done by Russians Petrov and Roginskiy who gave it a name "polskaja operacija". I found their study on "memorial", Russian webpage, dedicated to victims of Soviet terror.

Polish operation:

Let me translate some of its content.

However 00485 order should have had an altogether different understanding. Despite the fact that it suggested prosecuting not the Poles themselves, but the "Polish spies", it afterall implied that barely the whole Polish population of the USSR were under suspicion, which could hardly comport with the officially proclaimed internationalistic slogans. Besides there were quite a number of Poles among the member of NKVD itself...

...A. Postel (at the time a head officer of UNKVD at Moscow Area): "we (head officers) were told about the arrest of absolutely all Poles, Polish immigrants, ex-POWs, members of PCP, which hadn't just set us wondering but caused many backstage talks... they were brought to a stop as soon as we got a note that the order was approved by Stalin and the Politburo and we needed "to pound the Poles to the utmost".

On 16th May 1938 NKVD ordered to include the national data of the arrestees...
The only reliable, as we* think, figures that we have at this point (unfortunatelly not the complete) are related not to those who were arrested, but to the sentenced ones, again not all of them but those who were sentenced on the "national" basis in September-November, 1938. The figures, we believe, confirm that it would be wrong to confuse "the Poles" and "the Polish operation".**

"Troyki en.wikipedia.org/wiki/NKVD_troika" have totally sentenced within these two months 105 032 people. Poles 21 258, Germans 17 150, Russians 15 684, Ukrainians - 8773, Belorussians - 5716...

36 768 out of 105 032 were eventually sentenced in the "Polish line". Poles 20 147, Belorussians 5215, Ukrainians 4991, Russians 3235, Jews 1122, Germans 499, Lithuanians 396, Letts 271, Estonians 112, Czechs 87, Gypsies 76, Austrians 59, Bulgarians 53, Hungarians 47, Romanians 29, Greeks 27, Moldavians 26, Tatars 23, "others" 362 ***

*Petrov and Roginsky
** the idea of calling the terror "Polish operation" belongs to N. Petrov
*** apparently these non-Polish citizens were proven to have unwanted contacts with the Poles living in the USSR. Big amount of Ukrainians and Belorussians sentenced in the Polish line may well be explained by that ~85% (more than half a million) of all Soviet Poles lived in either Ukrainian or Belorussian part of the USSR).
11 Sep 2011
History / What do Poles owe to Russians? [193]

now I understand, there were no Russians or Germans involved, only communists and Nazi (probably Polish nazi and communists, he?)
everything sorted out.

Well... as I'm Russian, I would rather try to advocate the Germans. I suggest that you read "the Coming of 3rd Reich" by R. Evans. As you read the book, it sometimes seems as if there was something supernatural that enthroned Hitler for practically nothing spelled troubles.

Ironically the commies were the only tangible counterbalance for the nazies within the Germany.

I just want to say that most of the time there're certain people to blame, not folks.

What about the Palace`s art?

It's not bad, ressembles that of Moscow metro... but... it's Soviet. It's just beyond my grasp how pious Poles could exchange godly art to the atheistic one.

Of course, you do realise, if they had been preserved till today, they would be run as Catholic churches.

It'd been Catholic for about three years when Germans entered the town in 1915. I don't honestly care for I don't make disctinctions between the two branches of Christianity. That's perhaps cause I'm quite cold towards the Church.
10 Sep 2011
History / What do Poles owe to Russians? [193]

Look at that bleak picture

The picture is, indeed. For it's a prerevolutionary postcard sent from Warsaw to Spb.
How this would look nowadays no one could say.


For me these things are incomparable, the first is an art of en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Leon_Benois and the second is...the Soviet tryouts.

Some leftovers are still available at Baranowici.

9 Sep 2011
History / What do Poles owe to Russians? [193]

Somewhat of a black page in Polish history. When one generation of Poles owes to the further ones...

Alexander Newsky Cathedral in Poland

Destroyed by the Poles after 1918.

Polish remnants

And here's what you've got there now...

PKiN Warszawa Poland

Exchanging God to stalin.

As for the topic, I'm sure there're lots of occasions when we owe each other whether it was at Stalin times or earlier but I don't think I want rip up old wounds.
7 Aug 2011
History / Why did communism in Poland fail? [180]

Is this a good question?

Seems like it was too good for you to get a decent respond.

Riches were those generated by tsardom, were people who were close to tsar, were royal families, as it always happen in monarchies, still so if you look at the House of Lords, 800 lords in today United Kingdom

Russia had not 800 such "lords" not even 800.000.

You see them elites today? I don't.

I thought we were talking about the past events that had their reflection in present. Russia isn't a monarchy nowadays it's therefore completely irrelevant to draw any parallel with the UK.

So, they are not elites.

They were elites. There's no point whatsoever in talking about the gone people using present tense. :)

In 1917 revolution, these riches/lords of tsardom monarchy were arrested, killed, eliminated, etc. They too were Russians and they were nationalists who were also collobrating with the religious institutions, churchs. Design of revolution might be done by someones else, to win against the tsardom, but, appliers were poor workers anyway who were mostly Russians of whom there were many nationalists who were seeing Tsar and his lords were not enough nationalists..

Do you hear yourself? :)) it could be said that everyone is nationalistic but not enough and that's why they were exterminated by more nationalistic people. Great theory but stop wandering please and say something that's really worth discussion.

I.e. you might have named those who designed revolution that would have sorted everything out.

You shouldn't have skipped that indispensable moment.

were mostly folks from other nations such as Turkics

It's either lie or ignorance. I somehow think you tend to have them both. A quick look at any lists of those who were sentenced to death at Soviet era could explode that given that you're able to tell a Russian last name from Turkic one.

Let me stop with your drivel here...
3 Aug 2011
History / Why did communism in Poland fail? [180]

as I said before, Russian nationalist/righties were power in socialist Soviet

That's a total crap no matter how many times you've said that. Besides you failed to provide a single argument to support your conspiracy theory...

If anything that was the other way around - the Russians were oppressed on many occasions by the government which was all the way up to Brezhnev's stagnation non-Russian.

Another good question for you... if the Russians were nationalistic (as you claimed) then why did they eliminated their intellectual elites in millions during the Soviet era and by means of that made the Polish word "bydlo" so applicable to the nowadays Russian society?
29 Jul 2011
USA, Canada / Why are Polish restaurants not successful in the USA? [698]

Restaurants with Slavic cuisine are generally not very successful in the US. The Americans are not used to Slavic food, Slavic food is not "fast" and it's not as cheap as "fast". These are three main reasons from my perspective.
29 Jul 2011
History / Why did communism in Poland fail? [180]

How did they become a superpower? Russia was a monarchy which was about to collapse prior to revolution there.

I'm sorry but I think you either need to read more or to read right things.

Russians started to take control of Soviets

How do you expect I should unravel this tangle of a bullcrap?

You are the first man I see who is able post a page of the text that doesn't make any sense at all.
Names and deeds! No othert way around, old commy! ;)
29 Jul 2011
History / Why did communism in Poland fail? [180]

No need to give any names.

Then no need to discuss this bollocks either.

Their system in Soviets is not an international system actually, but, a nationalist system that was in control of Russians in Moscow mainly

I haven't heard a single proof of that it was actually nationalistic as you claim. Who are those miracle Russians I'm still eager to hear.

There's nothing wrong with centralized control from the capital of the state.

But, when you say oftentimes not in favor, nothing to say more. I don't even need to prove this big inequalities between nations in Soviets, it has become clear after Soviet system was gone

I meant that let's say that Baltic States had always been better off than the Russian part of the Union.
Well... the Soviet people were more equal (save for the Politburo members) than people of Europe or the US nowadays. After the SU had gone the former USSR set a course for capitalism which by definition makes people unequal.

Again racist.. Racism against folks inside Soviet domain. Why do you think ordinary folks of former Soviet countries don't like Russians? Cause they lived Russian racism in their daily lifes.

So eventually the Russians were the source of racism?.. a couple messages back you said something about the racist center. :) Make up your mind!
That's wrong to presume that ordinary folk of the former USSR don't like the Russians. And even if it's the case like with Nathan notorious for his generally Russo-phobic notion, it's the matter of the Russian invasive policy which is largely linked to its biggest folk group - to the Russians.

So I still want to hear... names, examples... :)
Considering that the vast majority of the Soviet leaders were ethnically non-Russians, that would be particularly to hear you saying who they were eventually racist to. Towards the Russians perhaps?
28 Jul 2011
History / Why did communism in Poland fail? [180]

But, they were not aware of that Soviet center was in their control of Russian nationalists

Any names of Russian nationalists?

We can see this in inequalities in Soviets lands between Russia and other states during Soviet times

Oftentimes not in Russia's favour.

Still, Soviets could be given a chance, but, monarchies & their religious institutions around the world who have been a huge monster for centuries had attacked them by bloody way and Soviets fell in this blood trap cause its center's mentality of Soviets too was not different than them, like them, racist feudals..

See what you said... Soviets have has the religious institutions for centruies. What the hell is that?
Again "racist"... who was racist towards whom?
28 Jul 2011
History / Why did communism in Poland fail? [180]

After 1930s, they took the control of Soviets and designs changed according to their ideology.

Who were they racist towards?
28 Jul 2011
History / Why did communism in Poland fail? [180]

t was soviets/russians that failed. so why failed?

Oh I remember you announced the most ridiculous idea of racist Russians (if my memory serves me well)...

It failed in Russia cause C. has never been in tunes with the very Russian character. If it was you would most likely live with it at the moment.

It has always taken an iron hand to keep the Russians adhered to C. untill C. finally regenerated into its harmless forms of Brezhnev's deadlock and that was practically a point of no return.

Besides it answers the question of why C. caused so many victims in the USSR compared to nazism of the 3rd Reich.
13 Jun 2011
Language / Ukrainian language similar to Polish? [236]

Ukrainian is very different to Russian.

I think you should take time here and explain what "very" means in your book. How comes that I can understand a good portion of Ukrainian being a native Russian speaker then? With the same approach it may be said that Swedish is very different to Norwegian, but what's similar then? American and British English? Ok, now I must agree...
3 Apr 2011
Feedback / A Personal Request to all PF members [119]

On any forum it's an overwhelming task to find a single person whose mind is free of bias and stereotypes. Nor you are an exception, by the way. You too are not innocent whom you like so much to play. You have a soft spot for Indians etc, you dislike the Russians. It’s you choice, you shouldn’t be banned or get moderated when express your, at times completely ridiculous, position. You should stay as a Pole whose view too determines what Poland is today (for I come here to “touch” a real foreign, not only Polish, culture the way it is, unvarnished). So why bother? You cannot make people think otherwise by the restrictions; all the more you cannot make yourself think different.

The main purpose of any forum is to give the desired information for as many people as possible by any legitimate means and attract people thereby. So you can’t change minds of those who came here to mock at others, rather than to what you call to “contribute” and mocking is also a contribution, just of another type which somehow has its admirers. Being always sound is boring.

Thirdly, you can’t forcedly lock the baddies and make it all look as if you’re a perfect nation. (You don’t want the USSR here, do you?) There’s nothing flawless in the world.

For the last thing I can scarcely recall any occasion when someone got affected by a “lame” comment of a foreigner on this board (noimi is gone). That goes more for Plastic Poles (not you, you’re the real one though weird) who are in plenty here. Fringe view on let’s say Polish affairs is really an element of the Poles who has left their homeland for better life.

P.S. I haven't got what your thread is about either. Playing up to your own vanity?
22 Feb 2011
Language / Diminutives (zdrobnienie) for Sylwia [12]


The word makes a Russian smile, I've noticed :). Often add there "...sköter sjösjuka sjörövar..." to transfer it into a grin.

diminutives: Sylwunia, Sylweczka, Sylwusia or Sylwuś

Seems like diminutives formation is common in the Slavic languages. I would stick with the second. Sylweczka. :)

What about Sylwka?

I guess it would work in Czech. They tend to be lack of vowels. Prst, krst, krk. I am itching to add some vowelsto the one above. :)
10 Jan 2011
Food / Ruskie Kapusta [4]

Kapusta is cabbage in Russian. He probably meant "pirogi s kapustoy" which is that stuffed with cabbage.
Some like that?
19 Dec 2010
USA, Canada / CULTURE SHOCK! (of my Polish finance who visited the US) [210]

OK. My Polish fiance just came to the US. I'm taking him to church today. He'll freak out when he sees carpets and bathrooms in a church!!!!

I had very similar feeling when first came to the US back in 2006 from Russia. Give him a couple months to moderate his views. Are you going to live in the US? The US is great but there should be an appropriate turn of mind to live there and feel well. There's yet a chance your Polish fiancé wouldn't like it as a place to live.

P.S. Ooops... just figured out the thread is almost 4 years old :)
13 Dec 2010
Genealogy / Do you think all Slavs are white? [178]

The same can be said about Russians (tatar+slavic+mongol mix)

What's "Russian" in your book? Are there only the ones who are "tatar+slavic+mongol mix". How about the Russians that do not fit these composition? Who are they?

Look at the current mayor of Moscow - he's considered white in Russia but for western people he looks kinda alien.

He is white, though not a Russian (unless he wants to be so for he's raised in Russia, his mother tongue is Russian and adopted the Russian culture).

Their mentality is not too european I'd say

Does being European equal to being always right in your mind? You're a confused teen I'd say...