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Coup d'état taking shape in Poland with Soros in background? [59]
not calling for the overthrow
There were plenty of calls to overthrow the governmnet including Schetyna's admission that a putsch attempt had occurred last December and adding in July. "We must again be ready to move." Also heard was: "The government must be taken out (trzeba wyłączyć rząd - in the original), The Broniatowski & Kramek act calling for a Maidan style upheaval was not cricised or condemned by the "total opposition" even though it included step by step instruxtions on how to carry out a coup. Setting up thug squads and depriving the government, Sejm and president's office of electrical power were just 2 of the 16 suggestions. Whatever the pretext (presidential pardon, logging, dead horses, Constitutional Tribunal, anti-terrorist legislation, educational reform, etc., since Oct. 2015 seizing power at all costs was and continues to be the PO's sole concern and objective.
cutions on hwo tog o abotu it: ste up self-rpotection swquads, deprive the Sjem, hgvoenremtn and presidnce office of electric power ot mention jsut tow points.hcetyna's usievne using the term putsch,