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Posts by RubasznyRumcajs  

Joined: 29 Mar 2008 / Male ♂
Last Post: 28 Oct 2023
Threads: Total: 5 / In This Archive: 2
Posts: Total: 495 / In This Archive: 265
From: United Kingdom, Cumbria
Speaks Polish?: yes
Interests: computers, IT

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9 Feb 2017
Travel / Returning to Poland after 20 years in America [18]

Why would you move to a different continent if you could just move to a better state within the same country?
And no, unless you have a good skills there is n on point of moving back. And if your skills would be good, you would have a decent job in the US.
5 Feb 2017
Language / How long to to learn Polish? In hours? [64]

well... according to FSI one needs to study Polish language for 1100 hours (44 weeks) to be somehow efficient- but no way to the C levels. B1 is achievable however. do you live in Poland or not? either way, try to immerse yourself in the language- change your mobile phone's language to Polish, do the same with the laptop/desktop/tablet/whatever. it really makes you pick the lingo up much quicker.
18 Jan 2017
News / Will eight million Polish people flock to the UK now that we are going for a hard Brexit? [38]

You got to be kidding most of the uk has polski skleps , Uk had them since the sixtys from my memory. plenty in the midlands where I lived.

are you joking? in my city (fewer than 100k inhabitants) there are 4 shops like that... the biggest one ("nasza biedronka") is run by the kurds/turks employing Poles... they (i.e. owners, not the Poles) even learn basic Polish to speak to the customers- vast majority "Eastern Europeans" or, if local, trumps who came for a cheap lager
4 Jan 2017
News / Ethnic tensions erupt in Ełk, Poland [180]

Nah, Poles would rather see Poland and Poles protected from unwelcome migrants who foolishly, arrogantly and ungratefully believe they are above the law:

yes, that's a great reason to punish someones girlfriend.
not to mention that, you know, there is plenty of other choices than either being servitudial or thugish.

Shut up you creep![/quote]
You know I respect everyone's right to their own opinion. However you crossed the line here. I'm a patriot and I think you are a nasty worm with mental issues that should be named and shamed.

oh, you have told me!
And seriously- I have too much to do with the bold headed Polish "patriots" that are supporting collective punishment based on religious beliefs to even respect them in any way.

And no, I do not consider myself a "cultural neo-Marxist".

Boo hoo! "Bangladesh is reeling from a wave of murders of secular and liberal activists, and religious minorities, that have left more than 40 people dead in three years."

As much as I would rather people obeyed the law and I don't condone any assault for whatever reason, you should show some sense.[/quote]
yeap. that's why punching strangers in their faces makes so much sense.
but hey- this and other cases (like: Pakistani getting beaten up in Ozorkowie) are just a prime examples of patriotic activities of shaved head idiots (ya know- the same type who replaced their HWDP/JP100% hoodies for the "Polska Walczaca" ones).

I challenge them to come back and tell us all what they would say to Daniel's family and the community of Ełk about the merits of diversity and multiculturalism and how it is a strength and benefit to Poland.

"Your thug son tried to be smart, but trafila kosa na kamien". is that enough, or will you shed more tears for that thug, and pretend you actually care about him or his family?[

Funny how you wouldn't say a fcuking thing if it was a Polish kebab shop worker punched by a thug.

if it would be Pole punched by another Pole, there would be no topic about it on PF

oh, I love photos like that. sure, the ones shearing were, quite often, even more guilty of collaboration than the shorn women (many of them were forced to prostitution, but nevermind), but hey- it takes attention of us.

And, I see, you do not agree with people dating whomever they wish, right?
3 Jan 2017
News / Ethnic tensions erupt in Ełk, Poland [180]


Oh, brave, brave polish patriots decided to take revenge on the accused's girlfriend- her, and her boyfriend, flat and boutique she owns was vandalized.

hail, brave rycerze ortalionu!

As a collective punishment goes, a Bangladeshi kebab-shop worker got hit by the unknown thug.
2 Jan 2017
News / Ethnic tensions erupt in Ełk, Poland [180]

actually, no. one could forget he hold a knife, if you momentarily start chasing someone you may, in the anger, forget what you hold in your hand. in that case, it would be a homicide, but not a murder.
2 Jan 2017
News / Ethnic tensions erupt in Ełk, Poland [180]

If you believe that Polish worker would stab someone inside that Kebab instead of simply calling police then you're out of your mind or haven't been to Poland for a long time.

guy came to the shop, argued with them, stole drinks, run away, got caught by kebab workers, stolen good were retrieved- there is no information about him getting punched (i'd frankly speaking break his arms, i bloody hate thieves), than he (and his friend) came back and thrown firework into the place. they run after him instantly, fight started, ended with main perpetrator getting stabbed.

accident, unfortunate but still an accident- definatly not a planned murder.

That Muslim scum forgot its not Middle East and killing someone in broad light won't be justified.

... from what we know, he never had any problems with the police- unlike the chav who got sniffed out. maybe you should rethink whom you call a "scum".

Clear sign for savages to better stay away haha

I wont even comment that.
2 Jan 2017
News / Ethnic tensions erupt in Ełk, Poland [180]

(again, apologies for post underneath my old one)

"(..)Doszło też do próby podpalenia mieszkania jednego z zatrzymanych ws. zabójstwa. Rafał Jackowski z zespołu prasowego warmińsko-mazurskiej policji potwierdził w poniedziałek PAP, że w niedzielę podczas manifestacji doszło do zniszczenia wynajmowanego przez jednego zatrzymanych mieszkania.(..)"

so already some idiot tried to burn the algierian's guy flat- nevermind that's on the first-floor of multi-floor building (blok)- and also nevermind he was just renting it, not owning it. great!
2 Jan 2017
News / Ethnic tensions erupt in Ełk, Poland [180]

Daniel was murdered. The crowd acted irrationally and wrong but I am glad they did. This will make muslim scum to think twice before coming to my country.

so far- he was the scum who got killed. people react only because the suspects' religion- if that Sebix would be knifed by a fellow chav nobody would care, there would be no topic on PF nor the mob would gather. simple as that.

(edited as two people are now suspected and charged with it)
2 Jan 2017
News / Ethnic tensions erupt in Ełk, Poland [180]

sorry, but how else would you call it?
the suspected guy was already arrested, the mob didn't do it- police did.
mob instead attacked the place where the guy worked, ruining other people business (as the arrested did not own the place).
how do you think, what would happen if there would have happen to someone who would have a (bad) luck to be there at that time and have a darker skin color? would he be ok or would he be lynched for things that someone else has done?

chavy "patriots" can- and already do- ruin business of people who have nothing to do with the crime just because they happened to be darkies. like- ruining the restaurant owned by Hindi guy, and spraying "f*ck islam" on the walls. or spraying similar texts on historical, Tatar mosque.
2 Jan 2017
News / Ethnic tensions erupt in Ełk, Poland [180]


there is even a Wiki site about it: (PL)

(sorry for post under my previous, i couldn't find edit option)
9 Dec 2016
Law / Changing the name on a Polish passport [6]

You have to visit your local USC (urzad stanu cywilnego ~ registry Office), since you wish to polonize your name (and surname) you have to bring your pelny odpis aktu urodzenia (if you were born in poland) or papers that prove you are Polish citizen.

Ask them, when I've changed my name they were very helpful.
27 Nov 2016
Study / Is Poland a good Place for quality education? [19]

there is no point in coming to Poland for (higher) education, when there are much many more countries that offer it. UK, Germany, France- all of them have decent universities; living in many of them isn't much more expensive than in Poland.
20 Oct 2016
History / Forgotten crime from Soviet occupation period - an article from Rzeczpospolita [6]

Merged: 60th anniversary of (almost) a Soviet intervention in PRL

"(..)Tylko jeden raz, rozpoczęła się w Polsce radziecka interwencja zbrojna na całego: czołgi szły na Warszawę. Uratowały nas... Chiny.(..)"

"Only once, the soviet armed intervention has started in a full scale: tanks were going to Warsaw. We were saved by... China" (ok, ok I admit this translation may be a bit clumsy).

Anyway, in short (very short)- Soviets has almost done what they have done few month earlier in Hungary.

18 Oct 2016
Study / Studying in Lublin on IT without mathematic and physic knowledge? [11]

am I the only person who thinks that?: why the heck did you chose to study IT when your maths isn't any good?
if you are happy writing websites (in any framework) than just write them, read a lot about technologies you use (php? python? JS? *sql?), improve your skills. having a certificate from random uni in Poland will not help you- in most cases they aren't worth the paper they are printed on.
14 Oct 2016
UK, Ireland / Why English do not like Polish? [417]

yes, there are.
there are whole bloody streets, together with shops, hairdressers etc etc run by Poles for Poles - so on the end there is plenty of Poles who speak almost no English and have zero knowledge- and interest- about the local history, customs and traditions. And no, only because some other groups also do it it doesn't make it somehow better or acceptable.

// edited
i somehow cannot quote the post that was made before me. must be a bug or something.
8 Oct 2016
UK, Ireland / P60 UK Upload - Brexit and Polish people's contribution to the British economy [48]

I know what the 5 year rule is and like I said if you have citizenship, which is what 5 years allows, your rights are the same as mine as long as you have British citizenship.

technically speaking, one needs to live in the UK for 6 years to be able to apply (and be granted) for British citizenship (excluding situation when they got married to the Brits etc).

After 5 years, one gets Pernament Residency (in the EU law system), or, IFL (in British laws). One needs to have it for 12 months to apply for citizenship.

And yeah, those who wish to remain pernamently should obtain UK citizenship- so they would have full voting rights and could participate in elections. plus, language test and "life in the uk" test ensures that they have at least basic knowledge of host' culture and tongue.
20 Sep 2016
Po polsku / Co sądzicie o prawie do wyborów w Polsce? Głosowanie za granicą. [18]

co do praw glosu dla obywateli USA expatinfodesk.com/expat-guide/nationality-specific-information/americans/us-tax-liability
musza placic podatki nawet jesli nie mieszkaja w USA, wiec nie widze powodu czemu nie mieliby oni miec nic do powiedzenia w kwesti, jak sa one wydawane.

moze i prostacka, ale duzo bardziej prostackim jest wybieranie rzadu w sytuacji gdy sie jest przed jego poczynianiami bezpiecznym za granica (mam na mysli tych ktorzy nie zamierzaja wrocic w ciagu najblizszych lat).

co do orientowania sie nt. Polskiej vs lokalnej polityki- coz... w UK pelno jest Polakow ktorzy ogladaja tylko Polska TV (zyjac juz od kilku lat na emigracji); nie maja oni zielonego pojecia o miejscowych zwyczajach, historii, polityce, znajomosc jezyka kulejaca. 0 asymilacji- i mam nadzieje ze za takowych sie rzad wezmie (chociaz, prawnie, nie za bardzo sa na to szanse). Gdyby migranci w PL odwalali to co robia (wielu- bo nie wszyscy oczywiscie) Polacy w UK to od razu bylaby gownoburza
6 Sep 2016
Po polsku / Co sądzicie o prawie do wyborów w Polsce? Głosowanie za granicą. [18]

nom, napatrza sie na mityczne "lewactwo".
kij na co (badz przeciwko komu) glosuja- tak czy siak jest to tak jak wybieranie koloru do scian w mieszkaniu sasiadow- nie oni beda z tymi wyborami zyc na codzien. a jak tak bardzo chca wziasc udzial w wyborach- prosze bardzo, niech sie przeprowadza do PL i zyja tam ponoszac konsekwencje swoich wyborow.
5 Sep 2016
Po polsku / Co sądzicie o prawie do wyborów w Polsce? Głosowanie za granicą. [18]

ktos kto wyjechal na dluzej niz 10 lat nie powinien miec prawa glosu- ani w wyborach lokalnych, ani glownych.
po dziesieciu latach pobytu za granica nie ma sie pojecia o scenie politycznej w kraju, jego nastrojach (bo o czerpaniu "wiedzy" z poszczegolnych portali nie wspomne), zreszta- jesli ktos mieszka na stale za granica (jak najbardziej ma do tego prawo) i nie zamierza wracac, to moim zdaniem nie ma zadnego moralnego prawa decydowac o tym jak sie bedzie zylo w kraju z ktorego on (ona) pochodzi- na co ida podatki, polityka zagraniczna etc wszystko to powinno zalezec od tego co ludzie ktorzy je placa zaglosuja.

system stosowany w UK mi sie podoba- chociaz skrocilbym okres z 15 do 12 badz 10 lat.
8 Aug 2016
Language / Learn Polish or Russian [86]

or citizens of former soviet republics...
you know- if you take (traditionally) clothed Tajik and Uzbek you may confuse them with Pakistani or Afghani.
Russian is still a quite useful language, if we are talking abut Euroasia only, then it's much more useful then Spanish (or French for that matter). Obviously, in Americas Spanish and, to a lesser degree, Portugese are more useful then Russian.