Polonia /
Who still speaks pidigin Polish after many years in the country? [59]
I was lolling anticipating your post.
Oh you big liar! You always try to wriggle out of things after you've said them - well to be fair, maybe not always, but quite often. Anyway maybe
you can hear the difference between ship and sheep but a lot of your comptratiots can't because they
tell me they can't.
English has few sounds
May I help you with this? Czy mogę Pan pomoc? Not being sarcastic but this is a great example of where you need to use an article as not doing so gives your sentence the opposite meaning to the one you intend. English has few sounds.......etc would mean that English doesn't have many sounds that don't exist in Polish. Whereas what you want to say is that English has 'a few' sounds which don't exist in Polish, in other words it has some. So to clarify:
English has
few sounds that don't exist in Polish = Most sounds in English are the same as Polish.
English has
a few sounds that don't exist in Polish - Some sounds in English are different to Polish.
Mr Atch holds articles in the highest contempt as a lot of pointless nonsense. He once announced that he would no longer use them at all when speaking English, on a point of principle, but of course the habit is so entrenched at this stage that he couldn't stop himself! Mind you his use of articles is quite patchy, now you see them, or rather hear them, now you don't :)
Did you find it difficult to master?
Yes I did. I used to think I was saying them perfectly but apparently, according to the ukochany husband I was saying a kind of all-purpose version that was the same for both, probably closer to the 'ch' in English.