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Joined: 9 Mar 2011 / Male ♂
Last Post: 15 Mar 2012
Threads: Total: 11 / In This Archive: 9
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From: Warszawa!
Speaks Polish?: tak

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27 Nov 2011
Law / I am starting a new business life in Poland (coming from Sydney) [84]

it comes across people with absolutely no idea of what real life is all about in PL, seem to have the misconception that the streets of Warsaw and Krakow are paved with gold.

Compared to some parts of the world, it's paradise.

The PC lot do sicken me to the core, this cancer will establish itself here in Poland, the only question is how long will it take.

27 Nov 2011
Law / I am starting a new business life in Poland (coming from Sydney) [84]

they choose to live in squalid conditions even when they have the financial means for something better

To save what they can, assuming they can indeed afford anything much better.

Poles are all about how cheap something is

Not everybody. But those who go abroad often have concrete goals and are prepared to sacrifice a little comfort to achieve them. Not only Poles.
27 Nov 2011
Law / I am starting a new business life in Poland (coming from Sydney) [84]

I am focusing more on the Poles in the UK and many of them do prefer to live in squalid conditions in order to save more money

Not unusual around the world. People go abroad to save up some money or support their family at home and as ever salaries are as low as employers can get away with and rents are as high as landlords can get away with.
26 Nov 2011
History / Lt. John Ward - a Pommy hero of the Poland's AK [8]

Are any of our native Polish members aware of any memorial to him in Warsaw or Poland?

I don't know about our 'native Polish members', but at least one of the others is. There's a monument to him on Nowy Swiat with a text telling some of his story. It is on the wall of the building he was based in.
25 Nov 2011
History / Why are Jews pestering Poland for "proper" WW2 monetary restitution/reparations? [750]

Let's say I bought 10 years ago a house, which had belonged to some Jew before WW2... what should happen now in your opinion ?

'Some' Jew. Or the owner who had it taken from them illegally?

And why on earth would you have been so stupid as to buy a house ten years ago (twelve years after the PRL ended) that had been seized from its owner who may well claim it through the Polish courts (with full proof of ownership) at any time? Anybody with one iota of common sense would check before buying. That's what lawyers are for.
25 Nov 2011
Travel / How expensive is it to live in Poland in one week? [28]

Don't forget about topping your phone up (and if the OP is a foreigner, she may want to send texts abroad, emails at a cybercafe), buying stuff like coffee, the odd meal out etc. Plus, if she's only in Warsaw for a while she'll have to get weekly (32zl) tickets rather than monthly.

Plus getting her hair done, buying the things that women need to buy each month, some make-up etc, maybe something to read like a book or magazine too. And perhaps the occasional taxi home.
25 Nov 2011
USA, Canada / Thanksgiving Day in the USA - was there some Polish on the table? [13]

But when the Europeans arrived in the US, who knows what kind of food they made?

Probably anything they could get. In the place they came from meat was for the rich (who often ate only meat and bread) and the poor had a diet based on root vegetables and lower quality bread. And porridge, pearl barley etc. Plus a hundred variations on egg custard. But the ones who emigrated found turkeys, I suppose.
24 Nov 2011
Food / Hawaiian Kona coffee to buy in Warsaw [12]

Same here. If I remember, the one in the Starowka has the biggest range. Cup of Pleasure on Nowy Swiat has some fancy stuff too.
24 Nov 2011
Food / Hawaiian Kona coffee to buy in Warsaw [12]

Anyone tried Kopi Luwak?

As far as I know, Pożegnanie z Afryką has it. They also have Blue Mountain.

Originally from California, and my favorite coffee is Hawaiian Kona coffee. I was wondering if it was available (or anything like it) was available here in Warsaw?

See above. They also have Kona.
23 Nov 2011
News / Priests are paid by the Gov't in Poland. [86]

Revolution you support.

Just gentle, logical sensible change.

Its one trend there are other not necessary noticeable by you, and 11 years is not enough to say which way all that goes.
but eventually like always those fringes will crumble away often with people.

Somehow I doubt that...
23 Nov 2011
UK, Ireland / Tale of a Polish Family on Isle of Man [43]

It is also a very insular place, meaning the native residents don't take to foreigners

Actually about half, if not more of the residents have their roots elsewhere.

true it is an EXTREMEly WEIRD place to choose to live.

though it is indeed a little odd.
23 Nov 2011
News / Priests are paid by the Gov't in Poland. [86]

What would you know about that ?

Plenty. Poland has 40 million people - there's no such thing as 'true' Pooles who hold the same beliefs as yourself and others somehow 'less Polish' whose opinion is not yours.

another ignorant half-product of your revolution Jonny :)eh?

My revolution?

Yes, and 1,04 % of EVERYONE'S taxes is given to the Roman Catholic Church whether you like it or not,

Even if you opt out, they still give the same amount of your tax towards building that giant temple in Wilanow.

the importance of Catholicism for the Polish Nation:)

There has always been the less catholic side. And the world (including Poland) is changing very fast indeed.
23 Nov 2011
History / Why are Jews pestering Poland for "proper" WW2 monetary restitution/reparations? [750]

And what's the legal criteria btw?

Proof of ownership - usually documents.

Why all properties taken by commies didn't come back to the rightful owners when their are Poles ?

Many have. The ones that haven't were nationalised for industrial use. It doesn't matter whether the owner is Jewish or Gentile - those properties weren't illegally seized. Much the same in the UK, where properties were nationalised during the same period.
22 Nov 2011
History / Why are Jews pestering Poland for "proper" WW2 monetary restitution/reparations? [750]

question: There were buildings still standing in Warsaw after the war?

Many. Some still have the bullet marks on the walls.

The owners are still alive?

In a few cases (including Gen. Jaruzelski's villa, where the owner is in his 90s), yes. But mostly it's the children and grandchildren.

How many buildings could actually be "returned" under such conditions?

No need for 'inverted commas'. The answer is as many as fit the legal criteria. From aristocratic palaces to peasants' cottages, as long as there's proof of ownership, they can be reclaimed.
21 Nov 2011
News / Priests are paid by the Gov't in Poland. [86]

Hey Jonny with all due respect - its only your opinion:)

No. It's a statement of fact. They are Polish and nothing else.

I know that they are not Polish culturally.

Know them, do you? I personally know several of the folks who run the site, and I can assure you that culturally they are very Polish indeed.

Not every Pole has a picture of the previous Pope on their living room wall ;)
21 Nov 2011
News / Priests are paid by the Gov't in Poland. [86]

Nope, their are not! Do you really want to go into definitions of who is Polish or who is not?

OK then. For starters (and I do know the people who run that site), somebody is Polish if they're from Poland, or if their family is from Poland or if they have a Polish passport, or if they are culturally and linguistically Polish. The people who run racjonalista.pl, the very same ones who you say aren't Polish fit not one, not two, but all of those criteria.
20 Nov 2011
Real Estate / Apartment in Poland is not up to standard; right to terminate the rental agreement? [78]

If i were no longer happy in a flat i rent i would talk to the landlord and then send a registered mail informing her or the Realtor i confirm i will leave + date and offer her to come on a given date to give her back her/ the realtor the keys .

Though be prepared for a lot of noise and tears. Personally given the situation (especially the outrageous pay6ment for gas) I'd leave just before the rent is due. In English, that's called a 'moonlight flit' for various reasons. I'f you've paid a deposit or in advance, well, that's what that money is for. I doubt you'd get it back anyway, and it does sound like you've got a spectacularly bad deal there.

Very sound advice.
18 Nov 2011
Real Estate / Apartment in Poland is not up to standard; right to terminate the rental agreement? [78]

Even so, the bills are extremely high, especially for one person. If I were in your position, I would leave. And I'd do it just before the rent is due to avoid hassles from the landlady and realtor and to avoid being too out of pocket yourself.

I'm now starting to get a little bit of a bad feeling that I'm contributing to the black economy...

Definitely. Which relieves you of any moral obligation to behave as if everything were correct.

It's just that if the kitchen gets this cold now in November, how will it be in January?

I don't know if you've ever seen the film Dr. Zhivago where they arrive at the house in Russia where everything is covered with ice. Not as bad as that, but certainly unpleasant.84 metres makes me think the flat's in an old building. Is it insulated and how high are the ceilings?

Yes but it may be a long trial and in the meantime I have all legal rights to execute nakaz zapłaty weksla.

That would depend on whether the defendant's lawyer appealed against the judgement within 14 days.