History /
Life in communism vs democracy in Poland [234]
What's BWL?
Which one?
Justice system can be a joke. Look at the guy who played a large part in the Air India Bombing back in the 80's. I think he got 5 years. How many people dead?
Taxation and redistribution of wealth in the Unemployment insurance system. Working people in Ontario and Alberta pay the most into the system, but when it comes time to draw from the system, they can't get what the person in Nfld gets. It is a skewed system that really had it's flaws shown in this last recession.
The welfare system in general. There is no reason an able bodied, mentally healthy individual should not be forced to work, rather than collect, collect, collect for a lifetime, if they so desire.
If you didn't genuflect to the limey so much I would respect you more.
Just wait for us to become more multi-kulti. That too will end, then you can love us more! ;-)
Americans have always worked hard and even more so now being scared of loosing the job.
But the system is working against them, as more jobs are being outsourced to low cost countries. I read some articles that indicate Americans (including Canadians too) are starting to realize this, and there may be more of a shift back to domestic production of goods and services. We can hope.