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Posts by isthatu2  

Joined: 3 Apr 2008 / Male ♂
Last Post: 6 May 2013
Threads: Total: 4 / In This Archive: 2
Posts: Total: 2692 / In This Archive: 1778
From: in the auld empty barn
Speaks Polish?: a little
Interests: life the universe and everything

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27 Jul 2011
USA, Canada / Moving from United Kingdom to USA. Is it worth it? [136]

lols...............yeah,right,whatever.....they dont blow away in a gust of wind though do they?
Its funny,those nasty shacks you live in are no more than the fake fronted shacks from old west towns,the only other countries in the world that still live in wooden shacks are in the third world.....you guys really have been sold a pup ...........

Asking again, dont you guys in the states have the story of The Three Little Pigs?
27 Jul 2011
History / Obituaries with a connection to Poland. [18]

Rather easily actually ,as nasty little hate spreaders such as yourself are usually frustrated cowards in both the moral and physical sense.
26 Jul 2011
History / Obituaries with a connection to Poland. [18]

so where have all the positive posts been dumped to in this merging? leave piasts vileness in but delate condolances..............weird modding going on or what?
26 Jul 2011
UK, Ireland / What do Polish people think about Wales and Welsh people? [191]

whereas LL is ......(thinking..) labio-alvolear...


your tongue goes behind your top teeth just like an L sound only you then blow air through....

fnar fnar

altogether now..LLLLLLLLL

OOOOooohhh, Matron.
25 Jul 2011

Funny how their only surviving relatives out east are in Leningrad then.....................just an observation really,20th century did shuffle folks around the map a bit.
25 Jul 2011
UK, Ireland / What do Polish people think about Wales and Welsh people? [191]

wasting little to no time with idle chatter

lols.....you do realise that most of us "Brits" twittering away on here constantly are actually Scots dont you ? ;)

English people are the opposite of Walsh unfriendly , racist and arrogant ..

Bet you were told this by your friendly,not at all "rascist" and totally humble Welsh nationalist hosts.................
Im also guessing you didnt go out of cardif much and found the same honky bars with straw on the floor that me and a black mate found .............

The south Welsh hate the north welsh with a passion,something about the weird nasaly/lispy way they speak ........no nation is full of Angels or Devils.
23 Jul 2011
News / Polish-Scottish American, Chris Ferguson, commands final Space Shuttle mission [49]

congratulations to Scottish American Chris Ferguson , captain of the final (for now) shuttle mission.

High Flight

Oh! I have slipped the surly bonds of earth,
And danced the skies on laughter-silvered wings;
Sunward I've climbed, and joined the tumbling mirth Of sun-split clouds,
--and done a hundred things You have not dreamed of --
Wheeled and soared and swung High in the sunlit silence.
Hov'ring there I've chased the shouting wind along,
and flung My eager craft through footless halls of air...
Up, up the long, delirious, burning blue
I've topped the wind-swept heights with easy grace
Where never lark or even eagle flew --
And, while with silent lifting mind I've trod
The high untrespassed sanctity of space,
Put out my hand, and touched the face of God.

John Gillespie Magee, Jr
22 Jul 2011
History / Poland and Orientalism [115]

Occidentals creating dehumanizing characterizations of peoples of the East in order to thereby justify their dominance over them and the British surely did this. You know the "white man's burden

Mate,Im not sure what its like in So Cal, but we tend to create "dehumanizing characterizations of peoples " in the next county...its just human nature played out on a bigger scale than our old tribal/village community ways............not nice,but,well,eternal. Yes, *some* british created dehuminising stereotypes of "the east" but in many cases these were less "created" than simple differences of ways of life being pointed out.

You're probably right about the motivation of some of the British politicians who supported Zionism. But, interestingly, some of the same people supported Arab nationalism (TE Lawrence supported both), and not necessarily for manipulative purposes.

there is so much I could say about the strange nature of britains unplanned Empire and British peoples varied reactions to it,but this is Polish forums, suffice it to say TE Lawrence was far from alone in being both a servant of Empire and someone naturaly against the whole idea.

Because in those days it wasn't self-evident that the two nationalisms were in conflict.

Nationalisms are always going to clash if they dont have a big assed river or sea to seperate the two ideas...............the crying shame is that Muslims Jews and Christains lived around the ME in far more peace than Europeans saw for a good thousand years untill when,less than a hundred years ago? :(

Deflecto et Impera?

are they the olympic mascots?
22 Jul 2011
History / Defying Germaniztion in 1901 Polish boy writes 'German girls are ugly' [128]

. As for the boy's opinion regarding the German girls perhaps he meant that these girls had ugly personalities

Oh come the hell on mate, were you never 14 yourself ? :) Its the age of sudden stirrings coz the bleedin bus seat is vibrating or Miss has one more button undone on her blouse than usual and as she leans in to mark your text book..................................

The children only wanted to pray in their own language,

Huh,dont you guys do all that mumbo jumbo in Latin?

PennBoy: I've been to Hamburg on a week long trip so I must have seen a couple hundred women. They are, rough faces, big heads, masculine jaw.

Matey, which part of hamburg were you in? Coz,well,lets not put too fine a point on it....methinks you were trawling the german Bois de boulogne......or,put another way,ever heard the Kinks song " Lola"?

Oh, and anyone saying "children didnt rebel in the old days".bollox, google " Childrens Crusade".
21 Jul 2011
History / Poland and Orientalism [115]

As I quoted above #94 the ethnicity is from the exodus from slavery in Egypt, wouldn't Egypt be your homeland?

There is zero historical evidence to support this fairy story...............lets face it, 40 years wandering around lost somewhere the size of wales doesnt help non religious types buy the tale.....there is no record of the type of slavery claimed in scriptures and Charlton Heston movies.

The British imperialists, most of whom were not Jewish, that enabled the creation of this "Jewish state" did so to have a colonial attack dog in the area to be used to brutalize Arabs if they stepped out of line with British and Western demands

Nope,they just didnt like jews and wanted rid, typical victorian british mix of bigotry and absurd politness....................British orientalism was more in the line of rich gay men dressing like Ottoman Nabobs........zionism oddly enough became popular with sections of HMs government,surprise surprise as the numbers of Jewish people kicked out of or fleeing from the wild East increased..................glad they didnt all leave for Israel though as my local MP is the great grandson of one of them,a top bloke :)
20 Jul 2011
History / Poland and Orientalism [115]

London was once the primitive land that civilized forces came to occupy rather than the other way around.

an victorian imperialists attitude if ever I heard one..................thats the trouble with so much of whats accepted as "fact" about Rome, it was written by blokes bigging upo the whole concept of Empire, Pax Romanus became Pax Britannia in the stroke of Gibbons pen................

re jeruselum, I think "we" should surprise the sh!t out of both parties by declaring a new Kingdom of Jeruselum and Outremmer ;) Let those crazy beardy Christian monks run the place for a bit and within months Achmed and Shlomo will be best mates again :)
20 Jul 2011
Life / What do Poles think of Indians? [35]

where Indians live apartment prices fall.

hhhhmmm, in that case , Im moving......"Aishwarya darling,can I borrow a cup of suger ,again? " :)

19 Jul 2011
Life / What do Poles think of Indians? [35]

Indians are indeed very diverse, but it is not true that the sub-continent has only been united under various foriegn invaders. The Mauryan Empire was most certainly

Interesting,will give them a google. i was recently fascinated to discover there were Indian Hindu merchants in Ancient Rome...makes ya think :)

But it is something Indians and Poles share, so I thought it two for one, a dig at an eejit and on topic :)

and the Polish Lithuanian common wealth....................lithuanian is the closest living language to Sanskrit ............bizzarly enough....

re all the R101 genome helibactor nonsense......we are all linked by something far simpler,being the same friggin species on the same tiny rock in the same vast universe :)
19 Jul 2011
Travel / Poland in photo riddles [3134]

Me too. For instancee the sculptures around Pałac Nauki i Kultury are beautiful

I especially like the chappie,a builder I think who apears to be holding a plaque extoling the virtues of MARY ENGLES LENIN.................if you look closely you can see that one arm of the X in Marx has been worn down to spell Mary, a nice bit of subversion ......Ive a photo somewhere but Im sure Im not the first to have noticed it :)
19 Jul 2011
News / Military power (Poland #21 in the world) [97]

Its funny that,considering Brazil was an Ally in WW2 and had forces fighting in Italy alongside Britian ,America and Poland....
Does your Army include gendarmes, Military Police units that act as Police in certain areas? If so,that might explain its size relative to germany.
19 Jul 2011

A small baptism service is in order.
In nominai ilkley moor bar t'at
Do you renounce satan (thatcher) and all southern ponceyness?

Bless you my child .
19 Jul 2011
News / Military power (Poland #21 in the world) [97]

Nope. Those rifles were not used in aftr school activity clubs. I disassembled and assembled an AK at uni military classes in 1980s.

He was probably doing that eastern thing of presuming the only gun we westerners have ever heard of is Kalasnikov rather than "lying" as such............unfortunatly Im sad enough to be able to spot if its a AK 47 or AK 74 at a 100 paces ;) But you also find when you are with a party of liberal arts students its best to down play any indepth military knowladge just for a quiet life :)

had to make do mainly with Lee Enfields

Ditto,unfortunatly though, No5s..............:(
One Plastic SA 80 replica in the unit for DP......................
19 Jul 2011

As well as smuggled booze we used to hollow out cigarettes and replace the tobacco with alternative smoking materials.

You sir are an Honoury Yorkshireman from this day forth.................
19 Jul 2011
History / Norman Davies - the Brit who loves Poland and becomes one of Us [250]

PF is a type of a forum where one cannot argue without being either anti-Polish or complete blank tablet about the greatest history the world has ever witnessed.

The lads onto something there ....:)

Blargh, Krakow tour guides are sooo thick,this one I knew told our group that the Whale Bones were from a Dragon..............muppet,everyone knows Dragons left Poland in the 3rd century...............................
19 Jul 2011
History / Norman Davies - the Brit who loves Poland and becomes one of Us [250]

Does this " M` " refer to me ? Can`t be true . Do you agree with me , why ?

Because,in my opinion you happen to be right, as Ive tried to point out,even today,in 21st century britain,a country who's last large scale "pogrom" was in the middle ages and that has had a Jewish Prime minister (sort of) that jewish people often choose to live seperatly,in their own communities. It has nothing to do with anyone stopping jews living where they want,quite the opposite,it shows,as in Polands case that there is a level of respect that allows "minorities" to live as and where they please.