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Posts by isthatu2  

Joined: 3 Apr 2008 / Male ♂
Last Post: 6 May 2013
Threads: Total: 4 / In This Archive: 2
Posts: Total: 2692 / In This Archive: 1778
From: in the auld empty barn
Speaks Polish?: a little
Interests: life the universe and everything

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11 Aug 2011
Language / Double meanings, Polish slang and embarrassment [49]

I wouldnt worry too much about english pronunciation "oop north" mate, we all talk funny anyway :)
But can someone explain to Poles that we dont pronounce every single letter in our words ? especially those letters you seem proud of being able to change from the Polish to english...like W in sword....,its "Sord" not "Sward" ;)
11 Aug 2011
Language / Double meanings, Polish slang and embarrassment [49]

old story, first time in warsaw, asked to see an old mans breasts........................I meant the Polish for "first", it came out,er,wrong..............
10 Aug 2011
UK, Ireland / Poles in the UK not a problem as far as i can tell [79]

I love that bit:) So, you think that English have the right to immigrate to countries they colonized and spread over to, just because of the history? funny :

no,whats "funny" is you see no problems spouting crap about Britain owing Poland something because two dozen Polish guys flew in the Battle of Britain.............................
10 Aug 2011
UK, Ireland / Worst of the worst Poles emigrating to Britain? [32]

Lol, nice bit of passive agressive insulting there mate :)
FYI,a 24 year old who talks about "youngsters" is just asking to be considered an old fart on line :)
As for "class" wouldnt that involve not labeling whole swathes of your Polish cousins as classless yobs?
10 Aug 2011
UK, Ireland / Worst of the worst Poles emigrating to Britain? [32]

Its just kids . Dont get too uptight about it, Im fluent in the obscene language of several European countries from my miss spent back packing youth,surprise surprise I also learnt quite a few other,less profane words too , we all were young once,its a shame some people forget they were too sometimes :)

In the late 90s I met the sort of young Polish lad that would have old people weeping with pride. He shook hands,heel clicked and bowed to me just because I was a couple of years older,that was great seeing as we met on the Bridge at Arnhem both paying respects to our respective ancestors,but frankly that sort of behaiviour would be a bit OTT in 21st century britain .
9 Aug 2011
Food / BBC - Nigel Slater new series. Looking for a really great cook of Polish food. [3]

Cant wait to see how Auntie Beeb copes with the idea of live fish in bath tubs..............
If we are still going to be subjected to endless cooking programes;
A,atleast its not that kiwi and that bald shouty wa**er and B, nice that its looking outside Britain for Christmas ideas,that alone might stop the endless creep of Septic culture into every holiday period in the UK these days :)
27 Jul 2011
Food / Are there any real kebab shops in Gdansk? [20]

Ive discovered another thing I like about Poland from this thread.................I dont like eating BABY sheep either :)
Call me a softie but I always go for mutton,atleast theyve had a few summers of frolicking :)
27 Jul 2011
USA, Canada / Moving from United Kingdom to USA. Is it worth it? [136]

Bless, you are concentrating on your "pinching pete" "angry septic" persona today,crack on pal.
Its always mildly amusing to watch the psychologicaly unbalanced at lesuire and at a safe distance. A guilty pleasure for sure,but fun none the less. BTW, how are your Tisha B'Av celebrations going?
27 Jul 2011
Food / Are there any real kebab shops in Gdansk? [20]

Oops, the latest news is that two Poles were seriosuly injured by Turkish owners with a carving knife in a kebab outlet in GdaƄsk.

If this was the States they would have been shot and everyone would be saying "well done that man for defending you proparty".

btw,not a comment on the USA per se,just a perspective thing.
27 Jul 2011
Travel / Poland in photo riddles [3134]

Pass, but thats an amazing looking Rock ! :)
Has it been worked? Some neo-lithic stone or just naturally cool looking?
27 Jul 2011
Travel / Poland in photo riddles [3134]

Looks like a Motte or Kurgan to me......as to what I can see,blue tarpaulin covering??? on a man made hill with spiral path....
27 Jul 2011
Travel / Poland in photo riddles [3134]

Bottom photo.
"The transvestite refused entry to the ladies toilets decided on a rather public protest in the art gallery".

(dude,if thats your wife.....you know Im only joking yeah? ;) )
27 Jul 2011
USA, Canada / Moving from United Kingdom to USA. Is it worth it? [136]


It was,Im going back again in September, taking a copy of The Life and Times of Tristram Shandy for atmosphere :)
( a better idea than the nude sunbathing i did last time but one and wondered for a while why on earth a cessna keeped circling............untill i remebered my long hair,uber skinniness and the amount of times ive been pipped by white van men only for them to turn red (most of the time ;) )as they drive by and see me from the front :):) )

Id go for a nice Adobe in AZ or NM anyway,but then again,I am a bit odd and spent half my childhood in them in southern Spain :)

more importantly, why do Americans live in tornado alley.

pass...........the early settlers lived in scratch dugouts. I wouldnt recomend a return to that but,short of moving millions out of a huge swathe of the US for the sake of a few weeks crappy weather each year,maybe just build stronger buildings?
27 Jul 2011
Life / Is it me or do people "seem" to live longer in Poland? Life expectancy among Poles. [52]

none of those who are in Poland have had noticeable lifting, but several in the UK have.

Great, now Ive got " Brazil,de de de de dah dah brazil..." in my head again!!!!!! :)
No,it must be the same the world round, those who can afford to take it easy or spend money on vanity can look great compared to those without the finacial ability or motive.

My High School had an intake roughly split between a pit village and a market town, guess which ones now look far older than mid 30s and those who look younger.....................

Can't imagine someone that old doing the same in UK.

funny,just been walking my dog on the moors with an 85 year old guy who fought at Monte Cassino....and no,he isnt Polish :)
27 Jul 2011
USA, Canada / Moving from United Kingdom to USA. Is it worth it? [136]

Fuzzy, Im not a Pole..... Ive just spent a long weekend in a 300 hundred year old house.....and I was speaking rehtorical stylee............of course in some locations there is nothing wrong with a wooden house,but,Im not talking "war" here,Im asking,why on earth do Americans still build wooden houses in Tornado Alley?

Would half of Joplin have blown away or been flattened if they had had decently built homes?
I mean,its not like it should be a surprise in Missouri and Oklahoma that it gets a touch windy now and again is it,yet still,wooden houses thrown up like the second little piggie.....and people die each year because of it. :(
27 Jul 2011
History / Fascinating account by von Moltke-Prussian chief of Staff: Poland: A historical Sketch. [30]

Thanks,both explanations make sense,though the first one seems to be more wide covering if you like. I mean, Nobles back then were pretty much incestuosly related all over europe and had far more in common with each other than the prols in their own countries.

Also, "Nobles" is a tricky one for westerners to get a grip on when it comes to Poland.
I know "nobles" or rather people who pre communism can trace back to Nobles,and,frankly, a wooden farmhouse and a few Hundred acres doesnt really cut it as "nobility" in many other places in Europe ;)

(to clarify,their Noble ancestors wooden houses,long gone.... )
27 Jul 2011
UK, Ireland / What do Polish people think about Wales and Welsh people? [191]

You all say this about the Welsh weather, hand on heart I have never seen rain in Wales. Of course I dont live there but I have been plenty of times, ironically Wales and its weather is the reason I have regular melinoma/mole check ups down to having been sunburned worse than Clint Eastwood in the Good the Bad the Ugly on a Welsh beach at 13....................
27 Jul 2011
History / Fascinating account by von Moltke-Prussian chief of Staff: Poland: A historical Sketch. [30]

"Mad as a Hatter" is exactly what it sounds like, Hat makers used chemicals that resulted in them being completly insane by their 30s......

Getting back on track though;
I have never heard a Pole complaining about the Austrian part of the partitions,ever. In fact Ive been shown highly treasured old photos of peoples relatives proudly wearing their Austro Hungarian Army uniforms in the Far East.

Any deep explanations to this or were the Austrians just the "best of a bad lot"?
27 Jul 2011
History / Fascinating account by von Moltke-Prussian chief of Staff: Poland: A historical Sketch. [30]

He had to paint Poland as a country in anarchy and in need of Centralization and that the peasents did not enjoy freedom before the Prussians came into power.

Odd how Poles of the time were saying exactly the same thing though. maybe not specificaly about prussians but the rest stands. Just got to read (or watch ,as I did...;) ) Pan Tadausz to see how messed up and unviable Polish sociaty was in those times.

But,everyones sociaty was in the early 19th century,why else the explosion of uprisings and riots in the 1830s and 40s.
27 Jul 2011
Life / Is it me or do people "seem" to live longer in Poland? Life expectancy among Poles. [52]

let me clarify. as I posted earlier, Europeans in general look older than those from North America.

I notice this a lot with the WW2 veterens I work with, our old boys look like they fought in world war 2,lots of American and Canadian veterens still look barely old enough to have fought in Vietnam......

But,much of this is purely superficial, most of the time these are cosmetic differences,try telling an 85 year old Englishman to use moisturizer and get his eyebrows trimmed and he will presume you are best mates with Dorethy and want him to be your l'il totto..... where as many old American chaps seem to be positivly metro sexual in out look in comparison :)