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Joined: 27 Nov 2007 / Male ♂
Last Post: 9 Mar 2011
Threads: Total: 16 / In This Archive: 11
Posts: Total: 2475 / In This Archive: 1607
From: Warszawa
Speaks Polish?: tak

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27 Jul 2010
Travel / Which train in Poland am I less likely to get shanked on? [30]

Both TLK and Interegio are largely OK. I agree with SzwedwPolsce that TLK are a bit better. The trains with the really bad reputation are the nighttime 'osobowy' ones (daytime is OK), but it's worth mentioning that security has been stepped up quite a bit recently and I've traveled on them often without problem.

It's nevertheless a good idea, if the train is nearly empty or at night, to sit in the first carriage nearest the conductor/s (and security guard if one is there.)
24 Jul 2010
Travel / Poland-My 9-day experience [239]

If you are going to another country only to compare with your own and find faults. You are immature and ignorant. Grow up.

Well said.

Poland, for all its pluses and minuses, is an interesting holiday destination.

If you're looking for super friendly service, dirt cheap prices and a beach holiday, go somewhere else. If you're looking for good quality and value together with history, clean pubs and unspoilt countryside, Poland is a good place for a holiday.

No Eiffel Tower, hanging gardens of Babylon or herds of wildebeest sweeping across the Serengeti though.
24 Jul 2010
Travel / Poland-My 9-day experience [239]

If you go to the Tatry or Beskidy, the scenery is magnificent. If you take your holidays in Skierniawice or Piotrkow, yes, it's boring as hell. The best way to see Poland isn't from a car window on the main trunk roads.

It's got the most unique Old Town in Poland for a starter

Yes - it's amazing.

Hahaha, I know someone who went on holiday to Bradford, I still can't work it out :D

Saltaire is a UNESCO World Heritage site, and Bradford has a thousand Indian restaurants, the National Museum of Film & TV and is on the doorstep of the Yorkshire moors.
23 Jul 2010
News / Poland - the least liked German neighbour. [210]

Here in Serbia we heard what`s going on in Germany and what they doing to innocent Slavic children. Germany is real evil bastion!

So what are they doing and why?
18 Jul 2010
Life / Do Polish Marlboros differ? [21]

My question is: does the backy contained therein differ from that in the fags sold in the States, Britian and otehr countries? I presume they must cotnain some Polish-grown tobacco, but I'm not sure.

Yes. I used to work in the factory. The blend they use in any given country is a result of market research to help the cigarettes meet local tastes. The Polish ones contain a blend of some imported (Turkish and American) and mostly local tobacco.
18 Jul 2010
UK, Ireland / The secret Polish gay men in the U.K [133]

Polonius is a heterosexual

Ostensibly perhaps, but he writes on here about homosexuality so often, one wonders why it occupies his mind so much!
15 Jul 2010
Food / Do Polish beers contain adjuncts? [34]

Most Polish beers are pale lagers... fizzy watery swill....

Yes, though I would add that most of them are fizzy characterless chemical swill.
14 Jul 2010
Life / As EuroPride visits Warsaw - is it the start of overdue social change in Poland? (homosexuality promotion) [144]

Why give homosexuals special preferential treatment?

Who suggested preferential treatment?

When will the 'Proud to be a Kleptomaniac' Parade finally be held? They also can't help being the way they are. Maybe legislation should be passed letting them steal with impunity. It's in their genes, after all, so they are not to blame!

You think compulsive theft is comparable to human sexuality?

"Conservatives are not necessarily stupid, but most stupid people are conservatives."

John Stuart Mill
14 Jul 2010
UK, Ireland / The secret Polish gay men in the U.K [133]

r handicapped needs is more instability and confusion.

This is about profoundly handicapped - the alternative is an institution.


So at least we know what you think. Conservatives never seem to tire of using words they think will offend on the internet.

When the two homos tire of each other (statistically within 2 years), where will the adoptee land? On the street? Back in foster care?

Couples (or single people) are subject to the same stringent screening process whatever their gender - and couples who adopt (or foster) are expected to have been together for some time and consistently showing signs of stability. BTW, foster care is not an option for such young people except as a prelude to adoption - and I don't see Janet and John queueing up to foster or adopt a kid who needs 24 hour specialist care and has a low life expectancy. Do you?
14 Jul 2010
UK, Ireland / The secret Polish gay men in the U.K [133]

Jarry -- agreed on one thing during their debates: special legislation for homosexuals is not necessary.

Jaroslaw is considered by many to be homosexual himself.

the main exception being adopting orphans

The main exception being that they can be fired from a job on the grounds of sexuality with no redress.

By the way, why "orphans"? Most adoptions by same sex couples aren't orphans - they are teenagers who are often profoundly disabled, that nobody else wants, and who are adopted by healthcare professionals. Before supporting legislation that cruelly denies these youngsters a way out of the institution, why not adopt one yourself
14 Jul 2010
UK, Ireland / The secret Polish gay men in the U.K [133]

Yeah. I was under the impression that we discuss the situation in Poland. I am afraid I know nothing about the realities in the "certain countries".

We are. However the Europride these days has an international focus, and I mentioned three issues current in PL.
14 Jul 2010
UK, Ireland / The secret Polish gay men in the U.K [133]

I don't see any discrimination against them. Really.

Except pensions, inheritance taxes, employment rights - and most specifically the legislative situation in certain countries - some still have and use the death penalty.

I think the want a special rights for themselves.
For instance a right to be accepted and liked. Everyone would like that!
But reality is that some people just don't like others. That is a fact of life.

Most lesbians and gay men don't lose much sleep about whether or not heterosexuals "accept" them. If someone dislikes them, so be it. If someone dislikes them and has a legislative tool to hurt them with - it is a different matter.
14 Jul 2010
UK, Ireland / The secret Polish gay men in the U.K [133]

Personally, I don't like having someone else's sexuality rammed down my throat, as they do in gay pride marches.

People ram things down your throat at "gay pride marches"? So don't go to them.

Just because they want change, doesn't mean societal views has to change too.

"They" want equality treatment under the law - not better; not worse; only equal, as do we all. "Societal views", whatever that is supposed to mean, are irrelevant.
12 Jul 2010
Travel / How much PLN to take with me on my trip to Poland, Wroclaw? [10]

200 zloty per day

Budget for around that if you include accommodation and want to travel or go out at night. You can spend less if you shop for food carefully, but the 2500 average is misleading, especially for cities. You won't need insurance if you are a UK resident - look at the NHS website.
12 Jul 2010
Food / Activia/Danone - why so popular in Poland? [13]

Even the people who make it privately admit it doesn't work. But, Poles often like to drink Kefir, yoghurt, soured milk etc., so the market for such products is quite sophisticated - and Poland has endemic hypohondria and is already a big market for useless 'cures'. A snake oil salesman's dream.
12 Jul 2010
Life / Second hand English bookshop in Warsaw [7]

The best place is the Sue Ryder shop on ul. Bagatela, at the end of the street by the corner with pl. Unii Lubelskie - most books 9zl and they have a big selection in the back room too.
11 Jul 2010
Language / So why did you give up learning Polish? [105]

So like 2 or 1.

But I won't learn Polish just because of them. Fuck that.

In many people's situation, far more - even (especially?)nearest and dearest. That's why it's worth persisting.
11 Jul 2010
Language / So why did you give up learning Polish? [105]

More like 60, but how many of them do you know?

Or more pertinently, how many of the people you know, speak with most often and are a big part of your life are Polish speakers? This is the reason people learn Polish, not the number of overall speakers of the language.
11 Jul 2010
News / New cross war in Warsaw [530]

in the exact spot?
what do you want to tell us?

Who suggested anything about the exact spot? Though organising a stone set in the ground shouldn't be too difficult, even for PiS supporters.
11 Jul 2010
News / New cross war in Warsaw [530]

they themselves could suggest erecting a permanent grqnite or marble cross or other memorial

No doubt there will be more than one.

Maybe pettiness is an immanent Polish trait?!

No more or less so than anywhere else, but some politicians in former Warsaw Pact countries are perhaps more vindictive and mean-spirited than people might be used to in western Europe or the Americas.
11 Jul 2010
News / New cross war in Warsaw [530]

What's wrong with just leaving it where it is?

For ever? Following that line of thought they may as well leave the decaying wreaths of flowers too.
7 Jul 2010
History / The Untold Battle of Britain [205]

Britain ceased to recognise the Polish Government in Exile during the war as it displeased Stalin.

In fact America, Britain, and the rest of the world ceased to recognise them when it became clear there was a functioning government operating from Warsaw.

They had to vacate their embassy as far as I am aware.

This is normal practice after a regime change. They still (both governments in exile - for a time there were two) continued to operate from the UK until 1990.

My point is that Poland was sold up the river by the Allies.

Your point becomes mere sniping since you fail to suggest a practical and achievable alternative.
7 Jul 2010
Work / Some opinions about current pay rates (normal pay per hour for housekeeping in Poland)... [19]

Mine gets 80zl for about four hours' work cleaning the flat and doing the ironing but that's mainly because she's so trustworthy she has her own set of keys. I have friends who pay about 50zl for the same number of hours and back when my ex-girlfriend was responsible for hiring and paying the maid, we paid that much too.

Yes. 60 - 80 is a fair price though many people pay 50. I always paid 60 plus occasional tips. I know Poles who pay 20-30 for the same service (even in the capital) though that is too low to be ethical.
4 Jul 2010
News / Komorowski won Poland's presidency vote? [125]

having people in power who can't be hindered by anyone or anything is bad

Check the meaning of the English word "hindered". Also check your knowledge of the Polish legislative system. It is bicameral and has a constitution - these together provide appropriate checks. LK however used his veto to hamper (even hinder) the political programme of a democratically elected government.
4 Jul 2010
News / Komorowski won Poland's presidency vote? [125]

But good news nevertheless - at least Poland will have a president who doesn't use his presidential veto against the elected ruling party.