UK, Ireland /
British court lets violent Polish racists walk free [61]
about how 'cushy' it all is.
Sorry seen it first hand claiming benefits working cash in hand, small time drug dealing, sub letting rooms in council provided property, fidling the electric and gas, getting babed up to gain maximum child credits, floging charity provided furniture and goods, bit of thieving on the side, thats where the scutters secceed and the rest suffer in silence and pay their taxes.
You see Roz I think you are a proper lady who would probably starve than defraud the system, but I have first hand experience where the significant minority play the system fo gain, thats why migrants are risking life and limb in dover to cross to Britain when they have easy access to France,Germany Holland etc etc.
I know a Polish guy in the UK he and another chap rent a room off a guy for 50 pound each per week, thats four hundred quid per month for the owner he don't declare it.
have well-off friends in Warsaw who get this money. They don't need it and didn't ask for it.
Aint that the whole idea of a universal benefits system similar to Britain and othe European countries, Nye Bevans dream. (good man him)