UK, Ireland /
Polish and Irish should love each other [65]
You did that yourself. Ireland was already independent before the EU existed. Civil war? You also sent your condolences to the German ambassador to the death of Adolf Hitler in 1945. Maybe DeValera was more of a hindrance than a blessing for Ireland?
Try the 70s and 80s when the Brits were running amok.
We brought it on ourselves? Are you for real?
How dare we yearn to right the wrongs of the past and bring about a 32 county republic, eh? Roll over and have yer bellies tickled, paddies.
First of all, Ire joined the EU in 1973 - long before the majority of foreign workers entered. Your natural resources? What natural resources? Is there loads of gas or oil to be found here? Not that I've heard of and I do follow the news.
Something like 20% of all fish sold in the 27 EU member states come Irish waters. Phuc all of that cash goes into the pocket of Irish fishermen. The EU annihalited the fishing industry in this country.
And yes, we do have oil and gas. Well, we did. Googles your friend.
Without your "enemies" you perhaps would be on the same level as in the 1970's and early 1980's - a 3rd world level. And maybe the biggest problem Ireland has is that they've let go of all its bright souls.
Thats a lie. Another slur "you are not educated". I expect you will call me a dole leech in a few minutes.
I have a proposition for ya......
There are hopeless cases in every country, not just in Ireland. Cases who will never succeed, no matter how much money you pump in it. It's a myth to think that an organisation like the EU can solve ALL your problems.
The EU will solve our problems? The EU couldnt give a phuc about Ireland. Indeed, I am sure many of the EUnuch scum in Brussels uttered the same drivel as you. "How dare them paddies vote no".
EDIT: The dutchies speaking better english than me is no great achievement. I despise this pox of a language. Irish is my first language since birth more or less.
Id happily never speak english again, if it was any way viable.
I would happily meet you and you can then tell the PF community that I am not what you make me out to be. I dont need social welfare. I live in one of the worst areas of Dublin by choice. As does my multi millionaire sis. Its home. Its roots. Its where we are from.
I am 23.
I am far from overweight.
I am far from "sexually frustrated" like SeanBm claims. My ex still lives in me gaff. Rent free. She keeps the fridge full of beves.
I have many business interests. Namely pubs, stocks, and the odd gamble with investments. Il bring the paperwork to prove this if need be.
My watch is worth more than the average annual wage in PL.
Anytime you wanna meet, MG, just name the time and place.
No risk no reward.