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Joined: 25 Dec 2007 / Male ♂
Last Post: 29 Dec 2011
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From: Poland, Gliwice
Speaks Polish?: Tak, umiem
Interests: Cycling, chess and language

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1 Dec 2008
Food / traditional breakfasts in Poland [74]

British jam is very good indeed but Polish jam is great too.

£owicz is a top quality jam, very good on Polish bread.

Looks like we agree on sth Pawian
30 Nov 2008
Life / Importance of Religion in Poland [187]

Good posting lesser. To know why you have opted for sth. Catholic values are sensibly motivated from what I've read but occupy too strong a position at times. They don't fully appreciate the complicated nature of things, instead they advocate a basic position.

Unfortunately, those smarter ones you allude to lesser often can't convince the sillier ones to broaden their thinking and see the bigger picture.

Society has been shaped by a maelstrom (is this Swedish? lol) of factors. Such a plethora like law, politics, social conditioning and just experience have a major influence on 'moving forward'
30 Nov 2008
Life / Importance of Religion in Poland [187]

Maybe your answers lack thoroughness or convincing qualities.

No, I'm not attacking your right to pursue your faith at all, that wasn't it.

How did you know? My remarkable consistency ;)

Lost the way? I prefer to think of it 'I saw his way' and sought to find my own away from church.

A little self-appraisal never hurt anyone. Amazing, why thanks :)
29 Nov 2008
Life / Importance of Religion in Poland [187]

Exactly Switezianka, exactly!! Hence the term 'devout' Catholic. There are screeds of literature on the net about Catholic values.

For a Catholic, for Catholicism and for Catholic education, values are our core business. This was taken from ad2000.com.au/articles/1999/sep1999p10_307.html

Let's see some Pawian. I'll spare you a deep discussion of the history of Catholicism. Values please
29 Nov 2008
Life / Importance of Religion in Poland [187]

Absolute nonsense. You have faith in God, so why not be a Protestant or some other Christian denomination?

Yes, I do ask people why they are as they are. It's called discussion, you might try it sometime. Without some reason, it's pure pie-in-the-sky guff.

Religion has caused so much suffering in this world. Stop being blind to this. For what? For something intangible and unproven? Hence my allusion to negativity.

I asked you about church. I went to church for years if you must know.

Pawian, don't take it personally, MANY others have been unable to stand up to scrutiny or say why they are Catholics. For me, they'd be as well be describing any Christian denomination.

What does your heart have to do with the Bible? I have great heart on many matters without reading a book.

Is that clear?
29 Nov 2008
UK, Ireland / What do you hate about England and English people? [142]

Och, you beat me to it, Mister H. Point 8 above I mean.

As a Scot, I really don't hate anything in particular about the English as I have friends from there.

If I were to be put on the spot though, I'd say that it produces a lot of smug people who look down their noses at others. Hardly an English phenomenon or readily observable trait but, perhaps, more so than most others. I could be wrong.
29 Nov 2008
Life / Importance of Religion in Poland [187]

You have faith in something you can't define? We generally have faith in our abilities, in others, in our judgement etc etc.

What is the Catholic faith, Greg? Do you believe in open air?

And you are gonna tell me that the world may have a religious war in the future over something which is as abstract as you paint it. Come off it.

This really teases out the negative side of humanity. When you go to church, what do you feel Greg or pawian?

Switezianka is right, many here don't have a clue, they just latch on to what they believe they should believe, without believing in that belief, LOL
28 Nov 2008
Life / Importance of Religion in Poland [187]

Exactly plk123, exactly. I couldn't have put it better. The realities of life, for some, may drive people to the church. I refuse to believe that people go to the church for a set of rules on various issues per se. It's more for a feeling of support and that God is with them. Why not I say? It's positive :)
28 Nov 2008
Life / Importance of Religion in Poland [187]

Ask a Pole why they are Catholic, and not only Poles, and they will tell you that it's because they should be. No attempt at all at explaining what that means. Quite embarrassing really!!

As good Poles will tell you, the practising level here is very low.
27 Nov 2008
Food / traditional breakfasts in Poland [74]

It goes wherever I go. Sorry, the breakfast, aha. Well, yes. Sausage and mustard on bread, yummy.
24 Nov 2008
Off-Topic / PF - The Omnibus Edition [1502]

But pendulums always swing, szarlotka. Some you win, some you lose, it's the taking part that counts.
24 Nov 2008
UK, Ireland / Britain... What the Poles did for us. [444]

I'd call it a necessity. Hard times call for hard decisions. RAF look like capital letters to me, LOL. Maybe I couldn't be bothered writing the practicing Vs practising point, but I did.
24 Nov 2008
UK, Ireland / Britain... What the Poles did for us. [444]

Now that I've seen it, I stand by my decision. I've always learned that the Brits wrote 'practising' and Americans 'practicing' and that it's the verb that takes the 's'. I'm British so I wrote practising.

I also thought we used capital letters, e.g I'm Scottish, I learned that in primary school. Not "i'm english".

What gamble? Needs must!! Ferocious, yes, that doesn't mean that they tipped the balance. This would need a fuller discussion, byronic.
23 Nov 2008
UK, Ireland / Britain... What the Poles did for us. [444]

Well, that was somewhat of an exaggeration byronic, to be fair. Read above and you will see that I applaud the Polish effort and they were significant in the British RAF. Let's start from that premise, that the Poles did well.

However, tipping the balance? LOL Were you practising your conditionals? ;)
21 Nov 2008
Food / traditional breakfasts in Poland [74]

And here's another thing etc etc

Dtaylor, I cannot say why as the 500ml's of vodka has worn off, but that cracked me up. I've just sewn up my sides. That was very funny indeed :)

Stubborn, oh really? Even blind people reached that conclusion
21 Nov 2008
Food / traditional breakfasts in Poland [74]

Nothing like a Mars Bar and chips, right Davey boy? Book that appointment with your cardiologist well in advance :)
21 Nov 2008
Food / traditional breakfasts in Poland [74]

Burgers more like. The Poles love scrambled eggs as pgtx showed. It's cheap, quick and cheerful.
10 Nov 2008
History / History of European and Poland's anti-semitism [192]

Yes, u BELIEVE he was schizophrenic tho no formal test was ever conducted on the man to my knowledge.

Yes, it is a symptom but there are many symptoms. Many people demonstrate paranoia, even often, and are not schizophrenic.
10 Nov 2008
History / History of European and Poland's anti-semitism [192]

People who suffer from depression often have "mental instability". Maybe Stalin had diminished capability but that's not schizophrenia. Paranoia is not a synonym of schizophrenia.

Dangerous people definitely don't need to be schizophrenics. In fact, they are often VERY aware of what they are doing. Schizophrenics are not. That was a terrible argument Filios, like a misinformed layman.
10 Nov 2008
History / History of European and Poland's anti-semitism [192]

Hitler became schizophrenic. I approach things from a criminal law position, u should know that by now. He wasn't crazy at the time of formulating his annihilation plans.
10 Nov 2008
History / History of European and Poland's anti-semitism [192]

OK, u can stick to blowing off steam and I'll stick to being blown off.

I'm not talking about military rulers, I'm talking about ur run-of-the-mill types. Quite a difference.
10 Nov 2008
History / History of European and Poland's anti-semitism [192]

OK, one schizophrenic who was in power. It wasn't because he was schizophrenic that he killed tho. He progressively became this way. At the time of concocting his heinous and elaborate plans, he wasn't