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Joined: 25 Dec 2007 / Male ♂
Last Post: 29 Dec 2011
Threads: Total: 15 / In This Archive: 4
Posts: Total: 19666 / In This Archive: 8616
From: Poland, Gliwice
Speaks Polish?: Tak, umiem
Interests: Cycling, chess and language

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10 Feb 2009
News / Poland Should Beef Up Military [286]

Well, Obama has extended his arm out and, judging by reports, Iran are interested. They just don't want to be treated as fools in a carrot and stick game.

he talks of mutual respect which is fair enough.
10 Feb 2009
News / Poland Should Beef Up Military [286]

Well, the election process takes place in a few months in Iran. An old candidate is in the race and he may be in with a good shout. A new appointment, a more moderate one like he is, would go a long way to alleviating tensions and restoring hope in the process of dialogue.
10 Feb 2009
News / Poland Should Beef Up Military [286]

The main theme in your response was the smile of Ahmedinejad, John. I agree that charming people can often deceive us. I don't think that he is so psychopathic though. Well, it's a calculated gamble to ignore his destructive potential.

I don't think the world is hiding its eyes. France, in particular, vociferously opposes any nuclear developments in Iran. Just Youtube Bernard Kouchner and Iran and you will see. Merkel has also belly rumbled lately. Gordon Brown is never too far from the backside of the US President, taking over from Blair.

I'm aware that Ahmedinejad was invited by Columbia. That doesn't change the fact that he was putting himself into the danger zone. The opening spokesman was highly critical and put him to the sword from the word go. Hardly a protest against the US.

I agree with not having a go at him, John. So why then did Bush engage in zero diplomacy with the man? Also, why did Bush and his henchmen discuss pre-emptive strikes against him if things aren't that bad?
10 Feb 2009
Love / Polish Girls vs Russian Girls [813]

Russian girls were largely prozzies in Shimane where I worked. Whenever I was in Matsue, I saw them. Lord Only Knows how they got into the country. Do Russians get into Japan for free??
10 Feb 2009
News / Poland Should Beef Up Military [286]

Killing USA military?? If that was really the case, there was no way in God's Earth that he'd've braved the trip to Columbia University. Read up on that, Celinski. If you look deep enough, you will find that Bush treated Ahmedinejad very well for somebody who was such a 'threat'. His safe passage was paramount and his assassination was never really an issue.

Please tell me, how many interviews have you seen him in?? I have watched him in several and, although I see a devious glint in his eye, I don't think he is the kind of person who would destroy like others suggest. It's like Obama at the APEC conference, VERY pro-Israel but, with a different audience, the tune changes a fair bit.
10 Feb 2009
News / Poland Should Beef Up Military [286]

I think it goes a little deeper than that. Just because you generally back somebody doesn't mean you are anti-Iran.
10 Feb 2009
News / Poland Should Beef Up Military [286]

It just seems like Poland is pandering to the whims of the White House at the expense of Russia. It should be addressed on its merit and not as a payback. Since when has Iran been interested in Poland?
10 Feb 2009
News / Poland Should Beef Up Military [286]

I don't deny the right to defence. Yes, safety is of paramount importance but we have been bought and sold by the press. Political considerations should assume greater importance as the threat is questionable at best.
10 Feb 2009
News / Poland Should Beef Up Military [286]

I don't think it's a foregone conclusion. Although Biden said no change, he still has the right to reverse course. Still, the same hawks are behind him that were behind Bush.

About the lease, well, it depends what sources you read.
9 Feb 2009
News / Poland Should Beef Up Military [286]

Nothing really. As long as they have a referendum on such a thing. There aren't enough referendums on key issues these days.
9 Feb 2009
News / Poland Should Beef Up Military [286]

Building up a European army with the eventual intention of merging it with a more cohesive sort of world police. This is the plan of the world government wack jobs like those in the CFR.
9 Feb 2009
News / Poland Should Beef Up Military [286]

True. Very incremental and sneaky. Subtle moves ruffle fewer feathers but the insightful can see what they are doing a mile off.
9 Feb 2009
News / Poland Should Beef Up Military [286]

Well, steps have already been taken in that regard although the overall commitment to that process is somewhat dubious.
9 Feb 2009
News / Poland Should Beef Up Military [286]

You are asking the impossible, lesser. They are in bed with America and can't see that they are being used.
9 Feb 2009
News / Poland Should Beef Up Military [286]

You gotta ask yourself this. Other than useful practice, what did the Polish troops get out of Iraq and Afghanistan? What telling contribution did they make? Beefing up the military will just present more targets for bigger powers.
9 Feb 2009
News / Poland Should Beef Up Military [286]

Well, thanks to good old Britain, France and America ;) ;)

Building bases inside Georgia, what nonsense. In Abkhazia, yes. A province which values its own traditions and doesn't want to be part of Georgia. It is independent and has a better relationship with Russia.
9 Feb 2009
News / Poland Should Beef Up Military [286]

Isn't it the case that it is Ukrainian and to be returned to them 8 years from now?

Surely that's the best guarantee that can be provided, inspections? What else would you propose?
9 Feb 2009
News / Poland Should Beef Up Military [286]

First point, the Ukrainian lease til 2017. It was a 20-year lease, signed fair and square. Why does the Russian govt insist on not letting it go?

Second point, Russian inspectors were invited to inspect the installation and operation of the shield. Isn't that a good enough guarantee in itself?
9 Feb 2009
News / Poland Should Beef Up Military [286]

I think the difference is that it's not an all encompassing shield. Russia could fire a fraction of its arsenal and still pose serious questions to Poland. America will break international law again. I really don't think Russia will attack but, if they do, don't count on America to leap to the defence of Poland. I know what the writing says but...
9 Feb 2009
News / Poland Should Beef Up Military [286]

The peace will likely be disrupted. The Russian inspectors were offered full access to the facilities. What's the problem here, Sasha?
9 Feb 2009
News / Poland Should Beef Up Military [286]

Let me guess Pete, you advocate the sending of American troops into Poland to help out, right? Is that your idea of beefing up the military?
9 Feb 2009
News / Poland Should Beef Up Military [286]

Sorry Pete, it's called not having the blinkers on and seeing things in black and white. Sometimes I agree with what Russia does, sometimes I don't. The same goes for any other country you care to mention. Yes, even Scotland.
9 Feb 2009
News / Poland Should Beef Up Military [286]

It's all paranoia, Sasha. It stems from the hatred inculcated/instilled by the KaczyƄski regime, the predecessor to the present one. Let's hope any incumbents aren't that stupid.

America stirred it up in Georgia. What I am concerned about, though it's way in the distant future, is the 2017 expiry of the lease with Ukraine. Russia is adamant that they will retain control over it.

Any thoughts on this, Sasha?
9 Feb 2009
News / Poland Should Beef Up Military [286]

Yeah, I think it became apparent that the aggressors were Georgia and different parties were trying to make Russia look bad. Now they have drawn attention to the truth and will build a base in Abkhazia. Well done Russia :)
7 Feb 2009
History / Pole, Hungarian, two good friends [58]

Wow, Hungarian is an amazing language. Truly magical. I'd never heard anything like it before. Love to Budapest!
6 Feb 2009
Travel / Weird and wonderful sights in Poland [30]

There was a monument of a frog on Stawowa street in Katowice. The last I heard, someone made off with it. It just sat there, quite out of place really.