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Posts by Seanus  

Joined: 25 Dec 2007 / Male ♂
Last Post: 29 Dec 2011
Threads: Total: 15 / In This Archive: 4
Posts: Total: 19666 / In This Archive: 8616
From: Poland, Gliwice
Speaks Polish?: Tak, umiem
Interests: Cycling, chess and language

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2 Apr 2009
Life / Gran Torino - Walt Kowalski, the movie [39]

He is second to none when it comes to playing the patriotic American. I remember him on 9/11, striding forward and taking a stand. We see this in Gran Torino, a film of newly-forged allegiances and honor.
2 Apr 2009
Life / Gran Torino - Walt Kowalski, the movie [39]

Superb film, I watched it a couple of months back. There's an Eastwood interview in TO & owo TV magazine. The lion goes from strength to strength as they say.

There's a good part in the film about stereotypes. Walt gets called a "hard-nosed" Polak, then he retorts by calling the guy a "dumb mick".

It also explores racism, with Walt taking a dislike to the Asian family that lives opposite. Having called them 'gooks' for so long, he starts to take a liking to them. This is when the tide turns. I won't pre-empt it anymore, a must see film!!
28 Mar 2009
Love / Polish Girls vs Russian Girls [813]

Give him credit tho, Filios. He created food for thought and tried to discuss. It's not like he is some outsider with no clue about either of the 2.
27 Mar 2009
News / "Poles want cut on foreign workers" - (in Poland obviously) [47]

SwedishPole is right. Can you imagine the sea change from EU nationals preferred to EU nationals not allowed? What a joke that would be! For years, Poles have been allowed to take up posts in the UK and Ireland. Fair's fair, no capping.

I agree with szymi, it's a sad state of affairs if those with sub-standard English and sometimes incompatible skills can secure jobs.
26 Mar 2009
Life / Do Polish People steal a lot? [330]

Why the dig at Poland, espana? Train theft appears to be quite common. I told my friend to watch her belongings on her train trip to Mazury. She dozed off at the wrong moment and lost her prize camera.
26 Mar 2009
Life / Russian rap vs Polish rap [87]

Getting pissed off with this 'Rickrolling' crap too where they play that ghastly Rick Astley track.
26 Mar 2009
Life / Russian rap vs Polish rap [87]

That was the beauty of it. It was just how sure he was that got me in stitches. First, the PC part (hey there Randal, sorry) where he gets all considerate, then out with it.

I can't friggin find it though. They've been feckin around with Youtube videos lately :(
26 Mar 2009
Life / Russian rap vs Polish rap [87]

It reminds me of the Randy Marsh sketch on The Wheel of Fortune, South Park, LOL

I cracked up after watching that, very cleverly done!
24 Mar 2009
History / Polish hatred towards Jews... [1290]

Does the Talmud really contain nasty provisions, Harry? I haven't read it all, I just skimmed parts. It seemed kosher to me :)

I dislike the Kadima and Likud parties but I haven't met many Jewish people so I can't comment.
24 Mar 2009
History / Polish hatred towards Jews... [1290]

Voltaire's comments didn't fit the descriptions of Anti-Semitism completely, HB. Go and check up on the definitions and tell me that he clearly matched them.

You've been to university you mean. College is below university level. I am vaguely familiar with the American system though.

I have no interest in proving the thread title true. Some hate the Jews, some don't. Quite simple really.
23 Mar 2009
History / Polish hatred towards Jews... [1290]

Yes, I'm aware of that, thanks. This is a virtual community so the demarcation is somewhat diluted.
23 Mar 2009
History / Polish hatred towards Jews... [1290]

Oh was he now? Really? For saying the Jews were 'ignorant and barbarous'.

Well, according to the definitions of Helen Fein, Dietz Beiring and Bernard Lewis, he isn't. Care to discuss what they said, HB? Or will you go on with your defamatory labelling, tantamount to slander/libel?
23 Mar 2009
Work / Salary expectations in Poland [373]

I took some time to find this. I had previously read about the faltering Hungarian economy.

You are right, the crisis took full hold there, almost to the extent that it did in Iceland in parts.

As Putin said, America created this through corrupt organizations. Now the IMF are bailing out, further complicating the circulation of cash.

Some here in Poland are willing to accept pay cuts, as long as they don't lose their jobs. I've had to accept one due to a tightening of belts. It's good for me though, I like to save. Still, a nest egg is good for my forthcoming huge payments.
23 Mar 2009
Work / Salary expectations in Poland [373]

Excellent, Juche. Nothing like receiving priveleges. How do you find the level of English of your co-workers?

Has your salary been affected by the crisis? Just incidentally, why the hostility towards Japan?
23 Mar 2009
Work / Salary expectations in Poland [373]

Interesting. What made you choose Poland? Does your salary meet your expectations? Much better than in NK I imagine.

Aren't your travel rights restricted as a NK national?
23 Mar 2009
Work / Salary expectations in Poland [373]

Juche, for a NK guy, you sure do seem to know a lot about Polish demographics and social trends. Are you privy to figures that others aren't?
23 Mar 2009
Work / Salary expectations in Poland [373]

Perhaps around 2500PLN after wage revisions as a result of the crisis. The average here in Silesia is around 1800PLN, it's nothing like as wealthy as it was 30-40 years ago.

It shouldn't be about salary expectations, more about getting or keeping a job.
23 Mar 2009
Work / Salary expectations in Poland [373]

Sorry, Misiek, you can't write "a crap". Crap comes out which seems to be the case here. Theblueenigma is right on this point.

Well, it was 2700PLN, enigma. ZUS has risen which means that wages have too. I'd say 2,900PLN would be about the average, before tax and ZUS.

The point is, it is shrouded in mystery.
23 Mar 2009
News / What Poland can't do right [113]

Scottish fish easily matches Polish fish, if not better
Scotland has some great pizza joints. Think Italy tho
Czech beer is where it's at
Slavic girls in general are nice
Polish bread, yes, but short lasting
Polish milk, good stuff
Scientists, hmm, in many countries etc etc
22 Mar 2009
Law / PIT 1% - what are you donating it to? [5]

I wasn't asked last time and it went to Ojciec Pio. If they have the decency to actually ask me this time, I'll nominate a charity for the blind. If there are complications with that, for whatever reason, then an animal shelter like yourself.