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Joined: 11 Sep 2007 / Male ♂
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Last Post: 6 Dec 2015
Threads: Total: 4 / In This Archive: 2
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9 Aug 2008
Work / English qualifications to start Teaching English In Poland. Is degree of some sort needed? [123]

I am sorry to have to agree with the English members here. American "English" is hard to accept. My partner teaches English and sometimes I overhear her lessons and I cringe, because, I know that she is teaching from books that are Anglo/American, but, as much as we find the Polish language hard to learn, English is more difficult for the Polish to learn.

If an American teaches "English" in Poland, then, the students are going to find this useless when they apply for jobs in the UK. Oral will be understood, written will not be accepted.
28 Jul 2008
Life / I'm British in Poland and I think that it's time to go back to the UK! [240]

Lir..........you are an idiot!!!!..........I am NOT knocking my adopted country. I love it here and have a far better life than you have in the UK. The discussion was about the problems (for both foriegners and Poles) in dealing with the authourities and how the authourities deal with the people. After 6 years, I can handle anything that comes up. I have learnt patience and also, I now know a fair bit about citizens rights and EU consumer law, which, I can now make work to my advantage.

Every time I phone my relatives and friends in the UK, they tell me how much worse their daily lives are. They come and visit me for holidays and "envy" the life I have made here and the beautiful countryside I live in. You worry about the UK, I'll worry about Poland.
28 Jul 2008
Life / I'm British in Poland and I think that it's time to go back to the UK! [240]

ukpolska.....my point exactly...nobody in authourity seems to know what they are doing or what laws are applicable. I find it strange that a court can issue an order to access my bank account (joint account so are they taking mine or my partners money?) when I have never committed a criminal offence. All I did was start a civil action against a Polish company. If the court had sent me an account to pay, I would have, knowing I would get it back eventually.

If the court in Warsaw refuses to reverse the judgement then the next step is to take the case to the European Courts of Justice and sue the Polish Government (which will be a formality as case judgement has already be given against Sweden for the same non-compliance) which was never my intention. I hope that they do not take this as personally as I have. I obey the laws here and expect the same treatment and protection in return.
28 Jul 2008
Life / I'm British in Poland and I think that it's time to go back to the UK! [240]

I have to start at the beginning of this story as what happened today will not make sense, so a brief summary:-
In January, 2005, booked holiday flight to Greece for Sat. May 15th from Warsaw.
12th of May, informed by travel agency that flight has been changed to 21.00. Friday night. Cannot go as partner (doctor) has to work and its a 4-5 hour drive to Warsaw from where I live, also, flight arrives in Greece at 2.00AM in the morning and hotel in not booked until noon that day.

Thursday 13th May, call in to see travel agent who offers me 75% refund of the cost of my flight and nothing for the cost of hotel, its her company's regulations.

Explain to travel agent that in accordance with EU regulation 261/004, not only do they have to give me a full refund, they also have to pay 400 euros per ticket in compensation + the cost of my hotel. Travel agent explains that I have no chance!!!!.

I explain in "Anglo Saxon" that I will take the matter further.
Consult relevant EU website which tells me to contact Polish "Civil Aviation Office" and gives telephone number. Call office to be informed that they are "not ready to deal with clients and to call back in AUGUST"!!!!!. Consult EU website which states that if the "Civil Aviation Office is not yet formed to go through the normal channels and sue through the civil courts.

I started legal proceedings in June 2005 and the first hearing was to be held in Poznan (Holiday company's reg.office address. 9 hour train ride for me + overnight in hotel) in October 2005. My lawyer contacted the court on the Monday as the case was to be heard on the Wednesday, he had already asked for a sworn translator and checked to make sure that there would be one in attendance.

Arrive at court on time, told by judges that they did not have time to find a sworn translator. I became slightly agitated which resulted in the judges telling me that I could give my evidence in my home town of Tarnow, so, a completely wasted trip as I could have saved myself the journey if anybody had bothered telling me!!!!.

6 weeks later, called to the local court, sworn translator provided this time, explained to judge what happened and was told that the verdict would come from Poznan.

6 months later, was sent letter from court in Poznan which said that EU laws did not apply in Poland?
Appealed the courts decision, 6 months later appeal rejected.
Appealed to the 2nd extansion court, one year later, appeal rejected.
This has now gone on for just over 3 years and the Polish court still refuses to recognise EU law.
In the bank last Friday, I was handed a note by my manager, in Polish, that stated that my bank had been instructed by the courts to take 1400 PLN in costs from my account (to be awarded to the Holiday company). I have not received any corresponce from the court since the rejection of my last appeal.

Went to the Court Baliff's office in Tarnow to be told ( I took my partner with me to translate)( I was told I could not have a translator for English even thought this is part of the citizens rights act sign by Poland) that "I am subject to Polish Law and that Poland does not intend compliance with EU law for at least the next 5-15 years".

Got back home this afternoon to find an e-mail from the Polish Civil Aviation Office advising me that my case has been passed to the court in Warsaw on the 28th MAY!!! and I will be notified of the hearing date!!!

God!!!! I love this country!!!! never boring.....lol
23 Jul 2008
Life / I'm British in Poland and I think that it's time to go back to the UK! [240]

benszymanski.......I totally agree with what you have said with one exception. Being able to speak Polish will not help, the people working in the local/national authourities offices do not have a clue what they are doing. My polish friends have the same problems. You can go to four different offices and get four different answers to the same question. How many times have you asked what paperwork is needed only to return to the office and be asked for another piece of information that you were never informed of. I thought that after 4 years of membership in the EU, they would learn to be more efficient here, but nothing has changed, everything is 10 times harder than it needs to be. That said, I love living here.
23 Jul 2008
Life / I'm British in Poland and I think that it's time to go back to the UK! [240]

dnz......I have been here for 6 years now and I do not understand why you are having these problems. As regards the "pesel number", go back to the office where you registered your home address, once you have been in Poland for 3 months you are automatically given a "pesel number" although they do not notify you of this, you are "supposed to know"!!!!. When dealing with car insurance, the bank etc, take a Polish speaker with you. I would like to refer you to the EU website and ask you to look up the regulations for "Unfair contracts", the short gist is, that any contract you sign that is written in Polish is not valid and does not apply to you legally. Telephone contracts, rental agreement for a flat, applying for any type of credit, is supposed to involve you being given a translation in your native tongue and you are supposed to be given 24 hours to read this before you sign it. In the UK, these forms are in Polish as you state and the UK complies with European Law whereas in Poland, the people working in the official offices cannot be bothered to learn these regulations as they have only had 4 years of membership to catch up!!!!!. If you read up on your "rights" and confront these people, they usually become more helpful. Read the back of your "residents card", it states quite clearly in Polish, that, you are to be "treated exactly the same legally and have the same rights as a Polish national". Good luck.
11 Apr 2008
News / Poland - Third World Country?? [300]

Krzysztof...I must apologise. You are correct. I was so tired last night that at the end of the match, I left the room for a few seconds and came back to a blank screen. I thought N Channel had cut the game as they did previously a few weeks ago when they never showed the extra time. I have no wish to offend Polish people but the TV service provided here is not very good. N Channel sold me an extra 3 film channels on the basis that I could change the language used from Polish to English. I now have 3 film channels that I can listen to in Polish and Czech? I speak neither language.
11 Apr 2008
News / Poland - Third World Country?? [300]

One of the few joys for me in Poland, is to be able to watch the UEFA cup and Champions League matches. Last night I watched a thrilling game, between Getafe and Bayern Munich. At full time, the result stood at 1-1 so it was necessary to play a further 30 minutes of extra time. This was also played at a fast and furious pace with both sides scoring a further 2 goals each. At the end of extra time, both teams had to take part in a penalty shoot out to decide who progressed to the next round. This was when those P***ks at "N Channel" decided to cease transmission. On calling their helpline, I was informed that it was nothing to do with them and that I should contact "their" supplier?....Now this is an example of a third world country with a third world attitude to customers. As far as I am concerned, "N channel" is in "breech" of their contract with me and can whistle for their subscription.
6 Feb 2008
Law / Help collecting Karta Pobytu in Warsaw [49]

Thank you Harry, but as I said, nobody seems to know. By the way, I am English and living in Poland. I was not born in Wales, Scotland or Ireland, that only leaves one little bit, England. If that is not PC enough for anybody, tough!!!!!
6 Feb 2008
Law / Help collecting Karta Pobytu in Warsaw [49]

I would appreciate if someone could answer the following questions for me, regarding, the "Karta Pobytu":-
My card is due for renewel in 2009 and as these cards are not necessary for Polish people living in the UK, why do I need one here.

I have a 2 year old child (who is registered as Polish), if I do not renew the card will the authourities ask me to leave the country and if so, who will support my partner and child.

As with (jones101), I invest money into Poland and take nothing out, I also pay a voluntary contribution to the ZUS health fund.
Where are these recipricol agreements that the EU were supposed to have implemented? There seems to be a lack of information from the Polish authourities on these issues. Every department will tell you something different!!!!.
7 Nov 2007
UK, Ireland / What do you hate about England and English people? [142]

Hey AvJoeUK!!!!!!!!! The reason for the English having bad teeth, is, that the so called FREE National Health Service will not pay the dentists enough to even cover their costs. This in turn, means, that dentists will only treat private paying patients. To hide this fact, the UK goverment pays Polish dentists to fly to the UK to treat poor people. I have heard mentioned, the sum of 48,000 PLN being paid for a weeks work.
31 Oct 2007
UK, Ireland / Polish immigration in UK [491]

How do you come out of the EU?, the government you voted for has signed away all your rights,. Do not say that you never voted for them because somebody did, thats how they got into power. Either you, your friends or relatives voted in these idiots and now you are stuck with the consequences. The sane people realised this 5 years ago and left the country. Only the idiots are left to pick up the bill!!! The rich have offshore accounts, the por cannot pay taxes, so, who do you think is left to pick up the tab?. Get real!!!!

Lennyd, You are a pratt of the highest order. Stop blaming the Polish for trying to better themselves and start looking at your own countrymen for the failures in the system. Never mind the jobs that you think have been stolen, look at the "Bilions of pounds" which are being spent in Iraq and Afganistan", for "WHAT", what benefit to Great Britain?. WE will give you democracy even if we have to kill you to accept it!!!!, is that what life is about?
5 Oct 2007
Law / Car Insurance in Poland - any company that will honour British no claim bonus discount? [30]

I have to agree with polskijack, I am insured with Warta (PZU were more expensive) and they honoured my full no-claims from the UK. The cost is about the same as the UK which supprised me because of the wage differential. I think I can understand this for two reasons, the first being the amount of accidents that I see on Polish roads and the second being the lack of insurance companies to force some competition into this market.