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Joined: 9 Mar 2011 / Male ♂
Last Post: 15 Mar 2012
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From: Warszawa!
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18 Dec 2011
History / Polish painting.....Jan Matejko's titled "Under Arrest" [16]

Worth pointing out that the same media in Poland has been propagating the myth of this painting.

In some sections of the media it's a permanent sezon ogórkowygetting the credulous all hot and bothered over nothing. And then it ends up on here.

I'd be interested how many of the people who've posted on here have actually seen the painting as well as being familiar enough with Matejko's oevre to compare it with anything.

Related: Panorama Racławicka -- what does it refer to?

Check this link: panoramaraclawicka.pl/pl/ciekawostki.html
18 Dec 2011
History / Question about land of former Poland/modern Belarus [11]

Conversely, there is a running joke (not devoid of merit) among Polish scientists that Wrocław University is actually a renamed Lwów University.

The various institutions of Lwow (such as they remained after the wartime massacres) and of Wroclaw have a certain degree of continuity.
17 Dec 2011
Travel / Fastest way to get from Warsaw Airport to Lodz central on Monday at noon. [42]

A bus (175) from right outside the Arrivals Hall of the airport. Buy a ticket from the machine (in English) and don't forget to cancel it.

Get off at Warszawa Centralna (the central station opposite the huge Marriot Hotel).

Buy a ticket to Lodz Fabryczna (make sure you ask for that station). Your uni should have provided directions from there. You'll be pleasantly surprised at how cheap train travel is here.
17 Dec 2011
News / What part of Poland's image do you think is the most exportable? [90]

I can buy similar in many hypermarkets. Actually I found only one table set worth looking on, the rest was plain and ordinary... and we are looking for distinguish national export product.

Why not look at it in real life?

Yes it is. It supposed to be a joke, can you imagine people buying Simon Cowell t-shirts? ;)

I googled him, and no, I can't.

And I think that these kind of people are more intrested in a night in a pub that sightseeing anything.

You'd be surprised.

please keep any reference to euro 2012 out of this thread. thx

Makes sense, however I'd say that the main reason they're hosting it is Poland's image.
17 Dec 2011
News / What part of Poland's image do you think is the most exportable? [90]

I tried to look on the sruff they have on Denby's site and can't find anything designers'. Just a plain cups and glasses. Could you show me what's their flag product?

Plain? Classy. That's why it sells.

Does they have something which a young couple would like to buy to their new house?

Why not check it out?

The British guy who invented Idol, Got Talent and X Factor and resell license to many countries making fortune. He's already a celebrity in your country, the UK.

So trashy popculture.

Oh, I'm sure that football fans would be very intrested in mountain hiking...

The ones who can afford a week away and the huge cost of ticket are likely to have all sorts of interests.
17 Dec 2011
News / What part of Poland's image do you think is the most exportable? [90]

Are you serious? It gives me a feel of my grandma's house...

So do some of the things that the UK exports. People still buy them. And the Boleslawiec range is bigger than you might think.

That's strange, given that people in Poland struggled to obtain any products in those years.

So much was exported.

How about the style of those young & afluent who live in Poland?

Nothing exceptional. Followers rather than leaders.

Johnny why is it so hard for you to give an example? Ok, let's make it simple - masks ask about t-shirt prints - what British thing should be on it to sell it? James Bond? Queen? Simon Cowell?
Ok, maybe t-shirts with music groups would sell well but besides that?

Tee shirts and other touristy trash sells by the bucketload to the young and undiscriminating. I'm not sure who Simon Cowell is, but the other two examples you give are available on tee shirts. What I see in the shops around the world are expensive foodstuffs and posh shoes.
17 Dec 2011
USA, Canada / Where do most Polish-Americans identify on the political spectrum? [142]

Exactly. And it's well worth mentioning that the thread title doesn't say which political spectrum; the politics of which country...

Somehow I've a feeling that the Pol-Ams here assume automatically it's US politics. and the politics of the US and the politics of Poland are a whole different paradigm.
17 Dec 2011
News / What part of Poland's image do you think is the most exportable? [90]

I'm not sure about the first and last, but the Centrum Czeskie Towaru (excuse me if the koncowki are wrong - I've got a crunching hangover) on Marszalkowska sells plenty of crystal. And Czech glassware has been in the shops in the UK for years. Skoda cars and Bata shoes are fairly universal too.
17 Dec 2011
USA, Canada / Where do most Polish-Americans identify on the political spectrum? [142]

Poland is a horribly complicated place, and anyone trying to understand it from the warmth of California without even speaking the language, let alone living and breathing it is doomed to failure.

Exactly. How anyone can place themselves on a 'political spectrum' on the basis of a culture that they know very little about and wouldn't much like if they experienced it beggars belief.
17 Dec 2011
News / What part of Poland's image do you think is the most exportable? [90]

How Poles in 70s and 80s could establish a brand in the UK? Poland was PRL back then so your question is weird.

And there were plenty of clothing exports to the UK and elsewhere. Biba wasn't one of them. BTW, Krakus was an established brand back then.

Were there Polish clothes in the UK???

Lots. But very much at the bottom end of the market.

Do you say that average French people are fashionable?!

On the whole they dress well. Poles haven't yet created a positive impression about the way they dress in the UK. Unfortunately I've only heard negative comments.

I don't ask you about products sold in hipermarkets (probably potatoes in Europe are also from Poland) but about products which are associated with Great Britain, which masks can sold in his small shop? :)

Britain exports enough already - easily enough to obviate the need for a small shop.

For Polish products, what about Boleslawiec pottery. Not the kitsch stuff, but some of the better designs. Denby from the UK sells quite well across the Atlantic (in fact it's their main market) - Boleslawiec could imitate this.
17 Dec 2011
History / Polish painting.....Jan Matejko's titled "Under Arrest" [16]

Still, amazing what a one minute google search can produce. Speaking Polish is rather useful, I suppose.


I've heard that the subject painting is not allowed to be shown to the public.

There are bloody great ten ton monuments around the place to the various victories over Russia, plus history books in every library. To suggest that a particular painting with less than mass appeal is somehow being censored is sadly delusional.
17 Dec 2011
USA, Canada / Where do most Polish-Americans identify on the political spectrum? [142]

don't you think that most Poles would beat the crap out of him

Perhaps when they'd stopped laughing. It's amazing that there are people who describe themselves as Polish and as several posts in this thread imply, base their political and social identity on that while at the same time they are clueless as to how people think or behave in Poland.

It's as if some of those people resent the fact that it is a living, changing, dynamic country and not stuck in the pierog-eating days that their grandmother's stories were about.
17 Dec 2011
News / What part of Poland's image do you think is the most exportable? [90]

I've already give an example. £owicki folkclore inspirations are unique, aren't they?

Sweet, but available already and who would buy? I'd add that every region in Europe has some folk art that is 'unique', the UK more than most.

Then in 20s and 30s we had Warsztaty Krakowskie and £ad.

As an alternative to Biedermaier it's nice, but what makes you think other countries don't have the same or better?

Also Polish design of 50s and 60s was top notch.

Some was good, but again other places had good furniture too.

You are talking like there was never a Polish design... but the truth is that you just don't know it

Actually I do know it. My home in Warsaw is full of the stuff. I just don't think it's special enough to bring a return after promoting it. Everywhere else in Europe was making furniture too.

May I ask about details? Let's say that masks wants to set a shop in NY with British items.

WTF? Go and have a look n a hypermarket at British products and figure out why the export figures are what they are.

Do you mean Biba?

No dearie. Biba wasn't a Polish shop. It was a briefly fashionable clothes shop (with one branch) who's part-owner happened to have come from Poland. Plenty of tourists but most of the country never set foot in the place nor was there much from Poland on the racks - most was designed in-house by British designers. I remember going to the restaurant there when I was a kid - a lovely place but one that went bust. The Polish clothes that were on sale in stores around the country were a very different kettle of fish. Nasty polyester jackets etc - that image unfortunately remains. On top of that Poles are very visible in the UK and you can't market a country as chic for fashion when people see its citizens in the street every day dressed dowdily and especially when they spend time moaning about how poor and grey and hard to live in Poland is!

Because masks will set up Polish store not Russian or Czech :)

Perhaps he should. It would be easier to get the footfall.
Personally I would think about selling Polish linen. Not by any means unique but good quality and easily marketable. Some of the glassware too, but not the tasteless stuff that is sold in PL. Make it for the market it will be sold in.
17 Dec 2011
News / What part of Poland's image do you think is the most exportable? [90]

design, no? Swedish design is popular why not Polish?

People have heard of it. For decades. That makes things a lot easier. Even centuries of Swedish style, given the fad for Gustavian decor a few years back. Poland doesn't have anything unique in that way. And if people are going to buy something new, why Polish? Why not Russian or Czech?

British items or French

There are British and French brands in supermarkets around the world. Poland does not have the same association with quality or the same established brands. Do you remember those Polish clothes that used to be in British shops back in the seventies and eighties?
17 Dec 2011
News / What part of Poland's image do you think is the most exportable? [90]

Time to change that.

Perhaps, but is it possible?

- Polish propaganda communistic posters

That sort of thing was big 20 years ago.

- Polish school of posters - works of Starowieyski, Wałkulski, Tomaszewski are world-widely accoknoledged

I quite like that sort of stuff myself, but does it have mass appeal?

Polish antibolshevic posters from 1920.


Like it or not, the perception of Poland around Europe is predicated by mass emigration which does not suggest chic.
17 Dec 2011
News / What part of Poland's image do you think is the most exportable? [90]

generalizing about a nation of millions of people like that.

Have you actually been to Poland in order to see what part of their image be exportable? No, thought not. Or know first-hand how the million recent migrants are perceived in the UK? Another no? That's right.

As I said, sexy and cool isn't part of anyone's perception.
17 Dec 2011
USA, Canada / Where do most Polish-Americans identify on the political spectrum? [142]

I suspect it's because you don't want too many people proud of being Polish

This thread isn't about Polish people. It's about Americans. Poles in America do not have the vote unless they become citizens and the last generation to do that en-masse have mostly passed away.

to come on to this forum so that you and your pathetic pals can post your patronizing Polonophobic garbage in peace. You shan't have it. Not for x-mas and not ever. Jihad Polonia!

More of the silliness we've quickly come to expect from you. Basing your identity of some relative who emigrated a century ago is no way of living in the present.
17 Dec 2011
UK, Ireland / Polish Doctor in UK discriminiated and bullied against gets millions. [28]

I suspect there's a lot more to this story than meets the eye. Let's hope the ridiculous judgment is overturned in appeal (which it almost certainly will be) and the money is used for lifesaving operations.

Would you like to tell your kid that he or she has to stay on dialysis for another year because some overseas doctor has taken the hospital's entire budget because her feelings were hurt...
17 Dec 2011
Law / Credit card fees vs. Cost of Using Cash in Poland [15]

Nothing more infuriating than a studenty kid making a small purchase with plastic. Virtual money.

what are some other financial drawbacks of using credit?

Credit means it isn't actually yours. You are getting into debt that has to be and will be repaid with interest.
17 Dec 2011
History / Polish painting.....Jan Matejko's titled "Under Arrest" [16]

but the following article claims this painting is still "under arrest":

No, it isn't. It is in the stacks at Muzeum Narodowy. If you so desperately want it to be hung on the wall, perhaps you'd like to enlighten us as to which painting should be removed to make way for it. I'm sure you're a frequent visitor to aleje J.
17 Dec 2011
UK, Ireland / Is the UK referred to as the Islands in Polish media back home? [62]

I wonder if this is accurate for Poland. Would anyone with access to a globe be so kind as to figure out what region of the Earth is antipodal to Poland? The word is from the Greek meaning foot to foot.
Edit: Nevermind I figured it out. It is the area in, and around, the Falkland Islands, and not Australia

I bet you had to look that up. The Antipodes of Poland are actually in the South Pacific. The Antipodes as a phrase are a way of referring to Australia and New Zealand in UK English.

And 'the islands are a way of referring to the British Isles in Polish. Google it, why dontcha? (in Polish of course).

I know Britain isn't exclusively full of ugly pasty creeps. I just wanted to turn the tables on this forum's Polonophobic British posters.

Get a life.