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Posts by Lodz_The_Boat  

Joined: 7 Sep 2008 / Male ♂
Last Post: 27 Jan 2014
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From: Lodz
Speaks Polish?: yes
Interests: chatting

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8 Oct 2009
News / Mass immigration to Poland - article and response [479]

Can you tell me what else mass immigration has given us, in science, medicine, literature etc.

For USA: He said about his new adopted homeland, and dedicated the prize to it.


Co-Founder of the worlds firs web-mail system, for USA:




etc etc really..


Chinese contributions:

Inventor of first birth control pill for USA:

Steven Chu - 1997 Nobel Prize in Physics, U.S. Secretary of Energy
Tsung-dao Lee (李政道) - 1957 Nobel laureate in Physics
Samuel C. C. Ting - 1976 Nobel laureate, Physics
Chen Ning Yang (楊振寧) - 1957 Nobel laureate in Physics

Kevin Fong, a leading expert on space medicine and co-director of the Centre for Aviation Space and Extreme Environment Medicine (CASE Medicine) FOR UK.

The list doesnt seem to end... i will leave it till here.


Mary Seacole (Crimean War nurse)

Sir Magdi Habib Yacoub, FRS (Arabic: مجدي حبيب يعقوب‎, born 16 November 1935 in Belbis, Egypt), is Professor of Cardiothoracic Surgery at Imperial College London.

He was involved in the first UK heart transplant in 1980.

As I said...there are THOUSANDS. In all fields.

The strain on the health system, welfare, low wage jobs being taken exclusively by third world immigrants forcing ethnic people out, spreading of diseases that we have not had in many years, tougher housing market, more children needing attention in classes. The list is endless.

Your list is a black list of hate, weakness, lust and impotency.
8 Oct 2009
News / Mass immigration to Poland - article and response [479]

In his wee country the picture of peaceful land is disturbed by a lot of strangers, in yours ( mine aswell ) wirtually they are non-existent and you seem to not understand this.

I have many friends from foreign lands. And they are the most wonderful people. I have friends from Korea, India, China, Bangladesh etc. I have a friend from Africa too.

The ones from India and Bangladesh have given me so many good treats with their cooking. The ones from Korea and China, I have wonderful memories with. The ones from Africa, with good music.

While it is true that sometimes there are bad apples....the same goes for poles or other europeans aswell.

Let us forget hate, and let into our hearts the warm light of love and compassion. Let us move forward together with a resolve of peace and accord. With the oath of UNITY.
7 Oct 2009
News / Mass immigration to Poland - article and response [479]

But I am sure your neighbours will hate you for it, and one day you wake up to face the reality of your wishes, and what problem they`ve caused you`ll surely regret your actions when you still had the chanse to do something about it.

My neighbours, relatives, friends in university, professors and employer have always been proud of me. And I have the courage, and manlyness to be the same person everywhere. Most racists here and anywhere else are scary cats in real life. I am just the person I am here in real life aswell.

I love my life, and I am strong in my belief. This world, this country, mountains, river, water, sky, fire and everything which makes up the material kingdom created by God, belongs to God only ... and thus the rights are either with God, or which all its creatures...regardless the color or creed.

Mankind can only find peace in the reality of being One Nation on the Face Of ONE EARTH...under the blessings of One God.
7 Oct 2009
News / Mass immigration to Poland - article and response [479]

Just don't say we didnt warn you

I wont.

Because Poland or any country in the world does not only belong to us (or its current citizens). Everything is God's, we are here for a very short time, maybe 50-70-90-100 yrs... not much considering the age and the time world will be there.... It belongs to al humans ...al the wealth of the world. The Master of Earth Remains God. And thus, all belongs to the His servants/childrens...
6 Oct 2009
UK, Ireland / Sad life of a Polish migrant in the UK. Ch. 5 - Racism [259]

How would Christians like polygamy accepted by Islam?

Polygamy is accepted in Christianity too. You need to read the Bible better to understand that. Lets not just hear the words of some priests who like to tell half-boiled truths :D
6 Oct 2009
UK, Ireland / Sad life of a Polish migrant in the UK. Ch. 5 - Racism [259]

In Germany you have to change to be accepted and live comfortable because the society punishes you hard if you are not accepted.

Whatever. I have no comments. I am not a German.

.In Poland you can be a balkan,you are not accepted as non-catholic etc but you still have a great time because the culture is loose.

We have a good culture. But we have a tendency to lean towards a more global culture. We are beginning to really like diversity more and more.

What is a Catholic and what is a non-catholic. Catholicism in Poland is wierd. Actually its wierd everywhere. In one word, its less and less to do with the spirit of Religion....more and more with traditionalising with a pinch of superstition.
6 Oct 2009
UK, Ireland / Sad life of a Polish migrant in the UK. Ch. 5 - Racism [259]

.You have to become like them


respect their laws and traditions

Yes. Respect the legitimate and rightful law and tradition is very important, wether you are in Germany or in Afghanistan. :)
6 Oct 2009
UK, Ireland / Sad life of a Polish migrant in the UK. Ch. 5 - Racism [259]

Either you change and become like them or you keep your glory traditions.

I do not see any reason to do whatever germans like. Ofcourse, we can respect them as neighbours, and maybe as friends. But we have our own stuff...just like they have their own.
6 Oct 2009
Love / How to please Polish women? [216]

My ex-boyfriend would prepare cozy dinners for just the two of us and bake cookies for me.

And still he became and Ex. Cruel world. Or ... cruel humans?

Where do you see the contentment here?
4 Oct 2009
News / Mass immigration to Poland - article and response [479]

clearly showing the difference in behaviour between some men and others.

For example? Between terrorists and good people? YES.

Haven't you noticed that preachers tend to live sheltered lives?

I am not a preacher. I am a practitioner. I practice what I say... and I express my feelings. What I said is nothing new. But its the picture of newness.
4 Oct 2009
News / Mass immigration to Poland - article and response [479]

specific groups within muslim community

You mean the terrorist? Then what is the argument about? Go Go Go... take them to justice! But make it sure that we do not deport them...but bring them to justice in our system.... if neccessary even hang them! ... I am in favour of the Capital Punishment. But not deportation.

And why are we only talking about Arabs. I have no thoughts for them at the moment. I talk for the East Asians (koreans, japanese, chinese, thai etc), Indians, Bangladesh ppl, there are the mongols too! So many! So beautiful world we have. Such beautiful people we have. All our own.... all citizens of the world. Doesnt this make you happy?

If you start throwing Muslims out randomly, they will start killing innocent people who live in Islamic countries.

No. Thats why I told. We can hang the capital punishment deserving criminals :) and imprison (even use iron fists) against criminals deserving and having links with terror. This will help us more than being foolish enough to hand these guys over to their leaders! And afterall they are our people now (as they immigrated).

How dare Islamic countries kill our innocents who visit them? If the government cant cntrol its terrorists (who might try to kill, just as they kil their own)....then we can close ties with that government.
4 Oct 2009
News / Mass immigration to Poland - article and response [479]

Poland is heading in the same direction.

All must.

Hear this everyone:

"The World Is But One Country And Mankind Its Citizens"

'The purpose of life is a life of purpose'

What you mean by saying that purpose of life is life of purpose?

I think it means that the purpose of life is to attain perfection.

Life starts when the soul from the heavens of God reach the womb where the human embryo takes shape. Our journey starts there, and we are born on this earth. We are thrown into a world of dust. Materialism everywhere. Here we strive for guidance, pursue satisfaction. This satisfaction can only come through happiness, and happiness is found in doing what we a supposed to do.

I believe we are supposed to develop our spirits. Our spiritual strength must increase and grow. The more clean and honest and spiritual we are, the more moral we are...the better we are on that eternal path towards perfection.

The path of perfection is eternal, because Perfect is only God. the journey to reach the nearness of God (which I believe is the true meaning of heaven) is the true source of joy, and the true purpose of life.
4 Oct 2009
News / Mass immigration to Poland - article and response [479]

The world wasn't built on one faith, on one set of ideologies, on one culture so what are you gibbering on about?

The world was build by ONE GOD.

That one God sent its Messengers, Guide, Book, Blessings from time to time... as one path leads to another path.... towards the desired destination...the goal....the meaning of life!

Our common culture is peace, love, emotion, hunger, curiousity, learning, spirituality, truthfulness, honesty, devotion, recognising God and His creation and purpose.... uniting and building this world together.

I am talking about things which only be heard by those with Ears!
4 Oct 2009
News / Mass immigration to Poland - article and response [479]

Then you're not talking for Muslim majority.

We can scan well the Muslim immigrants. Maybe more tighter security scannings. Behaviour checks. We can have phsychologists...

But there are people of other religions too...like Hindo, wonderful Bahais, christians...etc.

I am not anti-muslim either.

Muslim majority are not terrorists either. Well ... if they are having wayward sentiments... we can always check. But apart from that... there are more other people too!

What common wealth? There are growing disparities as the ruling elite tighten their grip. Debt is the new means of control and that's the commonality.

It will go. Soon. Trust me! The world will have no option. No option but peace! No option but togetherness! No option but LOVE! :)
4 Oct 2009
News / Mass immigration to Poland - article and response [479]

Just ask the Serbs, they were mutilated and their churches were desecrated. If you want that to happen to Poland, you are an anarchist!

The Serbs had their role to play too.

I am not looking for terrorists by the way. Neither the Christian ones nor the Muslim ones...nor the Athiest or Communist ones.

I am talking for all mankind as a whole. Among us live the ones infected by dieseases. We need to cure the dieseases. If your child gets a cold or fever, do you kill your child? Or do you try to kill the virus causing the problems?

If you read me carefully with an open mind, you can see clear logic. Otherwise, its just another pile of words.

Excellent post.

Shelley!!! I waited for your post in here :D ... its exactly the perfect topic!

be turned in to a giant rotten multi-cultrual society.

correction: cross "Rotten" = put "prosperous"
4 Oct 2009
News / Mass immigration to Poland - article and response [479]

I am Scottish and proud

you can say "I am Scottish and Happy!". Is proud the right word? Ponder my good friend! Ponder!

Stop talking of a common world when there is no common wealth.

There will be! THERE WILL BE! Its just a matter of time. Who would've thought in 1940's about today's Europe?... the world is going towards the common goal. We humans... al humans....must recognise and accept and work together for our common goal, our common mother land....Mother Earth!

One God
One Man
One World

4 Oct 2009
News / Mass immigration to Poland - article and response [479]

Rwanda in 1994, this time in Europe.

Its not relevant.


What do you think He would've said? Think. And ofcourse, perhaps if He would come to some European country... the first stone to be thrown on Him would be that of a racist. Because He was not a white man. Not a European. He was an Arab, a carpenter! Who is rightly claimed to be decendant of David (but the Jews still give out some such evidence against it, that its puts some arguments surrender. Although I agree that the arguments against Jesus that He is not of David's lineage is false).

One of the reason is that Jesus was not as fair as neccessary to be the King of the Jews. He was from a lowly background...spoke Aramic (the predecessor of Arabic). Carpenter...usually supposed to be the lower income groups with darker olive/or darker brown skins.

Hideaous primitive monsters the racists. They were born out of the darkness of the dark ages.
4 Oct 2009
News / Mass immigration to Poland - article and response [479]

I hope the schools are good, and they teach Norweign culture... also the culture of their own. Also I hope that these children are given proper training and MUST let play and assimilate with the native children of Norway. Its very important.

Onething I strongly resist is a school having 90% of Immigrant children. IT should not be more than 30 to 40%. The remaining children can be shifted to other schools to maintain the ratio. This will give rise to the situation where these children will come in terms with Norway and its people...and it will speeden their entry to Norway.

'95% of robberies are perperated by robbers' - This is the right way to put it. The lowest and most impotent way of putting it is the way you put it. People of third world you say ... are they not humans? We Poles were not the kings of Europe either. Just because we are European doesnt mean that we are better (I dont want to say about the color issue which is an obvious point, often the main but silent point, of the ardent racists). As people, as citizens of this common world, its out duty/responsibility to take into notice the problems facing us, and then finding proper solutions, and not just ask to push out a part of our human population just due to certain failures in our own security capabilities, failure in our meeting the issues which force/result in some people (and I will not call them immigrants...but call them of =) of Norway to go into the shady worlds of corruption.

Women are raped ... by rapists. The rapist has a phsychological problem, and a criminal inclination. These acts can be done by Whites, Blacks or any community. The problem is with the ACT AND REASONS WHICH PROMPT THEM ... not with PEOPLE!. E.G. HIV AIDS IS OUR ENEMY, NOT THE PERSON WHO GETS EFFECTED BY IT.

The immigrants also reproduce at a far higher rate than the norwegians. For every one norwegian being born, there are 3-4 immigrant children being born. It doesn't take a mathematician to calculate that this is a demographic bomb waiting to explode. And this is Norway! Sweden, Germany and England are even worse off!

I have no worries one bit. I think that its good. Our populations are not going to disappear. We will have people walking over ourlands. And I am 100% sure they will be Poles (or people of your country in your land). I think that the best is to allow ourselves and the immigrants to mix, and assimilate. They are going to be us! Soon. And its a fact, because I have examples and proofs. The first step can start from schools...as I mentioned earlier.

Please look to the west and do not follow their policies on immigration, do not be scared into a disasterous future for your country because of international politics and treacherous UN charters, that state that everyone has a right to come to your country. There are almost 6 billion people on this planet, we can't help them all. And we will not be able to help anyone if we become like them.


We have equal responsibility towards are world as MEN AND WOMEN OF SUBSTANCE as the men and women have in other parts of the world. This WORLD belongs to all humans equally. All its riches are OURS (all the people of the world). The west ACTUALLY has not done enough. ITS time Poles and other countries also make a better effort. Also with its immigrant populations, which is not growing as much as it could (according to survey reports with me, done by some clubs in Warsaw and Lubin).

All the world must be happy...only then we can be happy too. Not all the world want to come into Europe! If you cant believe it, its your problem. But its true. A certain percentage of the Middle class wish to come to Europe. Majority being workers and students. I STOOD, AM STANDING, AND HOPEFULLY STAND EVEN FIRMER FOR THE STUDENTS, WHO WANT TO COME AND SETTLE. THOSE WHO ARE THE GOOD.


MASS IMMIGRATION = Immigration will never stop. However the great migration (or mass immigrations) can stop when the disasters (usually manmade) cease. Europe of anyone in this world is not given that Power by GOD Almighty to stop His creations to travel to another portion of His created refuge for him (the creation) for a better life and food for his child. Its Gods Kingdom, and they (incuding you and me) are Gods servants/children ... and each one of has actually have full ethical and natural right over all the lands. That is why nations are uniting (look at EU...i wish it to grow into something that will include many more countries from Asia too). There is no other way round. The worlds BELONGS to God. Not you or me.... we just stay here for a period of time...and then our soul returns to its source (God) and the body to its source (soil). And the Earth remains...
30 Sep 2009
Polonia / Any polish man/woman like to visit Bangladesh? [14]

Dont pay attention to this guy called 'southern' my friend.

I have been to Bangladesh through the firm where I used to work in. They imported knitwear and t-shirts from Bangladesh.

I think its a very nice country, however in my short stay at its capital Dhaka, I realised that it was over crowded in that city. More cars in Dhaka than I really expected. Its not as poor a country as we come to know in Europe.

I was fortunate to remain only 1 day in the city, and travelled to the Port city soon, called 'Chitagong'. It was also crowded, however the seaside was awesome.

I was more fortunate to move towards one of the most beautiful places I have seen:
1. Coxs Bazar
2. St. Martin
3. Another place whose name I have properly forgotten.

The three places above mentioned were not over crowded. Had white soft cussion like sand. The beach was so vast that it seemed impossible!

There is that coral beach in St. Martin. Its an Island.

The other place whose name I forgot... was actually the most beautiful. Anyone in here misses alot in life if they fail to see the sunset in that place. I was lucky to see.

We were fortunate to be in the best Hotel in that place. It was a very comfortable, very modern and I presume with atleast 3Star standard (or more probably). Me and my collegues were told that Alcohol was not permitted... however my friends were allowed alcohol, but only to be comsumed in privacy (not in public).

The place is not at all like thailand. No nightclubs, no disco, no prostitutes (atleast we didnt see any). To me it seemed a perfect place for family.

The disadvantage: It can get hot (i mean HOT). But not so much that you cannot enjoy your time.

The advantage: Its something worth seeing. People are extremely friendly. I didnt see any Islamism kinda thing. It seemed safe (I had a walk... and no one followed me or made life difficult).

Remarks: Its a good place if you like some adventure. I stayed just more than a week in Bangladesh. In the capital I stayed hardly a day. The places I just praised are their tourist spots (which are satisfactorally developed, but doesnt get too many international tourist, due to alleged absense of bargirls, alcohol, clubs). Its very clean. Foreign tourists are there, but neglegible when we compare with thailand.

:) ...

+(PLUS) = I liked the sea fishes :)

Amit Chowdhury

I hope you would agree. I have been fare havent I?

Here is something I learnt and noted : "kemon ache" (How are you). :D
21 Sep 2009
Genealogy / Genetic difference between Poles and selected others. [83]

I like this post.

But perhaps even more striking, Myers said, is how similar humans are to each other. Some 90 percent of the genetic variation occurs within populations, not among them.

"That turns out to be very profound, because it's not like we've got these 51 populations that are different species," he said. "We're really, really close to each other."

In fact, there's no single genetic marker that identifies a person as French or Japanese or Papuan. Rather, patterns of thousands of these little markers within the group distinguish one population from the next.


Thanks Svenski ... now the thread seems so much more lovely... like that garden that speaks of unity, peace, love ... triumph!...
21 Sep 2009
Genealogy / Genetic difference between Poles and selected others. [83]

but it looks like we have another Perv on the forum! Good on ya LTB!

Looking at a preety lady is not being pervert...but drooling all the time and behaving extremely ridiculous is.

By am a straight heterosexual male...lol!
21 Sep 2009
Genealogy / Genetic difference between Poles and selected others. [83]

In a colorful garden, there are flowers of all colors. All these beautiful flowers therefore constitute this diverse garden! ... However these flowers are not different as opposed to each other...they are all afterall ... FLOWERS...
21 Sep 2009
Genealogy / Genetic difference between Poles and selected others. [83]

What do you think it means to be genetically different?

Wanted to point out that there is really no much different. And that we are all one race... The Human Race!

a swastika

In many cultures its regarded as a symbol of peace and harmony. Untill it was demonised by the Germans in WW2

It will all end in tears.

I firmly believe that there will be smiles everywhere... one day... very soon!
20 Sep 2009
Genealogy / Genetic difference between Poles and selected others. [83]

You can have the indian sh1t looking all life long instead.

I like their food.

I like looking at Koreans aswell :)

Maybe we should get a smell like the pakis as well?

No you dont need that. You are better than them at that :)

We paid Sokrates.You are unfortunate.

ha ha ha
20 Sep 2009
Genealogy / Genetic difference between Poles and selected others. [83]

So are Polish infact... but how far can you go with beauty rock?...a couple of years of ecstacy?...and then?.... shouldnt you be looking for more?....

Beautiful girls are in Istanbul too I suppose... but all ends at the point where the question is: What is that you are looking for to be a part of your life?