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Posts by isthatu2  

Joined: 3 Apr 2008 / Male ♂
Last Post: 6 May 2013
Threads: Total: 4 / In This Archive: 2
Posts: Total: 2692 / In This Archive: 1778
From: in the auld empty barn
Speaks Polish?: a little
Interests: life the universe and everything

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21 Sep 2011
Life / Ghost Bikes in Poland [11]

Are the roads that bad in Iran?
I always thought it would be a good idea,at accident black spots (every country has them) to leave or re place a wrecked car. Im sure that would work better than a speed camera sign.
21 Sep 2011
News / Poland hosts lowest proportion of foreigners in the EU [115]


yet here in England I am force fed this

No one is force feeding any one anything you weak minded numpty.....no true Englishman would give a flying sh!t what anyone told them to do or think and certainly wouldnt moan like an old woman about it on line......

There is still an English culture that exists

You have not the first clue about culture,especialy if you talk about an "english culture" and then use such culturaly and historical diverse areas as The West Country and Northumbria as examples...FFS, you really are a plank...stop spouting your trash and claiming you speak for England you loser....
20 Sep 2011
UK, Ireland / 50 babies a day born to Polish mothers in UK [81]

This '3rd world' London you are speaking of, it does subsidise the rest of the UK

Lols....hardly.....the square mile maybe,but as for the rest of it....does it heckers like....
20 Sep 2011
UK, Ireland / 50 babies a day born to Polish mothers in UK [81]

So, you think violant protests on the streets of london are something brought here by recent immigrants then KA?
Seriously fella, read a history book or 3..........
20 Sep 2011
UK, Ireland / 50 babies a day born to Polish mothers in UK [81]

perhaps you would like to take 5 million 3rd world immigrants and see how they sh*t on Polish culture, then we will see who's the smug ass?

I can sit here and be a "smug ARSE" as long as I like old chap,being as Im happily sat in Danelaw,just south east of Jorvikshire.

You see old bean, plenty of us Britons are secure enough in who we are and our culture and history to know fine well that it takes a lot more than the passing fancies of some government or others diktats to wipe anything out......

Im sorry if you feel you and those you know have so little good old fashioned English bloody mindedness that some policy dreamt up in Whitehall will shake your stance on being English....Im sorry, but I rather suspect if you do a DNA test you will probably find, from that scared of shadows streak a mile wide,that you are Hugenout or Norman yourself...

A nations culture is not defined or controlled by its governments or outside forces but shaped by the people, as an Englishman,with your defeatist attitude you hardly stand on the shoulders of giants.........
20 Sep 2011
UK, Ireland / 50 babies a day born to Polish mothers in UK [81]

So, your argument against multi culturalism and its embracing of many different religions into England includes naming;

John Locke

does it KA?
Epic Fail.....
Unlike Hobbes, who saw uniformity of religion as the key to a well-functioning civil society, Locke argues that more religious groups actually prevent civil unrest. Locke argues that civil unrest results from confrontations caused by any magistrate's attempt to prevent different religions from being practiced, rather than tolerating their proliferation.

Or sully the name of Freeborn John...John Lilburne stood for exactly the opposite of whatever you think you stand for KA. Make no mistake on that score as he belived in the rights of all men to live as they wished.

oh,and,nuther Epic fail re halloween...Thats a Scottish invention.

The Irish came here in the 19th -20 th centuries in very large numbers and they assimilated into English Culture

Lols....how many Irish clubs in England???

same as did the Eastern European Jews who assimilated into cockney culture in London in in the 1890s

LMFAO, you have got to be having a bubble matey.....see that thing you are sat on? You aint meant to talk out of it.....

And,just in closing, London has never been an "English City", it has always been a place dominated by immigrants,any 6th form history student could tell you that.
20 Sep 2011
Real Estate / Is there any chance I would be able to reclaim my grandfathers old house in Ostrolenka? [17]

Has any non Jewish Pole ever managed to reclaim back some long dead persons house?
Please dont make this a them and us, I just meant plainly, do non jewish descendents of wartime Poles ever feel the compulsion to get back something they never owned?

Its not something I have ever come across where as the old story of a British/American jewish person trying to get Grandpas house is pretty darn common.
20 Sep 2011
History / Poland Lithuania - current relations [124]

"Lithuania my motherland thou art like health!"

Ah,thanks for the inspiration,been wondering what to watch,cool film,even if the Grande Armee is about 50 blokes marching repeatedly past the camera :)

the Anglo-Scottish, there was never a rebellion against it from the smaller national partner

There was not a rebelion from Scotland either,just a small minority,the vast majority being neutral or pro government. If it had succeded it would have been a disaster for Scotland as it was about as anti enlightenment as you can get,basicaly 18th C taliban in kilts and blue bonnets. My mob were rebels under Bonnie Prince Charleski ,but aint hindsight grand :)
19 Sep 2011
UK, Ireland / 50 babies a day born to Polish mothers in UK [81]

Huh??? What on earth is " English Ethnicity"?
Saxon? Juteish? Angle? Dane? Norse?Celt?
Thats not even counting every bugger else that has pitched up on these islands since 1066....
19 Sep 2011
UK, Ireland / 50 babies a day born to Polish mothers in UK [81]

So a Mod changed the thread title and made it Rascist, very f*cking classy, good job,pat on the back.

And then changed it back again,well done, credit where credit is due I suppose....
19 Sep 2011
UK, Ireland / 50 babies a day born to Polish mothers in UK [81]

The daily heil is a rag for retards that attempts to portray itself as the preferred reading of middle England.......Fish and chip paper!!

Quite right old chap.arrr,that it be.

Think of how completely the "pirate" accent has been absorbed into popular culture - apparently, only because one of the very early successful pirate hollywood movies featured an actor who happened to be from Bristol!

Lols...guess who has been on International Talk Like A Pirate Days website (its today me hearties).

But,in all seriousness, its telling that no Pole has yet mentioned the simple fact that in Poland you pay to give birth,fly to England and "we" pay for you to give birth......health tourism is just not on. If Mrs Kowalska lives here of course she should have her baby here,but young Miss Slutofskawho comes here to drop her sprog should be charged the going rate in Poland, the NHS is collapsing under the weight of health tourists, I dont care what colour they are,they all are a drain that contributes to old British people (that includes Brit /Poles ) with 60+ years of contributing having lousy care in hospital down to the funding crisis of non tax and NI payers abusing OUR Health service.
18 Sep 2011
Language / Do you know what "farfocle" means? [11]

Original meaning of farfocel (XVI century): lint collected in a belly button. :)

Oh,thats priceless, will make an effort to use that from now on whenever the topic of belly button fluff comes up . Can I ask,is Polish Farfocel also always blue no matter what colour clothing is worn? :)
18 Sep 2011
Genealogy / Decipher a Polish name please: ONUFISC or ORUFRISC ? Czyzyk surname [16]

No, no problems, glad you have your answer mate :)
(the only reason I suggested it was I have paper documents and postcards from the late 19th/early 20th C that do have both Polish and old Russian on them,almost to an interchangeble level,and,anyone familiar even with modern non printed cyrylic knows its a bu**er to decipher for non natives ;) )
18 Sep 2011
UK, Ireland / What do Polish people think about Wales and Welsh people? [191]

Yes, one of them killed his girlfriend,accidently,after he had been away at sea and found her fooling around,lucily though a young girl found the murder weapon and hid it from the police because she fancied him in that innocent way kids do. Anyway they ran off together and found a ship to take them away from wales...its all here;

Great movie BTW :)
16 Sep 2011
Life / My impressions on Poland I: The People, Politics, The Countryside and Infrastructure [39]

I wonder if you mean by any chance ogródki działkowe?

hand on heart AK,the reason I guessed he meant those too was they fooled me on my first day in Poland, lots of shanty towns outside Katowice :):)

isn't isthatu2 an Englishman? ;)

well...sort of,but born...

the other side of hadrian's wall

But, we dont all demand everyone else learns English :) Some of us try speaking that foreign jibber jabber,just to be polite ;)

When you went on holiday to Egypt, did you learn Arabic first?

er,never been to eygpt....speak a dozen phrases of Arabic.... But, before I visited Poland I did try to learn the basics and certainly did not expect every tomek, darek and erm,harry to speak my language :)
16 Sep 2011
News / Are Polish newspapers causing problems for Rom? [35]

Its not so much "gypsy good /traveller bad" as it is, Gypsy,our "problem", travellers,Irelands "problem", except its now our problem too.

No one claims Romanian gypsies should have some god given right to live here and do what we all know they are doing,why should tinkers from across the water be treated any differently?
16 Sep 2011
News / Are Polish newspapers causing problems for Rom? [35]

send them all back, Enoch was right?

p!ss off!!! :) sending irish people back to ireland......wtf is wrong about that? Its not like they even attempt to have roots or legal connections to this country,of course those that break away from the life might do but the ones constantly on the rob and living illegally should get the boot,why special protection for them?
16 Sep 2011
Life / My impressions on Poland I: The People, Politics, The Countryside and Infrastructure [39]

There are people living in conditions worse than, say, favelas in Brazil, with walls strengthened by fruit crates

lols, another dumb mistaking allotment sheds for houses..............

I imagine that there are very few Pink Floyd fans in Poland

Oh, pl easee ,give over with you you plum....

Most of the Poles don't even understand English

lols,the oldies maybe dont,whys should they,do you speak Polish?no,you dont you arogant nob,you used an translator...

hahahahahahaha. what a heap of steaming bull sh!t..............." I used my 1930s guidebook".............oh, FFS, who are ya, frikkin Frank Sinatra in that New York New York musical? :):):)

Tell you what though ,when chille is perfect and youve hung all the fascist bastards come back and speak again....
16 Sep 2011
Travel / Is panhandling a common sight in Poland? [24]

So you got that in the UK too, Isthatu? Glad it's not just here ;) I wonder if the dog and his owner both have to pay a fee for a license or is it just the dog?

Its different rules for different towns and cities...I think doncaster was one of the first to introduce auditions for buskers, you have to pass a formal audition before you get a street licence. When it first came in I thought it sounded a bit faschist for such a lefty town....but, when I remember the god awfull talentless bums strumming 3 chord beatles covers all day and now I can hear high class violinists, it works :)
16 Sep 2011
News / Are Polish newspapers causing problems for Rom? [35]

Yes, many are but many aren't

Oh yes, like the vast majority of nice law abiding pikeys on that camp who never once saw a single one of the 25 slaves,ever,honest,swear to holy mother mary ........ok,plain speaking. British gypsys have ben here at least 5 hundred years,Irish pikeys came some time in the last 40 to 50 years,send the fekkers back to ireland.
16 Sep 2011
News / Are Polish newspapers causing problems for Rom? [35]

difference....yes,pay a gypsy to do a job and they do the job,pay a traveller..more fool you.
the problem is a bunch of white irish crooks can now claim Minority Ethnic status,which is absurd as geneticaly,ethnically and if not dressed like uber chavs,visably identical to other long standing native britons and irish.
16 Sep 2011

Sheesh, I have not seen my card in nearly 20 years now...........seriously, if you have the number,save the price of a phone call. This is Britain not Poland, we are still slightly more relaxed about this whole id nonsense ......

pointless fact....During WW2 when people had to carry an ID card at all times (for the first and as yet last time in our history) you only put a photograph in it if YOU wanted to, it was considered bad form to demand people put photos in :)
16 Sep 2011
UK, Ireland / The British law on someone cutting down a piece of your garden [13]

Lols, Barney has it spot on.....the same happened to my mum,she came back from a weekend away to find half a tree lying in her backgarden. I heard about it,went apesh!t,then asked a copper mate......" He'd have only been in the wrong if he had kept the branches..."

Also, Ancient light laws can,if you are lucky,prevent building work if it in anyway blocks out natural light into your house or garden.
16 Sep 2011
Travel / Is panhandling a common sight in Poland? [24]

lols, great advert for religion....pray all day,live on the streets begging...........ah well,maybe she will get a really comfy cloud to strum her harp on......