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Joined: 11 Apr 2008 / Male ♂
Warnings: 1 - Q
Last Post: 9 Apr 2018
Threads: Total: 980 / In This Archive: 576
Posts: Total: 12275 / In This Archive: 6848
From: US Sterling Heigths, MI
Speaks Polish?: yes
Interests: Polish history, genealogy

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8 Feb 2010
Genealogy / Anna Gall, Vincent Kojs [6]

KOJS: Probably Polonisation of German surname Keuss
8 Feb 2010
Food / Do you still pressure-cooker to cook? [10]

Does anybody on PF still use or has used a pressure-cooker? I think they're called szybkowar in Polish. Seems they kind of went out of style, but were a good way to cook gołąbki, stews, etc. in a short amount of time.
8 Feb 2010
Genealogy / Looking for family ~ Dzyngl (Jingle) [4]

DZYNGL: origin uncertain. Possible but rather dounbtful sources might include: dzynga (a Gipsy percussion instrument incorproating brass cymbals) or dzyndz (cltioris); but I believe the "l" is a key component of this name and therefore the most likely explanation seems to be that dzyngl is a regional version of dzięgiel, a herb known in English as angelica. In view of several localities in Poland called Dzięgiel, Dziegiele, Dzięgielnia, Dziegielów, etc. it might have originated as a topnymic nick.
7 Feb 2010
USA, Canada / Sending money to Poland from the USA? [48]

The Neteller sounds good except for one thing. It says the reciepint will receive an e-mail that he is being sent moeny. But what about the majrotiy fo elderly in Poland B who do not use the net? The most convenient would be doorstep delivery of cash. Is this possible with Neteller or any other outfit?
7 Feb 2010
USA, Canada / Sending money to Poland from the USA? [48]

What is the charge for a bank transfer? Is it a percentage of the amount being sent? What about Poles who haven't got a bank account. Quite a few elderly in rural areas and small towns do not, and they are the ones who need a helping hand from American relatives the most.
7 Feb 2010
USA, Canada / Sending money to Poland from the USA? [48]

What is the best way to send dollars to family and friends in Poland?

Western Union?
American Express?
Pol-Am travel bureaux?
American personal or cashier's cheques?
Cash in letter?
Other channels?

What are the pros and cons of each?
3 Feb 2010
USA, Canada / Polish cigarettes to the USA as a gift sent from Poland? [7]

I was told you can get ciagrettes in Poland for 6.90 zł a packet (20 cigarettes). That's around $2.42 a apcket. Is it possible to send a carton (10 packets) of cigarettes as a gift to someone in the USA? Is there any customs duty on it?
30 Jan 2010
Genealogy / Please help me to find Justyna Pilh in Krakow [6]

Pilh is a strange spelling used by only 2 people in Poland -- both in the Katowice area. But that is based on the previous census so it may not be current. The normal spelling is pilch -the name of a small dormouse-like rodent.
29 Jan 2010
Travel / Fish and Chips in Warsaw [53]

Considering that McDonald's cheeseburgers in Poland cost only 2 złotys, and with a side of chips -- 5zł, that Polish fish & chips shop at Koszykowa is quite pricey. What is the relation of the price of McDonald's to your average fish & chips place in Britain?
29 Jan 2010
Genealogy / Toczynski name? [18]

TOCZYŃSKI: root-word toczyć (to turn or roll), but probably a toponymic nick (most -ski names are!) from such places as Toczeń, Toczyski, Toczyska or Toczyłowo (Turnton, Rollville?) More than 600 users in today's Poland, the biggest single concentration being in eastern Poland's Biała Podlaska area.
28 Jan 2010
Food / Podpiwek, anyone? [4]

Has anyone on PF actually tried it, ie either tried making it or at least tasted it? I met visitors from Canada back when who used to stock up on the stuff whenever they came to Poland.
28 Jan 2010
Food / Podpiwek, anyone? [4]

They used to sell something called podpiwek in Polish food shops. It was a powder mix and with it you could create a beer-like beverage. Is it still available? I never made it but I did try it. The beer came out yeasty and cloudy but supposedly such were the beers of yesteryear -- cloudy, with sediment and not very bubbly. Nothing like today's ultra-filtered, golden, fizzy lagers.
28 Jan 2010
Genealogy / Szczepany, Poland [6]

One Szczepany is in £ódź voviodship.
26 Jan 2010
News / The Internet totally uncontrolled in Poland? [19]

SUpposedly one can find on the net step by step instructions on how to construct a bomb using ordinary items gound around the house. Should that kind of thing to readily accessible to immature juveniles as well as the criminally minded and umbalanced types of all ages?
26 Jan 2010
History / Polish Air Force 1939-45 [8]

You might check out the Poles in the RAF:

25 Jan 2010
Genealogy / Szczyglinski Sluchaj, possibility of being Russian? [33]

SZCZYGLIŃSKI is definitely a Polish surname that originated as a toponymic nick from such places as Szczyglin, Szczygły, Szczyglice, etc. The root-word is szczygieł (goldfinch).

However, considering the various forms of Russo-Polish interaction that has occurred over the generations and centuries, it would be well nigh impossible to conclusively either confirm or rule out any Russian admixture to the Polish side of your family. A full-blown genealogical study would be required to determine that.
25 Jan 2010
News / The Internet totally uncontrolled in Poland? [19]

The Polish govt is preparing a bill that would enable the authorites to prevent e-gambling, paedophilic content, and e-scams on the net. Some are protesting that the Internet should not be controllld in any way. Otehrs say it is a medium like any otehr and should not have privileged status. If editors limit what they print and broadcasters eliminate unsutiable materials, why should the Internet be the only medium where anything goes?

25 Jan 2010
Genealogy / Lach or Kapusciarz in Poland [5]

LACH: an old name for Pole, used ia by Ukrainians

KAPUŚCIARZ: the cabbage guy (grower, seller, perhaps fancier)
24 Jan 2010
News / What do we think about the plans for parity in Polish politics. [11]

People should be judged (graded in school), admitted to university, receive empoyment, be promoted, serve in government, etc. solely in the basis fo merit, not artificial criteria such as race, gender, appearance or whatever.
24 Jan 2010
History / Is Jozef Pilsudski the king of modern Poles? [138]

Today's Poland could use their Piłsudski! PiS tried to sweep out the corruption and post-commite footholds as part of their IV RP programme, but lacked the majority to push it through.
24 Jan 2010

Anyone ever try Browar Jabłonowo's Belfast dark beer? Jabłonowo lagers got bad-mouthed on PF, but I personally found Belfast quite acceptable. Dunno how authentic it is, because I'm UK and Irish brews are not my specdiality.
23 Jan 2010
Genealogy / TROJANOWSKI - coat of arms [15]

There were 7 noble lines amongst the Trojanowskis. Each was entitled to one of the following c-o-a: Leliwa, £aska, Ogończyk, Ossorya, Sas, Starykoń and Szeliga.

Check them out here: answers.com/topic/list-of-polish-nobility-coats-of-arms-images
23 Jan 2010
USA, Canada / Fresh czernina in Chicagoland [5]

czernina is the preferred spelling; czarnina is a dialectic variant, although it is widespread among the descendants of the old (late 19th/early-20th century) Polonia.
23 Jan 2010
News / 2010 Year of Chopin (and his Dark Hallucinations) [13]

Chopin msut be rolling over in his grave at Pere Lachaise (his heart is at Warsaw's Holy Cross Church) hearing his countrymen listening to rock, pop, disco, techno, hiphop and other such garbage... Traces of folk themes discernable in disco-polo would probably be the least offensive to his subtle ear.
23 Jan 2010
News / What do we think about the plans for parity in Polish politics. [11]

Any mechnaical division, if consistently coerced, can achieve parity, but what then? It will bring into politics women who aren't really cut out for the line of work, without broad vision and a sense of public service. That is true of any artifical leftist utopian schemes, be it the point system in PRL, where chidlren of peasnats and workers had it easier getting accepted to university, or affrirmative action programmes in the USA which pushed racial minorities through school despite their poor performance.