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Posts by Seanus  

Joined: 25 Dec 2007 / Male ♂
Last Post: 29 Dec 2011
Threads: Total: 15 / In This Archive: 4
Posts: Total: 19666 / In This Archive: 8616
From: Poland, Gliwice
Speaks Polish?: Tak, umiem
Interests: Cycling, chess and language

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28 Nov 2009
History / Poland and Muslims (Tatars and others). [81]

I'm not mephias but it's partly because of lack of acceptation by the locals and also that their prayer requirements don't always square with the needs of the working week. They need to pray more often than Christians do.

Also, many Muslims eat only halal. All should according to their religion. Halal is available in parts but you have to look hard to find it.
28 Nov 2009
News / Crucifixes to stay in Polish schools [364]

Cheehaw, there is just too much obfuscation and that harms the process. I remember watching a Catholic Vs Protestant debate and they were basically saying the same thing but they kept searching for differences. Reaching compromise by saying that we all follow the same God is absurd! Now, there is substantive overlap between Islam and Christianity in parts but attempting to bridge the gap is just to acknowledge that there is some truth. Making gigantic leaps of faith is not the right way!
28 Nov 2009
History / Polish hatred towards Jews... [1290]

True enough, Nika. The French have a much greater problem and Sarkozy must be wriggling around as he is a Jew of Hungarian decent himself. As I keep saying, it's all in the sell. I sold the Israeli people as highly respectable in my class on the kibbutz system and they agreed.

Truth be told, many of the younger generation have little or no exposure to Jews here and Poland is trying to see itself in the framework of Europe, not the ME. The biggest problem was with haggling. My wife haggled for a long time with this Jewish woman over the price of massage cream. They disliked the firm position of each other but that isn't hate, that's just style.
28 Nov 2009
News / "Drink Hard" - Bruce Willis to endorse Polish vodka [48]

I agree with Scrappy on this one, Szkotja. He didn't say exactly that but he did condone the slapping of women. Still, we all have sides and he apologised profusely for his outburst. I meant classy on-screen.

I think he lives in Spain but I could be wrong
28 Nov 2009
News / "Drink Hard" - Bruce Willis to endorse Polish vodka [48]

Don't mistake suave for being dumb. The man oozed class. I'll give Willis credit for Pulp Fiction, kudos to the man for that. Still, Connery has more tricks up his sleeve. He slips into each role very nicely.
27 Nov 2009
News / Crucifixes to stay in Polish schools [364]

He was still a symbol of Jewish martyrdom. Just remind yourself what CHRISTian means. I had some of that Keo wine that Jesus was alleged to have drunk. Hmm...
27 Nov 2009
News / Crucifixes to stay in Polish schools [364]

Don't worry, those Romans were pretty brutal to us Scots too :( It was the Jews that asked for him to be put on the cross, BBut.
27 Nov 2009
Law / Foreigners Getting Married in Poland - a Guide to Formal Preparation [54]

We celebrated our monthly anniversary, LOL. To hell with annual ones, monthly celebrations are the way to go. Having said that, we'll have a great slap-up meal when the first anniversary comes round.

My wife did a super job with getting the invitations engraved on glass. A genius touch I thought! She is in a league of her own and I feel not worthy :) A model person, efficient, caring and usually great fun to be with. I could sing her praises all night.

Any questions on the preparation front? Sorry delphi, I feel like dishing out freebies here as I am familiar with the procedure but if there are any esoteric questions, I'll pass them your way.
27 Nov 2009
News / Crucifixes to stay in Polish schools [364]

Most Poles say my Polish is pretty fluent. I don't have any axes to grind with specific Muslims but saying God is great before committing a crime is plain wrong.

People can ignore symbols. I don't suppose most young Poles would really pay much attention to crosses scattered through the building. They are like other youth, focussed on their hormones and after-school stuff.
27 Nov 2009
News / Crucifixes to stay in Polish schools [364]

My wife, her family and my job. I'm not a Zionist shouting Allahu Akbar either. Don't you know that they always shout that before performing a criminal act? It tells a story, don't you think?
27 Nov 2009
News / Crucifixes to stay in Polish schools [364]

You don't have to be an expert as I see none here. Still, it's about Catholicism. What is your connection to Poland? What can you contribute to this thread?
27 Nov 2009
News / Crucifixes to stay in Polish schools [364]

BBut, you show some good insights but you'd find pride of place in one of my lowest classes. You resort to insults which is a bad start. I'm not into that fanatical nonsense that you are. If you want to praise Zionists and shout Allahu Akbar, go and do it in the ME and not in a thread about Catholicism which you seem to know diddly squat about.
27 Nov 2009
News / Crucifixes to stay in Polish schools [364]

There is much religious activity, or should I say activity taken in the name of religion, that goes on behind the scenes. Leo Zagami, a bit of a wacko, discusses it but I have doubts as to his 33rd-level mason credentials. Nutter!! The former SG of the World Jewish Congress said that the Holocaust was payback by the Catholics against the Jews. That's just incitement in my eyes.

We have to see through the haze created by others and look at things as factually as we can.
27 Nov 2009
Life / Indian Stores In Warsaw [139]

Cheers for the recipe, lad. Many recipes should be flexible anyway as to the amount of taste you want sth to have. Curry is one of those things. I'll gladly give it a try as I have access to specialist ingredients.
27 Nov 2009
Life / Indian Stores In Warsaw [139]

That's be much appreciated, jonni. There was an Indian restaurant here but it went under. There is Sharwoods stuff but at 30PLN a jar, that's kinda steep. Oh, that reminds me. My Scottish friend invited me across to his place. All I need to do is provide the meat and he is offering to make a vindaloo. I might plump for a madras as that's more my preferred strength. A vindaloo is blow your socks off kinda stuff.

Again, thanks for the offer, I may take you up on it :)

He could be Scottish, Harry. Or from Poznań or Kraków. Or even a Jew, who knows? ;) ;)

I have a cunning plan, mi lord! A chicken fillet and a vindaloo on the weekend, I'm gonna brave it!
27 Nov 2009
News / Crucifixes to stay in Polish schools [364]

The Soviet anchor, LOL. I have nothing against English people per se but my Polish neighbours were looking at the photos from my bro's wedding and were commenting on how fine a typical 'English' family looked. I quickly asked them about their Russian ancestry and that got them thinking. I explained the folly of their ways to them.

I think some people need some crosses here.
27 Nov 2009
History / Polish hatred towards Jews... [1290]

Yehudi, what boulderdash! Ben Gurion mentioned it as did a string of others. Are you really telling me that you know better than the former SG of the WJC?

So tell me straight please, sir, other than the phony 1948 UN declaration of Israeli statehood, upon what other premise do you base your right to Israel? Please show me clearly your RIGHT to that territory as opposed to it being Palestinian? I told you that territories absorbed through war are illegal under international law.

My preconceived notion of Israelis is people that fight for their very survival and are willing to go an extra step or 2 towards peace (not the govt). Most can live harmoniously with Palestinians but fear radical elements.

I got an insight into the kibbutz system as I did a class on it tonight. The Poles weren't so impressed but one defended it as he had been there. Poles tend to like one class of Jew, Polish Jews ;) ;)
27 Nov 2009
News / Crucifixes to stay in Polish schools [364]

That's a fair point, yehudi. People like joining the dots in the Bible but won't take on the key issues like the one you have raised. It's the classic tangible Vs intangible question. Debates still rage on amongst Protestants and Catholics as to the nature of Sola Scriptura, the Council of Trent and the Catechisms. There is some agreement as can be seen in debates between a leading Catholic and Protestant scholar on an American talk show.

However, I haven't heard of any theological discussion on the point you raised.
26 Nov 2009
News / Crucifixes to stay in Polish schools [364]

I don't intend to discuss politics then. My intention was to discuss faith. My question to you is, 'what are the central tenets of each faith?'. Are you aware of the theological differences and are they of any real significance?
26 Nov 2009
News / Crucifixes to stay in Polish schools [364]

True enough but you must admit that a clubbing together kind of mentality has been pervasive. As the world becomes more in danger through religious extremism, we side with our own and increase the base.

Caves? Aren't you thinking of those fictional bearded folk? ;) ;)
26 Nov 2009
News / Crucifixes to stay in Polish schools [364]

Cheehaw, you are telling me that there is no critical difference between a Catholic and a Protestant? Wow, what a great reason to have a Catholic/Protestant divide in Belfast :( Your sticker is green and mine is blue so let's attack each other, LOL. Pitiful!
26 Nov 2009
History / Polish hatred towards Jews... [1290]

Yehudi, Jordan is for Jordanians. So we can say that the Syrians have the Golan Heights? No, we can't.

The above link will show clearly just a fraction of the picture, yehudi. It was written by none other than the former Secretary-General of the World Jewish Congress. I have many more links but the first part says it all for me.

'·The idea of the Chosen People occupies a central place in Jewish tradition and liturgy and should be viewed as the key defining concept of Judaism. It also remains, however, the central unspoken and explosive psychological, historical, and theological problem at the heart of Jewish-Gentile relations.'

A central place, wow, doesn't that just speak for itself? He's one of the foremost authorities in the world, yehudi. I don't give a jot what political leaders say, they are shallow and as insincere as can be.
26 Nov 2009
News / Crucifixes to stay in Polish schools [364]

A Zionist shouting Allahu Akbar. You are a very confused man, BBut.

M-G, I accept your logic almost completely but I have a simple question. Given that that has always been the case (that they are from rural areas), why do you assume it to be so different now? I don't think you'll find a linear curve without any kinks in the passage through time.

I agree with the Dutch way of thinking. A man in touch with his soul will feel God without any priest and I challenge those who want an argument they can't win. We can never play God but we can feel the presence.
26 Nov 2009
Love / Polish girls attitudes towards sex. [568]

The one that matters to me has a very healthy attitude towards it and that's what counts for me. As long as the safety aspect is there, where's the problem?

I'm glad she doesn't have these pathetic hang-ups that so many do. She knows what she wants and I applaud that!
26 Nov 2009
News / Crucifixes to stay in Polish schools [364]

Deceit was rampant before 9/11 and all it needs is the manipulators to sweep it under the carpet. It's all in the interpretation of what info/intel you think you have. With technology comes doctoring/butchering and selective application.

What, for you, is the critical/defining difference between a Catholic and a Protestant?