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Joined: 11 Apr 2008 / Male ♂
Warnings: 1 - Q
Last Post: 9 Apr 2018
Threads: Total: 980 / In This Archive: 576
Posts: Total: 12275 / In This Archive: 6848
From: US Sterling Heigths, MI
Speaks Polish?: yes
Interests: Polish history, genealogy

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21 Jul 2010
Po polsku / Wymowa polska nazwisk na Wyspach Brytyjskich? [15]

Nie myślę, bo nie znam Twojego nazwiska. ale mogę powiedzieć, jak kaleczy się polskie nazwiska w Ameryce:
NOWICKI - Nałyki
WOJCIECHOWSKI - £adzieczałski
JAB£OŃSKI - Dżeblanski
WÓJTOWICZ - £adżtałyc
CZARNECKI - Zarneki itd., itp. ad nauseam.
20 Jul 2010
Genealogy / Moczulski/Chrobak family tree. [6]

CHROBAK: insect or worm in Polish highlander dialect (standard Polish: robak)

MOCZULSKI: root-word mocz (urine, dampness); probably topo nick from Moczuły or Moczula
18 Jul 2010
Po polsku / Wymowa polska nazwisk na Wyspach Brytyjskich? [15]

Czy w jęz. polskim istnieją przydomki na Szkotów? Szkotole??? A może centusie, liczykrupy, sknerusie??? Podobno drut miedziany wynaleźli dwaj Szkoci wyciągający sobie z rąk pensa!!!

Wracając do sprawy, w Ameryce na Wróblewskeigo mówią rab-LU-ski, na Potockiego pat-TA-ki, na Chmielewskeigo cime-LU-ski. To miałem na myśli.
18 Jul 2010
Life / Do Polish Marlboros differ? [21]

Is it true that Polish law prohibits the 'light' label on cig packets? I know there is a prominent warning 'PALENIE ZABIJA' and suchlike.
18 Jul 2010
Life / Do Polish Marlboros differ? [21]

Thanks. BTW I used to smoke -- Camels and Gauloises and a pipe (Prince Albert or Half&Half in America and Najprzedniejszy jazzed up with a pinch of Amphora red in Poland). Kicked the habit a decade ago.
18 Jul 2010
Life / Do Polish Marlboros differ? [21]

In Poland they dsiplay Marlboro, Camel, L&M, Viceroy, PallMall, Lucky strike, Chesterfield and other well-known American brands. My question is: does the backy contained therein differ from that in the fags sold in the States, Britian and otehr countries? I presume they must cotnain some Polish-grown tobacco, but I'm not sure.
18 Jul 2010
UK, Ireland / The secret Polish gay men in the U.K [133]

No, there are no gay animals. And nobody is born gay. 'Gay' is an ideological, cultural and liefstyle concept that has nothing to do with genetics. Gay means a poltical agenda which inlcudes pro-homosexual propaganda, activities and PR campaigns.

The correct, generic and emotionally neutral descriptive term is homosexual. Fag, pansy, queer, etc. (in Polish: pedał, ciota, dupojebiec itp.) are pejorative terms. Part of the homosexual agenda is to make the misnomer 'gay' synonymous with homosexual which it is not.
18 Jul 2010
Po polsku / Wymowa polska nazwisk na Wyspach Brytyjskich? [15]

Pytanie do tych, którzy przebywają lub przebywali na Wyspach Brytyjskich: jak Brytole, Szkoty i Irlandole wymawiają Twoje polskie nazwisko?
Czy ich poprawiasz, czy pozwalasz na jego kaleczenie? Dlacszego?
16 Jul 2010
Po polsku / Nowa książka wydawnictwa Fronda [13]

Niekoniecznie! Ty nie możesz empirycznie udowodnić, że Bóg istnieje, ani ja, że nie istnieje. Trzeba zatem inaczej uargumentować wiarę lub niewiarę. Oczywiście nie każdy katolik czy inny wierzący ma doktorat z filozofii, ale każdy myślący człowiek, niezależnie od poziomu wysktzałcenia, jest w stanie uzasadnić to, co robi i w co wierzy.
16 Jul 2010
Life / As EuroPride visits Warsaw - is it the start of overdue social change in Poland? (homosexuality promotion) [144]

The homophobic card is constantly being played by the PC crowd and physical or verbal abuse of homosexuals is severely condemned. But why is the much higher incidence of domestic violence amongst same-gender couples swept under the ? We are we being told that taboos should be done away with and that homosexuality should be openly discussed in public and even taught to schoolchildren at sex ed classes. If so, why be so selective and censor the unsavoury sides of homosexuality?

Here is a link on homosexual domestic violence which is usually undereported anyway, so it is probably much higher than what has been empirically determined.

16 Jul 2010
UK, Ireland / The secret Polish gay men in the U.K [133]

Why are homo partnerships so short? These guys can't seem to commit for longer than 2 years and even within that short time-span infidelity is a big problem? Anyone know why?
16 Jul 2010
Food / Do Polish beers contain adjuncts? [34]

There is (or used to be) a small brewery in the Warsaw suburb of Konstancin. Anybody every sample their brews? If so, what's the verdict?
16 Jul 2010
Po polsku / Nowa książka wydawnictwa Fronda [13]

Zarówno w Ameryce, Kanadzie i Polsce prawie wcale nie spotkałem ideowych ateistów czy agnostyków. W Polsce za komuny nie wypadało dla kariery przyznawać się do wiary. Natomiast w USA większość stała się niewierzącymi przez lenistwo czy z powodu nieuporządkowanego życia. Ktoś wolał odsypiać sobotnią popijawę i leczyć kaca w niedzielę rano. Kot inny żył z kimś na kocią łapę, spłodził dziecko, którego nie ochrzcił lub nie mógł ochrzcić (dziś pod tym względem Kościół jest znacznie liberalniejszy niż dawniej). Może ksiądz odmówił czyjemuś samobójcy chrześciańskiego pochówku i powstał uraz osobisty wobec Kościoła. I tak zleciało, a potem jakoś wstyd było powiedzieć spowiednikowi "ostatni raz byłem u spowiedzi 28 lat temu"....

Zamiast znosić krzywe spojrzenia rodziców, dziadków. sąsiadów itp., część tych osób zaczęło dorabiać ideologię do własnych urazów czy gnuśności. Lepiej brzmi ateista niż bezbożnik. Ale przycisnąć takiego, a zazwyczaj nie będzie w stanie naukowo uzasadnić swojej niewiary, nic nie czytał na ten temat, nie zna czołowych koryfeuszy ateizmu…

Jaka są Wasze przemyślenia na ten temat.
16 Jul 2010

SIEMIENTOWSKI: Presumably a topo nick from a place called Siemientów or Siemientowo (Simonville?). Quite rare! Only 10 users in today's Poland: 9 living in and around the south Poland town of Częstochowa and 1 in the opposite NE corner of the country in the Suwałki area bordering Lithuania.
15 Jul 2010
Food / Do Polish beers contain adjuncts? [34]

Bud Light weighs in at 4.2 ABV as opposed to Lech's 5.6 or 5.7. Also Lech and most Polish regular-strength lagers contain more flavour extract (all that is not water and alcohol) -- around 12% -- than insipid American lite beers.
14 Jul 2010
Food / Do Polish beers contain adjuncts? [34]

Nearly all American brews, including that fizzy, watery swill Bud Light, are adjunct beers, meaning they contain cheap stretchers such as wheat, rice and other unmalted grain. What about Polish beers? Do they contain anything other than the classic water, yeast, malted barrley and hops? I am referring of course to yoru basic largers, not speciality brews containing fruit syrups and suchlike flavourings.
14 Jul 2010
UK, Ireland / The secret Polish gay men in the U.K [133]

The last thing an orphan or foundling, a kid from a dysfunctional family or handicapped needs is more instability and confusion. When the two homos tire of each other (statistically within 2 years), where will the adoptee land? On the street? Back in foster care? BTW the average hetero relationship lasts 12 years.
14 Jul 2010
UK, Ireland / The secret Polish gay men in the U.K [133]

Both Polish presidential candidates -- Bron & Jarry -- agreed on one thing during their debates: special legislation for homosexuals is not necessary. Existing Polish laws enable people to legally enjoy notarised rights similar to those of a married couple including joint property ownership, joint bank accounts, inheritance, healthcare (visitng one another in hospital), etc., the main exception being adopting orphans.

Such youngsters ahev already experienced enough ordeals in their short lifetime (unfit parents, orphanages, foster homes) to subject them to a single-gender 'partnership' that on average lasts no longer than 2 years.
11 Jul 2010
News / New cross war in Warsaw [530]

If the Don & Bronek clique were not so petty and mean-spriited, they themselves could suggest erecting a permanent grqnite or marble cross or other memorial to mark the site where the Presidential Couple lay in state and untold thousands converged from all over Poland and queued up to 24 horus to file past their bier and pay theri respects. No, the Platforemrs haven't got a monopoly on pettiness. Jarosław Kaczyński was the only party leader who didn't show up for Komorowski's presidential-nomination ceremony. Maybe pettiness is an immanent Polish trait?!
11 Jul 2010
News / New cross war in Warsaw [530]

The Polish government and president are trying to figure out a way to get rid of the wqooden crosss put up in front of the Presidential Palace in tribute to the Presidential Couple and other victims of the Smolensk disaster. The cross, surrounded by votive lamps and flowers, is a rallying point for supporters of the Kaczyńskis, but the ruling authorities have to tread luightly so as not to appear insensitive and flaunting the feelings of the victims' families, so they are trying to involve the Chruch in the cross's transfer to a church or cemtery. What's wrong with just leaving it where it is? Wasn't it the commies that used to remove floral crosses or the Katyń monument under the cover of night?
10 Jul 2010
Genealogy / Najgebauer help please [24]

Neugebauer and similar would have been generated in a German-speaking area. To ethnic Poles (unlesss they were bilingual) it would have been meaningless and just a name. There were once many German agrarian colonies in Old Poland which retained their language and customs for many generations.

BTW the name Noworolnik (new smallholder or Negebauer) exists in Poland.
10 Jul 2010
Genealogy / Najgebauer help please [24]

Although no-one in Poland spells their name Neigebauer, that spelling is possible. But I think it would simply be a spelling variant of the more common Neugebauer rather than havnin some separate meaning all its own. That's my take, but with names most anything is possible.
10 Jul 2010
Life / Polish child-parent relations? [3]

How would you compare child-parent relations in Poland and the West? Are Polish teens just as toxic and disrespectful towards their parents and other adults as their American counterparts? Does a wall of alienness separate many adult children from their middle-aged or ageing parents, where each side live a life on their own with little interaction?

What inspired this question was Europe's present heat wave being reproted by CNN. I recall the one of 2003 when in France alone 15,000 elderly people died of excessive heat. The authorities had quite a time trying to track down the heat victims' children fo funeral arrangements. When finally found, some of them said about their mothers: 'You mean to say she was still living?'

The Western model comrprises nurseries, infant schools, nannies for youngsters, a drift-apart syndrome in the adolescent-adult phase and old people's homes towards the end of the road. I beleive in Poland there is still the institution of a 'babcia' as child-minder and more people tkaing care of their eldlerly rather than shipping them off to a 'dom opieki'.

But, as with everything, things are probably gradually evolving ('Western is trendy!?') in the direction of the Western model of child-parent estrangement. Please correct me if I'm wrong.
8 Jul 2010
Genealogy / Najgebauer help please [24]

Indeed, about 14,000 Neugebauers and some 20,000 Neubauers.
7 Jul 2010
Genealogy / Najgebauer help please [24]

NAJGEBAUER: Polish phonetic respelling of the original German or Yiddish name is most widely used in Poland (492 users - Upper Silesia being the main stronghold), whilst only 2 people use it in Germany (Fulda district)

NEUGEBAUER (743) - stronghold Upper Silesia
NEUBAUER (922) stronghold on Baltic coast around Gdańsk and Słupsk.
NAJBAUER (42) stronghold Warsaw; only 8 in Germany.