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Posts by Lodz_The_Boat  

Joined: 7 Sep 2008 / Male ♂
Last Post: 27 Jan 2014
Threads: Total: 32 / In This Archive: 14
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From: Lodz
Speaks Polish?: yes
Interests: chatting

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12 Oct 2009
News / Mass immigration to Poland - article and response [479]

Probably the most destructive thing ever to live.

Humans are the most creative. It is we who make this planet different from the rest. This planet most powerful from the rest. Most promising from the rest... most beautiful from the rest....MOST MEANINGFUL FROM THE REST.
12 Oct 2009
News / Mass immigration to Poland - article and response [479]

How about Africa becoming more mixed race, more European? Or for Saudi Arabia to become more Catholic? Do you support that? If not, why not, and what is your agenda?

I support that.

Polish Army so that liberal fools like you could turn Poland into a mini-Africa or Islamic state!

Poland into a beautiful modern country. Not a mini africa or an islamic state. You are computerized....if not...you could easily understand through my post that I am not a great fan of the Islamic ways (I believe its not for the modern world)... I have nothing against africans, but I am neiter looking to make Poland an Africa. In fact, I wish oneday there will be nobody hungry in Africa...and Africa will be The Beautiful Africa, while Poland the Beautiful Poland. And our borders open in a brotherly way.

Even ignoring the cultural issues, think of some more practical ones: I assume you like women. If not, this may not be an issue.

Why the living hell will I want my own kind to be wiped off the world map?

Are you in your senses? Or drunk? (drinking is bad).

I just look for harmony. There is a Polish friend of mine who used to work in the Polish Embassy in India.... he is married to an Indian woman (though she is not muslim).

My point is.... there can be harmony. And minorities are not always opressed. Whites are not minorities. Never will be... atleast not in Europe. Even in britian the non-white population is not more than 10%.

Anyways... chill...listen to this song...its good:

Men At Work | Land Down Under
11 Oct 2009
Love / My recent experience with a Polish girl. [231]

Only if she decides to do so; you can't force someone into wanting to be your friend.

How romantic some situations are... how cruel some people become...

What world we live in!... Why are hearts broken.... Hearts are the Homes of God.... How can anyone break the Home of God... such a person...how can he be considered a human.

anyways....But its true we dont know the exact situatons. The best advice my friend... is to move on. I confess... nothing else.... even if she now turns back... it wil not be the same ... it will not bring the same spring of love...i promise
11 Oct 2009
Love / My recent experience with a Polish girl. [231]

i dont think anybody in their right mind

Someone is hurt... and you dont even have the slightest compassion to be good to that person. What kind of values did you gather in life?
10 Oct 2009
News / Mass immigration to Poland - article and response [479]

therefore animal

Human's are higher than animals.

There is the mineral kingdom...
then comes the Vegetale Kingdom...
Then Come the Animal Kingdom...
Then Comes the Human Kingdom...
Beyond it is the Kingdom of the Prophets...who come in human form...

FINALLY....God's Existance...

Human's belong to a seperate level... we have souls... we have consceince...we are different.
10 Oct 2009
News / Mass immigration to Poland - article and response [479]

We are animals in my opinion, all of us.

You might be. Dont force your crazy opinion. I am a human.

I love watching wildlife documentaries

Because you can take a look at your close relatives there? I see those documentaries for a laugh!

Either that or these people must be immediately deported or put into a work camp.

Wow... how long is your moustache?

doing the dictating

I'm a pretty liberal guy keep in mind


You were wrong.

You were never right

Have a nice day

same to you!
10 Oct 2009
News / Mass immigration to Poland - article and response [479]

The Muslims are a completely different culture than ours and ultimately will limit personal freedoms.

Our cultures will evolve. Its destiny.

BUT I agree with you that the Muslim ppl dont represent a good culture. Lets say, the Islamic system is not capable to work in the modern Era. Maybe their country have good cultures... we can look into it, and try and accept the god things... but fact is fact... islamic system is not the system any country needs, let alone Europe.

Also the Hindo system is to old and not-working...

the Christian system dont seem to be there anymore...

The Jew system... whats that? :D

We need to evolve with love and respect...thats the system we look for :).

who said Muslims they are rubber's,Mafia,killer's

Muslims do everything appropriate so that they can be perfectly and often rightfully blamed. This community (majority of it) just dont let any chance even for the Most Liberal of Liberals to try and defend them!

Really a real waywayd community to say the very least of leasts!

. Bahaism simply fits perfectly into definition of a sect. While every sect is a religion, the first doesn't exclude the second.

Then Christianity is a sect aswell. A sect of Judaism.

the doctrines and practices of a sect growing out of Babism and reflecting some attitudes of the Islamic Shi'a sect, but with an emphasis on tolerance and the essential worth of all religions.

They were and are still persecuted in Iran for their believe of equality, love, unity and peace... by the same Shiia you talk about.

Babism was the same as John the Baptist was before Christ. I have studied the religion well...and there are startling scientific proofs of the truth of these materials.

IF you want we can discuss this in the REAL way in the off topics forum. Open a thread called 'Bahai' and lets hit it!

Its got just as must to do with Islam as the Christians have to do with the Jews.

Its an Independant religion. You Dictionary gives a misleading deifinition. Its the Bahai world Center in Haifa, Israel which can tell who they are. And they are very clear about it. There are thousands of NATIVE POLISH believers of this Religion all around Poland...and they are actively teaching their faith...and its growing.

They have the most open and active and joyous international bahai community. Their religion have no sect...all under the same authority (unlike any religion).

A Temple in Europe... in Germany...

Some European Youth Bahais

Such beautiful things you tried to defame...the ideals...

Marxism is different. Dont try to color those bealieves with something as stupid and communism. Communists were Anti Bahais and banned their religious places in Soviet Russia.
9 Oct 2009
News / Mass immigration to Poland - article and response [479]

It is a sect, by definition.

Who defined it as a sect?


And they are a recognized world religion by UN too.


go on.

It has many common goals with Marxism.

bla bla bla...yadda yadda yadda.... lu lul lu....
9 Oct 2009
Law / What is the quickest and cheapest way to send money to a bank account in Poland? [37]

Try the OTHER ways too...

there are OTHER ways :).

There is a friend of mine... brings down money from other european countries.... by other ways...

His name I have not yet been permitted by him to mention. He is Polish... no worries. Most of my friends who work in UK or other parts easily come into transaction with him.
9 Oct 2009
News / Mass immigration to Poland - article and response [479]

I will provide links if you want.

No need. I know that and respect. Infact I have much respect for the Irish People in general. You really, trust me, dont seem to represent them. They are one of the more liberal nations i know.

Why would you accept "Wayward people" into europe?

We cannot have such a mindset to classify everyone as same. There are children who are no fault. There are some people among them who are clean and wonderful. Why put them all in the same box.

Those who are criminals and troublemakers MUST be caught and put into OUR prisons and serve severe long sentences. Which they so rightfully deserve. Infact, I can agree that a good portion of the criminals might be muslims... but we MUST NOT put the word CRIMINAL and MUSLIM interchagably. If we do, then we are criminals too... criminals to the innocents who might end up suffering.

Revoke... your points can only have logic if you understand that your ways are not the exact ways. I understand where you are coming from... but that will not gain you anything. You are against trouble makers....then say TROUBLE MAKERS ... dont mark them with colors. If a big portion of Muslims are trouble makers...so they must suffer.

About bringing them in... we can scan their reputations very very very strictly and strongly. And make a 70% to 30% chances of them getting an entry (30% in favour). But not the non-muslims in their own countries communities who suffer ... or who can be a benefit to our societies. Infact we should give them preference...thus having better immgration showing from those countries...and also at the same time avoid problems.

although other countries have problems integrating them.

Some of my best and forever friends. Some who have married and integrated in Europe are the best of husbands, friends, and family members. Very hard working... and very respectable.

Those of european desscent assimilate well, others not so well. Can you say drug trafficking?

When did I mention...Lets bring in Drug Trafficker~!

Muslims, also have a pendant for crime.

I dont have too many muslims friends.

Infact I didnt mix alot with the turks and arabs ... as they always hanged around with the really low lifes of the campus. The girls around them used to be the wrong person.

The indians, koreans, philipinos...chinese...bangladesh...s.american make up my international friends mostly.

The bangladesh ppl i noticed have big hearts...humble and very moderate. Infact te only country muslim populous regions with female prime minister (head of govt.) and opposition...females ournumber men in politics... female businesses... they are very friendly to foreighners...

They love cooking...and made me some most memorable dishes :)

Major problem with eastern europeans as the immigrate in massive numbers, swampping the country and undercutting and displacing the native working class.

Eastern Europeans were good when working as sex slaves and prostitutes in your streets? Now they are problem right?

You should be ashamed.

Eastern Europeans are hard working people. What is wrong is someone moves out for a better opportunity. Plus, eastern europeans brining your wages down is a blessing for your industries.

Eastern Europeans contribute to the development of your country to a very big extent.
9 Oct 2009
News / Mass immigration to Poland - article and response [479]

Artists etc aren't generally refugees. We need to stop the influx, get out of their countries, and let them all starve, murder and infect themselves until they wake up and smell their own coffee. Keep them away.

Some are refugees. The my point is not about the refugees...but about the general migrants... who prefer to make our lands their home.

About the murder and starving... are you human Fred? They are your brothers and sisters being murdered and starved there. Cant you see? Where is your humanity? Where is your heart? How can you, a Human Kind, be so remorseless-so undettered off the sufferings of your fellow mankind?



Its the truth, happened, happening, and will keep happening.... unless you realise....none of your efforts can change the direction of the waves!

muslim and african crime in Sweden

First of all...

The Africans have been tortured so much throughout history...treated unfairly...have been hated unreasonably.... and often judged as a Semi Human.... Such nation needs healing...

Regarding the muslims.... more than many times I have told to muslims and everyone aswell.... most muslims fall into the most Wayward people on earth.

Migrants are more...Chinese, Koreans, Indians, Banladesh, Thai, Viet, Japanese, S. Americans, Other parts of Europe... etc...
9 Oct 2009
News / Mass immigration to Poland - article and response [479]

"make right their own country" then? If I read you correctly you're saying that a nation is a population of losers if they allow in 3rd world immigrants.

By better implementation of law and order.

the failure began with allowing 3rd world immigrants into their country in the first place.


yet the violent crime increase is directly due to specific ethnicities and races.

Your statistics, words, are all fueled by racism.

Hasn't it occurred to you that criminals in fact do pretend to be students

Then we must scan...check the documents etc. There are ways. The students I have come across were good people.

How can you possibly come up with a good reason to import poverty into a nation when accepting 3rd world immigrants is in fact importing not only poverty but also crime?

I didnt say import poverty. I said to bring in bright people, and not to keep money as the scale. If the scale is purely money (which currently seems to be) then only criminals can enter, because criminals happen to be rich by crime.

Its not importing...its about welcoming immigrants, migrants.... migrations are a fact of this planet, and will remain so for eternity....whichever way our discussions land.

I'm under the impression you are posing as a complete troll or something much worse

I am under the impression that you are a complete fool.

You are a troll yourself... look at you... you smell like a person I know already.

I have been here since this site has been here...

Ofcourse I defend love, unity and prosperity.... if you are against those values....then we are two ends of a rope...and the ends will never meet.

We both will remain in Europe...But I promise you... we are (my side) working hard...and the next generation students all over europe are growing and working harder... there are associations worker more hard...there are funding more and more... and yes, we are the White Native Europeans.... and we wish to welcome all good people of earth....As the World is but One Country and Mankind are its Citizens.
9 Oct 2009
News / Mass immigration to Poland - article and response [479]

How do you rationalize away or dismiss the figures from Scandinavia which show quite clearly that increased immigration from 3rd world countries leads to a very large increase in violent crime within the host nations?

Its the failure of the government to control crime. Criminals are criminals... lets not insert the race there. Otherwise ur talking like a racist...simply.

The scandinaveans who give such figures might be either having a race issue... or just plain loosers without the ability to make right their own country. So what happened? They gave up on their own security? Should we send our Polish Gay brigade to help them find some protection from their own citizens?

The immigration policies should give more priority to STUDENTS, ACADEMICS, ENTREPRENEURS, SCIENTISTS, ARTISTS etc. Not just to a mugger who claims he is a good man (just because he got money to show in the bank).

Students are often poorer...they dont have so much money to show.... but they are much more suitable to merge in a foreign land, contribute to its economy, and they are much better people as a whole.
9 Oct 2009
News / Mass immigration to Poland - article and response [479]

is she really Polish or some muslim freak trying to play a nice scenario here

She uses punctuations. She cannot be muslim herself. :)

This strange sect

Its not a sect. Its a world religion with beautiful monuments and temples in every continent with headquarters in Haifa, Israel, Mount Carmel (Biblical references).

It preaces al the good things. There are no MArxist sentiments. I LIKE IT. You dont like it, its your life.

lets just talk about immigrants and migrants, do you know how to make a distinction? I mean EU vs others

Yea... thats what the thread was supposed to be for. I have no such great love in particular for Muslims myself. But I respect their right to be judged in a justified manner. I will never throw a stone on a kid just because he is a Muslim. The muslim kid, i believe, if given proper love, support and guidance, can be a diamond to the society he really is. For this we need tolerance, understanding..and ofcourse, love.


Immigrants are specific people who migrate. While migrants are overall migrants.

I welcome both, as long as they are good and friendly. I respect their traditions which they bring with them, as long as it enriches. Its normal isnt it?

What can I do mate... I have met the best of people, I have friends who are best gentlemen. I have no reason to attack anyone.

Bangladesh muslim guyz are very moderate and simple people...

I have not yet been in very close contact with pakestani or arabs (though i have come across...but not so much that i can make a confident comment about them). But I dont agree they can be all barbarians.

Whats the harm in a loving heart?

Why in your paintings Jesus is white and the children are black?

Get your eyes checked...the children are of diverse origins.

Jesus, by the way, was never white. He must've either been olive or dark olive... most probably dark olive due to his humble dispositions.
8 Oct 2009
News / Mass immigration to Poland - article and response [479]

Why...again...WHY ... are we only talking about MUSLIMS.

I have repeatedly expressed in more threads that MUSLIMS are a wayward nation. I have never been praising muslims...

IMMIGRANTS are not always muslims... for God's sake!
8 Oct 2009
News / Mass immigration to Poland - article and response [479]

If you consider yourself a christian then there is a little commandment about the relation of children to their parents.

Which Commandment?

And No I dnt consider myself a Christian. Its an old Religion...but I believe in Jesus. Although the laws are no more relevant to the present world.

The forefathers didnt fight for racism. They fought against oppression. Plus, the world must move ahead. Forefathers did their work, and now we must do what must be done!

Many claim Poles are intolerant.

Who claims? Poles are TOLERANT. Why I know that better than many and better than YOU. Yes some are not tolerant...but those ppl are loosers in every form of life. Most Poles and I mean majority are very tolerant. The Grannys are often more skeptical...but as the children become more and more tolerant...they also find no other option but to throw the load of intolarence behind them!

msulim hordes like Spain, Holland, Norway, Germany, France, Belgium, Denmark, Sweden.

Muslin muslim muslim... you scary cat!... stop it. There are people .. more people of various nations and races.

And the only diversity you will see is witnessing stoning versus beheading for things that are considered crimes by the muslime animals


Such as being raped for instance.

Many Poles and Whites in Estonia and Russia keep raping all over... what about them? Rapists belong to no one...no religion, no race, no country....they belong to he family of criminals...an international brotherhood...since ancient of times....they are Criminals.

"diversity" on female members of Poland

You like to tell stupid stories. Such things will not happen. Yes people like to rot and dwell in unpleasant thoughts of life... such people will remain...and take their thoughts to grave.

As for criminals...they deserve prison. Death.
8 Oct 2009
News / Mass immigration to Poland - article and response [479]

If you are ever in Ireland

I've been. I found the Irish the most tolerant and well behaved and wonderful people. Really, such refreshing views and warm conciousness. Which black part of Ireland you talk about always? Irish are alot more tolerant and friendly to diversity then many places i know!

And then most kids (not you) open their eyes to reality.

Those kids who grow up to be racist, nazis....should be sent to rehabs....or dealt accordingly with law.

Children must be exposed to diversity in Europe at an early age by their parents!
8 Oct 2009
News / Mass immigration to Poland - article and response [479]

EU is a scourge of Europe.

EU is a solace. And this will evolve into a union with people from more countries. A Union more international...beyond Europe. Wait for that day. Those who resist will be resisted by peace lover in millions...

A complete ban on new imigration would be a good start. Expulsion (after severe prison terms for crimes) would be very welcome. External European borders should be defended with weapons,

Say that in public. It will be easy to get you imprisoned. I promise you that...just too many ppl hate these sentiments...and them united is enough to put you behind bars.


That was the famous Iranian King.

Plus again why Muslims.... there are more people. Chinese, Koreans, Indian, Bangladesh, Philipine, Thailand, Vietnam, Mongol etc etc... timbuktoo :)
8 Oct 2009
News / Mass immigration to Poland - article and response [479]

2% of the Finnish population

Thats sadly very few...

What do you think we should do to improve on it?...there are so much talent everywhere. If Poland could become a better economy...we will have good immigrants too...which will help the industries....

It makes us look at so many colors!

Lodz the Loon

What if the majority of europeans do not want to become one giant melting pot?

Lodz the boat...that me.

You will be surprised on the numbers who want... some are vocal...some work towards it...some just remain safe and silent (as they are freaked by freakers like u prove yourself to be repeatedly)
8 Oct 2009
News / Mass immigration to Poland - article and response [479]

The future World

The Future of the World. Wether you like it or not.

LET ME TELL YOU FOLKS.... Await to see a completely united world... with Love in every hearts. I promise you... the world heads there.... and Evolution will give rise to one race..the Human Race.

I promise you ppl!
8 Oct 2009
News / Mass immigration to Poland - article and response [479]


Redneck™ today?


Explain this you little freak.

We need to welcome more Students... more hard working educated immigrants...entrepreneurs.... and those who have good wishes.

We need to have less 90% colored schools. The ration must be 30% color and 70% white. Also, in each class...not more than 3 to 4 colored folks. And the teachers must help the children to integrate. We must ask our children to bring those children home, so that we can give them cookies...and integrate.

Let love prevail. Lets make our homes gardens...let us breath the fragrance God filled Earth with.

And you cal me freak?.... read your posts...they are freaky.... my posts are all about love.
8 Oct 2009
News / Mass immigration to Poland - article and response [479]

The goodie good kids like yourself are very good at using freedoms others thought for

The freedom you enjoy came from the blood of some of my own family members...ancestors. My very own...their blood rushes in my veins.

but you have no idea how to fight for those freedoms.

I just dont write here. I am actively involved in efforts to make Europe and Poland more diverse. I amm happy to say that since my university period, I have helped almost hundred of good students and people to remain in Europe and persue more success. In many ways among which are clubs and associations.

My family is economically well placed... and have always had good contacts...which have always helped me.

You have no idea how it is to be under somone's boot.

Never been under anyones boot. Seems like your boss at work is some colored folk.

You will loose your freedoms sinking your brains in mp3 players and murmuring kumbaya while muslims strip you, step by step, of what you take for granted.

The extreme muslims need the prison cell. And why we only talk about muslims...there are others.... the Chinese are wonderful...I had wonderful indian friends....there are good bangladesh folks! Koreans have given me the best impressions!

Again, no culture can survive by adopting the level of tolerance EU has imposed on its member countries.

EU must become 1000% more tolerant.

culture that made your life possible will go down too.

Cultures just like humans must evolve.
8 Oct 2009
News / Mass immigration to Poland - article and response [479]

Red haired girl raped and murdered by aspiring rapper.

Tell that to the girl and she will rightly put 10 or more thundering slaps on your inflated cheeks.

Are you in a cult?

I am in Love with Humanity...Earth....God....Goodness....is that a cult?


Dont you have eyes...dont you have a heart?....look at the pics..of Jesus...recent of the children. How can you be like this?
8 Oct 2009
News / Mass immigration to Poland - article and response [479]

......was a rapist and a paedophile.

In Arabic (the predecessor of which is Jesus's language 'Aramic') God = Allah. God remains God in whichever language you take His name, with love and respect.

Jesus with children

With Children

Baha;i Children after a Moral Class

Baha'i Children after a moral class. You can see White, Indian, Iranian, Black... they all are the best of friends! And can do anything to protect each other!

With Children...
8 Oct 2009
News / Mass immigration to Poland - article and response [479]

Though I believe Jesus was not that fair, as he was a Palestinain Carpenter (belonging to the backward people of the community, and darker/weaker)... still...its a beautiful picture.
8 Oct 2009
News / Mass immigration to Poland - article and response [479]

It is you who is spewing hate


"list", which is so short

Supposed to be. I am not here to write all my life for one post.

And please understand, that arabs, africans and eastern people never invented anything by themselves.

Only a moron like you could say this.

But today it has all stopped.

No. They are fourishing. Look at China, India, Korea, Japan etc...

by the media and controlled school system

I'm a Pole. My school was the best one...

Why aren't these people practicing their respective fields of expertise in the countries they come from?

I made a list of people in Europe and USA. There are people who are there in their own countries. Even the list (specifically for immigrant people) is to short/brief...to save time and effort. Its an example.

would be possible under Taliban rule?

The world is not under Taliban rule. Just one country WAS.

Europe has finally succumbed to the hordes of medieval types of muslim faith?

Europe wont.


His ideas are too old. Or you must be his cousin from the iron age.

Allahu Akbar to you.

Allah = God
u = wonder what it means...
Akbar = Great.

Yep, God is great...He deals with ppl who claim to love Him, but hate everything about love and Him...