Travel /
So I went to Warsaw - my thoughts after visiting Poland [88]
the same way that people on the pavement here never go into single file but simply shoulder their way through
I also realized long ago (after a few terrifying long distance rides) that Polish people drive the same way they walk.
lack of the most basic defensive driving skills
I decided long ago that there's no need for me to ever drive in Poland because my US defensive driving skills (looking around, not always going as fast as I can, yielding the right of way, paying attention to pedestrians) would make me a danger. The only way to survive would be to start driving like locals and..... no, just no. no no no no no no no no no no no...... no
And bad Polish driving has been in the news with the horrific accident in Slovakia where three Poles were driving recklessly and one of them careened head on into a local family in their car.
What's also weird in a it-would-be-funny-it-it-weren't-so-awful way is how Polish news coverage focuses on the cars (luxury models!) as if the cars were more important than the people.... and expert commentators brought in to discuss the case all have an air of "if it had been me, I totally would have been cool and avoided the accident..."