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Posts by Seanus  

Joined: 25 Dec 2007 / Male ♂
Last Post: 29 Dec 2011
Threads: Total: 15 / In This Archive: 4
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From: Poland, Gliwice
Speaks Polish?: Tak, umiem
Interests: Cycling, chess and language

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31 Jan 2010
News / The Economist: time to rethink old notions about Poland [67]

Standards too, Shawny, spot on. Knowing Poles, they will want to be seen as better than Africans who have been exponents of subsistence and primogeniture for a long time. They can feed themselves with their know-how. They just need the tools and it is as the Chinese proverb says: 'Give a man a fish and he can feed himself for a day. Give him a fishing rod and he can feed himself for a lifetime'. It all depends on how many fish there are in the sea ;) ;) Arable land can be overstretched and farmers need subsidies through things like set-aside.

Bzib, no offence but I see agriculture as a mainstay in Poland and has been throughout the years. My students agree. Old notions had to change through the inception of the CAP and various EU schemes. Look above, I have mentioned the CAP only here.

What is relevant then, Bzib?

Convex, having a broad base helps too, not merely weeding out the weak. That works better in other competitive areas, not in farming. Flexibility is needed with 'weaker' producers.

As for techniques, many can avoid fallow periods, that's true, but Poland's climate is a bit harsher than Holland's.
31 Jan 2010
News / The Economist: time to rethink old notions about Poland [67]

For me, it's a question of values and incentives. Place a high priority on farm production/quality of output and you will make many consumers happy. They have a very important role in society and there is a combination of labour and technique in what they do.

Says who? Maybe they are claiming other benefits of some description. You want to keep farmers in the game, there can be fallow periods and they should be guided through them.
31 Jan 2010
News / The Economist: time to rethink old notions about Poland [67]

It's kinda hard when that's all you have known. Your home is tied with your work and there aren't many transferable skills in today's competitive world.

Some VW Golfs are older than others ;) ;)
31 Jan 2010
News / The Economist: time to rethink old notions about Poland [67]

Convex, I wouldn't be so sure about that. There are many farming families that have struggled through the generations, many. Just look at Rostocza and other such areas. When making comments, relativity should almost always play a part and "doing good" here is not doing good by Scottish standards.
31 Jan 2010
News / Poland: In Top First 15 Countries in the WORLD by the number of CRIMES [286]

some more garbage right here.

Poland is put at 23 but look further down and you see Colombia at 53. Bogota alone has as much crime as Warsaw, Kraków and £ódź put together. It's a bit like the FIFA football rankings, some absurdities there too.

Poland is WELL down the list. Iceland too but they were top of another. Go figure!
31 Jan 2010
News / The Economist: time to rethink old notions about Poland [67]

Working class? Eh, check your economics there. The middle class often bear the brunt of the top brass creaming off the profits. The working class in Poland, esp farmers, are more concerned with adjusting to a competitive EU market than nursing any wounds from the crisis.

Like yourself, though, I am also for the farmers getting a better deal. I just don't like to see such a huge gap between farmers within the EU. Go to Scottish farms and you will see 2 or 3 cars, big houses and noticeable wealth. I can't say the same here but they produce some excellent products.
31 Jan 2010
News / The Economist: time to rethink old notions about Poland [67]

Well, it's one step closer to transparency, Greg. Right or wrong, at least it will create discussion as I find that many aren't aware of what goes on in the Sejm. Many just want their next cabbage cigar or vodka shake ;) ;0
31 Jan 2010
News / The Economist: time to rethink old notions about Poland [67]

Convex is right. This is a very real situation. Consumer debt has to be rife, there can be no other way unless all I've heard has been lies. It's certainly the case with Poles in the UK who are being chased up. Many get slack abroad and try to abscond. The math in Poland just doesn't add up.
31 Jan 2010
History / Is Jozef Pilsudski the king of modern Poles? [138]

en.wikipedia.org/wiki/J%C3%B3zef_Pi%C5%82sudski some background on the man. He was unsuccessful in getting Lithuania onboard but had many other successes and his heart was what won people over.
31 Jan 2010
News / Poland: In Top First 15 Countries in the WORLD by the number of CRIMES [286]

15 most violent countries in the world? Nah, I really don't see that as being the case. I feel safer in Poland than I have felt in quite a few other countries. Yet again, some skewed stats there.

Peasants killing their families? First I've heard.
31 Jan 2010
News / The Economist: time to rethink old notions about Poland [67]

I second that, Seanny. There are too many blanket assertions on this site and it comes through a lack of questioning and too much ego. There is always GUS to back up stats, that is their raison d'etre after all.
31 Jan 2010
USA, Canada / My wife wants to return to Poland...but I want to stay in the US [155]

Well, I can't disagree with that. Rational tests and not whimsical behaviour is what the courts are interested in. To me, she sounds just like other Polish women I've seen. Have a kid (getting what they wanted), leave the man and elope. She keeps PIFL lawyers in a job anyway. Eh, marriage vows!!

Well, we aren't at the kid stage just yet. 2 years down the line is likely. The OP's wife came to America, got married and had a kid. Yes, we can all be afforded a change of heart but stare decisis applies to marriage. Whisking the kid off just looks bad.
31 Jan 2010
USA, Canada / What do the Poles hate and love about the U.S.? [170]

Didn't you hear, delph? It was to protect them against Iran, ROTFL. Schematics show clearly that Iran's current capability enables them to reach the Romania-Ukraine border and no farther. I'm glad that Poles saw through the lie.

Let's have a poll. The result, for me anyway, is a foregone conclusion. Do you feel more at risk without the missile shield? Float it. I feel safer.
30 Jan 2010
News / The Economist: time to rethink old notions about Poland [67]

Without looking at the link, I know that his wife is American. He was instrumental in signing the shield along with that snake, Condo Rice. What a piece of work she was! I'll give it a look later, Joe.

I wonder to what extent they could use Poland. David Rockefeller openly admitted to using the might of America to serve his agenda.

As for old notions about Poland, stereotypes sometimes never disappear.
30 Jan 2010
Life / Poland's Idiotic Road Marking [9]

Bytom is the centre of the universe, didn't you know? ;) ;)

Perhaps because you need constant directional arrows to find Bytom as you can't see it for all the air pollution, smog etc etc ;) ;)
30 Jan 2010
News / The Economist: time to rethink old notions about Poland [67]

The thing is, it is many Poles themselves that are slow to rethink old notions. As Juche said, when you have a shambolic government and perilous roads, why the need for a rethink? ;) ;) It still is the case :(
30 Jan 2010
USA, Canada / What do the Poles hate and love about the U.S.? [170]

He said 'outside the EU' though, delph. Surely the Polish government retains the ultimate right to decide in the case of the admission of Africans, for example.
30 Jan 2010
Life / Can foreigners really understand Poles? [136]

Aw, shucks! The only one I've heard of is Oleksy. Kaczyńscy nie byli chyba. For privacy reasons, Oleksy's address has been withheld ;) ;)

That issue doesn't really interest me tbh, it's muck raking and a facet of Poland's past.
30 Jan 2010
Life / Can foreigners really understand Poles? [136]

I thought I was at the elementary part of the test. Where are the hard questions? ;) ;)

I can attest to the fact that I'm a Scot, yes :)
30 Jan 2010
Life / Can foreigners really understand Poles? [136]

I beg to differ. Poland is at the forefront of some new developments and also attracts handsome grants from the EU who believe there is vast potential here. If we are talking about internet technology, Poland is really making inroads.
30 Jan 2010
Life / Can foreigners really understand Poles? [136]

Well, after having many discussions with Poles on this point, they feel superior to Russians, Ukrainians and basically all other Slavs. Wojna Polsko-Ruska subtlely shows that.

When it comes to the West, Poles know that they do certain things better (I prefer the word 'different') like bread making, making best use of food and also being hospitable. However, the head sometimes rules the heart and they then know that Poland is still a little behind in many respects. My personal view is that they aren't as far behind as they say in certain respects. Poland has the technology of tomorrow and some highly skilled workers coming through. Take IT, for example. Poland is right up with the best.
30 Jan 2010
USA, Canada / What do the Poles hate and love about the U.S.? [170]

Ironside, in the case of the Czech Republic, maybe it has sth to do with the fact that they recently held the Presidency of the EU. Maybe?

Convex, that's true. Plus, the US has an obligation under an international treaty to supply them with assistance. It didn't come completely out of the blue and isn't without precedent.
30 Jan 2010
Life / Can foreigners really understand Poles? [136]

It depends on the Scot and English person in question. Pick a fiercely nationalistic (NOT patriotic) Scot and an open English gentleman then it's obvious.

However, descending back into the world of generalisations, I'd say that Scots would get along better with Poles than English folk, yes.