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Posts by Seanus  

Joined: 25 Dec 2007 / Male ♂
Last Post: 29 Dec 2011
Threads: Total: 15 / In This Archive: 4
Posts: Total: 19666 / In This Archive: 8616
From: Poland, Gliwice
Speaks Polish?: Tak, umiem
Interests: Cycling, chess and language

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1 Feb 2010
Food / Do Polish restaurants use dead dogs fat as a delicacy for you to eat? [41]

It depends what you mean by regularly, Joe. That's not what the Koreans in Itaewon, Seoul told me. However, they may have been aware of the bad rep of doing that and fed me some lies.

Chicken seemed far more popular, and kimchee of course.

I heard about that place near Częstochowa but I think the authorities clamped down on it some time ago so I doubt the validity of the info.
1 Feb 2010
USA, Canada / What do the Poles hate and love about the U.S.? [170]

Not before FEMA puts you in one of their mass graves, Scrappy ;0 ;)

There are major policing operations on the horizon, Scrappy. Watch this space. You may be a target ;)
1 Feb 2010
News / Poland: In Top First 15 Countries in the WORLD by the number of CRIMES [286]

Hey Missus, can I dip into your, um, ach forget it ;) ;)

One crime that is misunderstood is breach of the peace. I can guarantee you that it is broken more than most people realise. I had it as an exam question, albeit 11 years ago, although the inherent logic still applies. It is not one of those dynamic areas of law.

Corruption and bribery are on the decline here so that should put Poland further down the rankings ;)
1 Feb 2010
News / Poland: In Top First 15 Countries in the WORLD by the number of CRIMES [286]

You are right. I hadn't dipped into her profile before ;) ;)

Nah, you are fine, as is he. He could do with being a little less assertive as we are all just relying on stats (which are often warped) and observations which are not as broad-based as they could be.
1 Feb 2010
News / Poland - Third World Country?? [300]

Don't worry, being defensive doesn't make you a third world country ;) ;)

Think Twice has a point and I tried earlier to flesh out what a 3rd world country is. Saudi Arabia, for example, is classed as one. It shows the value we attach to human rights here, one of the 5 areas. It is super wealthy as we know but still classed as 3rd world. Just look at the case of Turkey, a country that has gotten wealthier through time but still needs some work on its human rights record.

Matteroftaste was just making observations above. If he can class Ukraine as being in the 2nd world, Poland most certainly is there too based on their roads. However, as Jimi Hendrix would say, 'it goes a lot deeper than that' (Highway Chile).
1 Feb 2010
Life / Can foreigners really understand Poles? [136]

I think I failed the test, Ironside. I could name only Oleksy but give me credit for not looking anything up :)

Next question squire :)
1 Feb 2010
News / Poland: In Top First 15 Countries in the WORLD by the number of CRIMES [286]

Arien put you to shame, jarnowa, so I'll be light. I was talking about the UK and the cost of living has really shot up. Ask ANY British member of the forum, many from poor housing estates often have at least 2 kids. They'll confirm that. You can't tell me that kids are cheap to raise, especially in England as education costs a lot later in life. There are just so many costs. Theft becomes a way of life for some.

I agree with Cameron. He is clearly in the know on this one.
1 Feb 2010
News / Poland: In Top First 15 Countries in the WORLD by the number of CRIMES [286]

BB, for sure. That's not in any doubt. The reasons are many and varied. Deterrents, combined with reform and the creation of opportunities help but 'sometimes bad is bad'.

Convex, many get benefits in the UK and survival isn't so hard if you live in the right way.
1 Feb 2010
News / Poland: In Top First 15 Countries in the WORLD by the number of CRIMES [286]

Well, it's a bit of both really. Percentage-wise, most crimes in the UK are committed by those from working-class backgrounds in poorer areas. Weakness of their characters undoubtedly plays a part but I'd say that social deprivation is more of a factor in the UK.

That's what I said, BB, different crimes and not the standard assault, theft and tyre stabbing etc etc.
1 Feb 2010
News / Poland: In Top First 15 Countries in the WORLD by the number of CRIMES [286]

What is the reason for that, BB? Quite a few poor people in the UK become criminals due to social deprivation. It would be fair to say that they commit different, though a broader range of crimes than richer folk. Let's say crime as it is commonly known through association.
1 Feb 2010
Language / weź/wej - Pronunciation questions [4]

Good point! SH and Z, in English, would tend to have a vowel between them. Think of Snoop Doggy Dogg when he says SHIZZA ;) ;) Between ś and z comes sth like a snake's ssss (hiss). Look at any language and they likely have sth similar.

Look at the Polish words for 50 and 90. They don't say pięćdzisiąt, more like pinjishont. 90 goes along similar lines.

Also, ź often goes at the end so you can make a more fuller sound for it. - followed by s isn't the most natural of progressions in the world.
1 Feb 2010
Life / Can foreigners really understand Poles? [136]

Yeah, Dariusz made a very good point for sure. Foreigners shouldn't try to impose or customise. Poland has been trodden on enough through communism. Poland is carving out a new identity and, yes, foreigners play a part but not when they get ahead of themselves.

BevK, Weegies and Yorkshiremen, BAAAAAD mix!
1 Feb 2010
USA, Canada / My wife wants to return to Poland...but I want to stay in the US [155]

ZIMMY is right. Many women have that agenda. Get the baby and scarper. PGTX, what do you mean by 'I don't think so'? I'm trying to combine the legal reality which is inherently rational with the practical emotional aspects. There has to be a compromise. If they both sort out employment in Poland before they get here (assuming he was to move, of course) then the welfare of the kid is in that bit better of a position. I don't know if the OP will reply again but I'd like to ask him what her plans are as we can't just pick and choose in life. It is her wish to return so the onus should be on her, esp with her knowledge of Polish, to provide guarantees to him AND the child as best she can.
1 Feb 2010
News / Poland: In Top First 15 Countries in the WORLD by the number of CRIMES [286]

We must avoid blanket statements here. Arien is right to say that we all have different functions based on our character or experience. I would never look down on a scaffie (garbage disposal man) as, without his like, we would have masses of stinky rubbish left to rot on the streets. There is social utility there.

BB, it can be country specific. I've heard that job creation in Germany isn't a strong point at the moment. When there are too many people chasing too few jobs, some lose out but that doesn't detract from the fact that life costs and why should they miss out on a family life and all it brings? How do you know about those robbers? Have you met them personally? Have you detailed files on their background? More and more studious and decent people are losing out these days and some rob. Finally, blame the state and not them. In Britain, we make it more desirable not to work through the giving of generous benefits.

The morality of many here stops some criminal acts from being performed. However, Poles have to continue to create a favourable image of their country and enjoy the good things. Otherwise, mass disillusionment will set in and life will be seen as a drag. Studying requirements drain the life out of many Poles and the job future isn't bright for many. Unemployment, though lower than it was, is still quite high. Many factors can lead to a building up of tension and possible criminality. The key is to avoid those traps as best possible.
1 Feb 2010
USA, Canada / My wife wants to return to Poland...but I want to stay in the US [155]

F stop, Jozek is likely reading this and picking up on what he needs to. That which I have given him, the legal position and what I've seen many women do (abscond). ZIMMY also chipped in with some good stuff.

Scrappy called it right. He must be firm and stand his ground. Even trials in foreign countries are fraught with pitfalls. Jobs don't often work on a suspension basis (why should his employer hold it til he returns?) and he can't give that up easily. Besides, there isn't a plethora of options for him here unless he uses Polish fluently.

Wasting my time? LOL The next classic.
1 Feb 2010
News / Poland: In Top First 15 Countries in the WORLD by the number of CRIMES [286]

Jarnowa, of course it's not BS and you have just shown a complete lack of understanding. Social circumstances play a major part in robbing and other crimes in GB. Nobody needs to rob to survive? Is your name Giertych or Thatcher? Want to be rich quick??? Many just want to make ends meet.
31 Jan 2010
USA, Canada / My wife wants to return to Poland...but I want to stay in the US [155]

Also, getting married and having a baby are highly suggestive of a 'settled intention', a major factor in habitual residence. Read Beaumont and McEleavy's book for more caselaw. The first guy was my prof and we discussed it extensively in Masters seminars.

That's the official legal position. Reality shows that women often want to elope with the kid. Say otherwise and you show me that you haven't read the bulk of the caselaw. I've seen it firsthand, the woman treated the man like dirt and ran off with the kid.
31 Jan 2010
USA, Canada / My wife wants to return to Poland...but I want to stay in the US [155]

Where did I mention divorce in my last post? Sth's gotta give and what was wrong with my suggestion that she goes home and he stays? He has likely settled in the US under the belief that she wanted to do likewise as she didn't say anything to the contrary until later on in the day.

To keep his family?? He has them.
31 Jan 2010
USA, Canada / My wife wants to return to Poland...but I want to stay in the US [155]

Well, she can return and leave the kid with him. How about that? She gets her wish and he gets his.

Not at all, even more so given that she is from Poland. Poland has many things going for it.

Do you think he hasn't considered those tough choices? A good lawyer will say 'the welfare of the child is paramount' anyway. The assessment of courts tends to be against uprooting the child. Provided that they have access to their language, religion and other material factors, this is the normal outcome.
31 Jan 2010
USA, Canada / My wife wants to return to Poland...but I want to stay in the US [155]

Eh, she was visiting the US and likely paid a lot of money and went through bureaucracy to do so, so don't be saying that 'she had the courage' when she was likely looking for a new and fun experience. To try the US, LOL. What a joke! I'd love to try the US and there would be no courage involved. She got married AND had a kid, major steps really. Had she had any inkling that she wanted to return, she should have discussed it with him.

You don't have it in you? LOL That was a classic. What part of "I want to stay in the US" don't you understand?
31 Jan 2010
USA, Canada / My wife wants to return to Poland...but I want to stay in the US [155]

True enough. The problem is that the father won't even get meaningful access in the case above. How can you give custody to the person who entered into marriage with a view to creating a family with her husband and then U-turns?
31 Jan 2010
USA, Canada / My wife wants to return to Poland...but I want to stay in the US [155]

Well, financial provision upon divorce tends to favour them. It's a sad state of affairs when it comes to that, it's just grabbing.

Mapping out the future of the kid is so important and a whimsical plea to return with the kid just doesn't wash.
31 Jan 2010
News / Poland: In Top First 15 Countries in the WORLD by the number of CRIMES [286]

Too late, the Vatican are already talking about excommunication. Don't worry, though, even Hitler wasn't excommunicated so your position is safe :)


here's the connection, squire. The Vatican is crime central :)