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Posts by Seanus  

Joined: 25 Dec 2007 / Male ♂
Last Post: 29 Dec 2011
Threads: Total: 15 / In This Archive: 4
Posts: Total: 19666 / In This Archive: 8616
From: Poland, Gliwice
Speaks Polish?: Tak, umiem
Interests: Cycling, chess and language

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5 Feb 2010
Law / Value of Computer in Poland [8]

How is it not? He asked for exchange rates and it has them. Have you even read Informator, WB?
5 Feb 2010
UK, Ireland / Recently beaten up in England by 3 Polish guys [93]

Harry has a good point here. It's the same with the Japanese, even more so. War twisted them and they tried to build up their nation as some polite and virtuous entity to be paraded to all and sundry. Poland and Japan both have respect language but it masks a more sinister agenda. I have insiders in both cultures and they tell me as much.

Don't expect too much help from the police here. I spoke in Japanese once, just to get rid of them when they came to the rynek and told us to move.
5 Feb 2010
Life / You are Polish if... [433]

you overly think in your own language when using English (not many PF users, though)

you believe coleslaw (soleslav) is a Polish creation (yes, it has cabbage but....)

you throw Maluchs round a corner at their limit (I'm glad the top speed is low)

you put a slice of lemon in your tea

you cannot define what a Catholic is and how it's different from a Protestant

you squander your education by accepting unsuitable jobs

you are proud and value honour
5 Feb 2010
Love / How to please Polish women? [216]

Tyres, Bzibby. Sometimes it's an impossible task if the woman is in a given mood. When that happens, don't even try!
5 Feb 2010
Life / You are Polish if... [433]

you look like Kenny from South Park in his parka :)

you wear tight jeans that hug your butt (esp women)

you walk through a door being held open for you without saying anything

you think Seksmisja is at the cutting edge of humour

you think Agnieszka Chylińska is the only celeb in the world

your opinion of your country vastly differs from that of foreigners

you know you have top-class meat (wędliny). This is true!

you automatically believe that Polish women are no1 for looks without accepting that beauty is in the eye of the beholder

you go abroad and say good things about Poland from afar, having left because you didn't really like it (or was it for money??)

you romanticise things well beyond conventional levels.
4 Feb 2010
Work / Advice on Teaching English in Poland [709]

It's an impressive website but please allow others to present an alternative reality. For example, qualifications. So much nonsense has been written generally about this and I know for a fact that there are those here without the required quals. Well short, in fact!
4 Feb 2010
UK, Ireland / Brits to protest against foreigners in the workforce, including Poles. [289]

Even the chocolate jobs are changing. Look at Kraft's takeover of Cadbury's. If I'm not mistaken, Kraft are Australian. I'd like to look at the workforce of McLaren who, I think, are based in Woking. F1 is so international too. Business took over and British institutions like Rover and Mini came under pressure from bigger concerns.

They can protest all they like, the EU provisions are clear.
4 Feb 2010
Love / How to please Polish women? [216]

Too late to edit :) Oh, come on, where's your SOH? It's just as well I wasn't fully warmed up :) Have you heard what some women discuss amongst one another? Sheesh :)
4 Feb 2010
Life / You are Polish if... [433]

you love family get-togethers but cringe when the teściowa comes along

you insist on using all possible combinations of the verb jechać

you stand right behind sb at a zebra crossing

you think that all Asians are the same

you believe exams to be super important
4 Feb 2010
Life / Lack of Spacial Acuity in Poland [69]

Were Polish roots established? ;) ;)

Hug them? That was for starters :0 ;)

I had an old guy almost hit me in the mouth today. I tried to get past him and he lost his footing on the ice and his flailing arm came out but somehow his reflexes worked. It's treacherous out there for old biddies.
4 Feb 2010
Love / How to please Polish women? [216]

I think I just did :) She is smiling so must be satisfied :) How did I do it? Well, that's an instant binning if I say ;) ;)

As Bill Hicks once said about BJ's, 'there's a very definite beginning and end to this', LOL
3 Feb 2010
UK, Ireland / Brits to protest against foreigners in the workforce, including Poles. [289]

Maybe it has escaped the attention of some but Brits get jobs through British agencies as a result of foreign labour. It is British employers who choose who to take on board. What I don't like is Polish agencies for only Polish workers but if they confine themselves to helping through steering then there is no problem. Cutting corners and fast-tracking isn't what is desirable, just pointing in the right direction is.

Britain has embraced multiculturalism in the workplace for many a year. The crisis meant that Brits lost their jobs and they needed a scapegoat. All was going well, a bubble of sorts, with foreigners contributing to that. Then it went pear-shaped (t*ts up) and I can only assume that the work rate of foreigners remained constant as they have mouths to feed to, of course. Blame the bankers, they're the wan*ers!
3 Feb 2010
Love / How to please Polish women? [216]

Buy them chocolates and flowers ;) If this isn't removed, I'm going to complain ;) ;)

Seriously, the above often don't work.
3 Feb 2010
Life / You are Polish if... [433]

Echo, I know of 3 separate instances and posters on here have alluded to it.

Gaa, who has more posts than the 2nd, 3rd and 4th posters combined? Yes, me. I know the forum better than most and I see it almost every time that Poles deflect comments to have a dig at Brits so don't be tellin me what's what. They can't keep focussing on the criticism so they hack elsewhere.

Oh, you've heard of Scotland. That's a start! The post office staff here haven't. Go on! Like Spock, I'm all ears.

I wasn't talking about the French and you are doing it again. Stop diverting the focus away from the thread.

Maybe by your standards so all power 2 ya.

Ready for some more criticism? No, you can't take any and that's so evident.

What really gets me here is the posters who are generally pro-Poland take just one dig and they have an army on top of them. Like Admin said, get over the fact that it isn't paradise here.

I have many Polish friends and talk Poland up a lot. If you can't deal with a little provocation in life, you will be like a helix, wound up to the max. Rozładuj się, proszę :)
2 Feb 2010
Life / You are Polish if... [433]

you always deflect criticism of Poland onto other countries and divert attention

I agree, it's more typical in Britain but this isn't about Britain, is it?

you think foreigners' criticism is without foundation

you have some issues about where your country stands in the overall scheme of things

you, once again, feel the need to deflect attention from any faults here ;) ;)
2 Feb 2010
News / Poland: In Top First 15 Countries in the WORLD by the number of CRIMES [286]

Jarnowa, not at all. I fully agree that you should make sure you have the finances for a kid and realise the long-term nature of it.

Also, colour has no meaning for me. True, many blacks in the UK cause problems, eg gun culture in Birmingham but just as many whites, if not more, are doing likewise. Just look at Liverpool's crime stats, mostly committed by whities.
2 Feb 2010
Life / You are Polish if... [433]

you cannot accept criticism and get defensive quickly.

you feel that it is ok not to say thanks when getting meals etc from foreigners.

you feel that you should get the best service, regardless of the standard you paid for.

you say goodbye to the floor when you leave a shop

you rigidly stick to your line on the pavement and don't budge

you think nobody can compare to the uber Slavs and that no-one can look as good

you talk endlessly about a very limited range of 'celebrities'

you insist on kicking up a fuss, even though very little is wrong

you think swearing like a moron is cool on different forums (fora)

The above are slightly provocative but contain more than half-truths in many cases. I don't like to generalise but it's just a laugh ;) ;)
2 Feb 2010
Life / You are Polish if... [433]

you moan when anything is left open for more than 3 seconds like a fridge or a door.

you insist that your Polish teacher knows better than a qualified native speaker.

you totally lose track of how much you have in your bank account.

you think cabbage is a gift from God.
2 Feb 2010
Work / Working in Poland in a Non-Polish Speaking Job? - How? What? (no teachers!) [16]

Teaching has been the stable career of many. A teacher trainer can often just be temporary and the increments aren't worth the ulcers. Although I'm glad that I have a CELTA, there is often just a large degree of money grabbing in course administration.

I share the same reservations about the British Council. I have no room for elitist or dry folk and they may fit that description.
1 Feb 2010
Love / Polish Girls vs Russian Girls [813]

Low? Only the clubbing type tend to be slappers. I don't think it's that easy to pull in general here.
1 Feb 2010
Life / Can foreigners really understand Poles? [136]

Dunnotar castle? Yeah, it's only 20 miles or so down the coast. Well worth scoping out! Sorry, those conspiracy stories from yesteryear don't interest me :)
1 Feb 2010
USA, Canada / What do the Poles hate and love about the U.S.? [170]

I believe less and less of the conspiracy nonsense that goes around. Alex Jones ran a segment on FEMA organising mass graves but it just smacks of lunacy for me. My American friend here has researched it more and he thinks that it's possible and he knows sb in a VERY high place in the US administration.