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Joined: 11 Apr 2008 / Male ♂
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Last Post: 9 Apr 2018
Threads: Total: 980 / In This Archive: 576
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From: US Sterling Heigths, MI
Speaks Polish?: yes
Interests: Polish history, genealogy

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7 Oct 2010
Life / Is parity the answer for Polish women? [262]

A femi-fascist is a 'hurray for our side' man-hater whose whole mentality has been contaminated by genderism. Her only other bugbear is Catholicism. Read some of her blogs. If she isn't feminising she's Church-bashing in one way or the other.

Believe it or not, Środa recently said (regarding the Radziszewska row), that as a paracticing Catholic Radziszewska has no business being an equality minister.
It's a case of sour grapes, because Środa herself was the gender-equality minister in the post-commie cabinet.
7 Oct 2010
Life / Is parity the answer for Polish women? [262]

Not only the Wednseday Witch (rapid femi-fascist Magdalena Środa) but also Janusz Palikot are calling for gender parity. At least 50% of candidates for political office must be women. A political party is of course free to submit a 50-50 slate of candidates but they want it to become the law of the land obligating all poltical parites. Do you believe this is the way to go? If not enough good female candidates come forward then the missing places will have to be filled by female mediocrities and also-rans. Whaddya think?
7 Oct 2010
Life / Jehova's witnesses in Poland - how to deal with them? [110]

JWs are not to be bashed but admried and emulated. Unlike many Catholics and other Christians, they actually practice what they preach.Because of their faith they are honest, truthful, hard-working, conscientious, faithful to their spouses and moderate in food and drink. From what I have heard, a member who goes astray is promptly expelled and re-admitted only after doing extensive penance.

To some people their refusal to bear arms (conscientious objection to military service), swear allegiance to states (such as our 'Our pledge allegaince to the flag' recited daily in US schools) and receive blood transfusions makes them controversial.
7 Oct 2010
Life / Jehova's witnesses in Poland - how to deal with them? [110]

But an entryphone can be put to various use. The resident can say 'get lost', 'drop dead' or
%&#$?!#&&?. He/she can slam down the receiver or may politely say 'I'm a practicing Catholic and am not interested in changing my faith.'

Personally, on occasion I have entered into discussion with JWs. People of such conviction and dedication deserve their five minutes. A basic knowledge fo Christianity (going beyond the tabloidised paedophile scandals, Spanish Inquisiton or Italy's Renaissance poisoner popes) is helpful in such discourse.
7 Oct 2010
Life / Jehova's witnesses in Poland - how to deal with them? [110]

Have any of you run into JWs in Poland. How have you dealt with them? What is your opinioon of them? They are active in many countries and they are known to proseletyse door to door and pass out copies of their magazines Watchtower and Awaken or something like that. They know their Bible insdie out so are no match for ordinary Polish Catholics whose biblical savvy is rather limited.
6 Oct 2010
News / Palikot - too liberal/modern for Poland? [197]

Why should only the woman be allowed to decide? It takes two to tango. Abortions should be persmsisible in extreme cases only with the written consent of both the woman and the man who impregnated her. Don't men have any rights?
5 Oct 2010
News / Palikot - too liberal/modern for Poland? [197]

'Aborcja na życzenie' means a woman can have her unborn baby murdered just because she feels like it without giving any reason. Poland's current law allows abortion in case of:

-- a threat to the woman's health
-- a threat to the woman's life
-- a badly deformed foetus
-- pregancy resulting from rape
-- pregnancy resulting from incest.
At a time when many childless couples are looking to adopt, those who do not want or cannot afford to care for a baby should consider that option rather than choosing the selfish and criminal way out. Murder is murder whether or not you give it some fancy name like euthanasia, capital punishment or termination of pregnancy.
5 Oct 2010
News / Tusk cracks down on designer drugs ("dopalacze") in Poland [171]

Well, the good ol' USA sells alcohol from age 21 and you must have proof -- usually a driving licence. (In decadent Germany 14-year-olds are served beer at McDonalds.) The are also various state restrictions in the USA such as legal closing times. In Michigan, no alcohol of any kind may be sold on Sudnay before 1 p.m. and only wine and beer are sold on over the rest of Sunday. Sunday is the Lord's day meant for worship and family togetherness, not pub-crawling. Does you heart really bleed for the souses and boozers who think otherwise?!

There are also 'dry' towns. If the local popualce vote in a referendum that they want no off-licence shops or pubs within their town's limits, then so be it. That is true democracy.
5 Oct 2010
News / Tusk cracks down on designer drugs ("dopalacze") in Poland [171]

All these products (smart drugs, designer drugs, memory enhancers, herbal whichmecallits, etc.) should be classified as illicit drugs, outlawed and be done with it. All this testing of ingredients which can be modified by one or two atoms overnigth is nonsense.

All potnetially harmful products are banned. Full stop!
As far as connvenional illegal drugs (grass, ampha, coke, extasy, etc.) are concerned, the onus should be on pub and club owners. If plainclothesmen find a single customer puffing a joint, the puffer is questioend until he freveals his source, and the owner gets a warning. The second time he loses his licence. It is up to him and his security gaurds, chuckers-out, etc. to not allow any harmful products onto the premises. Again a health regulation can be used: it is unlawful to store harmful substances in a public establishment. Properly publicised by the media, the publicans would be shaking in their boots and bending over backwards to keep their place drug-free.
5 Oct 2010
Life / Disco Polo - No No No No No! [95]

One Polish anthropologist told me that Poland's disco-polo bashers are wannabe snobs trying to conceal the fact (even from themselves) that they themselves are only one or two generations removed from the countryside. Jumping on the conformist anti-disco bandwagon heightens their sense of self-worth and makes them feel more citified, sophisticated and cutting edge. Any comments?
4 Oct 2010
Genealogy / NAGONOWSKY: Please help to find my host family in Poland [5]

Ring the Urząd Gminny in Środa, ask for the Dział Ewidencji Ludności and check if any Nagonowskis live in the area. They may give out an address. This must all be handled in Polish, of course.
3 Oct 2010
News / Tusk cracks down on designer drugs ("dopalacze") in Poland [171]

PM Tusk has ordered a nationwide crackdown on shops selling smart drugs, aka designer drugs, memory enhancers or noothropic substances. What is the situation like in other countries? I am told these are worse than mainline drugs (grass, ampha, coke, etc.) because medical rescuers don't always know which smart drug was used, what it contained and how to deal with its health- and life-threatening effects.
3 Oct 2010
News / Palikot - too liberal/modern for Poland? [197]

The roughly $10 billion dollars worth of real estate is what the commie regime stole from the Church. Since the restoration of private ownership, those confiscated lands and buildings have been returned and, where that was impossible (war. damage, demoliton, building over the original sites), financial compensation has been provided. Now Palikot is using that sum to suggest the state is bankrolling the Church.
3 Oct 2010
News / Palikot - too liberal/modern for Poland? [197]

Palikot's got an MA in philosophy from Warsaw Univ. but was earning pennies as a teaching assistant at the Philosophy Faculty. He apparently had an inborn knack for business, sensed a market for wooden goods palettes in great demand in Germany), then moved to the wine and vodka business and soon became a millionaire. He even briefly bankroleld the Catholic weekly Ozon. One thing that can be said for him (all his clowning aside), he has helped Poland's demographics by fathering 4 children. It took him two wives to do so but....

With his madcap antics he has also provided some comic relief to Poland's somewhat dour and pompous Polish politiclal scene.
3 Oct 2010
News / Palikot - too liberal/modern for Poland? [197]

The Church-bashing and librertine persmissivism (comdomisign youngsters, abortion at whim, etc.) are a blueprint for moral decay, but even Hitler built the VW and modern motorways and had one of Europe's best health insurance systems. So too Palikot has some good ideas including:

-- downsizing the Sejm from 460 to 300 deputies
-- one-mandate voting (voting for candidates rather than parties)
-- a maximum of two 4-year terms in offcie for MPs
-- no subsidising of political parties.
Abolition of the Senate does not seem wise as this body corrects or fine-tunes legislation. Maybe downsizing it to 50 (from the current 100) seats would be OK.
3 Oct 2010
Food / Any czernina fans on PF? [23]

A shot-down wild duck will have usually usually lost much of its blood after your trusty golden retriever fetches it.
2 Oct 2010
Food / Any czernina fans on PF? [23]

If made well, this is one of the grandest soups ever -- rich, tangy, fruity, sweet & sour -- it doesn't get any better than this. May be served with egg noodles, potato-ball dumplings or potatoes. ) PolAm kids used to call it 'chocolate soup & bullets' (referring to the stick-to-the-ribs potato dumplings).
2 Oct 2010
Food / Any czernina fans on PF? [23]

Are there any czernina fans on PF? If so, where do you get your duck (or goose -- also good!)
2 Oct 2010
USA, Canada / Do any other Polish Americans feel that our culture needs to be more well preserved? [38]

It depends how one defines Americaism. Is someone who dislikes apple pie and baseball unAmerican or even a traitor? Not until a law is enacted making not liking thsose illegal.

America is a huge salad bowl comprising diverse ingredients. Will it contain everythign but Polish ingredients is up to us PolAms.
PolAms need to be culturally more assertive and expose fellow-Americfans to our unique cultrual contributions. The Jews, Balcks, Hispanics, Irish, Arabs and others are doing so. Czy my gorsi?
1 Oct 2010
History / No Nazi puppet regime in Poland? [45]

For those interested, here is a list of the Nazis' 'Polish' collaborators:

In english: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Category:Polish_collaborators_with_Nazi_Germany
1 Oct 2010
History / No Nazi puppet regime in Poland? [45]

The 'Chrystus narodów' concept was part of the messianism inherent in Poland's 19th-century romantic ideology.
Re the original question, I did hear once upon a time that a couple of Polish noblemen had made advances to the Nazis, but do not recall the details. Anyone know anything about this?
1 Oct 2010
Life / Disco Polo - No No No No No! [95]

But there is no more loud, tasteles, repetitively obnoxious noise than rap crap... Why would anyone want to hear about narcodealers or slumdwellers wanting to kill cops and rape females set to that droningly monotonous unga-bunga beat?
1 Oct 2010
News / ORBIS: Another Commie business of Poland bites the dust [5]

Orbis was set up in Lwów in 1920 or thereabouts. Your line should have read: Another Polish brand bites the dust. LOT is not far behind because the Luftwaffe or Lufthansa or some other Heil Hitler outfit is already getting read to pounce on Poland's national airline.
1 Oct 2010
History / No Nazi puppet regime in Poland? [45]

Poles often pride themselves that unlike Slovaks, Norwegians, French, Hungarians, Romanians and others, they had never agreed to a pro-Nazi or Nazi-backed puppet regime during the Second World War. The key question here is: was there ever such an option? Did Hitler rule out the notion of a puppet regime of 'subhuman' Poles out of hand or only because German intelligecne had informed him willing collabroators would be hard to find in Poland.