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Joined: 11 Apr 2008 / Male ♂
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Last Post: 9 Apr 2018
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From: US Sterling Heigths, MI
Speaks Polish?: yes
Interests: Polish history, genealogy

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11 Oct 2010
Language / déjà vu in Polish [23]

Have you ever noticed the way many native Poles pronounce certain French terms in general circulation. One example is déjà vu (literally: alłready seen, meaning something obvious, old hat). They usually say dejża (that's OK) wi (English: vee).

Americans also to the specific French sound vu.
Even more common are words ending in -é. Poles treat it like the short 'e' in Englihs let and for café say kaFE, rather than something closer to kaFYJ. Also beauté comes out sounding like boTE and coup d'état like kudeTA.

This applies to otehr languages like German Kohl (is kol but should be kołl) and Bahnhoh (is banhof but should be banhołf). I won't even touch English because that is a real minefield.
11 Oct 2010
Life / Foreign crap OK, Pułaski not! [14]

Well, maybe the workshop made tools and dyed clothes. (Only joking: it should have been 'die'.)
I should have added that the PLAV baseball cap had a crowned white Polish eagle on it, so the ethnic connection could not have been in doubt.
11 Oct 2010
Law / A new car from Poland - Romet 4E [2]

If no driving licence is necessary then the car surely cannot be used on normal city streets and motorways but must be restricted to private enclosed areas such as farms or estates or used as a beach buggy or park vehicle.

A few years ago a similar micro car called the Clic was annouced in Poladn, but (unfortunately as usual) nothing came of it.
BTW, one thing has always intrigued me. The electric cars have to be recharged and that takes time. Why can't pterol stations also feature battery-exchange sections, where the weakening battery would be replaced with a fully charged on. That would help ecologically safe elecrtic cars take off.
11 Oct 2010
Life / Foreign crap OK, Pułaski not! [14]

Xenophobia is the dislike of foreigners, but Poland is probably the only country to which the term xenophilia (love of foreigners) would apply. Naturally not all foreigners -- Romanian Gipsies, Arabs, Russians and a few others would be exempted.

A good example comes to mind. An acquaintance told me that back when baseball caps were al the rage in Poland but were scarce, he sent his cousin's son a batch of them. The kid sold them all at a hefty mark-up regardless of whether they sported such logos as Harris Funeral Home, Joe's Tool & Dye, Finley's Bar & Grill, J & M Dry Cleaning, Newark Refrigeration, etc., etc. The only one that generated no interest read: Pulaski Post PLAV (Polish Legion of American Veterans). These were kids aged 11-13. Why would they already be anti-Polish at that age?
10 Oct 2010
UK, Ireland / More honest - Brits of Poles? [9]

You haven't replied to whether the people of your parents' generation on the whole were more or less honest than your generation. If so, why?
10 Oct 2010
News / Tusk cracks down on designer drugs ("dopalacze") in Poland [171]

Only gangsters regard snitches as the most horrible creatures to be destroyed. But if grass-roots potheads inform the authorities where they got the garbage, the mafia can't kill them all can they? Faced with the prospect of jail or reform school many teens will fess up. Not all grass users are slum slime. Some come from good famileis and will therefore be under even greater pressure to play ball. All available legal and psychological means should be used not to promote, glamoursie or justify evil (the way today's pop-media and many PF-ers are doing) but to curb and, if possible, elimiante it.
10 Oct 2010
News / Tusk cracks down on designer drugs ("dopalacze") in Poland [171]

All this nonsense about mafias and drug dealers being delighted over the crackdown... It was innovative of Poland to ban shops selling psychoactive substances rather than on indivdual ingredients which can be quickly modified. Maybe the Swedish approach to prostitution might be implemented where the 'johns' not the prostitues are prosecuted. Detain the user of joints, coke, designer drugs, etc. and set him free only after he has divulged his source. Then detain the source and do likewise and that approach will eventually lead to the drug lords themselves.

Unless you are rooting for the already filthy rich drug providers!?
10 Oct 2010
News / Tusk cracks down on designer drugs ("dopalacze") in Poland [171]

But it's high time Poland provided some positive input into the fat, old wh*ore of Brussels.
Poland was right not to rush into the euro zone because only it weathered the crisis. It was right in eschewing widespread flu shots to the dismay of the pharmceutical giants.

Now a blanket crackdown on this poison could set another good example.
10 Oct 2010
UK, Ireland / More honest - Brits of Poles? [9]

Who in your view is generally more honest - Brits or Poles? I have in mind a broadly conceived honesty index that would inlcude truthfulness, shoplifitng, cheating on tests, fidelity to spouses, reaction to finding a wallet full of money, stealing from one's employer (removing building materials, offcie supplies, etc. from the workplace).

Secondly, do you regard yourself more or less honest than people of your parents' generation?
9 Oct 2010
Po polsku / Polskie dziennikarstwo: misja czy info-szum? [6]

Jak oceniacie polskie dzeinnikarstwo? Czy napędzają je przezważnie tacy (jak mówi się w Ameryce) "crusading journalists", dziennikarze z misją, oddani bez reszty służbie narodowi i pragnący coś zmienić na lepsze, czy po prostu poszuzkiwacze sensacji, plotkarze, wyszukujący tzw. "gorących" lecz przeważnie trywialnych tematów, wierszówkarze rozudmuchujący polityczne pyskówki głównie po to, żeby podbić poczytność czy oglądalność macierzystych firm?

Oczywiście są tacy i owacy, ale czy na ogół jesteście zadowoleni z polskich mediów? Który z dzienników Waszym zdaniem jest najbardziej obiektywyny:

Wyborcza, Rzepa, Nasz Dzeinnik, Polska the Times, Dziennik, czy któraś z regionalnych gazet?
A z tygodników: Polityka, Newsweek, Wprost, Przekrój, Nie?
Z telewizji -- TVP, Polsat, TVN?
9 Oct 2010
News / Poland 2050? What will happen? [60]

Isn't the world supposed to end in 2012, not 2011? If so, will Poles and Ukies manage to see Euro 2012 through to its completion?
9 Oct 2010
Genealogy / Stąpor: Questions about my family [9]

Yes, they were commoners. No more than 10-12% of Polish society were of noble birth. The meaning of the name itself has absolutely no bearing on what they did for a living or what they were like. Always bear in mind the Tom Smith, Bill Baker and Mary Shepherd syndrome. None of those people today shoe horses, bake bread or herd sheep. Thery are just names passed down over many generations if not centuries.
9 Oct 2010
News / Tusk cracks down on designer drugs ("dopalacze") in Poland [171]

'Plastic Poles' (as you call them), who closely follow Polish affairs, are proud of their heritage, and hope Poland will avoid the pitfalls (drugs, crime, guns, broken families, PC terroism, indebtedness, mortgage traps, etc.) into which America has fallen often know more and analyse things more deeply than your average Józio Sześciopak (Joe Sixpack), Maciek Mądrala or Wojtek Półinteligent at Plac Grunwaldzki, Marszałkowska or Franciszkańska 3.
8 Oct 2010
News / Poland 2050? What will happen? [60]

Of course, poltical developments can rarely be fully foreseen, as there are always unexpected twists and surprises. But a joint attack on Germany in 1933 by France and Poland at a time when Herr Hitler had his trousers down, re-armament was just beginning and there was Nazi v Communist turmoil throughout the country could just have worked.

The reds and brownshirts could be played off against each other thereby making the job all the easier.
Just think of all the lives that could have been saved in Europe, and Berlin, Warsaw, Hamburg, Gdańsk, Dresden, Wrocław, etc. could have been spared.

Post-war Germany did not rebel against the four occupation zones (except for the anti-GDR riots in the '50s). I doubt if a Franco-Polish occupied post-WW1 Germany would have risen up.
8 Oct 2010
News / Tusk cracks down on designer drugs ("dopalacze") in Poland [171]

Arguments like yours play into the hands of the poisoner-exploiters. They have batteries of highly-paid lawyers to find loopholes in the law so they can conmtinue theri parasitic activtiy agaisnt the yougner generation. Those shysters are at least getting paid for keeping the jackals in business. Only a sucker would do it for free.
8 Oct 2010
News / Tusk cracks down on designer drugs ("dopalacze") in Poland [171]

Thats exactly what the poison pedlars want people -- ban ingredients. They're back at theri computers straightaway juggling atoms and presto -- a new improved and not illegal cocncocaion copems out. The authorities again aghce the spend lots of taxpayer money on lab testing to figure out if the enw version is toxic or dangerous, etc., etc. Banning all illicit drugs got round that hurdle.

BTW where are those PF-ers who should have been assailing the hypocritical smart-drug producers touting their poson as 'potted-plant fertiliser' or 'collector's items'?
8 Oct 2010
News / Tusk cracks down on designer drugs ("dopalacze") in Poland [171]

You may have missed it, but in recent days throngs of teenagers all over Poland have staged anti-designer drug protest outside the shops of the poison purveyors.

Do you really believe this industry is made up of 'friends of teens' who want nothing but to make young people's lives more interesting and colourful?

BTW, are you on Typhoon or nutmeg at the moment?
8 Oct 2010
News / Tusk cracks down on designer drugs ("dopalacze") in Poland [171]

All mind-altering drugs should be banned and their purveyors and users severely punished. Some dingbat at this point will invariably raise the alcohol issue and cite our American failed prohibition. But alcohol can be better restricted -- drinking age raised to 21, prices raised to the point that people don't start making bimber again, limit the number of pub and off-licence permits, introduce mandatory opening and closing times like civilised English-speak countries have. Drink driving can be penalised by obligatory confiscation of vehicle and loss of driving licence for life. Promotion and glorificaiton of stupefying substances by the media, entertainment or cultural community should be strongly discouraged.
8 Oct 2010
News / Poland 2050? What will happen? [60]

Au contraire, Germany would have been parititioned by Poland and France never to re-emerge again. Re-armament would have been prevented and Polish and French gendarmes would patrol the streets against crime. Poland and France, as the two countries that suffered the most destruction on their soil, would have been able to extract severe reparations to pay for all the damage. The German language would be permitted in public only for Sunday Gottesdienst. Otherwise the official languages would be French in the western half and Polish in the eastern half. To entrench the territorial change, added territory at Germany's expense could be ceded to Czechoslovakia, Belgium, Holland and Denmark.
8 Oct 2010
News / Tusk cracks down on designer drugs ("dopalacze") in Poland [171]

All the Harrys of this world as well as the drug trade's paid hitman, lobbies, media and PR flunkeys as well as their pricey lawyers, all backed by millions of euro, złotys or whatever, also use these sophistic arguments. They are only concerned about free trade being threatened and people's freedom of choice being in jeopardy. Nutmeg is a food product. Maybe hammers should be outlawed because they can be used as a murder weapon bla-bla-bla ad nauseam. Tell it to the parents of kids in intensive care or the morgue following a trendy designer-drug trip.
8 Oct 2010
News / Poland 2050? What will happen? [60]

Was there ever such a real chance? Obviously, a Prussia incoproated by Poladn-Lithuania would have prevented the emergence of Germany as we know it. I believe the Saxon kings spent most of their time at their court in Dresden. But WW2 could have been prevented if Piłsudski had pre-emptively invaded Germany before it could re-arm and develop Nazi rule.
8 Oct 2010
News / Poland 2050? What will happen? [60]

A za króla Sasa -- jedz, pij i pupuszczaj pasa*...were the bywords of the two Saxon monarchs whose courts wallowed in luxury and debauchry whilst the peasantry starved. Then as now the blind, unbridled pursuit of material wealth, pleasure, convenience and luxury leads into a blind alley.

* When a Saxon king is at the fore, eat, drink and loosen your belt s'more.
8 Oct 2010
News / Tusk cracks down on designer drugs ("dopalacze") in Poland [171]

Good News: Poland bans designer drugs

404 of the 411 MPs present have voted to ban the production and sale of designer drugs (nootropuics). For once, the usually copy-cat Poles have opted for something innovative. Other countries are racking their brains trying a keep up with clever smart-drug makers able to alter their formulae just enough to stay legal. The Polish solution is based on the effects these products produce in human users, not their ingredients.
8 Oct 2010
News / Poland 2050? What will happen? [60]

Well, it's kinda like future history, innit? There have been many forecasts about Polish depopulation by mid-century to even as low as 20 million. Do you think that will happen? Or will Poland follow the lead of some West European countries where significant Thrid World immigration preventing the birth rate dropping?

Do you envisage any territorial changes? If Poland's currently superior GDP were to continue, by when would it approch the econ level of the West? Any other comments?
8 Oct 2010
Life / Jehova's witnesses in Poland - how to deal with them? [110]

JWs are not dangerous. Dangerous are the frontmen of the motley dictatorship or 'pstrokata dyktatura' -- the purveyors of commercial popcrap, addictive substances, subcultures, media buzz and and other down-dumbing, tabloidised claptrap and trivia. They are the ones twisting millions of impressionable young minds and brainwashing them into thinking it's all o so cool, trendy and cutting edge. The JWs are no match for them!