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Posts by Seanus  

Joined: 25 Dec 2007 / Male ♂
Last Post: 29 Dec 2011
Threads: Total: 15 / In This Archive: 4
Posts: Total: 19666 / In This Archive: 8616
From: Poland, Gliwice
Speaks Polish?: Tak, umiem
Interests: Cycling, chess and language

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16 Feb 2010
News / Poland: In Top First 15 Countries in the WORLD by the number of CRIMES [286]

I meant that they can't pay for the insurance even and that's before buying the car. Not 'nevermind' the car in that sense. A loan is a help AND a hindrance.

Like I could hardly pay for a service of an Audi :(

Gumtree is not the most reliable. 500 perhaps. That's a lot of money when you are only working PT.

So they are not comfortable exactly. You have just proven my point. You can't pick and choose and sometimes you gotta do what you gotta do. That's what I was saying. Few people can just waltz into jobs that pay more than 10k a month. Some realism is needed.

Choices increase your chances but luck plays a major part, contacts too.
16 Feb 2010
Life / You are Polish if... [433]

Really? I don't associate that with Poland at all.
16 Feb 2010
Life / You are Polish if... [433]

It was not too bad for me. For some Poles that's definitely the case.
16 Feb 2010
Life / You are Polish if... [433]

Croquettes are nort exclusively Polish and are not overly popular here. With barszcz maybe yes but not that much.
16 Feb 2010
Life / You are Polish if... [433]

The worst was when I was coming back from Edinburgh at Xmas. In plain English, she told them to stand back but they were so eager not to lose their place in the queue that they just ignored her. It was like bydło (cattle), nothing more and nothing less.
16 Feb 2010
History / WAS KATYŃ GENOCIDE? Polish officers were killed [237]

It was handicapping the Polish nation, Dariusz, not exterminating them directly. Take out the inteligentsia and you make your objectives so much easier to attain. Check politicide and mass murder and you will see your answer there. I recommended an author called Rummel who has deeply researched this. Taking out a class doesn't count.
16 Feb 2010
News / Poland: In Top First 15 Countries in the WORLD by the number of CRIMES [286]

Yes, students. Poles start university later than we do, at around 19 after their MATURA. They can legally drive at 17. Many want the mobility that a car provides but their PT job will barely cover the insurance, nevermind the car. OK, few go for a pad so early but they pay for their student digs.

I'll wait til you reply more fully to my post above.
16 Feb 2010
News / Poland: In Top First 15 Countries in the WORLD by the number of CRIMES [286]

I'm not talking about changes of directions, I'm talking about people who have chosen a given path because they feel it is what they are meant to do. We shouldn't punish those for going down paths which fit their character and benefit humanity at the same time. Poland does with low salaries and most would agree.

But my point is that they don't want to take out extra loans as they probably have loans out on a car or are making downpayments for a pad. Again, no guarantees. Ask yourself this, why do people study Sociology? Some people don't get the grades to study Law or Medicine but they would like to. I didn't get the grades to study Law proper but did Law and Management, a generic course, then got my Masters in Int'l and European Law. You just need to know the roads to go down but not everyone is given that chance, it depends on your grades and references. That's my point!

Are you comfortable doing sth which completely doesn't fit you? Would you be stressed and uncomfortable? It's not about enjoying it, it's about the job fitting the person and the person knowing that. I just feel that we don't remunerate in certain areas correctly. Many bright minds are forced to live almost hand to mouth during their studies with no guarantees. Even when they get a job, it really doesn't pay well most of the time. Still, they can do it but I wouldn't say it's comfortable. Catering for our most basic physiological needs at the bottom of Maslow's hierarchy isn't comfortable. It's like the difference in Polish, mi jest wygodny and jestem wygodny, 2 different things.
16 Feb 2010
History / WAS KATYŃ GENOCIDE? Polish officers were killed [237]

To get closer to the answer, read up on politicide and democide. Some insightful authors have shed some light as to how genocide varies from them. Those concepts will show contrasts with genocide. I recommend Rummel.

Mass murder is what is my conclusion, en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mass_murder
16 Feb 2010
News / Poland: In Top First 15 Countries in the WORLD by the number of CRIMES [286]

I know school is free here, that doesn't change what I said above. The discipline and onerous aspects deter them. It's not all about money. Education in Scotland was free in my time and many didn't go on to do further study.

That's my point! Why should sb who takes the route that fits their character and skillset be forced to struggle as they do? Everyone has a function. Some are handymen, some are scaffies, some are book-keepers etc etc. Not everyone can go down the same road and pursue the gold and not everyone wants to. They know who they are but why should they accept less? That gets into the social utility of any given job and the downfalls of so-called meritocracy would be there for all to see.

Loans need to be paid back and some can't due to not getting employment. Sorry but this was commonplace in Scotland and probably still is. Loans are not gifts. Just describe a loan to me and you'll see what I mean.

It's not as easy as you paint it. So many would be going down that road if it were so. Some get lucky! What kind of roof? Some live in dingy, musky flats. Is that comfortable? Some choose bachelors pads, are they comfortable? What kind of food? Bread rolls and pasta everyday? Comfortable implies steadiness, not opportunities for development. Given that many struggle to make ends meet, they don't move to the next step of Maslow's hierarchy. Also, the nature of the job can be repetitive and has to be done in a certain way. Think of procedural, bureaucratic posts where there is a given way. Comfortable is knowing that you will stay in that job, not necessarily focussing on advancement which often isn't forthcoming. Many lines of work don't have a linear, career ladder aspect to them.

Well, that's a different industry that has chosen to award some. What about those other areas that contribute to human development in another way? Should we make them live with much less because they are making a 'different' contribution? You have entered into the territory of assigning values to jobs without really ascertaining their respective merits. You will see many anomalies if you look close enough.
15 Feb 2010
News / Poland: In Top First 15 Countries in the WORLD by the number of CRIMES [286]

You are confusing two different things, work and study. Some don't study and we all know how paper-heavy Poland treats them. They do unskilled work. I keep telling you, Poland is lagging behind in employment circles. The period of inward investment wasn't sustained and some companies took their business elsewhere. Ask those who don't go to school, some don't see it as fitting and that it's a waste of time.

Przeciętny ludzi, I'm talking about the average Joe in Gliwice who doesn't make that at all. Many jobs pay around 1,500PLN here. Maybe 2k at a push. See how far that gets ye!

You are talking about a specific opening, I'm talking about general, across-the-board openings.

You still haven't answered my question about a loan and a gift. So why doesn't everyone go and study the subjects with the plum jobs at the end? Many reasons I think you'll find. What their family did, their preferred career, the way they think etc etc. Certain people match certain jobs and not everyone goes where the money is. Society needs people to keep thinking this way, accepting less money but serving their social function. Just imagine where we'd be if nobody wanted to do jobs like garbage disposal and other public service jobs.

Not everybody has the option at all, that's crap. Do you really think that the 11% of the registered unemployed want to be? Some yes but the majority? Don't you think they'd rather have money in their pockets and bank accounts? Let me ask you this, would you like to earn 10k a month? How about 25k? Maybe 50? If you don't earn that, why not? Define comfortably please.

More and more people are rich so of course it's possible. However, many aren't because they are in jobs for them. Look at those in the UK, for example, that do PhD research and take up science posts. Have you ever read Focus? You'll see that they earn about 12-13k a year. They are using their intelligence to further some field of humanity but do not live comfortably in the definition of many. It's all relative!
15 Feb 2010
News / Poland: In Top First 15 Countries in the WORLD by the number of CRIMES [286]

Yeah but there isn't in Poland and that's my point. They are offered peanuts and can barely make ends meet. There aren't many openings either.

1200PLN gives you what, only the roof over your head or all utilities with it as well?

Fly a plane? Probably yes as there is a defunct airport here but it's still used for those with private aircraft and other flying options.

What is the principle of a loan? In your eyes, is there a difference between a loan and a gift? There should be! You invest in studies, fair enough, but there are no guarantees at the end and many can vouch for that.

There are jobs in IT and I haven't said otherwise. In general, though, there is a shortage.
15 Feb 2010
News / Poland: In Top First 15 Countries in the WORLD by the number of CRIMES [286]

No minimum wage? Ok, let's look at that. I've heard of people earn less than 4PLN per hour here (giving out flyers). That's under 1 pound. Britain has a minimum wage of 5.15 or 5.35, sth like that (pounds). Germany wouldn't pay that low, sorry. Ask BB.

Rent is through the roof here and there is a thread on it should you care to read it. It's about most Poles not being rich enough to afford a good place with modern heating options.

There aren't enough jobs in many areas, convex. Bring back 800,000 people and that'll make it even worse. Look, think of it this way. Look around you at how many individual flats/houses there are in any given city. In Gliwice, around 210,000 people. You can't tell me that there are enough jobs for all of them. That's absurd! There are jobs for unskilled labourers here, they just aren't well paid.

Poles taking extra loans, LOL. Can't you see a credit crisis looming here if that happens? It'll create a major headache for credit enforcement authorities. Just ask Mister H about the position in the UK.
15 Feb 2010
UK, Ireland / Brits to protest against foreigners in the workforce, including Poles. [289]

The company has to keep your job open? Prove it, please. I was talking about Poland so I'd gladly read any Regulation, Directive (most likely) or Decision you put my way. It just doesn't stand to reason as the work needs to be done. Yes, temporary contracts exist but many companies replace people at the drop of a hat.
15 Feb 2010
News / Poland: In Top First 15 Countries in the WORLD by the number of CRIMES [286]

Most Poles will naturally choose the easier option linguistically, esp those uneducated ones who rely on the little English that they know.

Yeah but I bet that you can buy more in Germany than you could buy in Poland for doing unskilled labour.

Convex, there just aren't enough jobs for everyone. As WB said, facts are facts.

You have just given me an extra string for the bow. Poland has traditionally not charged for education but that is starting to change.

Fighting, fair enough, but I think your definition of comfortable and that of WB's are 2 very different things.
15 Feb 2010
History / Is Jozef Pilsudski the king of modern Poles? [138]

Much hinges on his alleged meeting with the French as a preventive step. To this day, nobody has been able to unearth this document after trawling several archives. Had he done that, it would have been a masterstroke but the jury is out.
15 Feb 2010
Life / Why do you choose to stay in Poland, why not other country? [152]

Largely because of my wife. If I wasn't with her, I'd likely be doing some other profitable work in Scotland. I miss my family and the growing up of my bro's wee son. Some who know me are shocked that I am still here.
15 Feb 2010
News / Poland: In Top First 15 Countries in the WORLD by the number of CRIMES [286]

As for the first point above, there is truth in both.

Well, the cost of living in those countries is higher and the languages a huge barrier. Many went to Norway as it was somehow easier to learn and they wanted Polish dentists/doctors.

Wages are maybe lower in Germany for now as they haven't fully emerged from their mini recession. However, that's by no means a constant. The Germans can easily get themselves out of trouble.

Well, there is mixing but the reasons are many.

The reality is that you just cannot put everyone in work in a capitalist system. There will always be winners and losers that way. That was one strength of communism, full employment. There were more 'lifers' under such a system. The old 2000PLN for everyone expression ;)

I don't think anyone would deny that it is possible but having 2 kids (the so-called nuclear family) and a car is a major burden. Without kids, car and any shopping whatsover, my standard expenses are at least 2200PLN a month. All because of this skewed perception that I am rich because I have my own business. What garbage! I will wake up eventually.
15 Feb 2010
Life / Why do you choose to stay in Poland, why not other country? [152]

Some parts are ugly and some aren't. I don't think the natural landscape is matched in Germany or France at all. The UK has horrid weather, is that a sh&thole too?

I agree that prices are far too high. The nouveau riche are seeing to it that prices are hiked up in line with European standards. Ciggies will be 10PLN before too long. They were 5.50 not long ago.

I agree with the service too but sometimes you get pleasantly surprised.

Well, pieczywo for starters. Bread and bread rolls are very tasty :) I'll write more soon, I have a class in 10 seconds.
15 Feb 2010
Life / Why do you choose to stay in Poland, why not other country? [152]

Childwithin, are you Polish or...? Fairly unattractive, really? What, in a physical or business sense? It's a sad state of affairs when you go to another country just for the women. What is better? Money isn't everything!
15 Feb 2010
Language / have a sip - Chcesz łyka? [56]

Chcesz łychą? Hmm...I guess it's sth sexual though I'm unsure.

Yeah, please use the Checker or Search Engine facility to avoid repetition. You should find answers therein.