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Joined: 9 Mar 2011 / Male ♂
Last Post: 15 Mar 2012
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From: Warszawa!
Speaks Polish?: tak

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2 Jan 2012
USA, Canada / Moved back from Canada to Poland:). Here are the reasons why. [868]

By mid september you can forget about t-shirts and by october, winter jackets. you will not get relief from this till May and I've seen some cold, crummy May's.

I've worn light jackets until early November and tee-shirts from early April. Not every year, but most. This year seems quite mild.
2 Jan 2012
Food / Coffee in Poland: cheap and undrinkable / expensive and good [89]

they don't drink much tea either.

A few times Poles have told me that tea with milk is for kids. But in PL they make tea very weak anyway.

Also, I've known Poles who won't let their kids eat ice-cream - some nonsense about it being bad for the throat.

Back to coffee - have you tried Blikle black coffee sorbet? They do a chocolate sorbet too.
2 Jan 2012
Food / Coffee in Poland: cheap and undrinkable / expensive and good [89]

somtimes called 'childrens coffee' because (older) kids can drink it.

Kids (even young ones) can drink the real thing. A toddler might baulk at the thought of an espresso ristretto, but surely one of those dreadful latte things with all the milk would appeal.

one can develop a taste for it and it's very cheap.

The latter is undoubtedly true and the former is quite plausible given some of the foul concoctions on the market.
2 Jan 2012
Food / Coffee in Poland: cheap and undrinkable / expensive and good [89]

I like Inka, and it comes from Poland. Give it a try, if you can find it. I have to go to Chicago to get it, but it is worth the drive, and it is better for you, also.

You do realise that isn't actually coffee, don't you? It's a thing called Ersatzkaffee, invented by the Germans during the war. And which tastes disgusting. If you don't want caffeine, try decaff instead.
2 Jan 2012
Travel / PKP (Polish National Railway) is a turn off [47]

an update:
this yea x-mas service was way better then the one last year. The trains are still dirty, but at least the are not overcrowded and mostly on time.

I sometimes wish the passengers would treat the trains a bit better and not leave such a mess - let alone vandalise them. But yes, they are generally on time.
2 Jan 2012
Life / Are there many crypto-Jews in Poland? [67]

What did he risk , what cereer ( given by fellow Jews ). What a moronic opinion .


Michnik runs very anti-Polish and full of nonsense newspaper .

A very Polish newspaper - and less full of 'nonsense' than several notable alter4natives.

There are few people in Poland who don`t know this fact.

And still GW sells very well indeed.

Stop trolling, Moania.
31 Dec 2011
Life / Are there many crypto-Jews in Poland? [67]

I dont need to be in Japan to know there was a Tsunami there.

Right, so you base all your nonsense on what you read in the newspapers (or more likely, read on dodgy websites).
31 Dec 2011
Food / Polish-style spicy beets? [10]

dirty European blood sausage


what is warm beets called in Polish?

Buraczka Smazona. I like the way they just chop them and fry them. Like Gumishu I would add vinegar - but not much.
30 Dec 2011
Life / Why is Prostitution still legal in Poland? [106]

Why should the prostitute be exempt?

Simple - it isn't illegal. For centuries it was, and that didn't work, so the law was changed. You seem to confuse a twisted for of logic with common sense.

Most prostitutes do it out of their own free will

Most prostitutes around the world do not

eat at the best restaurants and wear clothes from the highest priced stores

Most do it out of sheer desperation. To believe otherwise is disingenuous.
30 Dec 2011
Life / Why is Prostitution still legal in Poland? [106]

If paying for sex is illegal then why isn't receiving money for sex illegal?

Why should it be?

It takes two to tangle

Not necessarily.

In some case

In almost all cases.

There are women who financially exploit men and love their lifestyle. Some are quite successful at it.

There are also diamond studded iPhones. But not usually.

There aren't many women (or men) who say "hey, I could be a brain surgeon or a stock broker or a lawyer defending the needy, or maybe just live off investments; but no. I'll stand in the street selling my fanny to Beer Belly Bobs and hope I don't get picked up by a serial killer."

In your fantasy world that may happen - but in reality, no.
30 Dec 2011
Life / Why is Prostitution still legal in Poland? [106]

If prostitution is illega

It isn't. Paying for sex is illegal.

bigger picture.

The bigger picture is that prostitution is exploitation of the desperate, by the sleazy.
30 Dec 2011
Life / Why is Prostitution still legal in Poland? [106]

Of course we know what strict Muslims consider appropriate, don't we?

I do, though I doubt you do.

You seem to ignore the point that both parties to an illegal activity should be held equally liable for that activity. As to you suggesting that prostitution is not illegal then why should anyone be held legally liable?

Once again, you've missed the point. It is illegal to pay for sex - therefore anyone paying is legally accountable.
30 Dec 2011
Life / Why is Prostitution still legal in Poland? [106]

Do the prostitutes who work in Mecca wear hijabs?

I wonder if you know that the word 'hijab' just means 'ppropriate clothing'.

Why would you approve of a law that discriminates based on sex? How can a person who receives money for an illegal purpose escape punishment while the one who pays the money is prosecuted? Very illogical but it shows you the power of our feminized culture.

It doesn't. The law is the same regardless of the gender of those involved - ad in case you hadn't noticed, it isn't 'an illegal purpose' either.
28 Dec 2011
Life / Why is Prostitution still legal in Poland? [106]

None the less it doesn't prove your point about prostitution not being legal in Great Britain (now and before).

Actually it does - due to the strict liability rule and the broadness of the definition of 'control'.

The disintegration of Polish culture under the neoliberal experiment unleashed by the doctrinaire Balcerowicz back in 1990 and reinforced since has made a mockery of the notion of a Catholic Nation.

Leszek Balcerowicz didn't invent it - the brothels in pre-war Poland were famous, and there was certainly plenty of prostitution in the 70's and 80's. That article reflects the writers petty political prejudices more than an objective appraisal of the situation. The language he used in the excerpt gives a pretty big clue.
28 Dec 2011
Life / Why is Prostitution still legal in Poland? [106]

Read it more carefully:

(1) A person (A) commits an offence if—
(a) A makes or promises payment for the sexual services of a prostitute (B),
(b) a third person (C) has engaged in exploitative conduct of a kind likely to induce or encourage B to provide the sexual services for which A has made or promised payment, and
(c) C engaged in that conduct for or in the expectation of gain for C or another person (apart from A or B).

Particularly section (a).
28 Dec 2011
Life / Why is Prostitution still legal in Poland? [106]

On the map on wikipedia entry for prostytucja it's said that in the UK there is the same case as in Poland.

Soliciting is illegal as is paying for sex. The change in the law in 2010 still means that prostitution (i.e. sex for money) is illegal. The only difference is that the person who pays is the criminal, not the person who is paid. Personally I approve of the new law.
28 Dec 2011
Life / Why is Prostitution still legal in Poland? [106]

the pimps and the clients have to be those who need to be punished.

Yes. Not the women/boys who are victims.

ndividual women have a right to decide that for themselves.

Very few women who go on the game have a glittering palette of career options.

Good luck banning the planets oldest profession.

It's easy enough to ban, but near impossible to enforce. There are prostitutes working every city in the world. Including the Vatican and Mecca.
28 Dec 2011
Life / Why is Prostitution still legal in Poland? [106]

I don't know about the syphilitic part, but as a declared Christian I would very much hope you have already 'encountered' someone known (and criticized) for fraternizing with prostitutes...
27 Dec 2011
Food / Hip flasks in Poland [7]

Eh, I'm an idiot. Krakow

In the railway station. There are a few souvenir kiosks that sell them.
27 Dec 2011
News / Will many Poles migrate to Germany in May 2011 (after opening labor market)? [157]

There's a lot of truth in that. People aren't going to up sticks and learn a new language to be a seven-hour bus ride away from Poland when they're already settled a two-hour flight away.

I also think that delaying job market opening for 7 (!) years Germans have scored own goal as the best (and the worst) are already established in the UK which actually did a pretty good job absorbing this little A8 "tsunami".

Very true.