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Poland bets on Russian oil again [82]
Russia abandoning Ukraine, leaving it to Ukrainians and Poland ?
Now this is interesting. Serbian media just reporting that Russia signed major strategic deal with Turkey regarding pipelines and streams and that Russia leaving Ukraine. Soon enough there would be English link to news.
Turci popustili: Rusko zbogom Ukrajini... / Turks agreed: Russian good-bye to Ukraine /source: b92/biz/vesti/srbija.php?yyyy=2018&mm=05&dd=27&nav_id=1397376
To those who don`t understand, let me clarify. Energy is everything. That is why EU pushed for Ukraine, to control major gas/oil distribution line in Europe. For other reasons too but energy was direct reason for move. Sure, that is why Russia defended her presents Ukraine, beside other reasons.
So, Russia now compensated Ukraine for other ways of transportation. Have new deals. What that mean? It means that Russia now don`t mind if ethnic Ukrainians and also Poland controls transportation routes in what is now Ukraine. Sure, Russia protected minimum of her interests by claiming Crimea, at least.
Just, question is, if Russia allows for this development, would western Europe allow to Poland to expand her influence. Would western Europe allow Poland to expand her influence ?