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Posts by Lodz_The_Boat  

Joined: 7 Sep 2008 / Male ♂
Last Post: 27 Jan 2014
Threads: Total: 32 / In This Archive: 14
Posts: Total: 1522 / In This Archive: 755
From: Lodz
Speaks Polish?: yes
Interests: chatting

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21 Dec 2009
Love / Opinion from Polish men on this please (Polish men so 'spiritually' romantic?) [43]

Love can happen the first day even.

I dont like to be pessimistic. Buttttt.... if you are an American... I wish you luck!

I have a friend, my school time friend. He knows how to get his Polish clients (friends usually) into USA and get the 'citizenship' as they can it. He got some wierd tricks in his bag.

Then there are the good guyz. I would advise you to have faith... move forward. Show interest in Poland, his culture, language ... spend some more time, decide marriage .... confirm....then meet each others parents!... Come to POLAND with him :) ... meet the family! ...

God bless!
21 Dec 2009
Love / Opinion from Polish men on this please (Polish men so 'spiritually' romantic?) [43]

A tinie tiny month ... He said he just fell flat when he saw me ...

Listen my friend (from a Polish man), wait till marriage.

The moment you loose your grip, and as you say 'give in', you're back in the ORDINARY GIRL's bench for him. Count on that. Then he will just smile at himself, and laugh at you ... somewhere inside himself.

Polish men can love, but not at the extent of being 'Spiritually Romantic'. But ofcourse there ar exceptions. Your one might be the exception...but are you sure?

As for living half his life in USA.... does he have passport? =) ... oh what am I saying =D ...

Anyways... just wait till marriage. Remaining can be your mutual understanding. Be happy.
20 Dec 2009

This is why VISA system should be over. And we as Poles should begin ... Europe should follow. We must remove visa system for everyone entering our countries for atleast 90 days to begin with. Every country.
29 Nov 2009
Travel / Mosques in Krakow? [131]

You do know that Pope Benedict is against Turkey joining the EU too.

Who is this Pope Benedict? Where does he get his stupid authority from? The Bible (4 Books and the Book of Revelation - the most reliable/relevant when it comes to Christian doctrines) says nothing about these mushroom like growth of corruption (called Popes)...given birth by Roman Catholicism, in the name of Christ. Christ did say, didnt he...about these people who will USE the name of Christ so dispassionately...so hideously.

I am not in favor or against Mosques in particular. But I am in favour of the rights of peaceful people. I am in favor of humans and their right on this planet.
29 Nov 2009
Travel / Mosques in Krakow? [131]

I was trying to see it from the Polish perspective.

Polish eyes here: No I dont see any reason for animosity or hatred. Poles would welcome...those who cant must learn to be more tolerant and respectful to fellow human beings.
29 Nov 2009
Travel / Mosques in Krakow? [131]

Serbian families in Kosovo were treated when they welcomed Albanians in. Sorry, Hamburg is the place for mosques, not here.

Because some people have done wrong, shall we blame the whole community for it?

Seanus... is it the right way forward. You are an educated person, to what detail shall I explain you?

Why dont you visit the off topics section and read a thread there and tell me what you think about it? I would be interested to know.
23 Nov 2009
History / Poland and Muslims (Tatars and others). [81]

But Crow... hey you must agree that Tatars have always stood beside Poles and have been our most loyal and brave soliders and fighters. They have been defenders of our integrity and peaceful with the remaining population in the land.

They deserve respect and love. They are obviously Poles aswell.
15 Nov 2009
News / Crucifixes to stay in Polish schools [364]

90% of people in Poland claim to be christians so i don't think crosses are a problem for them

Fake Christians. Trust me.... COMPLETELY FAKE CHRISTIANS.
14 Nov 2009
News / Crucifixes to stay in Polish schools [364]

You didnt read my post properly did you?

I am not against any religion. .... but the academic environment should be free from religious influence.
14 Nov 2009
News / Crucifixes to stay in Polish schools [364]

It muslim french students cannot wear a skarf over their heads.... I think its also justified that we remove Crucifixes from our schools IMMEDIATELY.

I support a SECULAR academic environment ... A SECULAR STATE.
13 Nov 2009
News / Mass immigration to Poland - article and response [479]

Explain to me why there are no developing countries in Europe? Explain to me why "all" developing countries are inhabitted by people of colour?

There may be many more NON RACIST reasons. But its almost impossible to explain you.

SA is inhabited by whites too. Rapes are done by rapists...not by colors.

As for your generalizations...rapes are all over Europe aswell. Its done by rapists. Criminals.

Its just so demeaning and so misleading these posts. I know you can bring in many evidances... but those are available for everyside and every issue in the web... their credibility is always questioned.

The problem with such mentalities are... that they ate stubborn and resemble primitive attitudes and nature.... these attitudes are shared with a few people belonging to every nationality and color/white ... such people are one family among themselves. A hating family.

The only way to peace and the only NEXT LEVEL for humanity is: ONE WORLD - ONE HUMAN RACE - ONE GOD ... UNIVERSAL PEACE LOVE AND UNITY.

Anyone who opposes....is like a DEAD FISH IN A LIVING OCEAN. And we know what happens to anything dead in an ocean....its just thrown away.
2 Nov 2009
Life / Indian Stores In Warsaw [139]

we dont always prefer the climate to be hot, infact quite the opposite, run away from it at any given oppertunity!

Quite understandable. I were in a neighbouring country to India due to some official matter. It was Bangladesh (regarding the Garments Industry). It was hot.

However I still remain happy remembering one of the best beaches I've seen yet. A very good place for an entire family to visit (unlike Thailand I presume). The food is almost Indian food....

By the way, one friend told me that Islamic Indian Food and the Classical Indian Food has some differences. There is a certain Indian food with the Islamic touch (basically a fusion of Persian, Arabic and 70% Indian ingredients and recipie). I had no opportunity to verify his claims... but I have tried Indian food a few times, and it have been quite varied....makes me think if its true....ANY INDIAN TO CONFIRM THIS STATEMENT?
24 Oct 2009
News / Mass immigration to Poland - article and response [479]

Many Poles say that they are firmly against immigration in general. That's hardly a fair position, considering the 1.5 million or so that went to the UK and illegally to America.

I really am surprised by your comment that the 'many poles' As far as I know, we are either NEUTRAL on this issue, or in favour of immigration. Ofcourse there are a few who just want a world of calamities, and are immersed in intolerance and sadistic views.... but they are not the majority (maybe they shout alot....but thats what you expect from BAGS OF PAIN).

22 Oct 2009
News / Mass immigration to Poland - article and response [479]


Shelley Shelley Shelley!

Will it ever work? It wont trust me!

And dont be so happy about any new ideotic immigration policy which tries to plan how to stop the first recognised human right (to migrate and immigrate) of the world!

This world belongs to all of us equally. We are here for a time being, and we will leave. The world has been give to us by God to live one, for a certain period of time...a short period. Its given in whole, for all His creations. Your problems are nuisences for God and His angels...

God will throw those bourdaries in thin air... and people will unite. Dont you see how the world is getting smaller...THESE ARE SIGNS.... THERE IS TO BE ONE RACE...THE HUMAN RACE.

Its like a GUI (Graphic User Interface) of an Operating System. Many people might've liked Windows 95 GUI, and didnt feel much comfortable with Win98 at first. Later slowly they got used to it and loved it....same happened with XP, and this trend continues everywhere.

What I am trying to say is....ONE HUMAN RACE might seen a boring or useless idea to us now. Even threatening....but when its accomplished...it will be the most beautiful and PEACEFUL thing to have happened.

And then our decendants will pick up the history-books and read about these bogus debates. They will be hapy about themselves then, dont you have any doubts abut that. BUT IMAGINE WHAT WILL THEY THINK ABOUT THOSE ANCESTORS WHO NEVER WANTED THEM (OUR DECENDANTS) THERE.... They will pity them...
22 Oct 2009
Love / Are Polish girls forced to marry by their parents? [33]

There will always be pressure from the social unit known as the family

I dont think its totally unjust.

My cousin was married with the son of my mother's friend. Ofcourse they were encouraged to know each other.... but the scenario was more of arranged kind of. Non of the two ppl were dating others or really very active in that dept (more of an introvert kind).

They are one of the most happiest couples I have seen.

Sometimes when family ties and the dynasty itself is reasonably strong... such things may happen...and they are not unwelcome at all.

Its not like 'Either you marry whom I tell you, or you die!'... its just preparing a platform by the people who love you!... A platform which maybe many ppl would love to have themselves.
16 Oct 2009
News / Poland's Organized Crime [58]

Please don not ask me how i know this.

Ok. Only because you requested so Humbly.
15 Oct 2009
News / Mass immigration to Poland - article and response [479]

Does this also applys to homosexuals?

I have given a post in that thread regarding homosexuals, why dont you see that. Here it seems there is another topic.

However, yes, homosexuals are humans too, and acquiring virtues is the right of every human. Realizing true potential and understanding true human nature is the duty of every human being.
15 Oct 2009
News / Mass immigration to Poland - article and response [479]

How to water the the shoot of love...when there is no seed of love in thy heart!
For love to blossom, let the heart be soft ...
Let the heart be fetile...let the thought rise aloft!

Thy heart is Love's home, sanctify it for its descent. Thy spirit is its place of revelation,
cleanse it for its manifestation.

While there is time, learn to love.

I know, non of my or any ones argument, talks can change a stone into a fertile land which gives rise to the life of love. You also know it... Wits and Cunningness belong to the material world, just as hatred and animosity. These exist till the remaining portions of your mortal life...however, will leave your side as the shadow leaves when there is dusk.

Wisdom however, is eternal. Just as love and compassion is. Hold it tightly is you dont want to slip in the bottomless pit of anxiety and helplessness.

The world will be one. Human's are not animals.... We might have their physical features, but we are not them. The Human-kind was created to prevail. Out of all its pitfalls, childish past... and great threats.... It is here, was here...and will be in a more bright and strong way.

As for animals, they deserve our love, care and protection. I believe strongly that te flower shouldnt be picked to give to your beloved...instead you give a flower bucket with soil in it... so that it may live.

The animals shouldnt be kept in cages...instead set free in their preserved natural habitates.

And ofcourse...please...let the birds fly...they look more beautiful in the sky and branches.

As for humans... let them progress, let them realise their true nature....Kindness, forgiving, loving, compassionate, united, progressive, spiritual and social.
13 Oct 2009
News / Mass immigration to Poland - article and response [479]

I do not answer silly questions.

However, crimes arise from desperations. Crimes are done by criminals. We must undate our law and order situation, strengthen out law enforcers...and meet the situation rightly and promptly.

This was my answer...this remains my answer.

As for your figures... done on the basis of racialism.... its not my concern. 3rd world or 100th world....we live in ONE WORLD.

There is ONE WORLD.... no other world. Thus, crimes are done by our own, human kind...our own brothers... We need to help the situation properly...not through hatred, blaming or animosity.

Before you ask 'what is the right way?' .... there are several...and more can come up on good consultation by sane experts....and brainstorming can help too.

Better schooling... arranging ratios...30% colored and 70% white kids...with teachers arranding seats etc...and doing everything neccessary so that they are always in contact with the native ppl from an early age... Moral education....classes for migrants... etc can help.
13 Oct 2009
News / Mass immigration to Poland - article and response [479]

Do you respect that book too?

I respect it too. But its not applicable in todays world...

Just like the Bible is not applicable in todays world...

And why do you call those books evil? There is nothing Evil in them. Infact, they are designed as the most moral and the most forgiving/humane books of their time. Thosetimes were dark ages in the Chapter of Humanity.

and you do not respect any of them

I respect every righteous man ... for their time.
12 Oct 2009
News / Mass immigration to Poland - article and response [479]

P.s. yes, I am waiting for you to fall into my trap...come on now..just one more step...

I do not like arguments with people for whome even the Book of God is not enough.

People who fail to see reason. People who have hatred and animosity so deeply ingrained in their hearts.

If you just opened your eyes you could see.

You could know...

But you are not doing that. So no one can help you.

Your trap you can sit with. No trap can bind the free!
12 Oct 2009
News / Mass immigration to Poland - article and response [479]

Tell me what the "other peoples" of this earth has done, that you find so magnificent.

No need to tell. You cannot realise... so there is no need to tell. I wish oneday you can see and realise yourself... I hope oneday you will find enlightment.
12 Oct 2009
News / Mass immigration to Poland - article and response [479]

I would replace "Humans", with "Europeans".

Never. European or from any continent...its all same. We all are humans...one race...HUMAN RACE.

The rest of the world hasn't really made this planet any different.

You are showing yourself to be a sick man by that statement.