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Posts by isthatu2  

Joined: 3 Apr 2008 / Male ♂
Last Post: 6 May 2013
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From: in the auld empty barn
Speaks Polish?: a little
Interests: life the universe and everything

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11 Oct 2011
News / Will you be proud of tranny (transsexual) representing Poland ? [124]

your average male to female

Is in their mid 20s to mid 30s.........and only leave it that late from dealing with bigots and half wits and b!tches that stick their beaks into others business.

if such a thing exists

Yes, just like judgemental ignorant cows they do exist.

who wishes to colonise the female in order to show that he knows more about being a woman

Well you do a great job of disproving the gender stereotype that women are compasionate and less bigoted than men thats for sure. Maybe put down your dog eared copy of the female eunach and realise Germaine greer talks out of her slutty arse :)

What's wrong with a bit of simple cross dressing?

I'll answer you with a quote;

what a tosser

Hey, here's a crazy idea, head out of arse,back away from the daily mail and maybe educate yourself. That way you may sound a bit less like some old man from the 1970s......
11 Oct 2011
News / Will you be proud of tranny (transsexual) representing Poland ? [124]

what I think the structure of the brain can alter a lot with such treatment

Maybe, after decades,by which time you must come close to seeing, a persons identity is also in the history of how they felt.

I think there were no real attempts at treating transgenderism with pharmaceuticals plus psychoterapy especially in more modern times

I seriously dont want to be rude for a change lol,but, This really does come down in your eyes to what "you dont think" ,sorry to burst your bubble,but scores of far more educated and knowladgable than you "do think", I sort of take the findings of dozens,if not hundreds of independant research projects by top world wide medical establishments over what you may or may not be able to comprehend :)
11 Oct 2011
News / Will you be proud of tranny (transsexual) representing Poland ? [124]

this is actually quite simple from the point of physicsbreast glands in males is however a bit counterintuitive to me

Yes, Im sure it is simple if Id studied physics at collage, I didnt,I did do psch' though so with the benefit of a bit of eye opening education I can speak with a modicum of authority on this subject. Not claiming expertise,but just as you understand physics I understand a little about the human condition in its many variations :)

breast glands in males is however a bit counterintuitive to me

Mate, what the hell are nipples doing on males????
Seriously, not "getting at you" just making the point,we have nipples that most of us dont use,just as women have a capacity for fitting shelves that they rarely use :)

transexualism is not medical condition in my eyes but a mental one

By george he has nearly got it, sort of. In so much as 30 years ago this was still thought to be the case before Neuro Science caught up.

In a way it was seen as a "mental condition" but one who's only "cure" was a medical procedure.
Depresion is a "mental condition" but it is "cured" by the use of Drugs, ie, medical cure.
11 Oct 2011
Life / Looking to immigrate to Europe. How is life in Poland? [116]

without wishing to sound unkind, your comments are similar to those of Comical Ali, Saddam's minister of information

Actually,sounds more like Comical Moania to me.....looks like her too oddly enough.

compare Poland to countries which were not under a communist regime

yadda yadda yadda, its been over 20 years now,or are you competing with your long lost countrymen in the eastern med for longest frikkin pity party in history? Oh, and maybe look into the ANC before you comment again,make your reds look decidedly pale pink..............
11 Oct 2011
News / Will you be proud of tranny (transsexual) representing Poland ? [124]

and I am not sure these are thus refunded in Poland

Lols, you dont know what something is so of course its not available in Poland..sheeeeeeeeeeeet ,didnt know you were the minister for Health :)
ps, is Sex Change surgery even available in Poland? Or publicaly paid for if it is?

do males have breast glands at all? it seems odd to me

Seriously, just because you dont understand it doesnt mean it doesnt exist or is not possible.
I have no real understanding of quite how the planet stays where it is,but it does,thats enough really.
11 Oct 2011
News / Will you be proud of tranny (transsexual) representing Poland ? [124]

it has nothing to do with boasting - you just don't see female type breasts in males - definitely not in 1 in 10

Actually, you are correct I DONT SEE breasts on early pubescent boys for the simple reason I spend more time looking at the chests of grown women......I know when my left nipple grew practicaly over night when I was about 12 then a week later a hard lump developed I didnt rush out and show it off to all my mates :). It went about 3 months later . I certainly wasnt flashing my mono boob off to strange grown men FFS :)
11 Oct 2011
News / Will you be proud of tranny (transsexual) representing Poland ? [124]

I have never seen a single person with such a developement and you say it's one in ten males - where do you get these figures from????

Oh get a grip. How many 12 year old boys with mini tits do you think boast about them?
Sorry, all the facts are easy to find for yourself, if you are really interested do a quick google search, if not,why waste your time?
11 Oct 2011
News / Will you be proud of tranny (transsexual) representing Poland ? [124]

Shrill arguments and faux intellectualism

Shrill,really, the written word has an audio pitch now? Are you a dog? and lols at faux intellectualism....so you are more of an intellectual than the Doctors at Johns Hopkins then? What a plum duff. Gustav. Gusset in a bunch more like :):):)

You can always spot a

You can always spot "your sort" a fcukin mile off too, pompous proclamations and a slight God complex that they are the only ones with the key to life, hey,take a day off,no need to be a pr!ck 24/7. Relax,open your mind,you may learn something..................

No. You have a probably never been to Thailand

No, you are right, this has what exactly to do with anything?
10 Oct 2011
News / Will you be proud of tranny (transsexual) representing Poland ? [124]

as far as I know there is no medical condition in males that will make them grow proper female breasts

christ, I feel like Ive a frikkin medical degree rather than a minor in Psych' :)
Matey, the name escapes me but there are at least three seperate conditions that can cause just that.....men can even lactate :) !!!

especially all of the sudden and in their puberty - so I guess you hypothetise a great deal

Erm, no, I guess you just dont know how to hypothesise yourself,as that was clearly the aim. You are the one asking for explanations,people give you them but we are hypothosising? wtf? :)

BTW, one in ten pubescent males do develope female pattern breast growth,though they rarely remain,fact.
10 Oct 2011
News / Will you be proud of tranny (transsexual) representing Poland ? [124]

if transsexualism is just a medical (hormonal) condition then I guess a therapy could be developed (say some medicine hormonal or otherwise)

This has been tried unsuccsefully since the 1920s and nothing has ever worked to stop someone feeling the way they do. The surgical option at present is the best "cure" in as much as you cannot alter a persons brain but you can give them as close to the physical body they feel they should have.

If you think there was a cheep and easy option for this do you think health services would carry on paying out for the slightly expensive operation?

BTW, Health services dont pay for anything, people either pay health insurence or ,here in the UK people pay national insurence, so we all pay for our own and every bugger elses treatment. FYI, "trannys" are people too, so they pay their NI or insurence too, maybe a non smoking healthy weight transsexual objects to paying for all the fat lazy arsed beer drinking cigar smokers? :)
10 Oct 2011
News / Will you be proud of tranny (transsexual) representing Poland ? [124]

the point is the surgery does not cure anything

If you woke up with Tits tommorow......... Im sure for a few days it would be fun ;) But give it a week and youd want them gone. So,your hypothetical Tit removal operation was a "cure " for the fact you are a man in mind and spirit but found yourself with lady parts :)
10 Oct 2011
News / Will you be proud of tranny (transsexual) representing Poland ? [124]

You make a hideous assumption.

Nope, that would be a classic case of transference on your part( look it up,psychology 101). I think its pretty obvious to anyone reading this thread who may know a bit more about this than you............and,it isnt greg'.

Consider Thai 'Lady-Boys' and the large numbers of sex workers around the world who change gender for purely by choice - financial reasons being one.

Are you comparing Poland to a third world country where people are forced into all sorts of drastic choices just to put food in their bellys? How insulting to Poland.

Rather than a quote the bogus 'medical research' argument why take a look at the facts?

If you consider Johns Hopkins as " bogus medical research",well, LMFAO at your supreme arrogance :):):)

By the way, do you want a shovel to remove the mountain of your naivety?

Hilarious how bigots who cannot back up with any facts,just conjecture,always accuse others of being blind as though they are the only ones who "see it like it really is man...". lols.
10 Oct 2011
News / Will you be proud of tranny (transsexual) representing Poland ? [124]

in what manner it is purely a medical problem - if it is a problem than it can be cured with some pharmeteucial - wouldn't you agree?

Youve been told this atleast 3 times now, if you want to just argue with pawian why dont you take it to pm?
10 Oct 2011
News / Will you be proud of tranny (transsexual) representing Poland ? [124]

But it is important to consider the full implications of something before slinging mud.

Do you promise to remember that the next time you post on a topic you obviously know very little about? Big promise,no cross fingers?

Thus, if you are comfortable with a rebellious teenager coming home and declaring they are going to have a surgical operation to change their gender ( to object would be in contravention of their human rights) then all well and good.

European law states that no one is allowed to under go surgery untill they are over 18 years old, ie adults.
It takes on average 5 years from first appointment at a Doctors to the final sex change operation. This only takes place after years of medical and psychologial apraisals.

So yes, all is well and good. Adults can do what they feel they have to do to themselves without to much outside interference, the opposite of that is dictatorship.
10 Oct 2011
News / Will you be proud of tranny (transsexual) representing Poland ? [124]

A young child in the future will be told at school that transsexualism is a personal choice/preference like anything in life.

No they wont,because that goes against the findings of all medical research into the condition.
Stop peddiling scare stories that have no basis in fact gustav.
It is no more a "choice" than being born with 6 fingers on one hand or a cleft pallete.
10 Oct 2011
News / Will you be proud of tranny (transsexual) representing Poland ? [124]

as far as I know the operation does not cure anything - quite the opposite - it can be a source of many medical problems as well as leaves the person in question on a life-long hormone replacement therapy

No, in the very early days, in the 50s and 60s when people went off to Morroco and did things off their own back then yes, it was often a bad operation that needed further work.

these days though medicine has advanced, out comes are something like 98% positive post op,which in medicine is almost unheard of.
yes, life long HRT is still needed but TBH it is just one hormone replacing another and is less dangerous than your Aunty Annie going on it to stop her hot flushes .
10 Oct 2011
News / Will you be proud of tranny (transsexual) representing Poland ? [124]

Its not primative.Its daft,but thats all.
Lets face it pawian it is a bit of a mind fcuk condition for people who have never really come across it before.
What has been cool to see is that when the topic comes up on PF it generaly doeant attract dozens of ranting trolls, compare that to say a Daily Mail comments board in the so called more chilled out west.
10 Oct 2011
News / Will you be proud of tranny (transsexual) representing Poland ? [124]

well, you seem to be able to explain issues about transexualism (and probably the essence of it) no amount of reading wikipedia can teach me - I assume so because you make a point of someone (Grzegorz) presumably not being able to fathom the matter - if Grzegorz cannot fathom the matter with wikipedia at hand then I will be at a loss too, ya know

Simple. In early development of babies in the mothers womb many factors go into the final outcome.

All babies technicaly start off as Female and then with a balance of hormones they can develope along male lines.

Now, for the same reason that some children are born with visable birth defects some babies can be born having not had the "normal" amount of either male or female hormones .

This leads onto people being born " as a woman in a mans body/ man in a womans body" .
Or more accuratly, female brain in male body/male brain in female body.

The science is pretty simple and has been proven in post mortom studies where male to female transsexual's brains have found to be exactly the same as "normal" female brains, and vice versa.

Shorter answer is, you know you are male ,no one could tell you other wise,and even if you had your bits chopped off you would still feel male, it is the same, gender identity is fixed,sometimes it gets fixed wrong, the operations and change of life are the only "cure".

Even shorter answer, its something you obviously dont have, why worry about it, you cant catch it AFAIK :)

BTW isn't that new transsexual MP a liar, by being a father in her previous "incarnation"?

Err,no. Just someone who wanted kids and used what they had at the time to get one,I imagine.

This really shouldn't be news at all.

It shouldnt,but its nice that it is. I doubt Ms G is the only TS in the village :)

The mohair beret brigade will be going nuts over this ;)

Sorry S', I thought you said " growing nuts"..........
10 Oct 2011
News / Poland Parliament elections in October 2011 [944]

absurd prejudice

Crickey! ( at the whole concept TBH,not G's reaction.)

so stupid as to consider such a person worse than other people.

Someone born male who spends all their life in pretty satin dresses, yes,must be a new thing in Poland..........

Is this some sort of parralel universe Poland we are talking about here? Europes first Transsexual MP?
Blimey, was she only elected because someone had heard Kim Petras was maybe standing in Germany and of course Poland has to have a first over the Huns?? :)
10 Oct 2011
Life / Looking to immigrate to Europe. How is life in Poland? [116]

IMO the biggest regret is not trying.

Seconded, I had such a superb chance in my 20s to up sticks for a partnership in a buisness in Holland( yeah,I know,but admin and clerical work would have been someone elses ishue..isue..iisseu..problem.), stuck around here for some girl that lasted about another 6 months anyway and have been kicking myself ever since.
10 Oct 2011
Genealogy / Why Polish aren't white?? [272]

Lols, that photo sounds like my last bout of collage days, when me an ivorian a pakistani and a ginger irish lad would walk down the corridors in a line formation deliberatly imitating a Pelican crossing ;)
10 Oct 2011
USA, Canada / US Polonia 70% for Kaczyński [343]

In that case Dessi, crack on, with you hundred percent :)
Just note, monarchists,in the blind sense,ie for "England ,Harry and St George" are a wee bit thin on the ground.
Most of us sort of tolerate them,get a bit anoyed at them then look at other countries presidents and think at least we dont have to bother voting for these clowns and then suffer the let down that always follows :)
10 Oct 2011
Life / Looking to immigrate to Europe. How is life in Poland? [116]

Lol, no,not untill you mentioned it,then I looked at the screen name again and thought that sounds more Bantu than Cape Dutch ;)

yes ,yes, roz' just spotted it, "my first language is Afrikaans"....prob a big clue to her identity there :)
10 Oct 2011
USA, Canada / US Polonia 70% for Kaczyński [343]

Poles and others with self respect know that governments exist because the people deign to let them exist.

Aha, you see,we had a few little things called revolutions and a republic too you know Dessi,come on,you know this stuff really.

So, what we do is have a bunch of people playing at being top dog much as your Pres' is in reality only playing at being top dog,he,like Queenie,or King Chuck when he gets his turn can do sweet fanny Adams without it being democraticaly approved by the democraticaly elected representatives of the people.

And thats all of em, black,white and purple,something the good ole USA didnt get round too untill a few years before I was born. So, in short, glass houses dont make great spots for stone throwing practice.
10 Oct 2011
USA, Canada / US Polonia 70% for Kaczyński [343]

Why are you ashamed of being call British?

Maybe because he isnt British? I dunno,why wouldnt you like to be called Algerian?

Was she as dreadful as they say?

Lols, Universaly loathed,even the two little old ladies from the tea shop came away devout republicans :)

anyhoo,whats this thread about again? Someone having a pis in the us?
10 Oct 2011
Genealogy / Why Polish aren't white?? [272]

In that case, how come Afrikaners haven't turned black by now?

They certainly have a better Tan than me :)
But come on, these things take tens of thousands of years,not 300 :)
10 Oct 2011
USA, Canada / US Polonia 70% for Kaczyński [343]

Monarchist morons.......lmfao, I cant remember the last time I ever met a Monarchist,unless you count the late princess (make mine a large one)margaret....
10 Oct 2011
Life / Looking to immigrate to Europe. How is life in Poland? [116]

Hardly. That was maybe a valid thing to throw at the rats who fled a supposed sinking ship back in the 90s, but for people who stuck around, bought into the rainbow nation thing it has become a nightmare. Mandela and Tutu are yesterdays men, the new lot are no better than Mugabe.

You will fit in here been i white boar i take it but polish isnt a language you can learn in 4 weeks

Yeah, listen to this guy,he obviously knows all about that,being native English........no, Ive no idea why he is saying you are a small, wild pig with tusks and an albino complexion either....

ps, Why everyone jumps to the conclusion the OP is an Afrikaaner or Boer? Plenty of other white South Africans and most speak more than one language.
10 Oct 2011

The Greek people never see the money.

If the Greek people ever paid any taxes they wouldnt be in this state,its that simple. Anecdotal I know ,but one report was that a large city had collected just 15k in taxes for an entire year!!!!!!