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Joined: 11 Apr 2008 / Male ♂
Warnings: 1 - Q
Last Post: 9 Apr 2018
Threads: Total: 980 / In This Archive: 576
Posts: Total: 12275 / In This Archive: 6848
From: US Sterling Heigths, MI
Speaks Polish?: yes
Interests: Polish history, genealogy

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4 Nov 2010
Genealogy / Polish Surnames Anglicized? [48]

Shortly after JPII was elected I wrote an item for a Michigan newspaper. It was typed on a manual typewriter with a Polish keyboard and Wojtyła came out each time in the paper as Wojtyka. That seems an honest mistake for those unfamilair with Polish orthography.
2 Nov 2010
Food / Malinówka & other cordials [14]

Lest we misunderstand, I am not talking abotu bimbrownictwo (moonshining). The overwhelming bulk of home-made nalewkas are made by infusing shop-bought spirytus with fruit, fruit syrups, honey, browned sugar (zapalanka), spices and otehr flalvouring ingredients. It's hard to say whether they are cheaper than the commercially available stuff. But they are purer. The home-spun cordial maker will use cherries, sugar and spirytus, whereas the distliiery adds artifical colouring, aromas and fłavourings. Another thing is that the price will vary if you base your nalewka on the wild blueberries you picked in a forest or those from Tesco or Kroger's.
1 Nov 2010
Food / Malinówka & other cordials [14]

Besides, there is an element of pride and satisfaction when serving guests something 'własnej roboty'. I reckon those are sentiments the off-licence crowd doesn't understand. You see, there is more to it than just ingesting as much percentage as possible in the shortest space of time. There are still such things as ambience, hospitality and bonhommie.
1 Nov 2010
Law / Downfall of motor industry in Poland [30]

Was it Solidarność or Balzermann & Co. that destroyed Polish industry by equating privatisation with rigged tenders and cheap sell-offs to foreign capital (for presumably under-the-table gratuities)?
1 Nov 2010
Law / Downfall of motor industry in Poland [30]

The Czechs really lucked out and under VW are producing some fine budget-priced cars. One uncle has a Fabia and is full of praise. At least the Czechs are upholding a long-standing motor traditon under their own marque. Poles are now only able to churn out foreign brands of German and Italian design. Of course, it's better than nothing, but......
1 Nov 2010
History / "Poland's Concentration Camp" ?? [570]

If you are sick and gtired of reading or hearing baout allegedly 'Polish gas chambers', 'Polish death camps' and 'Polish crematoria', sign this petiton beign ciruclated by the Kościuszko Foundation of NYC.

1 Nov 2010
Law / Downfall of motor industry in Poland [30]

Politics has been the bane of the Polish motor industry from the very outset. Not only in PRL.
An up-and-coming Polish-conceived car was driven out of business in the 1930s, when Fiat of Italy agreed to sell the Polish government a licence on condition that the native competition be eliminated.
1 Nov 2010
Law / Downfall of motor industry in Poland [30]

Now everybody in the Detroit area is shaking in their boots over possible job loss, but at one time employees of the Big 3 (Chrysler, GM & Ford) were the working-class elite who outearned many other professions.
1 Nov 2010
Food / Malinówka & other cordials [14]

Although htis is the All saints weekend, I'm sure those who have travelled to Kraków or wherever from Wrocław to tend to family graves will not be turned away by local rellatives and forced to eat at McDonald's or stay at a hotel. That's not the Polish way.
1 Nov 2010
Law / Downfall of motor industry in Poland [30]

Wasn't it also the tortoise (as opposed to the hare) examel of the Orientals. Slowly, patiently, through hard work and low pay the Japs turned from a country making bar trinkets (like those little cocktail umbrellas), junky toys and tinnny, little Datsuns that reminded Americans of wind-up toy cars to an industrial super-power. The Koreans were next. Now China is flexing its motorcar muscle. American carmakers committed the sin of complacence and arrogance by neglecting research and technical innovations, building traditional oversized, overpowered rear-wheel-drive vehicles long after they had become obsolete world-wide. Another thing were the greedy trade unions that kept jacking up pay demands beyond the level of cost efficiency. Were things the same in the UK?
1 Nov 2010
Law / Downfall of motor industry in Poland [30]

The Polonez was the last even nominally Polish car produced in Poland. It looks as though even the FSO car factory in Warsaw will soon be no more. The same has occurred in a such a one-time car power as Britain. What actually happened to caused such well-known marques (Morris, Austin, MG, Hillman, Wolsley, Humber et al) to go under?
1 Nov 2010
Food / Malinówka & other cordials [14]

You obviiously haven't got any old Polish uncles or family friends. Sure, the Yuppy types go to the off-licence for Johnny Walker or whatever in keeping with the commer-notion: just reach for your credit card - we'll do the rest. But the nalewka (home-made cordial) exudes a certain ambience of Old Polish hospitality that the shop-bought stuff never can.

Incidentally, your remark got me to thinking. Most probably those who have not visited and broken bread with relatives in Poland or live mainly in expat or yuppy-Pole circles can never gain a full grasp of what the country is all about.
1 Nov 2010
News / New luxury car from Poland - Leopard [37]

Merged: Poland's Leopard sportscar?

Anyone heard of the classic-looking Leopard sportscar built in a limited series in Poland? I think I read somewhere they were hand-made for wealthy petro-sheiks. The car had very attractive lines.
1 Nov 2010
Food / Malinówka & other cordials [14]

Malinówka, wiśniówka, miodówka, śliwówka, pieprzówka, dereniówka and many more home-made cordials are among the things that strike many PolAm visitors to Poland when visiting the homes of theri relatives. Anyone on PF make some of these? Any favourite recipes? They even make these with sweets - landrynki (fruit drops) which dissolve in the spirytus to create a sweet liqueur.
29 Oct 2010
History / "Lithuania! My fatherland, you are like health.." [37]

Lithuania, my homeland, I liken you to good health,
How much you should be be cherished only the one can know
Who's lost such wealth.

(Nothing can ever approach the original. The above pitiful attempt at a translation is bumpy and does not flow, but at least the number of syllables in each line is the same and a rhyme has been retained.)
28 Oct 2010
History / Maus by Vladek Spiegelman - animals to represent Poles? [68]

PAC protests against anti-Polish 'Maus' comic book

At their recent meeting the Polish American Congress, the American Polonia's umbrella organisation, protested against making the anti-Polish comic book Maus obligatory reading for American school children in various school districts.

It portrays Poles as pigs who helped the Nazis persecute Jews during the Holocaust.

27 Oct 2010
USA, Canada / Polish Food - 40 flavors of pierogies in the US [113]

In the US one can encounter pierogi filled with feta cheese and spinach as well as 'ruskie' made not with twaróg but with a yucky orange-coloured fake cheese known as Velveeta. I reckon they produce whatever the market will buy.
27 Oct 2010
News / Overcoming (or fostering) political hate speech in Poland? [15]

Anyone folloiwng Polish politics has surely noticed that attemtps to curb politcial hate speech are being undertaken with varied success. The murder of a PiS official triggered the movmement, with PiS charging that PO types such as Palikot and Niesiołowski had whipped up such a climate of hatred around PiS that it's no wonder some unbalanced soul lost his marbles and pulled the trigger..

PiS has drafted a £ódź Declaration to stop hate pseech, but the PO people refused to sign it. President Komorowski invited polticial leaders to talks on the subject, and all but Kaczyński took part.

Some say PiS and PO feed on mutual hatred. The back and forth epithets produce colourful media copy which is eagerly watched, and it lets both parties off the hook as regards creating and implementing any concrete politcial programmes. What dio you think?
26 Oct 2010
Genealogy / Szczepanski from Warsaw, Poland [11]

If you're interested in tracking down a specific family member or his/her genealogy and/or history, I suggest you contact:
Institute of Genealogy
Researching family records, histories, outstanding ancestors; locating living relatives; interviews, photo documentation, family trees, coats of arms and related services all over the territory of pre-partition Poland.

Andrzej Zygmunt Rola-Stężycki, Director
Aleja Niepodległości 3, 05-600 Grójec, Poland
Office tel/fax: (48-48) 664-1717, (48-48) 664-4415
