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Joined: 11 Apr 2008 / Male ♂
Warnings: 1 - Q
Last Post: 9 Apr 2018
Threads: Total: 980 / In This Archive: 576
Posts: Total: 12275 / In This Archive: 6848
From: US Sterling Heigths, MI
Speaks Polish?: yes
Interests: Polish history, genealogy

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7 Dec 2010
Food / What's on YOUR Wigilia table? [20]

Merged: Christmas Food - Your American family's Wigilia in comparison to Polish one?

What dishes are found on the tables of those of you whose families serve a traditonal Wigilia spread. Here are my entries:
herring in sour cream
clear mushrooms soup with noodle squares (łazanki)
fried walleye (pike-perch)
pierogi filled with sauerkraut & mushrooms
noodles & poppyseed
dried-fruit compote
poppyseed cake

herring in oil
mayonnaise-dressed mixed vegetable salad (sałatka jarzynowa)
clear beetroot borscht with (hand-held) fried battered mushrooms
fried carp
sauerkraut & mushrooms & yellow peas
creamed mushrooms & buckwheat
noodles & poppyseed
dried-fruit compote
7 Dec 2010
Life / Polish-American Polka Music in Poland [60]

Polka music is still more Polish than rapcrap. it includes polkas, obereks, kujawiaks, sztajery and krakowiaks. Some Polish words, phrases and concepts also appear. Never heard any rapcrap selection with any Polish references whatsoever. I repeat -- if polka music were played on the radio in Poland, it would gain some popularity. Even despite the Poles' tendency to overcompensate for their peasant-rooted inferiority complex by copycatting what they regard as cool and trendy.
6 Dec 2010
Love / Polish women- submissive or dominant? [58]

Native Poles have said that the man is the head of the family, but the woman is the neck, and the neck turns the head. If women weren't domiannt, the whole palce would fall apart due to hubby's penchant for booze and general irresponsibility. One Polish riddle goes: What is the difference betwdeen a male and wine? Answer: Eventually wine matures.
6 Dec 2010
Life / Polish-American Polka Music in Poland [60]

There are actually Polish people who listen to and maybe actually enjoy rapcrap, hard as that may be to believe. That proves only one point. If you play something over and over, people get used to it and some may actually come to like it. Even when, as in the case of rapcrap, the product of American Afro slums, when it has absolutely no social, cultural or any other relevance to people in such countries as Poland. So it's really up to the DJs and even more so to their bosses. If they started playing American-style polka numbers, they would at least catch on with a niche audience.
6 Dec 2010
Life / Polish-American Polka Music in Poland [60]

There is (or once was) a radio programme in Poland called Lato z Radiem which used the Clarinet Polka (known as 'Dziadek' in Polish) as their theme song. Does that show ring a bell to our Polish natives?
5 Dec 2010
Food / Meatless Wigilia gołąbki? [11]

Gołąbki stuffed with rice or barley and mushrooms and onions drenched in muishroom gravy are so good you will want enjoy them not only on Wigilia.
5 Dec 2010
Language / "Łukasz Trembecki" - how to pronounce and spell my birth dads name [7]

The hard 'l' up till WW2 was de riguerur for the gentry, actors, news readers, statesmen, academics, lawyers, professionals and self-respecting politicians. After WW2 the peasantry, proletarians and other assorted riffraff were installed in power (with Soviet bayonets) and imposed the 'w' sound on the letter £. Now the hard 'l' is encountered only along the eastern flank of today's small, truncated Poland.
5 Dec 2010
Life / How popular is Radio Maryja in Poland? [163]

Radio Maryja marks 19th birthday

Thousands have flocked to Toruń to celebrate the 19th anniversary of Radio Maryja. In his homily the Bishop of Kielce Kazimierz Ryczan said: 'No-one believed that Radio Maryja would became a spreading oak beneath which those who seek God would be able to breathe the air of faith.'
4 Dec 2010
Food / Kutia with millet instead of wheat or rice [9]

Merged thread:
Kutia anyone?

Anyone serve kutia (kucja) for Wigilia? Usually made of cooked wheat (but also rice or barley), enhanced with poppyseed, honey, raisins, nuts...

Actually rice-based kutia was served in some manorhouses of pre-war Poland because wheat was regarded as too peasanty.
4 Dec 2010
Life / The Polish school? What's it like. [26]

Menelstwo = underclass, crudballs, slummies, juvenile delinquents, scum, riffraff and a slew of others.
4 Dec 2010
Life / The Polish school? What's it like. [26]

Yes, but work does not end at school. Teachers have papers to correct, lessons to plan, parents to meet, teachers' conferences to attend, etc.
On a different score, seems everyone is passing the child-rearing buck. Parents say: school will straighten him out (of a misbehaving kid). Teachers say it's the parents' job to rear the youngster. When there was conscription Polish parents said of an unruly teenager: the army will straighten him out... Everybody seems to be hoping someone else will do the straightening.....
4 Dec 2010
Life / The Polish school? What's it like. [26]

Does it educate in terms of scholastic subejcts or also build characters, shape attitudes and good citizenship? Has this been changing over the years? In your view, that percentage of young people's personality building can be ascribed to the school, the home, the church, peer circles, the media, etc.?

In the USA schools seem to be evolving in the direction of the old sitcom Beverly Hills 1348 (or some such number), where the school is a place the make dates, stock up on drugs and smash up expensive sports cars with the educational aspect a definite also-ran. That's in good neighbourhoods. In bad ones it is armed security guards and metal detectors designed to weed out knives and guns.
4 Dec 2010
News / Poland has low murder rate [60]

One gets the impression that Poles sometimes refer to Ukrainian hitmen. A few years back I heard one could get an expert 'od mokrej roboty' at Jarmark Europa for 5,000 zlots. Anyone hear of this? And why Ukrainian? Why not Lithuanian or Romanian Gipsy or Vietnamese?
3 Dec 2010
News / Poland has low murder rate [60]

Poland's murder rate one of lowest in EU

With 1.29 murders per 100,000 people Poland has one of the lowest homicide rate in the European Union, according to the Eurostat statistical office.

Lithuania is the murder centre of the EU, with nine homicides yearly for every 100,000 inhabitants, followed by Estonia and Luxembourg, Belgium, Bulgaria, the Czech Republic and Finland.

Austria has the lowest homicide rate at 0.67.

Lithuanian and Estonian commentators say that most homicides are perpetrated at home and usually are the result of alcohol abuse, while generally the streets of cities are very safe. (ek)

2 Dec 2010
News / Polish Foreign Ministry 'prepared' for new Wikileaks material [100]

War is evil because it not only kills and maims but also depraves the human conscience and desentisises people's sense of humanity. So it's obvous therre have been abuses even in America's most idealistic and well-meaning freedom operations world-wide. Humans are just a bunch of really mucked-up creatures and war makes them even worse. But let's not compare America to Martians or something else that doesn't exist. Let's comapre them to Germany, Russia and yes! -- Britain and France in the colonial era. The US has had the power to colonise for the longest time but has never really made use of it. The Virgin Islands and a few minor Pacific possessions are a drop in the ocean compared to the expanses the colonial powers claimed and the cruelty, violence and rapacious exploitation they visited on inidgenous peoples.
2 Dec 2010
Life / How popular is Radio Maryja in Poland? [163]

What about those who disregard direct orders from the Church as regards abortion, homosexuality, remarriage after divorce, contraception and conceiving babies in test-tubes? And those who fail to make their Easter duty (go to confession and receive the Eucharist during the Easter season) have effectively self-excommunicated themselves. That is the minimum requirement to remain a Catholic in good standing rather than a lapsed Catholic.
2 Dec 2010
Life / How popular is Radio Maryja in Poland? [163]

Because all kinds of people regard themselves as Catholics. Often erroenously. One garden variety type are the 'cafeteria Catholics' who pick and choose from the menu only that which is pleasant, decorative and/or convenient like a church wedding with flowers, candles, pageantry and organ music. I'm afraid not many of those tune in to RM/Trwam.
2 Dec 2010
News / Polish Foreign Ministry 'prepared' for new Wikileaks material [100]

The US military bases are there precisely to defend human freedom and democracy world-wide. No-one is saying it it perfect and that mistakes are never committed. To err is human. But only those who do nothing never make mistakes. On balance, everything considered, there has never been so benevolent an 'empire' (if you insist on calling it that) as the good ol' USA. Wait till China takes over (and that may be sooner than you think), and then you'll be dreaming of a rerun of 'pax americana'.
1 Dec 2010
Life / How popular is Radio Maryja in Poland? [163]

Yes, in a democratic pluralistic soceity even secularist-agnostic smut is tolerated, but a RM/Trwam audience of three million cannot all be wrong, can they? The PC types, who only pay lip service to freedom of speech, would gladly find a pretext to shut down broadcasters who do not share their skewed, relativist views.
1 Dec 2010
Life / How popular is Radio Maryja in Poland? [163]

Never confuse the messenger with the message. If Rydzyk drives a Maybach, that's a crying shame. But the message that goes out is not: own a Maybach and live in the lap of luxuary but faith, hope and charity, forgive, repent, atone...the 10 Commandments and the 8 beatitudes.

Personally I am suspicious of all materialists, be it a bishop, CEO, TV news reader, senator, mayor, tycoon, celebrity or Józio the plumber.
1 Dec 2010
News / Polish Foreign Ministry 'prepared' for new Wikileaks material [100]

The bototm line is that the hunt is now on for fugitive hacker Solange or whatever name he goes by at present. He has been branded an international criminal whose irresponsible activity is putting untold human lives in jeopardy and should soon be neutrralised. Unless his pursuers are as incompetent as those trying to track down that bin Laden character.