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Joined: 25 Dec 2007 / Male ♂
Last Post: 29 Dec 2011
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From: Poland, Gliwice
Speaks Polish?: Tak, umiem
Interests: Cycling, chess and language

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28 Feb 2010
UK, Ireland / Time for the Poles from the UK to go home [437]

Aha, thanks. TIT is a laugh here, he plays the victim very well. I try to be balanced with my commentary as I have no axes to grind. He just doesn't seem to be aware of basic political science, EU Law and realities.
28 Feb 2010
UK, Ireland / Time for the Poles from the UK to go home [437]

You agree with what, sorry, Bev? I made a few points in my last post.

Was anyone holding a gun to their head, TIT? Didn't they just exercise their right to freedom of movement? Are you even aware of Van Binsbergen and Dassonville, TIT? Have you watched any interviews at all with Poles stating their reasons for moving to the UK?
28 Feb 2010
UK, Ireland / Time for the Poles from the UK to go home [437]

This isn't Kosovo, Dariusz, where the Serbs were ousted to accommodate the Albanians. It isn't really a lebensraum issue either. If more Muslims want to come, they will. It's not one at the expense of the other.

The floodgates were opened almost 6 years ago and that's just a fact!

TIT, were the governments of Wałęsa, Marcinkiewicz and Kwaśniewski subject to EU Law and subsidiarity? No. Did anyone stand in the way of the transition from communism to a free market? Not really. Did those governments then have relative autonomy? Yes.

Were Yalta and Tehran decided by referendum in Britain? No. Was it by a pompous British bigot in Churchill? (amongst others) Yes. Kindly refrain from painting the whole nation and start paying heed to the fact that successive Polish governments have stuffed up. An olive branch was given by EU Law. What would those 1,000,000 be doing in Poland now other than hiking up the GUS unemployment stats?

Oh, and kindly quit the crap that there weren't many commies in Poland. Cyrankiewicz, your leader for 22 years, was a commie and had MANY sympathisers. My point is, try and separate leadership from populist sentiment (uprisings etc). Oh, you don't even know what populism is without wikipedia, do you?
28 Feb 2010
UK, Ireland / Time for the Poles from the UK to go home [437]

Amathyst has a point here. Poland underwent changes through Wałęsa, Marcinkiewicz, Kwaśniewski and Kaczyński. You can't harp back to Yalta for lack of employment opportunities, it just doesn't cut the mustard. I've heard promise after promise from Tusk but he hasn't delivered either. When the Polish government starts to represent Poles and not globalist agendas or themselves then I'll have some sympathy.

Bev, Poland has had an influx of sorts but a staggered one and that makes the difference. I'm talking about the Vietnamese who flocked here but over time. They tend to work in markets and thus serve a highly useful function. They have family businesses and I know this from discussions with a Vietnamese student I had. Many Poles tend to be lone wolves, some use Britain as a cash cow to send money home. I'm not saying that they should or shouldn't do that, I'm just saying that it looks bad in the eyes of Brits.
28 Feb 2010
UK, Ireland / Time for the Poles from the UK to go home [437]

Again, Facism is just a subset of a clump of options a the hands of globalists. They want a rise in the far right. The more chaos, the better as they can then step in in whatever way they want.

We can't control the morons, they will do as they will do.
28 Feb 2010
UK, Ireland / Time for the Poles from the UK to go home [437]

Good points made by For4 and I've made them before. When the boot is on the other foot, things are different. I can easily imagine the uproar if 1,000,000 gypsies flocked in to find work and get housed.
28 Feb 2010
UK, Ireland / Time for the Poles from the UK to go home [437]

What's really unfortunate is that people can't see that Poles are merely using their options. It is the globalists who wanted to open things up, diminish national sovereignty and find easier ways to rule people. They can even rub their evil hands as they throw chaos into the mix.

Exactly, Bev. Those that are happy with their lot and comfortable in themselves don't need to resort to digs and futile hatred.
28 Feb 2010
UK, Ireland / Time for the Poles from the UK to go home [437]

What internal reforms pertaining to the topic at hand, TIT? Please be specific.

No caps, aha. So in what way would he be different from Gordon Brown then?
28 Feb 2010
UK, Ireland / Time for the Poles from the UK to go home [437]

Don't draft wealth into it too much. Look at those with relative wealth who ostensibly govern and look at those above them with gross amounts of wealth that really govern. If you are a true member of the elite, you will focus on geopolitics and macroeconomics, not localised social policy framed in the narrower meaning.

Rich people most definitely should not rule, what nonsense! Are you even remotely aware of how bankers have ruined things? A democracy should be as representative as possible, encompassing the populist sentiment within the nation through the employment of democratic tools. When was the last referendum? Do you need reminding of the Irish EU vote which wasn't accepted first time round?

TIT, straight question. What do you think Cameron would do with regards to Poles in the UK? Oh, and how is he populistic?
28 Feb 2010
UK, Ireland / Time for the Poles from the UK to go home [437]

Jealousy? Of what exactly? I'm not saying you are right or wrong, I'm just curious. I know how many Brits think and they tend to see Poles as sth less than themselves. The intelligent ones don't judge and try to maintain cordial relations.
28 Feb 2010
UK, Ireland / Time for the Poles from the UK to go home [437]

Conservatives are Conservatives, wow, what an acute observation ;) ;) I'd never have guessed.

TIT, what's your point here? Real elites? You are advocating the views espoused by Milton Friedman, right? They fly in the face of populism. They advocate shock and awe, global engineering and ruthless opportunism. That's NOT populism, that's just popular in their eyes. So, I ask again, where does Cameron sit in the overall scheme of things? Or have you just heard of him and are second-guessing his aspirations?
28 Feb 2010
UK, Ireland / Time for the Poles from the UK to go home [437]

You completely missed the point, TIT. I could have told you that in secondary school and to a more advanced level when I studied British Central and Local Government (BCLG) in my undergrad.

I want to know YOUR conception of populist and how Cameron fits that bill. After all, he is in opposition so, with all due respect, how on earth do you know how he would be? You are likely the type that buys manifestos and expects everything to be fulfilled. Am I right?
28 Feb 2010
UK, Ireland / Time for the Poles from the UK to go home [437]

TIT, no offence but I think you are talking in code. What does huge machinery have to do with making a relatively simple decision to impose caps or not? He simply must evaluate the situation, acting all the while within the confines of EU Law and not ultra vires.

Define populist please.
28 Feb 2010
UK, Ireland / Time for the Poles from the UK to go home [437]

Oh, I haven't read so widely on that matter but enough to know the negative side effects and nefarious ways in which communism manifested itself.

How do you think Cameron will treat the issue differently, TIT? I mean of Poles in the UK, of course.
28 Feb 2010
UK, Ireland / Time for the Poles from the UK to go home [437]

TIT, he was just telling the truth. He wasn't being obnoxious in the slightest.

If he had said sth like 'all Poles out' then that would have been different. Anyway, don't you think that 1 million is rather a lot? That's 1/38th of your population.
27 Feb 2010
UK, Ireland / Staying on in a 'small British paradise' [38]

Setanta, that's a global enterprise. Good to see that Ireland has been usurped ;) ;) ;) Bought and sold! Right up to speed now.
27 Feb 2010
UK, Ireland / Britain... What the Poles did for us. [444]

Marek, do you know anything of Scottish history at all? Do you know how grateful the Poles were for our help in WWII? My grandad is still alive, he can tell you all about it. Care to listen?
27 Feb 2010
UK, Ireland / Staying on in a 'small British paradise' [38]

I don't really see the Irish as an enemy at all, WB. I am 25% Irish after all. If you can say why they are the enemy then I'll be happy but too many folk label others as the enemy without knowing why. For example, Catholics killed Proddies and vice-versa but did they know why? I doubt it!
27 Feb 2010
UK, Ireland / Staying on in a 'small British paradise' [38]

It's not as easy to move as you think. When you get a taste of sth better, you don't move away from it so easily. Drinking Tyskie in Poland and drinking it in Ireland, what's the difference? ;) ;)
27 Feb 2010
UK, Ireland / Britain... What the Poles did for us. [444]

OK, here is a challenge to all resourceful Poles out there. Prove to me that Piłsudski met with the French to start a pre-emptive war and I'll be satisfied. The thing is, historians work their butts off to for years to even attempt to prove things to the satisfaction of others, e.g David Irving. Otherwise, the British gave the Poles the opportunity to use Spitfire technology, amongst others, to their advantage. Just like work in the UK now. Bailout options are handy oftentimes.
27 Feb 2010
UK, Ireland / Britain... What the Poles did for us. [444]

Anyone who calls the Scots cowards is just asking for it. We fear very little and provided the world with perhaps THE elite fighting force in the SAS. Our army is well respected and many top RAF pilots were Scottish.

Royal slaves, WTF?????
27 Feb 2010
UK, Ireland / Britain... What the Poles did for us. [444]

Well, the British were full of self interest too and Churchill didn't do the Brits favours with his pathetic coded messages to Roosevelt. Still, imagine the war result without us.
26 Feb 2010
UK, Ireland / Britain... What the Poles did for us. [444]

Marek, it's too late for an edit. Hang your head in shame! English cowards??? What nonsense! I'm Scottish and I still acknowledge their valiant efforts.
26 Feb 2010
UK, Ireland / Man on UK - Krakow flight eats 10, 000 Euros [18]

We see it time and again when people win money or have a lot of money. They go wild and make an absolute hash of things. I'd be the first in line to hoof him in the nuts. What a moron!
26 Feb 2010
Love / Do Polish women have bad tempers? [49]

The Polish call it being 'zadbana'. Not to be confused with 'zajebana'. I meant looking good with clean nails etc.