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Posts by Seanus  

Joined: 25 Dec 2007 / Male ♂
Last Post: 29 Dec 2011
Threads: Total: 15 / In This Archive: 4
Posts: Total: 19666 / In This Archive: 8616
From: Poland, Gliwice
Speaks Polish?: Tak, umiem
Interests: Cycling, chess and language

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5 Mar 2010
Life / You are Polish if... [433]

Oh, I agree. It applies in the West but South Americans seem to be able to justify their faith.
5 Mar 2010
Life / You are Polish if... [433]

I try telling Polish women that beauty is in the eye of the beholder but they just blow me off. At which point I just say 'you suck'. Ach, I pull their leg and then they keep pulling mine ;)

you think saying kurwa repeatedly is somehow funny (some of the younger generation I mean).

you call yourself a Catholic but know not what it means.
5 Mar 2010
Life / You are Polish if... [433]

It's all a laugh.

I know Poles who have a GSOH. They are true gems!

Outline some virtues and you'll see that quite a few Poles have them.

They can help you when you need.

Geez, folk here must think I'm getting a BJ to write such favourable comments ;) ;)
5 Mar 2010
Life / You are Polish if... [433]

Whatsoever could I have meant? Hmm...the mind boggles ;) ;)

Me oonderstand (sic)
5 Mar 2010
Life / Do you think a smoking ban would be a good thing in Polish restaurants and Bars? [217]

They experimented with segregation in Pizza Hut when it was here in Gliwice. It worked but smoke naturally has a tendency to waft and drift. The slightest whiff and some of the well-to-do moaning gits are off and running with their rants. The restaurant was closed down.

I think it depends on the interior of the restaurant. Those with smaller dimensions make avoidance much harder of course.
5 Mar 2010
Life / You are Polish if... [433]

you dress like Kenny from South Park and make about as much sense as him ;) ;) ;)

you look like you believe the 2012 Doomsday nonsense ;) ;)

you are competing for the position of Polish princess, even though such a vacancy doesn't exist ;) ;) ;) Sorry, too many applicants for that one!

you believe too much in your own convictions and rarely compromise. I've had to set students straight when I knew they were wrong.

you prepare some amazingly good food (my mother-in-law). The bigos she made was heavenly!!!!

you use respect language without really respecting the person you are speaking to. When I use it, I mean it.

Of course, all of the above can be challenged with the 'some do, some don't' or 'some can, some can't' etc etc. If I were to take that to extremes, I'd never write anything unless on a factual thread. (thinks maybe that would be a good thing) ;) ;)
5 Mar 2010

I think some jokes are healthy but are not well received oftentimes. Even the slightest insinuation that Poland isn't a paradise or some Poles aren't at Einstein's level of IQ can offend them.

I don't mind jokes against Scots at all as we can laugh at ourselves.
5 Mar 2010
Life / What is it with the Polish love of antibiotics? And Why do Poles get ill more? [40]

There's sth in the mindset of a fair few here and I see it all too often. There's always sth that aches but the body of a Pole is no different from any other European. It's largely psychosomatic. Give that person a hoof up the arse and that'll sort them out. It grows thin to hear all the grunts and groans. I just ignore them now.
5 Mar 2010
Life / You are Polish if... [433]

Yeah, I need a resident Pole to explain that one to me as it tends not to work that way in Scotland. Some old folk here think the sun shines out of their arse. Bloody peasants!
4 Mar 2010
Life / You are Polish if... [433]

Some might say ;)

you think Rambo or Rocky are the latest movies on the market. Oh, and Transformers too.

you talk about part 1 of Lord of the Rings when everyone else has finished talking about the third.

Just kidding!! Poland is actually ahead of Japan in this respect. America is usually first but I was shocked to see that Egyptian cinemas will air Salt before anyone else.
4 Mar 2010
Life / You are Polish if... [433]

Never heard of it but it seems that you know it well enough ;) ;)
4 Mar 2010
History / just before the war the Polish/Ukrainian szlachta learned Ukrainian [243]

That's fair enough, marqoz. My limited knowledge only goes as far as to say that all romantic notions of Slavic brotherhood went out of the window in WWII due to the brutality of the Ukrainian units. They were said to be worse than some Nazis, a bit like the Croatian Ustashe. There are some real Slavic nutjobs in all Slavic countries.
4 Mar 2010
History / just before the war the Polish/Ukrainian szlachta learned Ukrainian [243]

You did indeed, Sasha. I was referring to the Polish posters. Me? I really don't know enough about the history to comment either way but I like to see when one can actually go against what is 'expected' of them. I wish BB would do it over the Kosovo issue. However, I did meet one German who disagreed with Geischner which is good. As for Bandera, I've only heard of him. Banderas is more famous ;)
4 Mar 2010
Life / You are Polish if... [433]

I will have fun, or maybe a fun time :)

You seem like a cool guy Marqoz, keep up the posting :) This thread is intended as a wind-up but, in real life (where it matters), I don't dig but see the glass as half full.
4 Mar 2010
History / just before the war the Polish/Ukrainian szlachta learned Ukrainian [243]

Wouldn't it be interesting for a Polish poster to say, just once, that Nathan has a point and may be right?! It's always like a battle and you can see this in shops and on the streets. Why must it be this way?

Learning Ukrainian shouldn't be too hard.
4 Mar 2010
History / Polish hatred towards Jews... [1290]

Most Poles don't know enough about Jews in Poland to hate them. It's all old and dated stuff.
4 Mar 2010
Life / I'm from Polish descent. CAN YOU GUYS EXPLAIN THE EU TO ME? [115]

I was a Masters student of it so I can help. However, view some EU provisions in the light of globalist developments. Try to see the bigger picture and who holds the cards.

The EU mission in the ME, whether it be Tony Blair's envoy or Sarkozy etc, seems just to be to enjoy 5-star hospitality and top-class resorts in Egypt. Throw Tony Blair into Gaza City and let him walk around by himself. He'd poo his pants in 5 mins. The EU is a corrupt bunch of megalomaniacs who spend most of their time patting one another on the back for the next criminal deed done.
4 Mar 2010
Work / Average monthly salary in Poland is around 1000 PLN (few hundred bucks). [387]

Look at Japan, they traditionally have small apartments. I lived in 2 and saw many so I should know. The Polish ones are bigger and don't have fusuma (sliding doors with paper-thin material) either.

The average take-home pay is around 2600PLN after tax and ZUS. Or so they say ;)
4 Mar 2010
UK, Ireland / Are polish girls in the UK cheap (to hire?) [35]

Would whoever moved the comments of Grzegorz and myself kindly restore them!! Some are and some aren't is the perfect answer and neatly sums it up.

Mods, I expect this to be done as it is much more accurate than a lot of other garbage that gets written. Thanks!!!