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Joined: 11 Sep 2007 / Male ♂
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Last Post: 6 Dec 2015
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22 Jan 2011
Real Estate / Poland Housing prices in July 2010 [129]


yes Mr developer...

You see!!! we can agree on something, and, when we see prices falling by 60% as per your predictions, we will agree once again. Don't hold your breath waiting.
17 Jan 2011
Real Estate / Best Investment Deal In Poland Wroclaw !? [9]

As someone involved in a similar business, my sympathies lie with the investors. They were totally misled by the council who tried to maximise the amount at auction by implying that permission would be granted for a multi-occupational building. The council have pocketed this money and then moved the goalposts.

It is balatently obvious that nobody would pay 2,000,000 pln for a single house building plot.
Jwojcie is probably right about an apartment block being inappropriate in that area, but, if it was in the "Studium", he should blame the council, not the developers.

The council misrepresented the use of this land at auction and should refund the sale price and any costs incurred to date.
3 Jan 2011
Real Estate / Poland Housing prices in July 2010 [129]

You are correct. Every time I drive on Polish roads I am taking a gamble. I bow to your superiour knowledge.
2 Jan 2011
Real Estate / Poland Housing prices in July 2010 [129]


What a pratt you are. You have been wrong for the past year and you still don't get it. Its my own money, the apartments "exist", why would I need a bailout?. If the few I have left do not reach my asking price, I will rent them out, not a gamble, just common sense.

It seems you have no knowledge of business, stick to working for the public sector and carry on moaning.
I think you should be more worried about the new EU laws than I, they will dictate your lifestyle for the next 10 years until the money is repaid.
31 Dec 2010
Real Estate / Poland Housing prices in July 2010 [129]


Mr Developer, explain?

Whats to explain?. You never give any facts or explanations for your inane comments

"whats the property bubble like in Poland?"
You are like a "Duracell Battery", you go on and on and on and on and on......
but, you never provide any facts.

Why don't you enter your thread on "whats the most stupid questios asked about Poland",
it has to be par for the course.
30 Dec 2010
Real Estate / Poland Housing prices in July 2010 [129]


Lake views, by any chance?

Of course, but not enough for Milky, only 3 lakes visible, free swimming which might appeal to his socialist nature, the walks and the bike trails in the forest are also free, so, that would make him happy, but, I doubt it. He would want to chop down the forest to heat the apartment, even though it does not have a fireplace. Central heating from an individual boiler is so "common", the communial heating system provided by the communists is far superiour.

The only thing that would really appeal to him is if I gave the apartment to him for nothing and paid him 5,000 PLN a month to live there.

Even this would not be good enough, too far from his wife's job.

Milky is not Mark
30 Dec 2010
Real Estate / Poland Housing prices in July 2010 [129]


That's cheap as chips.

How many bedrooms was that?

Thats 3 full sized bedrooms. It is a loft flat so the area measured is only from 2.2 mtrs high. The actual floor area is somewhere in the region of 160m2, excluding 12m2 balcony and an external storage shed + 2 parking spaces. How can it be "as cheap as chips" when I am just an "exploiting developer"? You see what a pratt this Milky is!!!!. He is a socialist, everything should be "given" to him, nobody is allowed to make a profit, even, if it means that they are creating jobs and decent housing for people on low incomes.

As well as blaming the bankers, people ought to realize that the Milky's of this world are just as much of a problem, they all want something for nothing.
30 Dec 2010
Real Estate / Poland Housing prices in July 2010 [129]


The bursting of the property bubble will bring "hope" to the people, and anyway as a Thatcherite, you don't care about the people ,greed is good eh...

Do you just blunder through life being wrong all the time?. If you bothered to read previous posts, you would see that I established my company in the UK, well before Maggie was elected. I do care about people, that is one of the reasons why I left the UK, I knew where the multi-culteral, socialist experiment was going to lead and I did not wish to be a part of it.

I retired in 2002 and only built here in Poland because I was bored and wanted to show my Polish friends and neighbours how it can and should be done so your accusation of greed is very far from the truth.

I am a master builder, unlike you, who is a master bater. I contribute and invest, whilst you seem to be a waste of space. Several people on this forum have seen my work and know me personally so I have nothing to hide. If you new anything about property it might be worth a discussion, but, all you seem to do is atttack people such as myself because we disagree with the unfactual statements you make.

Get a life, better still, get a job and buy a flat, it might even make you happy, instead of bitter and twisted.
30 Dec 2010
Real Estate / Poland Housing prices in July 2010 [129]


Well if you make money out of a ponzi scheme,fair play. At least, as you claim,you're on the winning side. You're a real hero...

The building was "legallised" (Finished in accordance with building regulations, just in case you did not understand) a year ago. So how can it be a Ponzi scheme if it exists?, you make yourself look more stupid with every post. As to being a "hero", yes, to the people who have bought a well built, new home, I suppose I am. I create dreams, unlike you, who seem to enjoy destroying peoples hopes of having a decent place to live.

Still, I suppose that if you can never own anything, why should anyone else. Keep on with that attitude and you may be able to afford a tent one day.
30 Dec 2010
Real Estate / Poland Housing prices in July 2010 [129]

So, you accuse these people of being idiots, because, they need to buy somewhere to live. As for "fools", you seem to have managed to claim that title on your own, with your stupid, unfounded claims regarding a price crash that has never happened. Exploitation is unnessary, I happen to be a very good builder and people like my projects.

Perhaps what annoys you is the fact that as an Englishman living in Poland, I can produce buildings, sell them and make a living out of it. What's your excuse?
29 Dec 2010
Real Estate / Poland Housing prices in July 2010 [129]


There are some good buys out there for cash buyers or those that can get financing, you just got to scratch the surface and find those hidden gems.

Someone has just dicovered one of my hidden gems. 120m2 for 300,000PLN. Viewed on Monday, they offered the full asking price and we sign the preliminary contract on Friday. Nice end of the year for 2010.

I was expecting the buyers to offer 50-60% less but they obviously do not read Milky's posts.
19 Dec 2010
Real Estate / Poland Housing prices in July 2010 [129]

Probably not. You are the only person who seems to know about this mythical property bubble.

Why not share some actual facts with us and maybe even provide some links for us to check, preferably ones that are not 3 years old.
19 Dec 2010
Real Estate / Flat/apartment Rental Sites in Poland [12]


dont forget,massive property bubble.

You wish!!!!

The only person tghat does not realialize how wrong you are is you!!!

Why do you make a fool of yourself every time you post these stupid comments. All your predictions have been wrong, get a life and buy before you are completely left out of the loop.
16 Dec 2010
Love / Concerns about Polish Family / Child Support Law [68]


This is about weather or not Polish law would, in theory, allow her to force me to pay an unreasonable amount. Such as 40% of my income, which I've seen mentioned else where.

What are you going to be thinking about when your actually making love to her.

I think you mean "whether" and "elsewhere" is one word.

How old are you.

(I cannot put a question mark as I am using a Spanish keyboard)
16 Dec 2010
Love / Concerns about Polish Family / Child Support Law [68]


Is this a flat rate, or adjustable based on income and/or subjective evaluation of some random judge?

Its voluntary. I am a responsible father who does not put a price on relationships or look to seek for a way out. If you are that scared, you could always ask the girl to get steralized.
16 Dec 2010
Love / Concerns about Polish Family / Child Support Law [68]

The word "virgin" comes to mind.

On a serious note, my little Polish daughter costs me 2000 złoty a month and she is worth every groszy. Accident or not, she is mine and I love her to bits.
1 Dec 2010
Real Estate / Residential property in Poland - council tax or rates payable? [6]


Do other towns & cities in Poland charge something like the UK's council tax to property owners or tenants? If so, what is the general cost per annum?

Yes. This tax is payed to the local Gmina yearly. I have a detached house in 13 aras and the tax is approximately 200PLN a year. I am not sure if there is a national rate or if it differs, according to area.
16 Nov 2010
Real Estate / Buying a flat in Krakow; prices are still falling? [200]


Checked out the asking price on newspaper and then visited the owner's, to see if they are willing to drop their insane western prices."nie" was the answer.

What did you offer them? 300PLN m2?. According to your early posts, prices should have dropped by 60%-80% by now. Please do not t3ell me that this has not happened!!!!!
8 Nov 2010
Law / EU citizen's residency Registration Certificate: Poland application form [14]


While collecting document certifying the right of permanent residence or permanent residence card of the Union citizen family member you shall present a valid travel document or another document certifying your identity and citizenship together with the documents certifying payment of the fee of PLN 30.

You have to collect the form in person. Get all the documents that you provided last time and "5" not 4 photo's this time. It takes about 2-3 months and will involve an unannounced police visit to you home address to make sure that you do not represent a security threat to Poland.

When you get the letter telling you to pick you piece of paper up, remember to take your passport with you as they only have 15 copies already. They will open your file in front of you with your picture on the front page and then ask you for identification.

I felt like dragging the little bastard over the counter.
7 Nov 2010
Study / Considerations for US Family Moving to Poland (esp. Int'l Schools) [36]

My advice - go somewhere like the Middle East or Asia.

Perhaps she is not able to take the United States Marine Corp with her? Americans are not exactly flavour of the month in those places. Not exactly a place to take the kids.
6 Nov 2010
Travel / Very dangerous defrauding trend started in some hotels in Krakow [49]


If you would read the millions of pages describing IDENTITITY THEFT ........

Speaking of identity theft, what about people that post on PF with multiple identities, who use the same bad English and expressions. What is the motive for doing this?. Personally, I would call this a form of LUNACY. I think I will go long with Delph on this one, its our old, unimaginative, Krakow friend again.
26 Oct 2010
Real Estate / Poland Housing prices in July 2010 [129]


I believe there will be enough on the plate, not to skimp on quality as they bought the land a number of years ago. They are trading down in comparison to their last projects, which were being sold, for as much as 17,000PLN per Sq Mtr.

I have seen this happen in the UK. The developers will try to screw the subbies (contractors) into the ground on prices. It then becomes a game of cat and mouse as to who can get away with what. Many good, small companies were made bankrupt when the big boys delayed payments and argued over everything. It got so bad that the minute you signed a contract, you knew it was going to end up in litigation.

I was tendering for work against companies whose pricing of the same works would not cover the cost of the materials, let alone overhead and profit. The big boys would accept the price, making sure that they held enough money back to get another contractor in to finish the job.

That was when I stopped working for them and did my own developing.
26 Oct 2010
Real Estate / Poland Housing prices in July 2010 [129]


Further to today's posts, it seems that I was correct about what the bigger developers (2 in Warsaw and 1 in Krakow) are going to do. If you look at the WBJ today (link below) it seems that they are all going to build at around the 6000 per m2 (minimum) mark as this seems to be the limit that the banks want to lend at. The market has dictated the price and its not 2000 per m2 as some people hoped. I wonder if the quality will suffer to satisfy the shareholders greed?

26 Oct 2010
Real Estate / Poland Housing prices in July 2010 [129]


You mentioned that bureaucracy and red tape adds quite a bit to the cost of building, is it easier to build outside of the cities, or do deal with the same people/paperwork?

I personally find it easier to build outside the city limits. It is then not necessary for the planners to have to take, traffic, infrastructure or the "studium" into consideration, this can delay a planning decision. Paperwork is always the same unfortunately, every department wants its share of Złoty for putting the stamp on a bit of paper.


I would never buy through a Polish real estate agent, only directly with a seller or a developer, once a project has been at least 80% built.

I set the price and I pay the commission to the agent, there is no commission to pay for the buyer.
26 Oct 2010
Real Estate / Poland Housing prices in July 2010 [129]


Do you think that real estate is still undervalued in Poland? Or that a 50% increase isn't speculative?

Its not for me to say whether any property is over or under valued, at the end of the day its the market that will dictate the price. A 50% increase would definitely be very speculative and not something I would like to see. A slow increase would stabilize the markets and allow for better planning.

You mentioned why it's so expensive to build, on the economic side of things, wages have gone up 50% over the last 10 years and is slowing down year by year to about the rate of inflation. Shouldn't housing prices follow suit? Quite a few new builds are still empty (at least here in Wroclaw).

I have read reports from the large developers that materials and labour costs have decreased by some 20% which has offset the cost of the reductions made on finished properties. Mortgages are still hard to come by and I would imagine that the vacant apartments in Wroclaw are priced above the limits that mortgage lenders feel comfortable with.

With regard to wage rises slowing down to inflation levels, I think that may be hard to achieve when the government has increased VAT and the utilities, gas, electric and water, are asking for 22% increases. If and I mean its a BIG if, the government wants to adopt the Euro, wages are going to have to increase to try and have a level playing field.

I am already planning my next project and I have allowed for a small increase in labour/materials, the selling price will remain the same as I am at the lower end of the market and any projects still have to be viable.

The interest/response to my last project over the past few months has been incredible and I feel very confident for the future. An added bit of information, 30% of the flats were sold to Polish couples who work in the UK, they are not moving in for some time and they originally come from this area.