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Posts by Miloslaw  

Joined: 5 Mar 2018 / Male ♂
Warnings: 1 - Q
Last Post: 1 Feb 2025
Threads: Total: 20 / In This Archive: 3
Posts: Total: 5111 / In This Archive: 790
From: London,England
Speaks Polish?: Yes

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22 Oct 2018
News / How will BREXIT affect the immigrants in UK and Poland. [1114]

There will not be a second referendum.
I can't believe that there are people out there that are so stupid that they can't understand that.....I'll say it again...

There will not be a second referendum..there you go.....better now?
22 Oct 2018
News / "It's too late for Germany" (but not for Poland) [1798]

are very often the same who actually hate Germany and the Germans...together with all their aquaintances.

At last BB,you realise that some people hate or at least,intensly dislike Germans.....you denied it before....
21 Oct 2018
News / "It's too late for Germany" (but not for Poland) [1798]

BB,why does it make no sense?
Because you don't want to believe it is true?
If you understand French or especially Alsatian patois,take a trip to Alsace......enjoy the countryside,food and beer,but listen to the peoples comments about you....a German.....
21 Oct 2018
News / "It's too late for Germany" (but not for Poland) [1798]

BB,Germans are not hated and despised everywhere.
Many countries don't like Germans.....get over it.
Many don't like Brits and especially The English.....I don't let that bother me.....
But you need to accept the fact that these people don't like you.....it is important.
20 Oct 2018
News / "It's too late for Germany" (but not for Poland) [1798]

@Bratwurst Boy "Look at that....France, UK, Spain..even Poland like us in their majority.."

Sadly BB you are terribly deluded....I won't find facts to back me up because people will not voice these sort of opinions in polls and surveys.....just like other subjects like Muslims,Black gangs,Brexit,etc.......sometimes you need to actually talk to people to gauge opinion..
20 Oct 2018
News / How will BREXIT affect the immigrants in UK and Poland. [1114]

Spike31 is spot on,Rich Mazur and cms Neuf are both well off target as usual...
cms,I have many Poles and other East Europeans working for me,none of them are in any hurry to return to their homelands...
Rich,as always,you seem to live in some sort of parallel universe....but certainly not on this earth....
Spike......you nailed it mate....
20 Oct 2018
News / How will BREXIT affect the immigrants in UK and Poland. [1114]

BB,it is a huge demo.....but a second referendum has already been ruled out and would cause political chaos.


I get why you are so interested in Brexit now,you're just another Aussie that hates The British....especially The English.
19 Oct 2018
News / "It's too late for Germany" (but not for Poland) [1798]

Undercover said;"I think Germany as a country is indeed quite positively viewed these days"
Not in France,Spain,Portugal,Italy and Greece.......and increasingly so in Eastern Europe.....no,Germans are not popular....
19 Oct 2018
News / "It's too late for Germany" (but not for Poland) [1798]

BB,what is your problem?
I said that I quite liked Germans.....but others don't.....I have no links,I spend a lot of time in France and The French do not like Germans!

They don't like Brits either.....get over it!
And don't start trusting The BBC for reliable information......we have many problems in The UK and The BBC is one of the biggest......

When I was a kid it was probably the most trusted,honest and balanced reporters of news of any broadcaster.....not any more...I have friends who work for The BBC and it has been totally infiltrated by "progressive"types.....
19 Oct 2018
News / How will BREXIT affect the immigrants in UK and Poland. [1114]

I did say that economics played no part in the Brexit vote,but you chose to ignore that.
Poland,Hungary and The Czech Republic will replace The UK as a market for Germany??
You are a dreamer....too many of them are here in The UK and plenty of them are working for me.....none of them have any plans to return home soon.....
19 Oct 2018
News / "It's too late for Germany" (but not for Poland) [1798]

I personally have no problem with Germans.
I quite like them actually.....but they are generally disliked across Europe.
I can tell you that the Germans biggest "partner",The French,dislike them intensely......but sshhh.....nobody is supposed to know.....
19 Oct 2018
News / How will BREXIT affect the immigrants in UK and Poland. [1114]

This bunch of pessimistic,lazy Brits on this forum make me despair......
You are all whingeing and whining like a bunch of old women!
Typical socialists.....
The UK will be fine......with no deal......economics was never the issue for brexiteers but I must point out that a no deal Brexit will mean tariffs on both sides......but the pound will devalue,offsetting the tariffs to some degree.....however,on The German side,for example it will add an even higher price for their goods.....The Brits just won't by German,if they can`t afford it.......can Germany really afford to lose 70 billion pounds worth of business a year when they have no other market to sell too?....no.
19 Oct 2018
News / How will BREXIT affect the immigrants in UK and Poland. [1114]

I don't know why your so passionately interested in Brexit.

If we get a clean Brexit it will be us Brits laughing in 10 years time.

As for The EU,how are Germany and France going to continue paying for this bloated fiasco of a project without British money?

They won't,The EU will decline in importance and either change or break up.

And yes,economics was not why we voted to leave.
19 Oct 2018
News / How will BREXIT affect the immigrants in UK and Poland. [1114]

Countries such as?

We already import gallons of wine from outside The EU.

We make our own cars and grow our own tomatoes.

Most stuff can be sourced from outside The EU these days and it's often better quality and cheaper too.
19 Oct 2018
News / How will BREXIT affect the immigrants in UK and Poland. [1114]

Of course imports will continue - you can live without wine and olives but it's more difficult to get by without cars and tomatoes.

We don't need to buy any of those things from The EU and if they make it too expensive,we won't.

It's easier for The UK to find new countries to buy from than for The EU to find new customers for their produce.

As I said,they need us more than we need them.
18 Oct 2018
News / How will BREXIT affect the immigrants in UK and Poland. [1114]

Blimey!I'm going to agree with Rich Mazur here....there is a first!
Without question.....ignoring The City of London,Britain is a nett importer from The EU.....and we still do OK.....restricting imports and exports will hurt The EU more than it hurts Britain.

We don't need ANY imports DESPERATELY...LOL!!!!
18 Oct 2018
News / How will BREXIT affect the immigrants in UK and Poland. [1114]

All you doom mongerers about Britain obviously do not know this country very well.
I don't think Britain will get a good deal from The EU,if we get a deal at all.
I also think that most people who voted to leave knew that too.
And understood that is will make life difficult for British people for some years.
And comments by the French government last night,saying that in future British nationals will need visas to visit France and that British people living in France would become illegals,just confirms the fact that we were right to leave this mess....these stupid,ignorant people don't remember,as I do,how before The UK joined this abhorrent club,we didn't need visas.....

Britain is an extremely resilient nation,we may have to rough it for a while,but long term,we will show that other nations need to leave too.....The EU,as it is now,is finished....
15 Oct 2018
News / The most important information and facts about Poland [27]


Poland is important.

Just one reason why Poland is so important right now.


Another reason is that Poles never give up,even when they seem to have no hope.....
10 Oct 2018
Genealogy / Slavs are descendants of Sarmatians? [600]

Agreed G.The Romans never went to Poland like they did to France or Britain.
TBH,there was probably not too much of interest there back in those times.
8 Oct 2018
News / "It's too late for Germany" (but not for Poland) [1798]

Trolls like RM way overplay the immigration problem in Europe.
Is it a problem?Yes!
Do we need guns to defend ourselves?No!
What country were victim to the largest and most horrible terrorist attack ever?The USA.
Did their guns save them?No!
6 Oct 2018
Life / Anti Catholic Church movie 'Kler' from Poland [8]

I think Polish Americans may have a problem understanding that young Poles are actually,in the main,not very religious....in fact,quite the opposite.....
6 Oct 2018
Life / Anti Catholic Church movie 'Kler' from Poland [8]

Religion did have it's place once,and in Poland it played a huge part in the eighties,especially with a Polish Pope.
But now,in Europe,it is not the same as The USA,we are losing our religion.....
2 Oct 2018
Food / Have Polish Women been Poisoned Yet to Hate Men. [60]

The fact is that this was a long time ago....these were kids of 15 an 17 years of age...we all know this **** happens with kids..

The question is,why is this being brought up now?
And for who's benefit?