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Posts by WielkiPolak  

Joined: 3 Jun 2011 / Male ♂
Warnings: 1 - A
Last Post: 14 Feb 2019
Threads: Total: 54 / In This Archive: 48
Posts: Total: 988 / In This Archive: 666
From: London
Speaks Polish?: Yes
Interests: Football/ Travelling/ Philosophy/ Religion

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10 Jun 2012
News / British senior politician compares Poland to South Africa during apartheid [129]

In response to me twisting truth in Balotelli getting attacked with bananas. He talked about being attacked in a bar in Italy in a recent interview but I am pretty sure he was racially abused in many Italian matches. That is one of the, if not the main reason, he left the Serie A. I do remember bananas being hurled at many players in the past.

I actually think that banana throwing and nasty racist chanting is a much more complicated problem to do with social inequality. The people who commit these, let us call them, 'racial crimes,' are often poor, much poorer and in far worse situations than the players or people in general, that they are aiming their abuse at. They resort to racism as one form of anger. If they were rich and had great lives, I doubt they would even bother with it, they would have other stuff to get on with.

In general though, I cannot stand the way so many people who are not Polish have so much to say on how Poland should act. There is a belief in the UK and probably the USA too, that these countries are the model that others need to aspire to. Why? Who says? I think racism itself is wrong and ignorant. Monkey noises and banana throwing is terrible, it makes the people doing it seem more like animals than those who they claim to be animals. What I think is not racism is wanting to prevent a country from overflowing with foreigners. I think you need be able to look after your own people first and foremost. I am not a fan of globalisation and general multicultural mixing. I think it does more harm than good. If you in Britain are proud that a British person has no race, creed or belief then great, but Poland is not like that and does not have to be, in order to be 'normal.'
10 Jun 2012
Life / Best Polish production TV show [12]

Most stuff on Polish TV is crap. It is usually musical talent shows and tv series from other countries made in to Polish one. You see the same faces all over in various TV series. I swear Malgorzata Korzuchowska plays in like 3 of 4 Polish soaps, a different character in every one of them.

Spadkobiercy as terri says is funny. One of the few decent shows. It is basically like a mock of a typical American soap opera [like Bold and the Beautiful] but there is no script. It is improvised. There is a general story but the characters have to make up the script as they go along. It is quite funny.
10 Jun 2012
News / British senior politician compares Poland to South Africa during apartheid [129]

Seriously dude get off you high horse and stop interfering. We know that there is a problem in Poland but Poland is not as multicultural as Britain [thankfully] so it takes a while to deal with it and it is only a problem when lots of foreigners flood in to Poland in one go. I agree with Grzegorz there is racism in Britain, it is just quiet. Officially it is stamped out but it is no better than in Poland, only in Poland people have some balls and do not sit quietly and then talk about other races with their pals quietly when nobody is looking.

You want examples of racism in Italy?

How about Balotelli having some bananas chucked at him almost every away match? How about the Lazio neo-nazi fan base?

I know Eto'o was racially abused in Spain many times as well.
12 May 2012
Love / Strange Polish Girl. [11]

She doesn't let you kiss or touch his hand. What kind of a he-she is this?

On a side note. These topics are so stupid!!!! Stop going on the internet to ask for advice. Just deal with it. People are different. Figure it out yourself man. Or are you a man?
27 Apr 2012
News / Ustroń: Another giant religious statue in Poland [26]

I prefer religious statues that have some relevance to Poland's heritage and past, even if you are not part of the religious belief yourself, than a statue of some jumped up popstar.
23 Apr 2012
News / Why is PO still in power? [9]

That is the question.

Everywhere you turn someone is complaining about the government. No it is not just a tiny amount of people, it is in many different areas and sectors. Even on the pro PO media programs where you can call in [Superstacja, TVN] the callers there who are not necessarily pro PiS, talk about how terrible PO is [but probably still end up voting for them or just not voting].

It seems SLD and their rather more stoned clones have a chunk of the votes, but really the race continues to be between 2 parties.

How on earth did they win the elections then?

2 possibilities

1/ It was a fix.

or the more likely answer

2/ PO know that they are unable to promote themselves with what they have done, so all they have left is to say 'Yeah this government might be bad but look at what it could be like if you vote for the racist psychopathic conspiracy theorists known as PiS.

Kind of like this

It is a sad state of affairs when you vote for party not because you think they are the best choice and would do well in charge but because you think they are the best looking piece of trash on the scrap heap.
22 Apr 2012
Life / Catholic "Telewizja Trwam" from Poland - your thoughts? [98]

Yes it's a bad channel. They don't deserve a place on the multiplex. We can count on Polsat and TVN to tell us the truth with zero propaganda and bias, right? Am I right? Who's with me on this?
21 Apr 2012
Life / Activating remote for Cyfrowy Polsat [5]

No it's not that. There is some procedure you have to go through with the newer ones otherwise they simply do not work. Weirdly though, they work when the television is not turned on but stop working when it is on. I just thought someone might know the deal with this.
13 Apr 2012
Life / Activating remote for Cyfrowy Polsat [5]

Does anyone have Cyfrowy Polsat [one of the newer versions]?

If you do have it, there is supposed to be a way of activating the remote. I had to unplug the box and now it is blocked again. I forgot how to do it. I cannot find any instructions on the rather craply designed page of Cyfrowy Polsat.

Much appreciated of someone knows.
4 Apr 2012
Life / Catholic "Telewizja Trwam" from Poland - your thoughts? [98]

Just wondering what some of your thoughts are on this. They are fighting to get a place on the multiplex on Polish television. It seems they were not given a place for financial reasons although others who had worse financial situations were given a place on the platform.

There are close to 2 million signatures so far in a petition against a decision not to grant them a place.It is interesting that a lot of people involved in the demonstrations rarely watch it or do not watch it ever, yet they feel the channel does a lot of good for people [those who are for example free] and seemingly in a fight for free speech feel they should be on the multiplex so people can have a choice if they want to watch it or not.
2 Apr 2012
Life / Poland needs more immigrants and their children - which nationalities are the best? [518]

To comment on the OP's original post. I just want to say how glad I am you are not in charge of this country. What a great slogan. Keep us in power and we'll let in more immigrants. Do you know how many countries and trying hard to stop immigrants going in? For some places [like Britain] it seems to be too late. Allowing masses of immigrants in to the country causes much more problems than 'not having enough' as you put it. Anyway allowing immigrants in is not the answer. This is not going to solve the problem. Polish women are not more likely to want to have a child with an African or Asian guy than a Polish man. The problem is they fear having children because times are very difficult in Poland. If the current government did more to support families then perhaps women would be more enthusiastic about starting a family. This is why so many women [and men for that matter] move away to other countries, not because Polish people are travellers or because they want to get with foreigners, but because they want to be able to provide a better life for their family, when they have one. A lot of Polish women stick with Polish men in foreign countries, but they have better financial conditions to look after a family there.

As for the pictures you put up in your original post. I prefer the pure Polish ones to the mixed ones. Do you really want to have a class full of mixed race 'mini gangstas' like the last picture you posted at the bottom?

Do not mistake this for racism by the way. One can have no problem with other races but still prefer them to stay in their countries. There is nothing wrong with segregation in my view and if you want to see what other cultures are like, book a holiday and go take a look. No need to see them on nearly every street.

If you feel like it is too boring in Poland with so many Polish people in it that look so similar, move to Britain or America. Lots of mixed mess there. You can see how well people get along with one another and how they love other races. Personally I feel this is one of Poland's strengths, that it is not overflowing with immigrants. In a way, the fact that it is not the most financially prosperous country is a blessing in disguise because masses of foreigners to not flock to it.
1 Apr 2012
News / Controversial exhibition of Hitler's Art in Szczecin, Poland [14]

It is just another stupid decision. Why put it there? It is bound to annoy people? You might as well have an exhibition by some slave trader put up in Africa. It is like the Gross book, why sell it in Poland. People who do controversial stuff think they are brave but they are not, they are stupid.
20 Mar 2012
Life / Multiracial Poles [154]

I find it funny how the 1st page is filled with pictures of pretty multiracial girls as if to say persuade us that multi racialism is great. We don't get pictures of guys till the 3rd page and even they are lookers [not that I am attracted obviously].
19 Mar 2012
News / Drunken Brit beats up young Polish policewoman [62]

This is sad to hear and I agree in Britain this would be amplified x 10 about how terrible Polish people are. The title does say 'beat up' when actually, reading the article, it was one punch and then he ran off, but this is something you get a lot in Britain. People get so pissed drunk that they do stupid stuff and then have no clue what they did. Not surprising a number of bars in Poland do not allow any Brits in, knowing what might go on after a few drinks.
19 Mar 2012
Polonia / When is the Russian Orthodox Boże Narodzenie? [5]

Quick question. I know a person who is Russian Orthodox and am wondering when they celebrate the Russian Orthodox Boże Narodzenie? I was reading somewhere that a few years ago it took place at the same time as the Polish Boże Narodzenie [I don't say Easter as it is derived from a pagan festival]. This leads me to think that it is normally at a different time. Does anyone know when it is this year as I am not sure when to send them my wishes.
18 Mar 2012
Life / Multiracial Poles [154]

My take on multiracial Polish people is simple. I would rather Polish people kept with themselves but if there is a multiracial Polak or Polka born in Poland who speaks the language and is proud of their 'Polishness' then I am not going to have anything against them, it's not their fault that they are who they are and have a mix of a couple or more cultures that is sometimes obvious by the way they look.
10 Mar 2012
Love / 'Seks po polsku' - the sex lives of Poles: [45]

]people have to get intimate (in reality 'have sex') so why is it that the majority are too ashamed to say it

For the same reason we do not have discussion on taking a crap in the toilet. It is something we do but why talk about it? Intimacy is between 2 people [most of the time]. Why should we watch scenes with it on television or talk about it with our friends? We know it happens, it is personal, so leave it alone.
31 Oct 2011
UK, Ireland / What do you like about living in Britain? [134]

I like the way it is economically developed and makes life easier in general. Other than financial positives, there is nothing I like and a lot I do not like.
31 Oct 2011
News / The cross in Polish parliament - Does it bother you? [100]

What part of 'Poland is a Catholic country' do you not understand? British parliament even has to say a prayer as far as I know and that is possibly one of the most secular countries in the world, but it is tradition there. Christianity is in Poland's tradition. Why alter it? Why not just leave it alone. I do not remember it bothering anyone before. Those who want to take the cross off are not arguing for having other symbols, they just do not want it there because somehow it offends their feelings. If you have other symbols up they are probably going to have a problem with that too, because it infringes on their right not to believe in anything. How about leave it as it is? It did not bother people over the past, almost 15 years now. There were no debates in parliament about it before, why is it such a big problem now? I do not remember hearing Jews or Muslims being offended by it and seeing manifestations in the streets. If you want to talk about other alterations, such as possibly stopping a taxation that goes to the Church, that is a different story. The cross however, should stay. More people want it to stay than go, so democracy wins, right? PO also have a majority, only 40%, less than half of Poland, but still a majority, so they are now in charge. Right? Democracy.
30 Oct 2011
News / The cross in Polish parliament - Does it bother you? [100]

You can be religiously tolerant but still have the cross in parliament. Poland is not Britain, it is not secular. Poland is in the majority a Catholic country and most certainly in majority Christian, so there is no problem is showing that, whole allowing others to practise their own religions too. This is something many Islamic countries do not allow.
23 Oct 2011
News / Poland Parliament elections in October 2011 [944]

delphiandomine has anger problems. Even when I do not talk about PiS, he still responds to me with something negative, because he knows I support them. Basically he is now 'negatywnie nastawiony' to me. Get yourself checkout out dweeb!