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Posts by kondzior  

Joined: 16 Oct 2009 / Male ♂
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Last Post: 17 Apr 2021
Threads: Total: 11 / In This Archive: 6
Posts: Total: 1027 / In This Archive: 671

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27 Jul 2010
News / Pole loses language discrimination case in Germany; Scandalous! [97]

They would like to return to Poland, many of them at the very least. But that would mean leaving their kids in Germany.
It is not just Polish issue, really. Check this:
27 Jul 2010
News / Pole loses language discrimination case in Germany; Scandalous! [97]

Apperantly if parents do not have job and rent one room flat it is reason enough to take away a kid and not lest parents talk with their child in Polish.

There are thousands cases, check here:
26 Jul 2010
News / Pole loses language discrimination case in Germany; Scandalous! [97]

I many times have seen reportages describig cases like that in Polish TV. This Jugendamt thing is apparently notorious for stealing children of Poles living in, and even sometimes just visiting, Germany. Sadly, for some reason our government refuses to take any steps about it.

It was strongly suggested that neo nazism is prevalent in the ranks of Judgendant, but I don't know how much truth is in it.
17 Jul 2010
Food / Do Polish beers contain adjuncts? [34]

People like sh*tty light beer, around the world. That's why Zywiec Porter doesn't sell well here (even though it's an amazing Porter). Breweries know their audiences, and their audiences like pale lagers.

Wow, actually someone likes Żywiec Porter? While I like porters, Okocim is the only good Polish dark beer I know of (Strzelec is just bearable), it showed in Polish shops again recently, but I find Żywiec Porter godawful. It tastes like soup. Better then Lech porter used to be though.
7 Jul 2010
News / Will Komorowski be Poland's worst ever president? [72]

well, 50 years is pretty much never.. I'm not really amazed by the difference, I mean it's hard to imagine same wage in 2 different countries with a huge difference in wealth.

It is matter of attitude. Are this "ex-comunnist shithole" dwellers the same people as we, praud Erenchmen or not. If you can hear something like that from trade unionist, what can be expected from a manager?

well, 50 years is pretty much never..

You must be very young.
7 Jul 2010
News / Will Komorowski be Poland's worst ever president? [72]

but that wasn't happening until the EU sent cash PL's way..

It just let us speed up things a little. More then a little. Good roads is a nice thing, no denying this, but I could live without them well enough. On the other hand, my brother in law worked in TPSA as technician, once they had a meeting with France Telecom's trade union representative. When asked when the wages of a Polish employees of the France Telecom will be equal to that of a French ones, she answered, without so much as a flinch, "Never".

That why I wonder if it was wise to get into EU in the first place.
6 Jul 2010
News / Will Komorowski be Poland's worst ever president? [72]

But during communism every penny was being send to Russia, so no wonder that infrastructure crumbled. We can rebuild our country ourselvs, thank you very much.

And, as France Telecom owning TPSA shows, foreign owner will just try to milk the franchise dry. Why should they care about people in some "ex-communist shithole"?
5 Jul 2010
News / Will Komorowski be Poland's worst ever president? [72]

PiS was rather lefist, now didn it? It could be considered right wing only by Polish standards. I mean something like UPR, but without Korwin Mikke's dumbfucery.

Part of Europe? Sure, always was. But EU is more and more commie so Poland should start to keep some distance.

FRD, we survived crisis pretty much unscaved despite Tusk's best efforts.
5 Jul 2010
News / Will Komorowski be Poland's worst ever president? [72]

Worse then Walensa with his "left leg" and faliure of decommunisation? I don't think so.
He'll just let Tusk do whatever he's bloody will and it is going to hurt us economically pretty deep but Poland will survive. Hitler and Stalin combined have not managed to destroy Poland :-)

Maybe even something good comes out of it? If PO goes too far, the outrage can facilitate creation of some real right wing party. Who knows?
4 Jul 2010
Life / Small change in shops in Poland!? [95]

As I see it, it is common couretsy to give the cashier the exact change. If asked, at least look into your wallet, not just say flatly that you don't have the change, like a complete boor.

Also, it is very rude to buy something for 1 zl. and try to pay with one hundred zl. bill. If I indeed have to do it, I usualy apologise and ask the shopgirl, beforehand, if it will be much of a trouble.

Maybe, we Poles spoiled our cashieres ;-)
3 Jul 2010
News / Komorowski - Russian stooge, traitor background [42]

I, for one, do prefere the government to be engaged in petty bickering. That way they do not have time to ruin everyone's else life, as I do not believe that ANY government is physically able to do something good. Every single change they would impose on us will turn our situation to the worse.
2 Jul 2010
Life / How do Polish people see homosexuality? [152]

I dont mind gays at all. It is everyone private buissness.
But I do oppose political correctness in any form, I don't want it to infect Poland, so I consider my patriotic duty to bash fags now and then. But I do not put a real heart into it ;-)
30 Jun 2010
News / Komorowski - Russian stooge, traitor background [42]

Ancient history notwithstanding (I would not like to be judged by what my father was too) Komorowski used his temporary seat to forward decisions that should be made by a president, who would have a mandate from elections. The premature nominations for NBP chief, army generals, signing laws that previous president didn't want to(IPN). He is overusing his competitions. He was not nominated by us and as so those decisions should be invalidated since there was no hurry. Komorowski makes faux pas almost every time he opens his mouth. Should I vote for a guy who's supported by a moron who goes by the name Palikot?

Komorowski is a complete moron with no idea about national economy, also voting for him means 100% power for PO without any control from the opposition. I don't want this, especially after their so "liberal" ideas for internet censorship.
26 Jun 2010
UK, Ireland / Are Polish people importing a new wave of ancient racism into the UK? [402]

I dont understand the gravitation but I can criticise it. As it drags me down. You quote is a bull.
I do not have to read Quoran to know that Muslims are just bunch murderers and psychopaths. They need to be fought by any means necessery.
26 Jun 2010
Life / Outgrowing Socialism in Poland: how long will it now take? [8]

While EU is rather unpleasantly socialistic, the pros still outweigh the cons. So while I wish EU moved towards the right, as far right as possible, even the leftist EU is beneficial for Poland. For now.
23 Jun 2010
UK, Ireland / Are Polish people importing a new wave of ancient racism into the UK? [402]

"Lost of blacs here" not necessarly must be a racist statement. It can be just an observation. I mean, in my medium sized town Bielsko- Biala I see a black person passing by the street about twice a year. So, if being, for the first time, in a place where I can see multiple individuals with black skin, I could easily say something like "Whoa! Lots of Blacks here!"
6 Jun 2010
News / Decoded talks inside Poland's president's plane are released in Internet [337]

you seem to think they'd have a choice.. russia isn't that powerful

You don't relay know much about Russians, do you?

maybe but your mistrust of them doesn't let you look at things in normal light.

In sum I have spent almost 10 years in Russia. Did you? I do know what can be expected of them. On the surface, Russians may seem friendly and funny, but they'll show theirs true colors sooner or latter. Russian will never tell the truth if he can lie. At the very least, when dealing with non-Russian.

you can't decode all this stuff on day one.. it's impossible.. only fools like you think that it's doable..

In contemporary black boxes data it stored in stacked arrays of memory chips. Investigators can simply play it back on the recorder by connecting it to a readout system. With contemporary recorders, investigators can extract stored data in a matter of minutes.
5 Jun 2010
News / Decoded talks inside Poland's president's plane are released in Internet [337]

And one, last thing. Try to imagine that Putin died in the plane crash in, lets say UK. Can you imagine Brits shouldering Russians aside, grabing the black boxes and relaasing the first transcripts after a month?

of course. That's how the rest of the world does it.

O Rly? And for how long, do you think, Russians would stand such a thing?

You just don't know it because you are a russophobe

I am not a russophobe, as I am not afraid of Russians.

living in the past.

So should I refuse to lern from past mistakes? For you it is living in the past. For me, it is common sense.
4 Jun 2010
News / Decoded talks inside Poland's president's plane are released in Internet [337]

This "transcript" is a bull. Even before reading it I knew it will be just a bunch of lies. If they relaesed it on the day one, that wolud be another story. After all this time, they could put there about everything.

I cannot believe that anyone can be so naive, so gullible, to even consider Russian nonsense claims.
If it was genuine accident, they from the start woluld be as open as possible about it.
3 Jun 2010
Life / Polish men mostly have short hair, why? [43]

Why, I used to have somewhat long hair. sometimes to the half of my back. Untill I started to turn gray, that is. Then I shaved bald the damn thing. I keep it that way up to today...