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Posts by frd  

Joined: 3 Feb 2009 / Male ♂
Last Post: 3 Jan 2022
Threads: Total: 7 / In This Archive: 6
Posts: Total: 1379 / In This Archive: 632
From: welcome to the house of fun
Speaks Polish?: can I have your liver?
Interests: no one told you when to run, you missed the starting gun

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26 Sep 2009
Love / Are all Polish men Psychos? [111]

He says he has 'problems in his life'

He might be telling the truth he might be not. My friend was lieing to his girlfriend in the same way because he really had "life problems" - his dad was addicted to benzodiazepines. Another friend of mine was seeing other girls while being in a stable relationship. You never know. It may be worth being straightforward and asking.
6 Sep 2009
Language / Translation request: words like the / and / or / left / right / this, etc... [19]

I'm afraid most of these word would need something more than just a simple translation. I'm pretty lazy so I'm just gonna translate those straightforward ones : p

left = lewo
right = prawo
up = góra
down = dół
in = w
next to = obok
between = między / pomiędzy
among = między : p

all = wszystko / wszyscy
more = więcej
less = mniej

Most of these words mean something different when they are in a different context..
6 Sep 2009
Love / Polish girls attitudes towards sex. [568]

I think Polish girls are no different from other girls around the world. Although we are usually behind Western Europe both males and females are quickly catching up with every novelty, and are becoming more open to new sensations.


Can you stop feeding the troll please.
3 Sep 2009
Work / Software Jobs in Poland [31]

If you join an international company there shouldn't be a problem with the language - I mean you usually need to know the original language of the country the company is based on. Like Siemens - german or english...
28 Aug 2009
Work / Software Jobs in Poland [31]

I don't think it'll be hard to get a java developer's job, there are foreign companies here and there that are actually in need of people who have strong english language skills : o
11 Aug 2009
Life / Do expats living in Poland speak Polish? [233]

Not the majority view?

I don't think this thread was intended to create a flame war about which language is better. You can't compare Polish language spoken in Poland to English which is used in many big countries like US or UK. Huge number of users causes English language to change and grow rapidly and evolve, hence I can't see any sense in even trying to compare these two.

I also think that relaying on the translation of some random Pole isn't the best thing, beside when I translate something for my friends I always use the most basic forms which are simple for them to decode.

Now when everything is clear, you guys can go back to the original topic. I really admire people who are not Polish and mastedered at least basics of our language. Always happy to help those struggling with it..
9 Aug 2009
Life / Polish/European Guitar Tabs Site? [8]

I'd say.. I usually use e-chords.com and ultimate-guitar.. for polish tabs. .but mainly chords: chords.pl
7 Aug 2009
History / Have Poles blood on their hands? :) [496]

And these days Poles get their own back by not allowing foreigners to even own the land of their choice, let alone build a house on it!

Can't see blood on anyone's hands because of this, it's irrelevant to the topic. You haven't given any links or sources - therefore it's drivel.

As for all the talk about minorities, Ukrainians lead by OUN-B, commited a genocide on Polish minorities in Wolyn in 1943 just to win any upcoming elections. There's still a lot of hatred in both polish and ukrainian people living near ukrainian-polish border.

BB I really don't understand where do you find the nerve to state your cheeky comments excusing prussian annexation and telling us how it wasn't as bad "because", which German deeds will you start to justify next?
4 Aug 2009
Food / PIZZA & KETCHUP served only in Poland? [159]

pizzerias that is common

They do that in some pizzeries, but from what I heards from my friends nobody really likes it. People generally find those pizzerias too lazy to come up with their own recipe. Best pizzerias have their own sauces.

On the other hand most Poles put Ketchup on many other things like toasts or rice...
23 Jul 2009
Work / I want to move to Poland (but of course we need to find a good job) [117]

I can tell you that the whole thing about higher education comes from times just after communism, during the communism period in poland nobody was actualy trying to get higher education. Most people were finishing technical collage courses or work courses. When communism ended and state companies were deregulated and new private companies emerged - in that time workers with a university education were being promoted over people who stopped their education without going to uni. I heard plenty of such life stories from my parents, older people who were never promoted just because they didn't have the paper, seeing youngsters who they worked with overtaking them.

I think that's why there's such notion of getting even the crappiest masters degree...

Oh and I forgot, another reason for going to a uni was running away from the army - at least just until lately.
4 Jul 2009
Life / Russian rap vs Polish rap [87]

- Peja

Come on, that's one of the worse polish rappers out there, his lyrics are simple and dumb, rhyming about fighting the police and living on the street is something that only appeals to rebellious 14y olds.
30 Jun 2009
Travel / Starbucks in Poland? [149]

Has anyone been to "Coffee Heaven" in Krakow?

I've been to some in Katowice, the coffee is worse than in Starbucks, the same with pastry - and it's still quite expensive... I can recommend "Cynamon" cafe but I only know about the one in Katowice and Gdynia : o
7 Jun 2009
Work / Software Jobs in Poland [31]

It's a good place to get cheap labour, outsourcing to western european and american countries is probably the biggest software development market in here.. students, or just after graduation programming for a penny..
25 May 2009
Work / Advice on Teaching English in Poland [709]

Yeah, that's exactly him, he was mainly teaching in Kato from what I know, but I attended classes in Gliwice. From what I remember he moved to Spain or somewhere.. do you have any contact with him?
25 May 2009
Work / Advice on Teaching English in Poland [709]

Jamie, when was he around?

It was 3 to 4 years ago, I'm not exactly sure, do you know him? I don't think he was teaching Callan, there was lots of grammar from time to time..
25 May 2009
Work / Advice on Teaching English in Poland [709]

Sticky means that it's always on top of the forum board. In most forums there's a special "sticky" section with topics that regard certain reappearing subjects, they usually include some kind of a tutorial, and advices, hence it's a shame to loose them over time.

Not to dash away from the main topic, I'll have to say I was really fond of my teachers teaching methods in Gliwice, in the British Council English school, he's name was Jamie, he was a scottish expat and he was really creative, every lesson included some kind of a game, story telling all mingled with standard teaching lessons ( every person has to do his amount of formal and informal writing stuff ), a really great and interesting formula
19 May 2009
News / Juwenalia - holidays for students in Poland (updated) [20]

I was attending few "Juwenalias" in Gliwice, organized by Silesian University of technology, they are called "igry" here. I have to say that for most students it's just an occasion for heavy over the top drinking ( well actually every event is ; ) ), only thing I remember are huge hangovers, and destroyed rooms in dorms as an afterparty.. nice time, but with years I feel less and less attracted to it, performing bands are more and more generic..

have fun : )
18 May 2009
Travel / Starbucks in Poland? [149]

i don't understand why ppl like their products??

I'm totally addicted to their muffins... nom nom nom nom
26 Apr 2009
History / POLISH MEMORIES OF CHERNOBYL...April 26th 1986 [32]

Because I was just a little kid then I only remember my parents talking about it much much later, about that commie gov informed about the whole situation only after western media started talking about it, so many people reacted with a big delay, it was a sunny hot day in Poland and many people were walking freely, my mum took me for my first day in kindergarten, she said later when I was older, she would never do that if she knew. There was also a huge commotion about taking iodine these days.
24 Apr 2009
Work / Salary expectations in Poland [373]

Guys when you ask "salary xxxx" is ok type what your level of living is ok for you.. because just giving the amount money isn't enough to state anything serious : o