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Posts by Lodz_The_Boat  

Joined: 7 Sep 2008 / Male ♂
Last Post: 27 Jan 2014
Threads: Total: 32 / In This Archive: 14
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From: Lodz
Speaks Polish?: yes
Interests: chatting

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11 Mar 2010
Travel / Poland from a Persian Tourist's Perspective [269]

Middle East

In Middle East or Far East or South East or South or North or whichever part of ASIA ... you all have the biggest problem - you lack a consensus of putting 'ASIANS' first ...

Try and do that ... I know its more difficult for you guyz as you are not with as many similarities as we enjoy in Europe (and even then usually most of us are often found busying ourselves with our differences) ... BUT STILL ASIANS should be able to get into some kind of terms among themselves.

You have...different religion, culture, language, ethnicity, sometimes even history. Its just SO VAST ... this continent ... that its diversity is magnamous!

However, this vastness could very well have been used as a strength ... instead you all messed it up and from time and again became vassals of some Western oppressor (namely UK ... or Russia ... or USA).

Try and wake up.

Regarding Ahmedinejad in your previous post: I myself do not condone that man. I know about the atrocities he unloads upon the BAHAI minority people, and sunnis and other minorities ... but the fact remains that HE IS IN POWER. And people dont just come into power without any kind of support at all!

He does have a huge number of followers ... and he does have his supporters. Maybe you are not one of them (you are not a muslim) ... but Iranians have their Islamists. You cannot deny that.

Its better if Iran could be more involved with positive regional cooperation. Although geographically Iran is more linked with Arabs (also religiously) ... its still a part of Central Asia in my eyes. You have more history with India in the east (ancient) than with the Arabs. Arabs and you guyz got involved this densely through the Arab invasions...

Why not look beyond Arabs and get yourself somehow more involved with the Eastern neighbours like Pakistan (land border) or India (sea border...not too far away from land) ... or China (comes just after Afghanistan) ... and in the North with other Central Asian countries...

The point is that WHY ONLY ARABS?... move away from Arabs for a change ...I am sure that inspite of all the downsides of your other side (eastern side of Iran)...you will still benefit.
18 Jan 2010
News / Should Poland Remove Visa Restrictions? [285]

Yes,barbarian.Everyone non greek is a barbarian as our forefathers said.

Ridiculous. As always...

Seems like a very spirited voting, with "Yes for all except Muslims" taking the lead by 3 votes against its closest rival options!

Does seem like muslims are getting on some nerves! ... Muslims could sure try and do better! There are other foreighners who are more comfortable in Poland (not to mention that Muslims will come up with morality, and there are communities with very high values and morality present in Europe, who are not muslims ... I guess muslims need to investigate themselves, and question their way of life).
17 Jan 2010
News / Should Poland Remove Visa Restrictions? [285]

removing visa restrictions is very dangerous for the wellbeing of many Polish people.

No infact. Visa's dont help restrict the threats ... its a known fact. Niether does it really help keep criminals away...

Infact its a very old way of saying "Its mine, thats yours!" ... and now what we are saying is "These are no ours.... but are given to us by its owner....to share....and have equal rights".

And I have not been dreaming ... I have been working on it since my university days ... and even before that.

Everyone can give their effort ... and it starts with just an honest and warm smile to a person who is nervous. A recognision that we are all one human existance.... and our greater destiny is onness and unity and LOVE.
17 Jan 2010
News / Should Poland Remove Visa Restrictions? [285]

I am not advocating Muslims in general in Poland ... what I am in favor of is unity and justice. Universal accord .. love and prosperity!

The whole world needs the touch of unity to survive and prosper. And the whole world will get to it ... because this is the evolution ... this is the TRUTH.
16 Jan 2010
News / Should Poland Remove Visa Restrictions? [285]

You as an immigrant to Poland should respect that the majority of Polish people don't want multiculturalism.

:D ... seems like ur new here. Or maybe you just have no idea. Well I am a Pole... and with a Polish background. Not an immigrant ... you are one perhaps... congratulations. I wish you were behind bars. Not for being an immigrant, but for being a pest.
16 Jan 2010
News / Should Poland Remove Visa Restrictions? [285]

why not living in some multicultural city instead of hoping that Poland will also "enjoy" multiculturalism one day?

The time is there for every country of the world to meet their destiny. And my country will also meet the same... I was not born in USA by the way.

Why don't you start with yourself first?

You know very well I did ... and I constantly strive for it.
16 Jan 2010
News / Should Poland Remove Visa Restrictions? [285]

Do you want the same sh#t in Poland too?

The whole world belongs to Mankind ... each and everyone of us. Neither of us own it completely.

Evolution is the name of everything.

Humans are priceless gems ... not ****s. **** is when the gem is covered in **** to stink ... as you stink in our words.

Think about it deeply ... do some humane stuff ... its winter and there are lots of ways you can contribute! ... stop hating ... revive and develep yourself. And if you feel there is no sense in what you read here ... then I guess you are a wall.
16 Jan 2010
News / Should Poland Remove Visa Restrictions? [285]

change our Europe

Our Europe existed before you or I came on it. And it will exist even after we leave.

Migration is nothing new ...

Infact Europe will consume them ... they can jump around for some time ... as the chicken does when thrown in a drum.

proud of my heritage and cherishing it I'm self hating???

That is not racism ... the proud part is the point of ignition for racism actually. Cut out 'proud' and put 'happy/content' ..it will become better I feel.

Sharia law is not in the E.U., neither is communism nor a hundred other ways of life.

Exactly ... these things come and go ... neither have any place in the modern world.
15 Jan 2010
News / Should Poland Remove Visa Restrictions? [285]

EU and NATO are miracle, brate. If they make deal with mujas

And why will they be let to rule everything?....

Plus .. we must know how to make things work on table. Gun and bullets should not be the answer everytime. Specially not in todays world.

Muja will be terrorist for me. Not the innocent Muslim Child who can be turned in whichever direction. We need to learn the reality of the world ...todays world ... and help our future generations (from all races and backgrounds) to be mature with good qualities.

And there are many many MANY good ways for that...
15 Jan 2010
News / Should Poland Remove Visa Restrictions? [285]

If muslims ever transform Church of your childhood into the mosque

Why will we let a Church be transformed to a Mosque?... A person may transform...that is his free will...

Why is there a government, a rule or law?....Did I ever even mention that let them do whtever they want?

Infact have you not seen me in some threads to outright condemn some of these muslims behaviours ... and tell them what is right?

I myself dont have much muslim friends I am afraid (just some from Bangladesh, who were very moderate infact ...their country is moderate too). But I know, I know how some of the can be so unruly.

But there comes our courts, police and law. We should have capital punishment against offenders. We should have better systems.

I never cheated in class ... because I believe that to be on top, one needs to make oneself better, and not blame his failures on someone else.

Let us not stop our rise due to a few mosquito bites on our ankles...

And there are more in this world than muslims anyways ...

Those muslims who are good will be respected. Those who dont deserve respect should be shown the iron-shackles.
15 Jan 2010
News / Should Poland Remove Visa Restrictions? [285]

Crow ... brate ... why fall prey to the known racist and perverts of the forum? He is probably southern!...

Raise your agenda higher than that ... high and strong ... face to face with todays wind blowing ... brave and wide! .... Head high!
15 Jan 2010
News / Should Poland Remove Visa Restrictions? [285]

Brown reminds me of a material

I've seen Greeks who are as brown as a nut .. or even browner!.... I have my Sikh friend (an Indian) who would be much more whiter/fairer than some Greeks I saw.
15 Jan 2010
News / Should Poland Remove Visa Restrictions? [285]

brown and black?

Brown and Black are rich colors ...

When I talk about humans ... humans are brought to my mind.

A mother and her child... a father and his heart filled with love. A family ... a school... a pot full of food ... a hut .... joy comes to my mind.

To my mind comes a love between a brown and a black ... in my mind comes a white man coming home to his brown wife and their most beautiful children running towards their father...

To my mind comes a white wife telling his brown husband about their baby ... who will be the core of their dreams...

To my mind comes a black woman sitting with her white in-law ... sharing warmth and care...

To my mind comes an East Asian (Chinese or Korean etc of that region) holding the hands of a Reddish White man .... and walking in a rose garden in a white dress.... with a matchless smile....which he never saw before ... never in this creation of God..

To my mind comes smiles ... a warm sensation of security ... a touch of care, compassion and belief.

To my mind comes humanity... to my mind comes VICTORY!


Ukraine is backward or not ... HE IS. Its not the country or all its inhabitants... it these miserable few ...
15 Jan 2010
News / Should Poland Remove Visa Restrictions? [285]

White in Serbia means being red/rose

Let us look at Serbia .. Poland ... as not white but for its people. We love all colors ... the roses come with green leaves.... the blue sky have white coulds.... the ray of the sun have 7 colors .... the sea have several shades ... and several colors...

The gardens have several flowers ... out body have several parts with different colors...

Comeon Crow lets dream for reality!...Lets dream for unity ... through unity lets win over victory!!!
15 Jan 2010
News / Should Poland Remove Visa Restrictions? [285]

But...but...but....you said you looooooooove me!!!! *wails*

Not you ... but I love the GOOD German people who know how to respect and love others ... and remember the atrocities some of theirs committed once.


And you ... in particular.... with yout behaviour and attitude ... I pity the woman, the child, the elderly or the youth or the nation which would have to associate with you. Because in this modern world which is going through the evolution of unity ... anyone associated with racist personalities will suffer badly in one from or the other.

Change yourself ... or suffer and be the reason for sufferings.
15 Jan 2010
News / Should Poland Remove Visa Restrictions? [285]

You really shouldn't call other committed Europeans **** holes...when you are happy with your Pakis it's your call, others aren't!

So dont get all defensive about Germany or your history or etc etc etc ... when I call you a stupid and indecent Racist of the highest perverted degree.

People like you are the reminiscent of sick human kinds who once roamed this earth.


Whichever country you come from ... I am sure that they would take a deep breath of delight once you are gone from their country.

As for our countries ... well ... you just like other trouble makers should be behind bars ...

Yes ... racism in all its forms should be declared as a crime ... with the highest punishment being the capital.
15 Jan 2010
News / Should Poland Remove Visa Restrictions? [285]

Europe is for Europeans.

Europe is a name of a chunk of soil, sand and stones... it may well be called Asia if not for some mountains ... and ideotic division on the basis of color etc. Actually all divisions are ideotic.

However ... apart from that. Europe and all the land of this world is for all. Everyone ... each and every one! We are not here forever ... and this dont belong to us. It is og God's... it Belongs to Him ... we are just here for a moment.

Just in the same way that a sunlight which falls on your hand through your window does not automatically belong to you. It belongs to the sun and shed its warmth and light as mercy from God. Once its night in your place...the same light will fall on someone elses hand and give light and warmth to him ... and that guy might even be from Dr. Congo.

This skin of ours are going to decay.

This makes me wonder ... about our dear Plk123. He used to be here like all of us ... and now fighting through life. Many members might've died to...do we always know? Absolutely not!!! ...

Anything can happen to me or you in the next 5 minutes. Its nothing to fight for ... everyone...

The best we can do is to do good ... because good deeds are immortal ... goodness is carried to the next realm. Bad deeds are mortal ... and the next realm has no place for it.

Heaven is the nearness to God....while hell is remoteness from Him. And God is Love ... (John 4:8).

Let us unite and learn how to love. The weaker we are ... the more sacrifice and effort love demands from us.
15 Jan 2010
News / Should Poland Remove Visa Restrictions? [285]

Include that in "Yes to all nations" ... because the nations which dont have positive relations are not about its people. I am talking about people, not Politicians and terrorists.

PEOPLE...Think People guyz....think people!
15 Jan 2010
News / Should Poland Remove Visa Restrictions? [285]


you are a Greek.

And so what ... you are just as welcome as a person from the Dr. Congo.

only for Slavic countries

For the world Crow ... for the world. Let us not confine the Slavic nations within ourselves. Let us flung our strong hands to punch and break the walls that divide ... to bust open the bones which oppress. To rip apart the tongue which spill poison. Let us destroy all the reasons of division Crow...

Let the Slavs not only unite for themselves ... but for the world ... for humanity ... for peace.... For God!

The person has to want to be part of Polish culture, not just live on Polish soil.



The World Is But One Country ... And Mankind Its Citizens.
15 Jan 2010
News / Should Poland Remove Visa Restrictions? [285]

scared sh*tless of the possibility of having Muslims

You are not a Pole. And we are not scared of anything. There are scary cats everywhere.

And no you are not accurite.

By the way, everyone in the world is not Muslim.
15 Jan 2010
News / Should Poland Remove Visa Restrictions? [285]

but its still not representative of what Poles think

The poll was opened by a Pole :) ... and many Polish voters would definately vote for the first option ... while others may have different opinion with all the respect.
12 Jan 2010
News / Should Poland Remove Visa Restrictions? [285]

It is obvious it will turn into a racism competition from beginning and there are many threads with similar subjects. Anyway I hope your intention is good. For the free world!

My intention is rock solid for the free world.

The racists will be racists even in the nicest threads. A **** remains a **** not matter whether you put it ina garden or a garbage can.

Terrorists and criminals will be there in every country ... there is no reason to blame a certain community for it entirely. But those who are racists lack hearts. Such are their hearts, that it resembles an infertile rock ... a place where the rose of love can never blossom, no matter how hard someone tries.

But then, this is also a fact that every heart is capable of love and should never be thrown away. Maybe I can fail on some, but someone else can succeed (sometimes without even trying for it). Those hearts who kill their soul and keep a lump of muscles just to keep their material selves alive ... are not the hearts to find meaning of life in this world. They are thus meaningless in the other realm of Glory.

However ... :D ... not getting anymore deep into it. I see that we have many people in favor of unity in some way or the other. And there are Poles with much high numbers and deeper feelings about this.

We will be successful in getting the world closer. I am very confident ... that it will not take as much time as some expect. It will be soon, sudden and fast! Inevitable destiny of this world! Inevitable destiny of mankind ... the next phase of evolution is before us.
9 Jan 2010

i was student here but i quit my study..i am married here since almost 1 year and i am living in rzeszow since 3 years.

Was education coming between you and your business ideas? Was it biting you on ur ass?

Education is light. You missed it, and oneday you will surely regret. Is your wife polish? ... how could she let you quit your studies?

I wish good luck to you for your business. But dont get cheated. Do something which you know well! Dont ever rely on anyone, no matter how good they are. Thats all I want to say!

his restaurant should be a model for all Indian restaurants in Poland :)

And he will tell him his secrets? :D