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Posts by Seanus  

Joined: 25 Dec 2007 / Male ♂
Last Post: 29 Dec 2011
Threads: Total: 15 / In This Archive: 4
Posts: Total: 19666 / In This Archive: 8616
From: Poland, Gliwice
Speaks Polish?: Tak, umiem
Interests: Cycling, chess and language

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8 Mar 2010
Travel / Poland from a Persian Tourist's Perspective [269]

Amathyst, Iranians are not considered as Arabs by educated folk. Only fools think that way. Do not call a Persian an Arab in their presence as they'll get mortally offended. They are Muslims, yes.
8 Mar 2010
Life / Mixed race girl in Poland, good idea? [149]

A personal attack would be if you actually work as a defence lawyer and I described you as flimsy, enkidu. Plus, I used winks :) :)

All Poles I have talked to say czarnuch is racist, enkidu. Maybe it's the German and Ukrainian part of you that is blocking the Polish, co?

Beelzebub is right. It's similar to committing a sin then running off to church and claiming you are a devout Christian with innocent intentions.

When was the last time you called somebody 'cracker' or 'garbacho' or 'white boy', enkidu?

Even the mention of the word 'czarnuch' will get cultured Poles looking on in disgust at you. Try it!
7 Mar 2010
Life / Mixed race girl in Poland, good idea? [149]

Anyone need a flimsy defence lawyer? ;0 ;)

Look, it's racist and that's that. OK, why would you want to describe sb's skin colour in the first place?

It has a very definite cultural context at football matches or is that suddenly not a part of Polish culture?

I can see the colour, and what?

So is czarnuch a racial classification then? What is it, a general adjective?
7 Mar 2010
Life / Mixed race girl in Poland, good idea? [149]

miejski.pl/slowo-Czarnuch I can get more if you wish. It is racist.

So you are the hateful type then?

I was clearly referring to coloured folk if you read on.
7 Mar 2010
Life / Mixed race girl in Poland, good idea? [149]

Enkidu enkidu! For starters, there is sth wrong when sb dislikes certain groups of people. Why not judge people as individuals and not mention their colour at all?

If you want to get smart about it, you should draw a dichotomy between racialism and racism. Czarnuch is a racist term, przyznaj to.
7 Mar 2010
Life / Mixed race girl in Poland, good idea? [149]

Precisely, Matowy. There is no need to single out a group like that. I wish the OP good luck, she should be fine.
7 Mar 2010
Travel / Poland from a Persian Tourist's Perspective [269]

Enkidu, some scenes from Polish films tell a story. Look at the film 'Job', the scene where he asks him 'zamszowe'? (made of suede) and he receives the reply, 'nie, za swoje' (oburzony). Not 'za mszowe' with a space which would mean from a collection.

Defensive and irritated.
7 Mar 2010
Life / Mixed race girl in Poland, good idea? [149]

If you say Czarnuch to a metalhead (a white guy), he might not mind.

However, say it to a black guy at a football match and it most definitely is racist. I heard several guys in a rage beside me call a player 'Ty Czarnuchu' with many expletives.

The whole insinuation is racist, enkidu. Blacks call themselves 'nig*a' and it's ok. Whites could call one another cracker. But to say Czarnuchu to a black guy is not nice at all, it singles out his colour.

Beelzebub is having his points proven here. The level of defensiveness is staggering. Look, I can see racism a mile off and know the intentions behind it. Quit the defensive stance and acknowledge that it exists.
7 Mar 2010
Life / Mixed race girl in Poland, good idea? [149]

Matowy is making a clear point, enkidu. A racist remark is clearly one meant to single out a particular race and ridicule. Czarnuchu, for example.

You are trying to defend the indefensible. Some here are racist as he said. That's just a fact!
7 Mar 2010
Travel / Poland from a Persian Tourist's Perspective [269]

Nah, I was a law major. I just want to draw out some traits from the man. Everything I try seems to draw out generalisations unfortunately. Maybe some table manners, that's more specific. Or maybe queuing or shop etiquette etc etc. A bit more specific.
7 Mar 2010
Life / Mixed race girl in Poland, good idea? [149]

I have seen Poles react unfavourably to flamboyant coloured folk. I knew a Mexican guy here and he got a bit of rap but not much really. If you are discreet and not overbearing then you should be fine.
7 Mar 2010
Travel / Poland from a Persian Tourist's Perspective [269]

Step forward all you jokers ;) ;)

Iranians are Persians, you...ach, nevermind ;) ;) Just recently, Ahmedinejad insisted on that water stretch being called the Persian Gulf and for airlines to bear that visibly.
7 Mar 2010
Life / Mixed race girl in Poland, good idea? [149]

When are you gonna submit your PhD paper on the Polish conception of racism, enkidu? ;) ;) 'When racism isn't racism' would be a good title ;) ;) Simply put, some are racist and some aren't.
7 Mar 2010
Travel / Poland from a Persian Tourist's Perspective [269]

From the ones I have seen, I have to agree Nika. VERY feminine looking. Needless to say, many Polish women have classic builds and elegance but there's often sth small that puts me off them, usually their nose.
7 Mar 2010
Travel / Poland from a Persian Tourist's Perspective [269]

And how did you rate the women on average here, Darius? I've seen some Iranian women and some are really hot. I like their complexion, when you can see their face that is ;) ;)
7 Mar 2010
Life / Mixed race girl in Poland, good idea? [149]

Would you like to be called a racist, 1Jola? It's not very nice so it tends to be confined to moronic potato-headed types. Many other Poles are beyond that. Set and setting, time and place too. Look at football matches, I heard all sorts of nasty stuff there but it's everywhere.
7 Mar 2010
Life / Mixed race girl in Poland, good idea? [149]

There is some racism, like everywhere, but it tends to lie latent unless you get close to Poles. Many want to create a good impression and thus don't openly voice it. They tend to say it more amongst themselves but only a select few are hostile with it.
7 Mar 2010
History / How was Poland compensated after World War 2 [47]

Steve is spot on APU. Why is it that a solution for some issues was available through the auspices of the League of Nations in 1921 after WWI but not sth analogous after WWII? Had the emphasis shifted to a more penal-based approach? (Nuremberg etc). I've only heard of Potsdam so maybe 1Jola could spell out more provisions.

Look at Teheran and Yalta. They were more focussed on how to reshape Poland and cared little for reparations. Very sad!
7 Mar 2010
History / How was Poland compensated after World War 2 [47]

Have you ever heard of the International Compensation Fund? I haven't. You expect the World Bank to have helped? They prospered from the war and are glad for the profits. Compensated by whom? Germany paid for reparations after the war.
7 Mar 2010
Life / You are Polish if... [433]

you overuse the imperative form, whether giving a command or not

you fuss over little things by using the imperative, e.g close the door (zamknij drzwi), sit down (siadaj), be quiet (cicho bądź or zamknij się) etc etc.

you constantly harp back to the past. Present realities appear to be too hard for some here.

you are overly focussed on internal matters (understandable to an extent). Poles tend not to care enough about extraneous matters.
7 Mar 2010
Life / Proper dose of life in Poland... the harsh realities. [64]

Exactly! I had to pay a smaller fee for expediting my wedding document processing. It was the only thing for it. Money talks, BS walks! Still, companies like BUPA in the UK are even worse. That's a form of legalised theft.
7 Mar 2010
Life / Proper dose of life in Poland... the harsh realities. [64]

That's a very good point, WB. My cousin died of cancer when she was only 23. Ovarian cancer it was. She had access to cancer screening treatment. She was told by other family members that she was being hysterical so she didn't get a check-up. That was a costly mistake! I couldn't imagine the situation where you don't have a quick point of reference to get seen to.

You are very right to say that you cannot put a price on such things. Too many people have become desensitized and can't put themselves in the shoes of the potential sufferer.