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Joined: 25 Dec 2007 / Male ♂
Last Post: 29 Dec 2011
Threads: Total: 15 / In This Archive: 4
Posts: Total: 19666 / In This Archive: 8616
From: Poland, Gliwice
Speaks Polish?: Tak, umiem
Interests: Cycling, chess and language

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11 Mar 2010
UK, Ireland / Which country is more corrupt - Poland or the UK? [35]

The UK has 4 countries. Scotland with a devolved Parliament in Holyrood since 1999. Wales with their own Welsh Assembly. Northern Ireland with Stormont since 1926 I believe. Last (and least ;) ;) ;)), England in Westminster.

Corruption manifests itself in different forms. Many companies from the UK are involved in tax evasion and tax avoidance. They elope to France at the end of the fiscal year and try to circumvent some loopholes. I haven't looked into the validity of offshore accounts but sth smells fishy about those too. Also, gross bonuses are dished out to undeserving FATcats.

Poland's corruption is more in manipulative forms, swindling by currying favour with key personnel and bribing them. Given the convoluted and protracted procedures in place, they just skip them through the use of backhanders.

I don't know which is more corrupt. They are just different. My heart would say Poland but my head would say that materialism is more of a factor in the UK (and the concomitant corruption). In balance, it's a tie.
11 Mar 2010
History / just before the war the Polish/Ukrainian szlachta learned Ukrainian [243]

I can only chip in with snippets, no coherent arguments. We don't really learn about Eastern European relations (non-geographically I mean) so my knowledge is piecemeal. Learning Ukrainian would seem to have been logical in those times. It wouldn't have been too hard as there are many similarities, e.g w białym śniegu i w bielym śniegu (Nathan, please correct me if I'm wrong, thanks).

It's a crying shame that the 2 nations have been at each other's throats throughout history as I have respect for both countries. Still, who is Poland's Shevchenko? ;) ;)
11 Mar 2010
History / just before the war the Polish/Ukrainian szlachta learned Ukrainian [243]

How is Ukraine shunned by Europe, Sok? You constantly imply that having wealth brings with it a good character, what drivel!

Poland gives a jot about Lvov and using Ukraine as a shield Vs Russia. Just look at Aug 2008 as evidence of that.
11 Mar 2010
Work / Teaching English in Krakow -- how to find students? [52]

Exactly, it becomes like a chore rather than sth you could possibly look forward to doing. The same old questions are fired at you and you really can't be too creative with your answers.

With regard to articles, they just don't feel them across the board. The problem is, even when you spell out the logic, exceptions pop up. You know, look at the case of Japan. Japan is technically a group of 5 islands (Hokkaido, Honshu, Shikoku, Kyushu+Okinawa). Island groups should take 'the', e.g The Canary Islands, The Outer Hebrides, The Cayman Islands etc etc. Japan doesn't and that mystifies them.

Hotels also. More exclusive chains take 'the', e.g The Sheraton, The Ritz, The Marriott etc etc. However, does a hotel become exclusive at 5-star? Shop names tend not to take 'the' but, then again, you have The Body Shop and The Tasty Tattie as examples. After teaching this class after several others, I experienced the teaching equivalent of 'gassing'. It wears you out trying to trundle through all the rules and exceptions.
10 Mar 2010
Work / Teaching English in Krakow -- how to find students? [52]

Building a solid rep is key but they really want diversity. I got a little offended when they wanted to hire a second native. Such a novelty wears off and then they are back to square one.

They are happy with the fact that I'm more settled this year. I got married last year after extensive travelling. I only plan to go back to Scotland this year for 7-10 days and I'm not gonna hightail it out of Poland. My knowledge of the lessons is almost at the back of my hand stage, I just need to maintain my enthusiasm as excessive repetition can bore people witless.
10 Mar 2010
Work / Teaching English in Krakow -- how to find students? [52]

Therobside, that's true. CELTA is a dubious investment as so many have them but sometimes you pay to keep yourself in the mix and maximise your commercial potential. I'm glad I have mine but I've learned so many different things along the way. Caring depends on your patience and also experience. Teaching in Japan made me more that way. You must be less forward with them and give them more time to produce.
10 Mar 2010
Work / Teaching English in Krakow -- how to find students? [52]

I agree, delph. It's fine if you make it a stopgap measure for a year to experience a new country, all the while giving your all to teaching. However, if you go in with a slacker's perspective then you will drive students away from the school. Teaching is respected here and we don't need those who belittle it.
10 Mar 2010
Work / Teaching English in Krakow -- how to find students? [52]

We need to dispel the myths that teachers are just slackers. There are some here who professionally deal with a range of topics and show their knowledge. Besides, a teacher is much more than a mere disseminator (feels a Harmer type rant coming on). It depends on what method you teach but I see myself as much more of a facilitator now. TTT must be low in relation to STT.

A real job like a professor or doctor? LOL Professors and some lecturers make a career out of spouting BS and repeating drivel.
10 Mar 2010
UK, Ireland / Magazine for Poles - "Magazyn Emigrant" [4]

It might have been forced underground or have been stopped as a project because the authors might not have been regulars. I certainly haven't heard anything more about it.
9 Mar 2010
Travel / Poland from a Persian Tourist's Perspective [269]

First point, debts are permanent in their case and it'll take forever and a day to pay them back.

Also, they don't have the resourcefulness of Europeans, esp Poles. Poles can work wonders with many things, soups out of nothing sometimes.

Two world wars, don't give me that. If not for America, we'd all be speaking German now.

Africa has suffered AIDS, deprivation, squalor, all manner of tropical diseases, a lack of sanitation, tribal wars, terrorism (Nigeria), famine, drought, gout, ebola, massive in-fighting and brutal debt repayments to name but a few.

Let me introduce you to the EU, Dariusz. Butter mountains, lakes of wine, surpluses galore. Poland is providing the cabbage heaps and vodka reservoirs ;) ;) We have plan B's and C's, they don't. We have tinned food, frozen foods and all manner of other options that they don't have.

Look at the effects of drought, though. Catastrophic! We have a couple of heatwaves (2005) and all manner of people died.

Yes, they were given those things in Norway but did they want to use them? Were they trained? Again, you are imposing your vision and standards on them. Where was the supervision?

OK, look at Gaza. They have HUGE shortages of water. Ask yehudi, even Israel has to import water from Turkey. What are you gonna do without water for production methods? They simply don't have the full set of resources.

I agree on the next point, they are wild. I can't speak for all leaders there as I only know a few. They punt cash away on nonsense and deny the people some stratification in society and basic standards. Where is Africa's equivalent of America's Constitution or Europe's ECHR?

They are stupider in that way, yes. Saudi Arabia, despite its vast wealth, is a THIRD world country, FACT! (I dare you to check it up) Wealth is but one measure. There are 4 more criteria. Africa is lagging behind them even.

I agree and I'm not going to defend what they do. Putting people through tyres and burning them alive was their preferred method of killing. Or stoning just behind that. I read a book also on voodoo and black magic. If my memory serves me correctly, his name was Richard Kellerman. He wrote a book on South African abductions and negotiating ransoms.

As for Saudi Arabia, they have received help but from a self-interested West. Other European corporations have crept in. It won't be long before America turns to Canada anyway. Canada has huge oil reserves. This is why the big union is being proposed between Mexico, the US and them.

Iceland and Greece need major bailouts. There was a proposition last week, an olive branch, but Iceland rejected it. Greece is in hot water and their exit strategy is not entirely clear. They are bankrupt with major changes needed in their infrastructure. African countries go on. Plodding, yes, but not fully bankrupt.

It is not for us to tell them how they should be. Some try to help, like Livingstone. They simply don't have the networks and know-how of the West.
9 Mar 2010
Work / Teaching English in Krakow -- how to find students? [52]

Exactly, they are there to learn English, not to hear some more Polish from a gloating foreigner. Teachers discuss all kinds of topics. What makes you think you are too creative for that? Maybe an art school is the place for you. You know, warp your mind and pass yourself off as a genius ;)
9 Mar 2010
Travel / Poland from a Persian Tourist's Perspective [269]

Darius, don't be discouraged/disheartened. People just have misgivings about Iran due to their Western bias. Your comments are very insightful and helpful. Too many are wholly disinformed about how Iran is run and their intentions. Keep spreading the word, ma man.
9 Mar 2010
Work / Average monthly salary in Poland is around 1000 PLN (few hundred bucks). [387]

Wow, the Pruszków and Wołomin crew are certainly hiking the average salary up ;) ;) Their money doesn't count as who really applies through legitimate channels for a mafia post? ;)

5200PLN net at a push. That's paying 840PLN ZUS and a lot of tax. I'd say just the other side of 5000PLN gross.
8 Mar 2010
Work / Teaching English in Krakow -- how to find students? [52]

Well, you have the benefit of being a native speaker of both but play on the fact that you are a native speaker of English and you'll get more than your Polish counterparts.

I'm fluent enough in Polish as meetings are conducted in Polish. No, I don't get more for being fluent but I make their job easier.
8 Mar 2010
Travel / Poland from a Persian Tourist's Perspective [269]

Excellent summary, Darius, thanks. However, don't you think Ahmedinejad is often victimised? He seems to be tolerant to Jews, understands the destructive ways of the West and defends his right to pursue nuclear energy options.

The Ayatollah has more power than he does and he doesn't want to eliminate anyone. I don't believe Ahmedinejad said that he wanted to wipe Israel off of the map but I do believe he'd be formidable with a weapon.
8 Mar 2010
Travel / Poland from a Persian Tourist's Perspective [269]

First off, they are heavily in debt and repaying loans through the IMF and other agencies. Secondly, some leaders there are unscrupulous and not interested in the people, creaming off the profits. Also, foreign firms try to exploit their resources.

Having resources is one thing, selling them and returning the profits to the people is quite another. They have subsistence farming but large families so there often isn't enough to go around. Primogeniture ensures that such a cycle is repeated.

Another is a lack of experience of such things like insurance and other mainstays in the West. It is not their way of doing things.

Why is SA violent? Simply because their emotions were so repressed, trapped in a bottle, and now they're coming out. Trample on people for so long and they'll crack.

Dariusz, please go and watch a video on who controls the diamond mines there. You'll be surprised.

Why are the Arab states hateful? Well, look at Sunni Islam and Wahhabism. Jihad too. They reject the plundering and intervention of the West. Also, it's in their genes.

Do I really need to get started on Zimbabwean politics? You should be able to answer your own question. Mugabe would be a good start and, indeed, a good finish.

Also, the dominant tribes (according to number anyway) are not represented proportionally in Africa by governments. Do you really think that proportional representation applies there?

Read 'The Long Road to Freedom' by Nelson Mandela. It's one of his biographies. When he was working on his ANC, he didn't endorse open violence but peoples' nature is peoples' nature.

How come parts of Asia are poor? Examine their wealth generators and you can answer that question quite easily. They have many markets where people haggle well and they are desperate for sales. Big money businesses like MMA fighting don't receive the promotion over there. They have fighters but it's locally organised and not hyped up. It doesn't generate anything like the revenue of sb like Dana White (UFC).

Also, another crucial point is that we shouldn't impose our values and standards on them. They don't value education like we do, they have different setups. How many publishing houses for books do you imagine there are in Africa?

There's no prosperity in Saudi Arabia, the UAE and Qatar? They have ample wealth.

Iceland and Greece are prosperous?
8 Mar 2010
Life / Mixed race girl in Poland, good idea? [149]

Enkidu, you are twisting and turning like a prize eel and I'm just looking on at you ;0 ;)

So, a bit of inferential logic for you. You are saying that Poles will be offended by a mere classification?

We also say in English 'I worked like a nig*er' which emanates from the slave trade. However, it is not directed at anybody black then. When you say 'Ty Czarnuchu', it is clear what you are saying.

So, do you recognise racism when you see it?