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Joined: 25 Dec 2007 / Male ♂
Last Post: 29 Dec 2011
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Posts: Total: 19666 / In This Archive: 8616
From: Poland, Gliwice
Speaks Polish?: Tak, umiem
Interests: Cycling, chess and language

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14 Mar 2010
UK, Ireland / No job unless you're Polish [201]

Oh, for sure. The thing is, it's generally Brits that do it. They employ and care not for their own people. Blair's moves towards a classless society are coming more clearly into focus now. What he didn't see was that classes in Britain were quite firmly rooted and the working class, in particular, will defend their corner. Thatcher may have suppressed protesting instincts through trade unions but she didn't crush them. Many new Scargill types can pop up when their back is against the wall in their own country. As long as they are taking active steps to procure, then stay, in employment then they will be fighting the good fight.

The key is not to hack at the Poles for merely using their options. Britain has to look inwards. Brown must know that his days are numbered.
14 Mar 2010
UK, Ireland / No job unless you're Polish [201]

As sb mentioned above, it's supply and demand. Employers who like to cut corners will happily supply such terms and conditions in the knowledge of steady demand. It's a reality, best believe it.
14 Mar 2010
UK, Ireland / No job unless you're Polish [201]

Geez, grubas. I don't even need my legal knowledge to tell me the position on that one. Of course you can sue them if you single out the EU provision regulating it.
14 Mar 2010
Travel / Poland from a Persian Tourist's Perspective [269]

Darius, we all know that that cannot be a reality. Israel cannot agree to a 2-state solution due to how its offer around Camp David was treated. The Oslo Accords were broken by Arafat all too often. Clinton, Mitchell, Biden and Obama all talk about it to keep the ball rolling but it won't become a reality to the satisfaction of many for a VERY long time, if at all. Netanyahu won't stand for it.
14 Mar 2010
Life / If I say POLAND, you say...? [100]

I love my highly domesticated wife. She can make a basic dish really tasty :) Bread balls in gypsy sauce :)
14 Mar 2010
UK, Ireland / No job unless you're Polish [201]

Well, it also has to do with the fact that many schools started off down that road many years ago. Schools with native speakers have become institutionalised. Besides, I wouldn't have the fullest trust in Polish teachers (generally yes) to teach tricky points. They ask me some things which I find basic.

Having said that, they are more than good enough for communication purposes. It just depends on the school. They'd struggle teaching articles to a high level. If you want to be precise in language, they need to be mastered fully.

FORZA? What, FORZA Napoli? ;) ;)
14 Mar 2010
News / Did you know that Polish army is the weakest in Central Europe?.. [150]

Knowing frd through correspondence, Amathyst, he was just joking. There are many hardliners who mean it but he isn't one of them. He is aware that the world has moved on and is also aware of the strengths of the Polish Army given the pervasive presence of conscription up to Nov 2008.

Strengthen and modernise NATO, how exactly? So that it could beat a group of old weirdie beardies in an extended mountain resort? ROTFL
14 Mar 2010
UK, Ireland / No job unless you're Polish [201]

I'm surprised that nobody has invoked the parallel argument of 'no job unless you're a native English speaker'. Many native speakers (with all their falsified documents, drinking and questionable dedication to a career) are taking the places of Poles who could teach or who have done a CELTA abroad. They specifically requested one group at the expense of another.
14 Mar 2010
News / Did you know that Polish army is the weakest in Central Europe?.. [150]

Yeah, fat lot of good they have done in the world. The NWO's puppet whose strings need to be cut. They let genocide happen in Srebrenica (more population control) and left a lasting pretext. Morrignon and Dutchbat even rounded up men and kids to be led off to their death.
14 Mar 2010
UK, Ireland / No job unless you're Polish [201]

Because some people think that 900,000 pounds a year isn't enough for them and ask for more ;) The fatcats are still skimming the cream for ever greater bonuses.
14 Mar 2010
News / Did you know that Polish army is the weakest in Central Europe?.. [150]

I'm not a fan of NATO as posters here will know. Still, Poland chose to sign up in 1999 and hasn't withdrawn. If it is indeed a foregone conclusion that nobody would bat an eyelid if Russia attacked Poland, why not pull out of NATO? It would send a good message to Serbs and others that see through the lie of The War on Terror.
14 Mar 2010
News / Did you know that Polish army is the weakest in Central Europe?.. [150]

I'm guessing he does, Peterweg. Polish troops have fought in Iraq and Afghanistan along with so many other countries. Such lack of awareness would be of epic proportions.

Don't believe in pacts and friendships because you are Polish? Boy, you are twisted! Let's give 1,000,000 Poles sth to think about by breaking the free movement rules of the EU, what then?

So why join NATO then?
14 Mar 2010
News / Did you know that Polish army is the weakest in Central Europe?.. [150]

Purplewolf, this forum is not for German or Polish language. Secondly, why the talk of better? Torq is a Pole who, to my knowledge, is well read and on the ball. Sandpits you play in when you are young. Adults discuss adult matters ;)
14 Mar 2010
History / Czechoslovakia, Yugoslavia, Serbia- segmented. Who is next? Poland? [90]

'The story begins with injustice and ends with the destruction of the
Scottish Clan system and the virtual destruction of Scottish language, music and culture. During this story,
tens of thousands of Scots are butchered, or humiliated and forced to flee from their homes.' From scottishclansandassociations.org/Whats%20On.htm

I'm assuming you are an amateur regarding our history so I will present the key data. Thankfully, Scotland is not for the fragmenting or segmenting now :)
14 Mar 2010
Travel / Poland from a Persian Tourist's Perspective [269]

First point, thanks for the info. It's important to break preconceptions.

Yeah, it's just in case. As I thought. They have to make tourists feel safe also.

What is the most volatile city in the Israel/Palestine controlled territories? Ramallah?

Your input is very welcome, yehudi.
14 Mar 2010
News / Did you know that Polish army is the weakest in Central Europe?.. [150]

Amathyst does have a point too. The international community talks a good game through the auspices of the UN Security Council and NATO but crucial action is not taken time and time again. I don't see why Britain had to enter but we were in very early. Besides, we are often told how mighty the Polish army was in 1933, that they could have taken Germany out in a day or a week. Well, the world is gonna get more hostile so I suggest that Poland arm itself to the teeth.
14 Mar 2010
UK, Ireland / No job unless you're Polish [201]

Banderias, cut the crap!!

Some older Poles speak Russian. Of those, many through being forced and not through choice.

Some Poles speak English very well but they use it to further their own agendas.

Brits learn Spanish, French and German in schools. I still remember French and could use it if needed.

Talented depends on many other things.
14 Mar 2010
UK, Ireland / No job unless you're Polish [201]

Grubas, it's discrimination when you exclude groups unless there is a specific need for Polish language to be used. They denied that was the case. Have you even read the article? They were even gonna invite Lithuanians.
14 Mar 2010
UK, Ireland / No job unless you're Polish [201]

How can you make a mistake like that in advertising? Also, I'd understand it if they had to liaise with their Polish counterparts (of which ASDA hasn't) but that wasn't the case. It was an attempt to get cheap labour and that's exclusionist and wrong.
14 Mar 2010
History / just before the war the Polish/Ukrainian szlachta learned Ukrainian [243]

First point, wrong. Many do smile and I see it. Some maintain eye contact and some don't. It isn't considered inappropriate at all, look at Italy and France. Many Polish girls don't like petting at all.

KP, I sometimes wonder where your observations come from.
14 Mar 2010
UK, Ireland / No job unless you're Polish [201]

Inflation has risen, yes. Go to the GUS website, RN. I may have to translate stuff for you as I don't think they have it in English (another failing, there should be at least 2 language versions of official stats).

The unemployment rate is about 11.5%. It has been increasing by 0.1% every month for some time.

Geez, RN, I'm well aware of that. There are a couple of online speeches about the dilution of national sovereignty. Well worth watching! They can play their little games if it keeps them amused.
14 Mar 2010
UK, Ireland / No job unless you're Polish [201]

It's simply not allowed. Also, those Polish agencies in London are worth a look. Getting people set-up is one thing but placing them is quite another. Too many just treat the UK as a dumping ground and it's bad for Poland. It really makes Poland look bad. Average salaries have gone up here so why the continued exodus?

EU discrimination lawyers need to step in and clear up the mess.