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Joined: 11 Apr 2008 / Male ♂
Warnings: 1 - Q
Last Post: 9 Apr 2018
Threads: Total: 980 / In This Archive: 576
Posts: Total: 12275 / In This Archive: 6848
From: US Sterling Heigths, MI
Speaks Polish?: yes
Interests: Polish history, genealogy

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5 Jun 2011
Po polsku / Amerykańskie chamstwo? [133]

Jeśli możliwe, proszę uzasadnić tę odpowiedź. Co kwintesencjonalnie polskiego ostatnio zawojowało świat? Oczywiście był Wałęsa i JP2, ale to są ikony nie specjalnych prawach.
5 Jun 2011
Po polsku / Czy modernizacja = depolonizacja? [22]

Ciekawą (moim zdaniem) sprawę poruszył ostatnio publicysta "Naszego Dziennika". Co o tym sądzicie?

"When I hear and read that the modernization of the Polish requires major changes in the mentality of Poles remember a Dutch professor of economics , which began a lecture at my institute of the sentence economist who promises wealth to society provided a change of mentality , is an ideologue , not a expert. If media believe in authority , the wealth requires secularization , relativism , the memory of all the victims of totalitarianism possible - except Polish - and canceling the "sick " patriotism. so we can be anything , as long as our mentality has become " non-Polish."
5 Jun 2011
Po polsku / Amerykańskie chamstwo? [133]

Niezależnie od czyichś zamiłowań do tego lub owego, czy zgodzilibyście się ze stwierdzeniem, że polska kultura i obyczajowość są raczej odtwórcze i naśladowcze a mało twórcze. Nie trzeba być megamocartswem, żeby coś własnego wylansować. Meksykańska salsa (taniec) zrobiła kareirę międzynarodową, a młode Beaujolais celebruje się dziś także w Japonii... Rok Chopinowski takiego piętna nie wycisnął.
5 Jun 2011
News / What must be done to improve politics in Poland? [72]

There has been a German minority in Poland since the 19th century industrial revolution esp. in the Rhineland. How many generations does one have to live in a place to become a minority? The fact that Herr Hitler had most of them murdered, imprisoned or deported does not justify current Bundesrepublik piolicy. Those who survived the Third Reich were of course later joiend by economic migrants. If we want to take things ad absurdam, then all Germans living east of the Elbe should leave because originally that was Polabian (Slavic) country! Maybe the EU should recognise the Republic of Lusatia (£użyce) to do the job!?
5 Jun 2011
Po polsku / Amerykańskie chamstwo? [133]

Polacy nieraz mówią o amerykańskim chamstwie, niechlujności czy braku okrzeszania paradujących jako tzw. "luz". Jeśli tak, to skąd to rozbudowane polskie zamiłowanie do różnych fanaberii typu żołwik, pion, beczka, do telewizyjnego stylu 'wow' (o dziwo, szczególnie widzocne w teleturnieju 'Kocham Cię, Polsko'). 30-letni prezenter zwracający się do dopeiro co poznanego 70-latka per Wojtek czy Zosia... itp., itp. Wiecie, o co chodzi. Czy to dlatego, że Polakom wciąż imponuje przede wyystkim wielki jankesowski szmal i stąd też każdą amerykańską bzdurę też łatwiej się przyswaja? Co na to native-speakerzy (oops, kolejny amerykanizm!)?
5 Jun 2011
News / Polish robots in race for Mars [24]

Poland's Mars rover world's best

A Polish design team from Białystok's University of Technology has won a competition for the best Mars rover, beating competitors from Oregon State University and Ontario's York University. The trials were held at a simulated Mars base in the deserts of Utah.
5 Jun 2011
Life / Driving across Poland (zigzag style) [15]

An odd practice on Poliand's 2-lane highways is an added half-lane on either side which forces drivers to drive with two wheels on the verge to let speeders by. Used to be that a driver drove along at his own speed and it was up to the speeder who regarded it as too slow to overtake on the left if he felt so inclined. When was this practice of rural zigzag driving introduced? Is it known in other countries?
4 Jun 2011
Life / Uptight Poles [262]

There's a good word in Polish for the American/Western loud, loose & casual slob chic (including Brit-style laddism). It is CHAMSTWO!
4 Jun 2011
Language / Capitalisation in Polish language; uncapitalised car marques (fiat, buick, honda)? [17]

In fact, according to Polish orthographic norms, not only car makes but also city dwellers (paryżanin, berlińczyk), religious orders (franciszkanin), months (czerwiec), days of week (sobota) and many other things that may seem strange to Anglos are in lower case. Or maybe it's the other way round and it’s English that’s got a capitalisation obsession. But it's not as bad as German where every noun (mother, dog, house, sh*t) has to be in upper case!
4 Jun 2011
Food / Ok, what is it? Golumpkis or Golabkis? [13]

GO£ĄBKI: pronunciation roughly -- goWUMPkee
GO£UMBKI: dialectal pronunciation -- goWOOMPkee

Incidentally, when speaking english do we apply the ethnic/foreign or indigenous English pluralisation norm?
Is it pierogi (in English) or pierogis?
If so, we should say 2 zucchini not zucchinis, as the Italian singular is zucchino.
31 May 2011
News / RHD cars in Poland - my campaign to change the rules in Poland [128]

Has anyone on PF ever driven a lhd car in the British Isles? How on earth would one overtake when driving behind a big coach or lorry? That is, without having the right half of the car sliced away by an oncoming vehicle.
31 May 2011
Food / Poland's favourite meal? [11]

If you were asked to indciate Poland's single most popular dinner, what would it be?
I'd say home-made tomato noodle soup (none of that Heinz or Campbell crap!) and fried breaded pork cutlet (schaboszczak) with dilled boiled potatoes and mizeria (sour cream-dressed cucumber salad).
30 May 2011
Food / What's your favorite Polish beer? [870]

I like 4% ABV Donner Premium brewed by VanPur (part of Austria's Brau Union). It's the best of the lower-priced brands I've sampled. At different Carrefours a half-litre can ranges from 1,39 to 1,89 złotys. They've also got a 6.2% one for a few groszy more, but below 2 zł.
30 May 2011
Genealogy / Popular Polish Names during the 1920s through the 40s? [16]

Nothing was normal in the 1939-1945 period. Able-bodied people were sent to slave labour, be it in factories or to the Reich to work for Bauers (German farmers), food was rationed, curfews were in force, only primary education was available to Poles. Even strictly following Nazi-imposed rules was no guarantee of safety. You could be peacefully walking down a street when a lorryload of German soldiers jumped out an rounded up everybody in sight. Some were never heard from again. The point is that if writing a novel about the period, it is war-time circumstances and considerations that must take the upper hand. Sheer survival was uppermost in everyone's mind.
29 May 2011
Life / Is Lady Gaga popular in Poland? [47]

All i know is that the noise industry has only one goal: to fleece the gullible suckers who go to concerts, buy CDs, download the music, buy all the gadgets, etc., etc. And it keeps bloating and expanding thanks to the poor fools who don't realise that it's really only all about ₤₤₤ €€€ $$$ zł zł zł….!
29 May 2011
Life / Is Lady Gaga popular in Poland? [47]

Ha, ha, ha... Justin Lumberjack has joined the show with Lady Zgaga. Now all we need is a Christina Agislutta for an unbeatable threesome!
As Poles say: Niech żyje popchałtura!
29 May 2011
Genealogy / Where did Rafalik come from? [3]

RAFALIK: indeed the root of this hypocoristic form is the first name Rafał. Other pet forms include Rafałek, Rafałko, Rafek and Rafuś.
28 May 2011
Life / Is Lady Gaga popular in Poland? [47]

Well, Poland is the home of Dodo, er, um...I mean Doda...so we've got a general idea of what Polish tastes are like.
27 May 2011
Life / Is Lady Gaga popular in Poland? [47]

Does the nauseating Lady Zgaga have a fan base in Poland? The thing about cheap and tacky popculture is that just when you think there could be nothing worse than the gap-toothed slut Madumma, a Lady Zgaga comes along and proves you wrong. It's like Michigan weather -- if you don't like it, just wait five mintues.
27 May 2011
Genealogy / How Polish am I? What is the correct formula? [58]

There's no such thing as "1/8th Polish".

Of course there is. Otherwise how do you account for the Great Mulatto, who had a great-great-great grandfather from Ireland, being feted by the Irish as a compatriot visting the ancestral homeland?

BTW, Doberenski isn't quite right. Could it have been Dobryński? Two people in Poland use it. But some 8,000 sign themselves Dobrzyński. Maybe your relative modified the spelling.
24 May 2011
Genealogy / Name "Mieczyslaw" / "Mietek" - Help on background! [11]

Maciej strcitly speaking is the Polish equivalent of Matthias. Both Matthias and Matthew (Maciej and Mateusz) come from a Hebrew root meaning 'gift of God' but got modified while travelling via Greek and Latin into other European languages.

Mieciu would defintiely be from Mieczysław (English: Miecislaus), but in family circles all kind of different things have happened to names, pet names and nicknames.
23 May 2011
Food / Polish grape-wine industry emerging? [26]

Don't forget California. Some of their wines can rival the world's best! One of the California vineyards, Stag's Leap, is owned and operated by the PolAm (nomen omen) Winiarski family.
22 May 2011
Food / Polish grape-wine industry emerging? [26]

being judgemental towards othe

The PC dictatorship has really nasr-ł ci do mózgu (excrementalised your brain).
I reckon you'd be happy only by hearing someone refer to p-ss poor winos as 'financially challenged non-teetotallers'.
22 May 2011
History / Poland's biggest historical blunder? [341]

Do you believe there is one chief Polish historical blunder that has adversely affected her developement? If so, what is it? Or maybe there are more than one?
22 May 2011
Food / Okocim double-hopped? [6]

Okocim has been recently advertising itself as the double-hopped (podwójnie chmielone) beer. Has anyone of you tried it?
Does it have an intensive hop flavour, and is that what most beer-drinkers want in their brew? Or this is yet another nice-sounding advertising gimmick?!
22 May 2011
Food / Polish grape-wine industry emerging? [26]

Off and on I have been hearing about a nascent Polish vineyard and wine industry. They used to produce grape wine in Zielona Góra back in commie times, but back then the regime could bankroll any project for propaganda purposes. Can Polish soil and climate conditions sustain an indigenous wine industry? I am referring to grape-based wines, not the jabole, Mamrot, Uśmiech Sołtysa, Cycula, etc., preferred by impoverished alcoholics.