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Posts by Seanus  

Joined: 25 Dec 2007 / Male ♂
Last Post: 29 Dec 2011
Threads: Total: 15 / In This Archive: 4
Posts: Total: 19666 / In This Archive: 8616
From: Poland, Gliwice
Speaks Polish?: Tak, umiem
Interests: Cycling, chess and language

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15 Mar 2010
Life / Why do majority of Polish are afraid to admit their nationality? [28]

I don't think the majority of Polish are afraid to do this at all. Some are aware of the malaise in the UK given the swamping effect but that's understandable. Nobody wants to face reprisals (odwety) at the hands of some mercenary fool.

On a different note, Poles who have lived in Germany for some time will sometimes try and mask their Polishness. There was a case here where a Pole insisted on speaking German to the Polish bakery staff. He was mumbling sth about German stuff being better and he refused to speak or have anything to do with Polish. My wife reprimanded him for being such a burak.
15 Mar 2010
News / Did you know that Polish army is the weakest in Central Europe?.. [150]

Aha, Sokrates. He will always defend the Polish corner. Such a strategy doesn't always work as the Polish side isn't always right. The same as in any country. I will go against sth Scottish if I feel it not to be right.

It really strikes me as odd that Poles speak out against how bad things are but yet I rarely hear a bad word on the forum about them.
15 Mar 2010
Travel / Poland from a Persian Tourist's Perspective [269]

Well, relations between the US-Israel are said to have hit a 35-year low. I hope America aren't gonna play the 'we are Muslim-friendly card, we will stand up to Israel'. Anyone could see through that and also fathom that relations are not that strained. If they were, they'd insist on the full implementation of the ICJ's judgement of 2004 and really stoke up the fire but that won't happen.

As Norman Finkelstein said ad nauseam 'the problem just isn't that complicated'. They are making it out to be that a magical solution has been brewing for x number of years and some genius will finally implement it. All rhetoric!

Time to step in and protect the Palestinian people from brutal assaults. They did it in Kosovo so why not in areas like Rafah? It's like a concentration camp and that can't go on.
14 Mar 2010
Work / Average monthly salary in Poland is around 1000 PLN (few hundred bucks). [387]

There is a self-centred and hard-done-by attitude. Many are begrudging in plying their trade and a day is like a chore. When some overcome their self piteous mentality, they may stand a chance.

Property prices are a joke here, period!! Poland is the first country to have invented the 60-year mortgage ;0 ;) ;)
14 Mar 2010
Love / How to turn a No into a Yes (she invited me to Poland to meet her) [30]

MANY women have problems with decision making so don't worry about that too much. It's a bit different here in Silesia as they are sterner but that's a local thing.

Like a little princess :( Seriously, you will get in very deep and regret it. Think with your right head :) Those with the Princess Syndrome are not worth knowing and need a slap.
14 Mar 2010
Work / Average monthly salary in Poland is around 1000 PLN (few hundred bucks). [387]

We differ a little here, delph. I believe that the industry attempts, or should attempt, to benefit all and this is where my socialist side kicks in. Yes, there are winners and losers but I feel that this reality is better placed elsewhere. Agricultural produce benefits the majority and it is in the collective interest to protect those smaller farms that often provide for local communities.

If those smaller farms are provided with the tools to become more competitive, perhaps through incentive-based schemes, and they fail then it's more acceptable if they fall by the wayside but agricultural concerns occupy and have occupied a prominent place in Polish society and life. Give them hope first, then see!
14 Mar 2010
Love / How to turn a No into a Yes (she invited me to Poland to meet her) [30]

Let your common friend give you the info that you need. Meanwhile, bide your time and remain neutral. I love many people here but gratitude is not their strong point, far from it. Many Poles close to me describe their fellow countryfolk as 'gburowaty' which means boorish.

What you gave to her was probably appreciated for the same length of time it took to pass it across. Give her space but, every once in a while, a reminder of your presence.
14 Mar 2010
Travel / Poland from a Persian Tourist's Perspective [269]

BB actually had a thread on this. Where is he? BB, where are you? He has a thread on the CIA, yes, CIA stating that Israel is not going to be in existence for much longer. 2035 or sth like that I believe. Put CIA and Israel into the Search box and it'll come up. Some good debate there. BB is a German guy btw. Very smart!!

I think yehudi meant revenge for denying their existence.

youtube.com/watch?v=ALbzwAkfdUg, freeze it at 1.30 and read their messages. It really says sth.
14 Mar 2010
UK, Ireland / Considering opening a Polish restaurant in the UK. [9]

My advice would be to do some market research, test the water. If they are on short term contracts and planning on going home then it wouldn't make much sense. Put some surveys out and see what consumer demand says.
14 Mar 2010
Travel / Poland from a Persian Tourist's Perspective [269]

I said that I'd defend Israel's right to exist, nothing about liking. Just not at the expense of others and not when Likud does what it likes.

There are countless numbers of videos on IDF brutality. OCL was a classic display of the disproportionate use of force. Ask BB about it too.

Why do you dislike Jews? That's wholly irrational, singling out a whole race. So you think that Israelis are wholly separate? Where's your head at?
14 Mar 2010
Travel / Poland from a Persian Tourist's Perspective [269]

Who are you referring to here, purplewolf? I am none of the above, none! I defend Israelis right to exist to the max. They have suffered terribly but that doesn't mean that they can do what they are doing in the Occupied Territories. I dislike the IDF, simple?

Everyone is losing patience, even Clinton and Axelrod, news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/middle_east/8566992.stm

Finkelstein, himself a Jew, showed the illegality of settlements clearly in discussing the judgement of the ICJ of 2004. Rabbis are against it too. They take away the title deeds to the property of Palestinians and bulldoze on a regular basis in places like Rafah.
14 Mar 2010
Travel / Poland from a Persian Tourist's Perspective [269]

Well, he is but one individual who has no prominent position to implement any significant changes. He just wants to stay 'onside' and not ruffle any feathers.

I hope people listen to Panetta of the CIA. Iran must not be attacked, it would be a grave mistake. George knows that.
14 Mar 2010
UK, Ireland / No job unless you're Polish [201]

Some English speakers, mafketis, not all. Most jobs say EU nationals preferred. That's fine as it means that people from so many countries can apply AND leaves the door open for those outside the EU to at least have a chance of taking up the position should they be suitably qualified.
14 Mar 2010
Travel / Poland from a Persian Tourist's Perspective [269]

I've posted a video above, Darius. It's 50 mins long but may be worth listening to in its entirety. He is not anti-Semitic, he is just pro human rights.
14 Mar 2010
Travel / Poland from a Persian Tourist's Perspective [269]

They do it almost everywhere. Rafah is like a concentration camp. You can't move around for fear of being shot. It is hardliners that will only exacerbate the predicament there. Tzipi Livni, that Kadima rat, is a liar and a disgrace to the human race.

This is a politician from my home country. He hits hard and gets his word around. He has a passport given to him from Hamas and spoke out against OCL back in Jan 2009.

He is right to say that "gesture politics" are not sensible. Concrete action is needed on the ground.

I'm just going to watch this now for the first time. George Galloway again. He is well received in the Arab world. Wow, watch how the speaker changes SOOO fluently from Arabic to English. I'm impressed. 50 mins worth of interview.
14 Mar 2010
Travel / Poland from a Persian Tourist's Perspective [269]

Bravo, Darius. Very true. They come up with pathetic attempts like the Annapolis Agreement which achieved nothing. Any fair person can see the solution staring at them in the face but politicians blur it.

youtube.com/watch?v=0bdbA2Ka3Bo, not nice

youtube.com/watch?v=l0aEo59c7zU&feature=fvw, Gaza being given to the Palestinians? This suggests otherwise.

There are many, many more.
14 Mar 2010
Travel / Poland from a Persian Tourist's Perspective [269]

A very well-written post, Darius. They are in denial. Yehudi can be level-headed at times and ignorant at others. There are plenty online videos showing IDF atrocities and he cannot just sweep them under the carpet.

I'm not against Jews at all. In fact, I like the richness of their culture, much like I appreciate the depth of culture in our respective countries, Scotland and Iran. Zionism is evil and I want him to acknowledge it. So many Arabs would flock in. Now he must know how Palestinians felt when the Zionist plan was implemented and many Jews flocked back.

Balfour was the arse of a Brit (a Scot I think) that sold the Palestinians off down the river.
14 Mar 2010
Travel / Poland from a Persian Tourist's Perspective [269]

Some do, yehudi. I've seen films of it.

So if OCL wasn't an example of systematic killing, what was it? 1300 dead is staggering. Over 4000 injured. Where is your response to the Goldstone Report?

So you fear sth similar to Kosovo, yehudi, where Albanians marched in in their droves and made Serbs the minority in their self-proclaimed Holy Land? What do you say to that?

Isn't it more the case of entitlement rather than practicalities?